Exemplo n.º 1
        public void InterpreterTest()
            // TODO: Add test logic here
            byte[] program = { 1, 2, 9 };
            // byte[] program = { 1,8,8,5,2,9,5,6,6,4,4,4,9,9,6,5,8,3,3,3,9,8,3,9,9,5,6,6,4,9,9,9,5,3,9,9,9,5,4,9,9,9,8,8,2,2,9,9,3,9 };

            GeneticProgramming gp = new GeneticProgramming();

            String Expected = "RootNode( <Punch> ) )";

            IMyBehaviourTreeNode test_tree = gp.GetInterpTree(program);

            MyTreeBuilder test = gp.interp_tree_builder;

            String[] list;
            Stack <IMyParentBehaviourTreeNode> nodes = new Stack <IMyParentBehaviourTreeNode>();

            //String Actual = test_tree.ToString();
            foreach (IMyParentBehaviourTreeNode i in test.parentNodeStack)
            Stack <IMyParentBehaviourTreeNode> Actual = nodes;

            Assert.AreEqual(Expected, Actual, " Error incorrect result");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void call(List<Datastructures.Variadic> parameters, List<Datastructures.Variadic> globals, out Datastructures.Variadic result, out GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult resultCode)
            Datastructures.TreeNode resultGraph;
            Datastructures.TreeNode grid0;
            Datastructures.TreeNode grid1;

            // this are arrays wih the indices of the elements in the graph from the elements in the Grid
            // it has the size of gridSizeX * gridsizeY
            // is -1 if the grid element wasn't saved allready inside the graph
            int[] groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0;
            int[] groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1;

            groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0 = null;
            groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1 = null;

            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.FAILED;
            result = null;

            // we accept at the current time only two inputs
                parameters.Count != 2 ||
                parameters[0].type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE ||
                parameters[1].type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE

            grid0 = parameters[0].valueTree;
            grid1 = parameters[1].valueTree;

            // initialize result graph
            resultGraph = new Datastructures.TreeNode();
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());

            result = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE);
            result.valueTree = resultGraph;

            initializeIndicesOfGrid(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0);
            initializeIndicesOfGrid(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1);

            storeGridElementsIntoGraph(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, grid0, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);
            storeGridElementsIntoGraph(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, grid1, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            // go through each element in grid0 and search for new possible connections to grid1
            searchForNewPossibleConnectionsBetweenGrids(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, grid0, grid1, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXEDGES], resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            // go through each element in grid1 and search for new possible connections to grid0
            searchForNewPossibleConnectionsBetweenGrids(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, grid1, grid0, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXEDGES], resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.OK;
        public void Init(string path, Random gen)
            functionA = new FunctionApproximation();

            int headSize = 5;

            gp               = new GeneticProgramming(gen, headSize, new string[] { "x" });
            gp.PopSize       = 1000;
            gp.ElitismCount  = 10;
            gp.MateCount     = 50;
            gp.MutationCount = 1000;
            gp.Inputs        = functionA.knownValues;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up fighters for fight.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isBlocking">if set to <c>true</c> [is blocking].</param>
        /// <param name="isCrouched">if set to <c>true</c> [is crouched].</param>
        /// <param name="torn_size"></param>
        /// <param name="pop_size"></param>
        public void SetUp(bool isBlocking, bool isCrouched, int torn_size, int pop_size) 
            //reset the counters
            treeCounter = 0;
            fighterCounter = 0;
            roundNum = 0;


            listOfEvents.Add(":: SET-UP FIGHTERS ::");


            listOfEvents.Add("Round NO: " + roundNum);

            //CREATE new NON_AI_FIGHTER
            NoAiFighter = new NonAIFighter(roundNum, isBlocking, isCrouched);

            //set relevent values for NON_AI_FIGHTER
            //NoAiFighter.Blocking = isBlocking;
            //NoAiFighter.Crouching = isCrouched;
            //add new fighter o event list

            //CREATE new AI_FIGHTER
            AiFighter = new AIFighter(roundNum);

             //create a new connection to Genetic programming class
            gp = new GeneticProgramming(this, AiFighter, NoAiFighter,torn_size,pop_size);

            gp.Crouched = Crouched;
            gp.Close = Close;
            gp.Medium = Medium;
            gp.Far = Far;

            //set up the Genetic programming class

            //set tree to first in generation list
            treeCounter = 0;
            AiFighter.Tree = gp.Generation[treeCounter];

            //add AI fighter to list
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Test()
            GeneticProgramming   gp = new GeneticProgramming();
            IMyBehaviourTreeNode test_tree;

            String Expected = "Test";

            byte[] program = gp.GrownProgram;

            //MyTreeBuilder test = gp.interp_tree_builder;
            String Actual = "";

            for (int i = 0; i != program.Length; i++)
                Actual += program[i].ToString() + ", ";

            Assert.AreEqual(Expected, Actual, " Error incorrect result");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void call(List<Datastructures.Variadic> parameters, List<Datastructures.Variadic> globals, out Datastructures.Variadic result, out GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult resultCode)
            Datastructures.TreeNode graphTreeNode;
            int edgesCount;
            int i;

            // list for the indices of the edges which aren't covered by the scaffold
            List<int> remainingEdgesIndices = new List<int>();

            bool scaffoldAppliedSuccessfull;
            List<int> scaffoldEdgesIndices;

            int tryCounter;
            const int MAXTRIES = 100;

            resultCode = EnumResult.FAILED;
            result = null;

            // BREAK this breaks genericity

            if( parameters.Count != 1 )

            graphTreeNode = parameters[0].valueTree;

            edgesCount = graphTreeNode.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXEDGES].childNodes.Count;

            // put all edges into the remainingEdgesIndices
            for (i = 0; i < edgesCount; i++ )

            // try to apply the scaffold to a series of connected edges

            tryCounter = 0;

                Scaffolds.Graph.GraphScaffoldInstanceData instanceData;

                scaffoldEdgesIndices = new List<int>();
                tryToApplyScaffoldToRemainingEdges(graphTreeNode, remainingEdgesIndices, out scaffoldAppliedSuccessfull, scaffoldEdgesIndices, out instanceData);

                if( scaffoldAppliedSuccessfull )
                    tryCounter = 0;

                    // remove all remainingEdgesIndices which are mentioned in scaffoldEdgesIndices

                    foreach( int iterationEdgeIndex in scaffoldEdgesIndices )

                    // store scaffold edge list away

                    // TODO

                    // for now we just rpint it

                    string debugString = "";

                    foreach( int iterationScaffoldEdgeIndex in scaffoldEdgesIndices )
                        debugString += iterationScaffoldEdgeIndex.ToString() + " ";


                    // BREAK this breaks genericity
                    Line newLine;
                    newLine = new Line();
                    newLine.a = getVertexPositionByIndexDelegate(graphTreeNode,((Scaffolds.Graph.ExtractLineScaffoldInstanceData)instanceData).lastVertexIndex).valueVector2Float;
                    newLine.b = ((Scaffolds.Graph.ExtractLineScaffoldInstanceData)instanceData).getFirstPosition();


                // we give up if the maximal try count is reached
                if( tryCounter > MAXTRIES )


            resultCode = EnumResult.OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public override void addOperatorAsParameter(GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator parameter)
     // TODO
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void call(List<Datastructures.Variadic> parameters, out Datastructures.Variadic result, out GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult resultCode)
            int i;
            List<Vector2<float>>[] groups;
            int groupI;
            Datastructures.TreeNode groupsTreeNode;

            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.FAILED;

            groupsTreeNode = new Datastructures.TreeNode();

            result = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE);
            result.valueTree = groupsTreeNode;

            // initialize groups
            groups = new List<Vector2<float>>[cachedGroupArraySize.x * cachedGroupArraySize.y];
            for( i = 0; i < cachedGroupArraySize.x * cachedGroupArraySize.y; i++ )
                groups[i] = new List<Vector2<float>>();

            if( parameters.Count < 1 || parameters[0].type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE )
                // TODO< set error >


            // go through each point
            foreach( Datastructures.TreeNode iterationPointNode in parameters[0].valueTree.childNodes )
                Vector2<float> iterationPoint;
                int groupIndex;

                if( iterationPointNode.value.type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.VECTOR2FLOAT )
                    // TODO< set error >


                iterationPoint = iterationPointNode.value.valueVector2Float;

                groupIndex = getGroupIndexOfCoordinate(iterationPoint);


            // build the result
            for( groupI = 0; groupI < groups.Length; groupI++ )
                Datastructures.TreeNode pointsTreeNode;
                Datastructures.TreeNode outputElementTreeNode;

                Vector2<float> center; // middle/average of all points

                center = new Vector2<float>();

                if( groups[groupI].Count == 0 )

                // we are here if a element is in the group

                pointsTreeNode = new Datastructures.TreeNode();

                foreach( Vector2<float> iterationPoint in groups[groupI] )
                    Datastructures.TreeNode treeNodeForPoint;

                    treeNodeForPoint = new Datastructures.TreeNode();
                    treeNodeForPoint.value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.VECTOR2FLOAT);
                    treeNodeForPoint.value.valueVector2Float = iterationPoint;


                    center += iterationPoint;

                center.scale(1.0f / (float)groups[groupI].Count);

                // compose tree for the group
                    Datastructures.TreeNode coordinatesTreeNode;
                    Datastructures.TreeNode centerTreeNode;

                    centerTreeNode = new Datastructures.TreeNode();
                    centerTreeNode.value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.VECTOR2FLOAT);
                    centerTreeNode.value.valueVector2Float = center;

                    coordinatesTreeNode = new Datastructures.TreeNode();
                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());
                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());

                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes[0].value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);
                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes[1].value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);

                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes[0].value.valueInt = groupI % cachedGroupArraySize.x;
                    coordinatesTreeNode.childNodes[1].value.valueInt = groupI / cachedGroupArraySize.x;

                    outputElementTreeNode = new Datastructures.TreeNode();


            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.OK;