public CharacterController(GenericCamera _camera, World _containingWorld, float _characterHeight = 1.85f, float _bodyDiameter = 0.45f, float _bodyMass = 70f)
            camera          = _camera;
            ContainingWorld = _containingWorld;

            CharacterHeight   = _characterHeight;
            CharacterDiameter = _bodyDiameter;

            // Initialize default values for auto properties
            IsRunning        = false;
            WalkSpeed        = 2.7f;
            WalkSpeedRunning = 6f;

            // Create a capsule shaped rigid body representing the character in the physics world.
            Body = new RigidBody(_bodyMass, mat4.Identity, new CapsuleShape(CharacterDiameter / 2f, BodyHeight));

            // Prevent the rigid body from falling to the ground by simply disabling any rotation

            // Register the required callbacks.
            // This update function is called 20 - 60 times per second to update the character position.
            Scripting.RegisterUpdateFunction(Update, 1 / 60f, 1 / 20f);

            // This event handler is used to catch the keyboard input that steers the character.
            Input.OnPressInput += HandleInput;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Player(GenericCamera _camera)
     Direction               = new vec3(1, 0, 0);
     camera                  = _camera;
     CurrentDiggingShape     = DiggingShape.Sphere;
     CurrentDiggingAlignment = DiggingAlignment.AxisAligned;
     Input.OnPressInput     += HandlePressInput;
     Input.OnAxisInput      += HandleAxisInput;
     Inventory               = new Inventory(this);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Load()
            logics    = new List <ILogical>();
            jobs      = new List <IRenderJob>();
            lCache    = new List <ILogical>();
            jCache    = new List <IRenderJob>();
            lToRemove = new List <ILogical>();
            jToRemove = new List <IRenderJob>();
            Camera    = new GenericCamera();


            Loaded = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the local part of the mod.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Startup(IntPtr _unmanagedModule)
            if (!Scripting.IsHost)
                Universe.CreateWorld("UpvoidMinerWorld", new UpvoidMinerNetworkWorldReceiver());

            // Create a simple camera that allows free movement.
            Camera = new GenericCamera ();
            Camera.FarClippingPlane = 3500.0;
            CameraControl = new FreeCameraControl (-10f, Camera);

            // Get the world (created by the host script)
            World world = Universe.GetWorldByName ("UpvoidMinerWorld");

            // Place the camera in the world
            world.AttachCamera (Camera);
            if (Rendering.ActiveMainPipeline != null)
                Rendering.ActiveMainPipeline.SetCamera (Camera);

            GC.KeepAlive (Camera);

            if (!Scripting.IsHost) {
                ivec3 refPos = new ivec3 (0, 0, 0);
                float activeRadius = 10;
                float sleepingRadius = 20;
                float minLODRange = 10;
                float falloff = 5;
                world.AddActiveRegion (refPos, activeRadius, sleepingRadius, minLODRange, falloff);

            // Configure the camera to receive user input
            Input.RootGroup.AddListener (CameraControl);

            // Registers the update callback that updates the camera position.
            Scripting.RegisterUpdateFunction(Update, 1 / 60.0f, 3 / 60.0f);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called by the engine at mod startup and initializes the local part of the UpvoidMiner mod.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Startup(IntPtr _unmanagedModule)
            // Get and save the resource domain of the mod, needed for loading resources.
            UpvoidMiner.Mod       = Module.FromHandle(_unmanagedModule);
            UpvoidMiner.ModDomain = UpvoidMiner.Mod.ResourceDomain;

            // Get the world (created by the host script).
            world = Universe.GetWorldByName("UpvoidMinerWorld");

            // No loading screen for clients (since the server generates the world)
            if (Scripting.IsHost)
                // Register a callback for the terrain generation so the GUI can be notified when the world is ready.
                world.Terrain.AddVolumeUpdateCallback(VolumeCallback, false, 0, 4);

                // Show a splash screen in the GUI client.
                WebGui.DefaultUI.LoadURL("http://localhost:" + Webserver.DefaultWebserver.Port + "/Mods/Upvoid/UpvoidMiner/0.0.1/SplashScreen.html");

                // Register a socket for sending progress updates to the loading screen
                generationProgressSocket = new WebSocketHandler();
                Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterWebSocketHandler(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "GenerationProgressSocket", generationProgressSocket);

                Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterDynamicContent(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "ActivatePlayer", (WebRequest request, WebResponse response) => ActivatePlayer());
                Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterDynamicContent(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "IsPlayerActivated", (WebRequest request, WebResponse response) => response.AppendBody((player != null).ToString()));
                Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterDynamicContent(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "GenerationProgressQuery", webGenerationProgress);
                Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterDynamicContent(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "OpenSiteInBrowser", (WebRequest request, WebResponse response) => Process.Start(request.GetQuery("url")));

            // Create a simple camera that allows free movement.
            camera                  = new GenericCamera();
            camera.Position         = new vec3(0, 10, 0);
            camera.FarClippingPlane = 1750.0;

            // Client-only: register terrain materials
            if (!Scripting.IsHost)

            // Place the camera in the world.

            // Create an active region around the player spawn
            // Active regions help the engine to decide which parts of a world are important (to generate, render, etc.)
            // In near future it will be updated when the player moves out of it
            //world.AddActiveRegion(new ivec3(), 100f, 400f, 40f, 40f);


            Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterDynamicContent(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "QuitGame", (WebRequest request, WebResponse response) => Scripting.ShutdownEngine());

            // Register for input press events.
            Input.OnPressInput += HandlePressInput;

            // Register sockets for resource downloading progress bar
            resourceDownloadProgressSocket = new WebSocketHandler();
            Webserver.DefaultWebserver.RegisterWebSocketHandler(UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "ResourceDownloadProgress", resourceDownloadProgressSocket);

            if (!Scripting.IsHost)
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// This sets the camera of the context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="camera"></param>
 public void SetCamera(GenericCamera camera)
     UseCamera = camera;