public void ReturnKeyPressed_CommandParameterHasNoAnnoObject_ShouldNotSetSelectedItem()
            // Arrange
            var viewModel = new PresetsTreeViewModel(_mockedTreeLocalization);

            var commandParameter = new GenericTreeItem(null);

            // Act

            // Assert
        public void ReturnKeyPressed_CommandParameterHasAnnoObject_ShouldSetSelectedItem()
            // Arrange
            var viewModel       = new PresetsTreeViewModel(_mockedTreeLocalization);
            var annoObjectToSet = new AnnoObject();

            var commandParameter = new GenericTreeItem(null);

            commandParameter.AnnoObject = annoObjectToSet;

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(commandParameter, viewModel.SelectedItem);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool Filter(GenericTreeItem curItem)
            //short circuit items without children
            if (!curItem.Children.Any())
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterText))
                    curItem.IsVisible  = true;
                    curItem.IsExpanded = false;
                    var matches = curItem.Header.Contains(FilterText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    curItem.IsVisible  = matches;
                    curItem.IsExpanded = false;


            //check child items
            var anyChildMatches = false;

            foreach (var curChild in curItem.Children)
                var childMatches = Filter(curChild);
                if (childMatches)
                    anyChildMatches = true;

            //no child matches -> hide item
            if (!anyChildMatches)
                curItem.IsVisible  = false;
                curItem.IsExpanded = false;
                curItem.IsVisible = true;
                //only expand if there is a search, else it is a "reset" of the tree
                curItem.IsExpanded = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterText);

        public void ReturnKeyPressed_CommandParameterHasAnnoObject_ShouldRaiseApplySelectedItemEvent()
            // Arrange
            var viewModel = new PresetsTreeViewModel(_mockedTreeLocalization);

            var annoObjectToSet = new AnnoObject();

            var commandParameter = new GenericTreeItem(null);

            commandParameter.AnnoObject = annoObjectToSet;

            // Act/Assert
            Assert.Raises <EventArgs>(
                x => viewModel.ApplySelectedItem += x,
                x => viewModel.ApplySelectedItem -= x,
                () => viewModel.ReturnKeyPressedCommand.Execute(commandParameter));
        public void ReturnKeyPressed_CommandParameterHasNoAnnoObject_ShouldNotRaiseApplySelectedItemEvent()
            // Arrange
            var viewModel = new PresetsTreeViewModel(_mockedTreeLocalization);

            var commandParameter = new GenericTreeItem(null);

            // Act
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.Raises <EventArgs>(
                                          x => viewModel.ApplySelectedItem += x,
                                          x => viewModel.ApplySelectedItem -= x,
                                          () => viewModel.ReturnKeyPressedCommand.Execute(commandParameter)));

            // Assert
            var exception = Assert.IsType <RaisesException>(ex);

            Assert.Equal("(No event was raised)", exception.Actual);
            Assert.Equal("EventArgs", exception.Expected);
        private void SetCondensedTreeState(GenericTreeItem node, Dictionary <int, bool> savedTreeState)
            if (!node.Children.Any())

            if (!savedTreeState.ContainsKey(node.Id))

            node.IsExpanded = savedTreeState[node.Id];

            foreach (var curChildNode in node.Children)
                SetCondensedTreeState(curChildNode, savedTreeState);
        private Dictionary <int, bool> GetCondensedTreeState(GenericTreeItem node, Dictionary <int, bool> result)
            if (!node.Children.Any())

            if (!node.IsExpanded)
                result.Add(node.Id, false);


            result.Add(node.Id, true);

            foreach (var curChildNode in node.Children)
                GetCondensedTreeState(curChildNode, result);

        private (List <GenericTreeItem> items, Dictionary <int, bool> expectedState) GetTreeAndState(bool expandLastMainNode = true)
            //tree state:
            //-item 1       //is expanded, but has no children -> test unexpected behaviour [do not add to list]
            //-item 2       //is not expanded and has no children -> test normal behaviour [do not add to list]
            //-item 3       //is not expanded and has empty children list -> test default behaviour [do not add to list]
            //-item 4       //is expanded and has children -> test condensed behaviour [add true to list]
            // -item 41     //is expanded, but has no children -> test unexpected behaviour [do not add to list]
            //-item 5       //is expanded and has children -> test condensed behaviour [add true to list]
            // -item 51     //is not expanded, but has children -> test normal behaviour [add false to list]
            // -item 52     //is expanded and has children -> test condensed behaviour [add true to list]
            //  -item 521   //is not expanded and has no children -> test normal behaviour [do not add to list]

            var expectedState = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

            if (expandLastMainNode)
                expectedState = new Dictionary <int, bool>
                    { 4, true },
                    { 5, true },
                    { 51, false },
                    { 52, true },
                expectedState = new Dictionary <int, bool>
                    { 4, true },
                    { 5, false },

            var item4 = new GenericTreeItem(null)
                Id = 4, Header = "item 4", IsExpanded = true
            var item41 = new GenericTreeItem(item4)
                Id = 41, Header = "item 41", IsExpanded = true


            var item5 = new GenericTreeItem(null)
                Id = 5, Header = "item 5", IsExpanded = expandLastMainNode
            var item51 = new GenericTreeItem(item5)
                Id = 51, Header = "item 51", IsExpanded = false
            var item511 = new GenericTreeItem(item51)
                Id = 511, Header = "item 511", IsExpanded = false

            var item52 = new GenericTreeItem(item5)
                Id = 52, Header = "item 52", IsExpanded = expandLastMainNode
            var item521 = new GenericTreeItem(item52)
                Id = 521, Header = "item 521", IsExpanded = false


            var items = new List <GenericTreeItem>
                new GenericTreeItem(null)
                    Id = 1, Header = "item 1", IsExpanded = true
                new GenericTreeItem(null)
                    Id = 2, Header = "item 2", IsExpanded = false
                new GenericTreeItem(null)
                    Id = 3, Header = "item 3", Children = new ObservableCollection <GenericTreeItem>()

            return(items, expectedState);
        public void LoadItems(BuildingPresets buildingPresets)
            if (buildingPresets == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buildingPresets));

            BuildingPresetsVersion = buildingPresets.Version;

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            //manually add roads
            var roadTiles = GetRoadTiles();
            foreach (var curRoad in roadTiles)

            if (!buildingPresets.Buildings.Any())

            //Each item needs an id for save/restore of tree state. We don't know how many roads were added.
            var itemId = Items.Count;

            //prepare data
            var headerAnno2205 = "(A6) Anno 2205";

            var excludedTemplates = new[] { "Ark", "Harbour", "OrnamentBuilding" };
            var excludedFactions  = new[] { "third party", "Facility Modules" };

            var filteredBuildingList = buildingPresets.Buildings
                                       .Where(x => !excludedTemplates.Contains(x.Template) &&

            //For Anno 2205 only
            var modulesList = buildingPresets.Buildings
                              .Where(x => string.Equals(x.Header, headerAnno2205, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                     string.Equals(x.Faction, "Facility Modules", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                     !string.Equals(x.Faction, "Facilities", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            #region some checks
            var facilityList = filteredBuildingList.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Faction, "Facilities", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            //Get a list of nonMatchedModules;
            var nonMatchedModulesList = modulesList.Except(facilityList, new BuildingInfoComparer()).ToList();
            //These appear to all match. The below statement should notify the progammer if we need to add handling for non matching lists
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nonMatchedModulesList.Count == 0, "Module lists do not match, implement handling for this");

            //add data to tree
            var groupedGames = filteredBuildingList.GroupBy(x => x.Header).OrderBy(x => x.Key);
            foreach (var curGame in groupedGames)
                var gameHeader  = curGame.Key;
                var gameVersion = GetGameVersion(curGame.Key);
                if (gameVersion == CoreConstants.GameVersion.Unknown)
                    gameHeader = _localizationHelper.GetLocalization(curGame.Key);

                var gameItem = new GameHeaderTreeItem
                    Header      = gameHeader,
                    GameVersion = gameVersion,
                    Id          = ++itemId

                var groupedFactions = curGame.Where(x => x.Faction != null).GroupBy(x => x.Faction).OrderBy(x => x.Key);
                foreach (var curFaction in groupedFactions)
                    var factionItem = new GenericTreeItem(gameItem)
                        Header = _localizationHelper.GetLocalization(curFaction.Key),
                        Id     = ++itemId

                    var groupedGroups = curFaction.Where(x => x.Group != null).GroupBy(x => x.Group).OrderBy(x => x.Key);
                    foreach (var curGroup in groupedGroups)
                        var groupItem = new GenericTreeItem(factionItem)
                            Header = _localizationHelper.GetLocalization(curGroup.Key),
                            Id     = ++itemId

                        foreach (var curBuildingInfo in curGroup.OrderBy(x => x.GetOrderParameter(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode)))
                            groupItem.Children.Add(new GenericTreeItem(groupItem)
                                Header     = curBuildingInfo.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode).Label,
                                AnnoObject = curBuildingInfo.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode),
                                Id         = ++itemId

                        //For 2205 only
                        //Add building modules to element list.
                        //Group will be the same for elements in the list.
                        if (string.Equals(curGame.Key, headerAnno2205, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var moduleItem = new GenericTreeItem(groupItem)
                                Header = _localizationHelper.GetLocalization(curGroup.ElementAt(0).Group) + " " + _localizationHelper.GetLocalization("Modules"),
                                Id     = ++itemId

                            foreach (var fourthLevel in modulesList.Where(x => x.Group == curGroup.ElementAt(0).Group))
                                moduleItem.Children.Add(new GenericTreeItem(moduleItem)
                                    Header     = fourthLevel.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode).Label,
                                    AnnoObject = fourthLevel.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode),
                                    Id         = ++itemId

                            if (moduleItem.Children.Count > 0)


                    var groupedFactionBuildings = curFaction.Where(x => x.Group == null).OrderBy(x => x.GetOrderParameter(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode));
                    foreach (var curGroup in groupedFactionBuildings)
                        factionItem.Children.Add(new GenericTreeItem(factionItem)
                            Header     = curGroup.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode).Label,
                            AnnoObject = curGroup.ToAnnoObject(_commons.CurrentLanguageCode),
                            Id         = ++itemId



            logger.Trace($"loading items for PresetsTree took: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");