Exemplo n.º 1
 public static string getRandomFaction(GameObject parent)
        public override bool FireEvent(Event E)
            // Stop if this creature already gives reputation.
            if (ParentObject.GetPart("GivesRep") != null)

            // Stop of this creature is the player.
            if (ParentObject.IsPlayer())

            // Add the Factions
            if (E.ID == "FactionsAdded")
                int index = 0;

                // Get Parent Factions
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> item in ParentObject.pBrain.FactionMembership)

                if (parentFactions.Count <= 0)

                // Format the Parent Factions list into text
                descriptionPostfix += "&C-----&y\nLoved by";
                foreach (string parentFaction in parentFactions)
                    descriptionPostfix += " &C" + Faction.getFormattedName(parentFaction) + "&y,";
                descriptionPostfix  = descriptionPostfix.Remove(descriptionPostfix.Length - 1);
                descriptionPostfix += "&y.\n";

                if (parentFactions.Count > 1)
                    int locationOf = descriptionPostfix.LastIndexOf(",");
                    descriptionPostfix = descriptionPostfix.Insert(locationOf + 1, " and");

                // Pick 1-3 Factions to Like/Dislike/Hate
                int maxFactions = Rules.Stat.Random(1, 3);

                // Adjust the feelings towards other Factions
                Brain  myBrain   = ParentObject.GetPart("Brain") as Brain;
                string myFaction = myBrain.GetPrimaryFaction();
                for (index = 1; index <= maxFactions; index++)
                    int randPercent   = Rules.Stat.Random(1, 100);
                    int factionChange = -100;
                    if (randPercent <= 10)
                        factionChange = 100;
                    else if (randPercent <= 55)
                        factionChange = 0;

                    string FoF = GenerateFriendOrFoe.getRandomFaction(ParentObject);
                    factionChange += Factions.GetFeelingFactionToFaction(myFaction, FoF);
                    if (factionChange > 100)
                        factionChange = 100;
                    if (factionChange < -100)
                        factionChange = -100;

                    AddOrChangeFactionFeelings(myBrain, FoF, factionChange);

                Dictionary <string, int> tempRelatedFactions = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // Add all the factions with a significant amount to the list.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Faction> item in Factions.FactionList)
                    if (item.Value.Name == myFaction)
                    if (item.Value.bVisible == false)

                    int factionAmount = Factions.GetFeelingFactionToFaction(myFaction, item.Value.Name);
                    if (myBrain.FactionFeelings.ContainsKey(item.Value.Name))
                        factionAmount = myBrain.FactionFeelings[item.Value.Name];

                    if (factionAmount < 0 || factionAmount > 50)
                        tempRelatedFactions.Add(item.Value.Name, factionAmount);

                for (index = 1; index <= maxFactions; index++)
                    if (tempRelatedFactions.Count <= 0)

                    KeyValuePair <string, int> item = tempRelatedFactions.GetRandomElement((System.Random)null);
                    if (item.Value > 50)
                        string reason = GenerateFriendOrFoe.getLikeReason();
                        relatedFactions.Add(new FriendorFoe(item.Key, "friend", reason));
                        string reason = GenerateFriendOrFoe.getHateReason();
                        relatedFactions.Add(new FriendorFoe(item.Key, "dislike", reason));

                // Count and sort the factions by category (friend, dislike, hate)
                if (relatedFactions.Count <= 0)

                int    friendCount  = 0;
                int    hateCount    = 0;
                string friendString = "\nAdmired by ";
                string hateString   = "\nHated by";
                foreach (FriendorFoe relatedFaction in relatedFactions)
                    if (relatedFaction.status == "friend")
                        friendString += " &C" + Faction.getFormattedName(relatedFaction.faction) + "&y,";
                        friendCount  += 1;
                        hateString += " &C" + Faction.getFormattedName(relatedFaction.faction) + "&y,";
                        hateCount  += 1;
                if (friendCount > 0)
                    friendString  = friendString.Remove(friendString.Length - 1);
                    friendString += "&y.\n";
                    if (friendCount > 1)
                        int locationOf = friendString.LastIndexOf(",");
                        friendString = friendString.Insert(locationOf + 1, " and");
                    descriptionPostfix += friendString;
                if (hateCount > 0)
                    hateString  = hateString.Remove(hateString.Length - 1);
                    hateString += "&y.\n";
                    if (hateCount > 1)
                        int locationOf = hateString.LastIndexOf(",");
                        hateString = hateString.Insert(locationOf + 1, " and");
                    descriptionPostfix += hateString;

            else if (E.ID == "BeforeDeathRemoval")
                // Give/Take Reputation when the creature is killed.
                GameObject myKiller = E.GetParameter("Killer") as GameObject;
                if (myKiller == null)

                // Did the player kill this Creature?
                if (myKiller.IsPlayer())
                    // Adjust the players reputation.
                    Reputation myReputation = XRLCore.Core.Game.PlayerReputation;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> item in ParentObject.pBrain.FactionMembership)
                        // Calculate an adjust 'weight'
                        // 1) Does the player have a positive or negative relationship to this faction.
                        //    - Player has a positive relationship to this creature their reputation drops more.
                        //      (You are friendly they are not going to like that.)
                        //    - Player has a negitive relationship to this creature their reputation drops less.
                        //      (You are already hated, they are not going to hate you that much more)
                        //    - This should be the major factor in the equation.
                        // 2) Is the creature greater or lesser level than the player.
                        //    - More difficult creatures offer more reputation.
                        //    - Easier creatures offer less reputation.
                        //    - This should be a minor adjustment.

                        // Get the current reputation.
                        int currentRep = myReputation.get(item.Key);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("currentRep " + currentRep);

                        // Scale the reputation based on the current reputation.
                        float fRep = 0;
                        //if (currentRep > 0) fRep = repValue * (currentRep / repScale);
                        //else if (currentRep < 0) fRep = repValue / (-currentRep / repScale);
                        if (currentRep > -gravitateOffset)
                            fRep = repValue * ((currentRep + gravitateOffset) / repScale);
                        else if (currentRep < -gravitateOffset)
                            fRep = repValue / (-(currentRep + gravitateOffset) / repScale);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("fRep " + fRep);

                        // Get the level differences.
                        int creatureLevel = ParentObject.Statistics["Level"].Value;
                        int playerLevel   = XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body.Statistics["Level"].Value;

                        // Scale the reputation based on the player vs creature levels.
                        int dLevel = creatureLevel - playerLevel;
                        if (dLevel > 0)
                            fRep = fRep * (dLevel / levelScale);
                        else if (dLevel < 0)
                            fRep = fRep / (-dLevel / levelScale);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("fRep " + fRep);

                        currentRep = (int)Math.Floor(fRep);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("currentRep " + currentRep);

                        // Only modify if the reputation change is not 0.
                        if (currentRep != 0)
                            myReputation.modify(item.Key, -currentRep, false);

                    foreach (FriendorFoe relatedFaction in relatedFactions)
                        // Get the current reputation.
                        int currentRep = myReputation.get(relatedFaction.faction);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("currentRep " + currentRep);

                        // Scale the reputation based on the current reputation.
                        float fRep = 0;
                        //if (currentRep > 0) fRep = repValue * (currentRep / repScale);
                        //else if (currentRep < 0) fRep = repValue / (-currentRep / repScale);
                        if (currentRep > -gravitateOffset)
                            fRep = repValue * ((currentRep + gravitateOffset) / repScale);
                        else if (currentRep < -gravitateOffset)
                            fRep = repValue / (-(currentRep + gravitateOffset) / repScale);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("fRep " + fRep);

                        // Get the level differences.
                        int creatureLevel = ParentObject.Statistics["Level"].Value;
                        int playerLevel   = XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body.Statistics["Level"].Value;

                        // Scale the reputation based on the player vs creature levels.
                        int dLevel = creatureLevel - playerLevel;
                        if (dLevel > 0)
                            fRep = fRep * (dLevel / levelScale);
                        else if (dLevel < 0)
                            fRep = fRep / (-dLevel / levelScale);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("fRep " + fRep);

                        fRep       = fRep / relationScale;
                        currentRep = (int)Math.Floor(fRep);
                        //MessageQueue.AddPlayerMessage("currentRep " + currentRep);

                        if (relatedFaction.status == "liked")
                            // Only modify if the reputation change is not 0.
                            if (currentRep != 0)
                                myReputation.modify(relatedFaction.faction, -currentRep, false);
                            // Only modify if the reputation change is not 0.
                            if (currentRep != 0)
                                myReputation.modify(relatedFaction.faction, currentRep, false);
                    /* Removed for Now; Where to adjust reputation for creature on creature combat */

            else if (E.ID == "GetShortDescription")
                E.AddParameter("Postfix", E.GetParameter("Postfix") + descriptionPostfix);