private static void ChooseWallBounds(GenerationRandom genRan, Blacksmith smith)
        ChooseLShapedWall(genRan, smith);

        if (genRan.RandomBool())
            ChooseLShapedWall(genRan, smith);
            ChooseHalfCutWall(genRan, smith);

         * //Define a base rectangular wall
         * List<Vec2i> wallPoints = new List<Vec2i>();
         * wallPoints.Add(new Vec2i(0, 0));
         * wallPoints.Add(new Vec2i(smith.Width-1, 0));
         * wallPoints.Add(new Vec2i(smith.Width-1, smith.Height-1));
         * wallPoints.Add(new Vec2i(0, smith.Height-1));
         * //Choose which point index we wish to move
         * int deltaPointI = genRan.RandomInt(0, wallPoints.Count);
         * //We find which direction and amount the point has to move to not leave the bounds
         * int xDir = (wallPoints[deltaPointI].x == 0 ? 1 : -1) * genRan.RandomInt(smith.Width / 4, smith.Width - smith.Width / 3);
         * int zDir =(wallPoints[deltaPointI].z == 0 ? 1 : -1) * genRan.RandomInt(smith.Height/4, smith.Height - smith.Height/3);
         * Vec2i newPoint = new Vec2i(xDir, zDir) + wallPoints[deltaPointI];
         * //wallPoints.Insert(deltaPointI-1, newPoint);
         * //We find the direction from the previous corner to this one,
         * //we use this to translate the point accordingly
         * Vec2i nm1_to_n = wallPoints[deltaPointI] - wallPoints[(deltaPointI - 1 + wallPoints.Count) % wallPoints.Count];
         * Vec2i np1_to_n = wallPoints[(deltaPointI + 1) % wallPoints.Count] - wallPoints[deltaPointI];
         * if (nm1_to_n.x == 0)
         * {
         *  wallPoints[deltaPointI].z = newPoint.z;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  wallPoints[deltaPointI].x = newPoint.x;
         * }
         * // Vec2i np1_to_n = wallPoints[(deltaPointI + 1) % wallPoints.Count] - wallPoints[deltaPointI];
         * Vec2i newPoint2 = new Vec2i(newPoint.x, newPoint.z);
         * if (np1_to_n.x == 0)
         * {
         *  newPoint2.x = wallPoints[(deltaPointI + 1) % wallPoints.Count].x;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  newPoint2.z = wallPoints[(deltaPointI + 1) % wallPoints.Count].z;
         * }
         * wallPoints.Insert((deltaPointI + 1), newPoint);
         * wallPoints.Insert((deltaPointI + 2), newPoint2);
         * smith.BoundingWall = wallPoints.ToArray();