Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// When notified the Engineer's Report app is ready, bind to it and set up a clobber.
        /// </summary>
        public void BindToEngineersReport()
            // Set up all our fields
            BindingFlags flags  = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
            Type         typeER = EngineersReport.Instance.GetType();

            _refERsizeLH     = (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI)typeER.GetField("sizeLH", flags).GetValue(EngineersReport.Instance);
            _refERsizeRH     = (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI)typeER.GetField("sizeRH", flags).GetValue(EngineersReport.Instance);
            _refERpartMassLH = (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI)typeER.GetField("partMassLH", flags).GetValue(EngineersReport.Instance);
            _refERpartMassRH = (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI)typeER.GetField("partMassRH", flags).GetValue(EngineersReport.Instance);
            _refERappFrame   = (GenericAppFrame)typeER.GetField("appFrame", flags).GetValue(EngineersReport.Instance);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UIAppAwake(ApplicationLauncherButton button, UIApp app)
            if (button == null || app == null)


            if (app is ContractsApp)
                button.onHover = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onHover, new Callback(OnContractHover));
                button.onTrue  = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onTrue, new Callback(OnContractOpen));

                button.onHoverOut = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onHoverOut, new Callback(OnContractHoverOut));
                button.onFalse    = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onFalse, new Callback(OnContractClosed));

                var fields = typeof(ContractsApp).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                GenericAppFrame appframe = fields[7].GetValue((ContractsApp)app) as GenericAppFrame;

                if (appframe != null)
                    appframe.AddGlobalInputDelegate(new UnityAction <PointerEventData>(OnAppEnter), new UnityAction <PointerEventData>(OnAppExit));
            else if (app is EngineersReport)
                button.onHover = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onHover, new Callback(OnEngineerHover));
                button.onTrue  = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onTrue, new Callback(OnEngineerOpen));

                button.onHoverOut = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onHoverOut, new Callback(OnEngineerHoverOut));
                button.onFalse    = (Callback)Delegate.Combine(button.onFalse, new Callback(OnEngineerClosed));

                var fields = typeof(EngineersReport).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                GenericAppFrame appframe = fields[1].GetValue((EngineersReport)app) as GenericAppFrame;

                if (appframe != null)
                    appframe.AddGlobalInputDelegate(new UnityAction <PointerEventData>(OnAppEnter), new UnityAction <PointerEventData>(OnAppExit));
        public void OnPreCull()
            // Try to find the app frame for the contracts window.  Note that we may pick up
            // the ones from the Engineer's report in the VAB/SPH instead, so check by name.
            if (!contractsFrame)
                // Check if this scene even has a contracts app
                IEnumerable <GenericAppFrame> frames = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GenericAppFrame>();
                if (!frames.Any())

                foreach (GenericAppFrame appFrame in frames)
                    if (appFrame.header.text == "Contracts")
                        contractsFrame = appFrame;

            if (contractsFrame)
                LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Making adjustments to contract frame...");

                // Set the new width and height (old value * factor)
                int width  = (int)(166 * resizeFactor);
                int height = (int)(176 * 2.5);
                widthField.SetValue(contractsFrame, width);

                // Apply the changes
                RectTransform rectTransform = (RectTransform)transformField.GetValue(contractsFrame);
                rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2((float)width, (float)height);

                // Remove the limit on max height (technically should be a little less than screen height, but close enough)
                contractsFrame.maxHeight = Screen.height;

                // Apply the changes

                if (ContractsApp.Instance != null)
                    // Find the cascading list field
                    foreach (FieldInfo cascadingListField in cascadingListFields)
                        GenericCascadingList ccl = (GenericCascadingList)cascadingListField.GetValue(ContractsApp.Instance);
                        if (ccl != null)
                            // Set the body width (I think this is used for word wrap logic)
                            ccl.bodyTextStartWidth = (int)(166 * resizeFactor - (166 - 151));

                            // Fix the prefab for the header - will apply to any newly added contracts

                            // Fix the prefab for the body - used for contract notes

                    // Fix the prefab used for contract parameters
                    KSP.UI.UIListItem uiListPrefab = (KSP.UI.UIListItem)uiListPrefabField.GetValue(ContractsApp.Instance);
                    Text text = uiListPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(true).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (text)
                        text.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(166 * resizeFactor - (166 - 163), 14.0f);

                    // Refresh the contract list, forces everything to get recreated
                    refreshMethod.Invoke(ContractsApp.Instance, new object[] { });

                    // No need to hang around, the changes will stick for the lifetime of the app
        private void loadSprites()
            Texture2D twr = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BasicDeltaV/Resources/TWRGauge", false);

            twrGaugeSprite = Sprite.Create(twr, new Rect(0, 0, twr.width, twr.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

            ContractsApp prefab = null;

            var prefabs = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <ContractsApp>();

            for (int i = prefabs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var pre = prefabs[i];

                if (pre.name != "ContractsApp")

                prefab = pre;

            if (prefab == null)

            GenericAppFrame      appFrame      = null;
            GenericCascadingList cascadingList = null;
            UIListItem_spacer    spacer        = null;

                var fields = typeof(ContractsApp).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToArray();

                appFrame = fields[7].GetValue(prefab) as GenericAppFrame;

                cascadingList = fields[9].GetValue(prefab) as GenericCascadingList;

                spacer = fields[11].GetValue(prefab) as UIListItem_spacer;
            catch (Exception e)
                BasicDeltaV.BasicLogging("Error in processing toolbar panel UI: {0}", e);

            if (appFrame != null)
                windowSprite = appFrame.gfxBg.sprite;
                titleSprite  = appFrame.gfxHeader.sprite;
                footerSprite = appFrame.gfxFooter.sprite;

            if (cascadingList != null)
                buttonSprite        = cascadingList.cascadeHeader.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;
                contentFooterSprite = cascadingList.cascadeFooter.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

            if (spacer != null)
                componentSprite = spacer.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;
                UIStateImage stateImage = spacer.GetComponentInChildren <UIStateImage>();

                selectedSprite   = stateImage.states[1].sprite;
                unselectedSprite = stateImage.states[0].sprite;

            spritesLoaded = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void loadSprites()
            ContractsApp prefab = null;

            var prefabs = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <ContractsApp>();

            for (int i = prefabs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var pre = prefabs[i];

                if (pre.name != "ContractsApp")

                prefab = pre;

            if (prefab != null)
                GenericAppFrame      appFrame      = null;
                GenericCascadingList cascadingList = null;
                UIListItem_spacer    spacer        = null;

                    var fields = typeof(ContractsApp).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToArray();

                    appFrame = fields[7].GetValue(prefab) as GenericAppFrame;

                    cascadingList = fields[9].GetValue(prefab) as GenericCascadingList;

                    spacer = fields[11].GetValue(prefab) as UIListItem_spacer;
                catch (Exception e)
                    BasicOrbit.BasicLogging("Error in processing toolbar panel UI: {0}", e);

                if (appFrame != null)
                    windowSprite = appFrame.gfxBg.sprite;
                    titleSprite  = appFrame.gfxHeader.sprite;
                    footerSprite = appFrame.gfxFooter.sprite;

                if (cascadingList != null)
                    buttonSprite        = cascadingList.cascadeHeader.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;
                    contentFooterSprite = cascadingList.cascadeFooter.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

                if (spacer != null)
                    componentSprite = spacer.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

                    UIStateImage stateImage = spacer.GetComponentInChildren <UIStateImage>();

                    selectedSprite   = stateImage.states[1].sprite;
                    unselectedSprite = stateImage.states[0].sprite;

            StageManager prefabFlight = null;

            var stages = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <StageManager>();

            for (int i = stages.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var pre = stages[i];

                if (pre.name == "StageManager")
                    prefabFlight = pre;

            if (prefabFlight != null)
                StageGroup group = prefabFlight.stageGroupPrefab;

                Transform layout = group.transform.FindChild("IconLayout");

                if (layout != null)
                    panelSprite = layout.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

            spritesLoaded = true;