/// <summary>
        /// Reads the mesh's face count from a dedicated debug log.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendingProcess"></param> The process sending the log.
        /// <param name="outLine"></param> The log's output line.
        private void ReadMeshFaceCount(object sendingProcess, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)
            string line = outLine.Data;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line.Contains("FACE_COUNT_OUTPUT:"))
                meshFaceCount = GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(line.Split(':')[1]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads images information from a COLMAP "images.txt" file, and saves it into the referenced array.
        /// Note that the array contains a camera element for each image. Array elements will be initialized here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraSetup"></param> The camera setup to which to output the list of parsed camera models.
        /// <param name="workspace"></param> The workspace from which to work.
        public static void ReadImagesInformation(CameraSetup cameraSetup, string workspace)
            List <Vector3>    positionList = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Quaternion> rotationList = new List <Quaternion>();
            List <string>     fileNameList = new List <string>();
            List <int>        cameraIDList = new List <int>();

            // Read COLMAP's images file.
            using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(GetImagesFile(workspace)))
                bool   isOdd = false;
                string line;
                // Read the file line-by-line to the end.
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // Skip the lines from the header, that start with #.
                    if (!line.StartsWith("#"))
                        // If the line is odd, skip it, and indicate that the next line will be even.
                        if (isOdd)
                            isOdd = false;
                        // If the line is even, parse it, and indicate that the next line will be odd.
                            string[] split = line.Split(' ');
                            // COLMAP's images should have 10 parameters.
                            if (split.Length > 9)
                                // Parse position and rotation, and convert them to Unity's coordinate system.
                                Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[2]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[3]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[4]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[1]));
                                Vector3    position = new Vector3(GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[5]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[6]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[7]));
                                ConvertCoordinatesCOLMAPToUnity(ref position, ref rotation);
                                // Add all the parameters to the dedicated lists.
                                // Indicate that the next line will be odd.
                                isOdd = true;
            // Use these lists to create and fill the output array of camera models.
            cameraSetup.cameraModels = new CameraModel[positionList.Count];
            for (int iter = 0; iter < positionList.Count; iter++)
                CameraModel cameraModel = cameraSetup.AddCameraModel(iter);
                cameraModel.SetCameraReferenceIndexAndImageName(cameraIDList[iter], fileNameList[iter]);
                cameraModel.transform.localPosition = positionList[iter];
                cameraModel.transform.localRotation = rotationList[iter];
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the basic parameters of any COLMAP camera model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="split"></param> The split string from which to parse information.
        /// <param name="isOmnidirectional"></param> True if the camera model is omnidirectional, false otherwise.
        /// <returns></returns> A camera model containing the parsed parameters.
        private static CameraModel BasicParse(string[] split, bool isOmnidirectional)
            CameraModel cameraModel = CameraModel.CreateCameraModel();

            // The camera's projection type is not handled by COLMAP, and has to be specified.
            cameraModel.isOmnidirectional = isOmnidirectional;
            // The camera's index is given by the first parameter in the .txt file.
            cameraModel.SetCameraReferenceIndexAndImageName(GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(split[0]), cameraModel.imageName);
            // The camera's pixel resolution is given by the second and third parameters in the .txt file.
            cameraModel.pixelResolution = new Vector2Int(GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(split[2]), GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(split[3]));
            // Return the camera model.
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the processed per-view meshes for play.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerator LoadProcessedPerViewMeshesCoroutine()
            CameraModel[] cameraModels = cameraSetup.cameraModels;
            perViewMeshes         = new Mesh[cameraModels.Length];
            perViewMeshTransforms = new Transform[cameraModels.Length];
            // Check that the application is playing.
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                yield break;
            // Only continue if there are source images.
            if (cameraModels.Length > 0)
                // Create a gameobject for the geometric data, and set it as a child of this transform.
                Transform geometricDataTransform = new GameObject("Geometric data").transform;
                geometricDataTransform.parent = dataHandler.transform;
                // Reset the geometric data's local position, rotation, and scale, to fit that of the parent object.
                GeneralToolkit.SetTransformValues(geometricDataTransform.transform, true, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
                // Check each bundled asset name for the prefix corresponding to this class.
                string bundledAssetsPrefix = DataHandler.GetBundledAssetPrefixFromType(typeof(PerViewMeshesQSTR));
                foreach (string bundledAssetName in dataHandler.bundledAssetsNames)
                    // If the correct asset name is found, load the per-view mesh.
                    if (bundledAssetName.Contains(bundledAssetsPrefix))
                        Mesh processedPerViewMesh = new Mesh();
                        yield return(dataHandler.StartCoroutine(dataHandler.LoadAssetsFromBundleCoroutine <Mesh>((result => processedPerViewMesh = result[0]), bundledAssetName)));

                        // Create a gameobject for the mesh, and set it as a child of the geometric data.
                        Transform meshTransform = new GameObject(processedPerViewMesh.name).transform;
                        meshTransform.parent = geometricDataTransform;
                        // Link the per-view mesh to the gameobject.
                        meshTransform.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = processedPerViewMesh;
                        // Determine the source camera index.
                        string assetName            = bundledAssetName.Replace(bundledAssetsPrefix, string.Empty);
                        string sourceCamIndexString = assetName.Replace(perViewMeshAssetPrefix, string.Empty);
                        int    sourceCamIndex       = GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(sourceCamIndexString);
                        // Determine the mesh's transform values from the camera model.
                        CameraModel cameraModel  = cameraModels[sourceCamIndex];
                        Vector3     meshPosition = cameraModel.transform.position;
                        Quaternion  meshRotation = cameraModel.transform.rotation;
                        Vector3     meshScale    = Vector3.one;
                        // Set the mesh's transform to the computed values.
                        GeneralToolkit.SetTransformValues(meshTransform, false, meshPosition, meshRotation, meshScale);
                        // Assign to the output arrays.
                        perViewMeshes[sourceCamIndex]         = processedPerViewMesh;
                        perViewMeshTransforms[sourceCamIndex] = meshTransform;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the stored additional information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraSetup"></param> The camera setup to modify with the parsed information.
        public void ReadCOLIBRIVRAdditionalInformation(CameraSetup cameraSetup)
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(additionalInfoFile);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                if (lines[i].Contains("INITIAL_VIEWING_POSITION"))
                    string[] split = lines[++i].Split(' ');
                    if (split.Length == 3)
                        Vector3 newInitialViewingPosition = new Vector3(GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[0]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[1]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[2]));

                if (lines[i].Contains("DISTANCE_RANGE"))
                    while (i + 1 < lines.Length && !lines[i + 1].StartsWith("#"))
                        string[] split = lines[++i].Split(' ');
                        if (split.Length == 3)
                            int     cameraReferenceIndex = GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(split[0]);
                            Vector2 newDistanceRange     = new Vector2(GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[1]), GeneralToolkit.ParseFloat(split[2]));
                            // Find the referenced camera and set its distance range
                            foreach (CameraModel camera in cameraSetup.cameraModels)
                                if (camera.cameraReferenceIndex == cameraReferenceIndex)
                                    camera.distanceRange = newDistanceRange;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the processed texture map for play.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerator LoadProcessedTextureMapsCoroutine()
            // Check that the application is playing.
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                yield break;
            // Count the number of texture maps to load by checking each bundled asset name for the prefix corresponding to this class.
            string bundledAssetsPrefix = DataHandler.GetBundledAssetPrefixFromType(typeof(GlobalTextureMap));
            int    textureMapCount     = 0;

            foreach (string bundledAssetName in dataHandler.bundledAssetsNames)
                if (bundledAssetName.Contains(bundledAssetsPrefix))
            // If there are texture maps to load, load them.
            if (textureMapCount > 0)
                textureMaps = new Texture2D[textureMapCount];
                foreach (string bundledAssetName in dataHandler.bundledAssetsNames)
                    if (bundledAssetName.Contains(bundledAssetsPrefix))
                        // Determine the texture map index.
                        string assetName             = bundledAssetName.Replace(bundledAssetsPrefix, string.Empty);
                        string textureMapIndexString = assetName.Replace(textureMapAssetPrefix, string.Empty);
                        int    textureMapIndex       = GeneralToolkit.ParseInt(textureMapIndexString);
                        // Load the texture map.
                        yield return(dataHandler.StartCoroutine(dataHandler.LoadAssetsFromBundleCoroutine <Texture2D>((result => textureMaps[textureMapIndex] = result[0]), bundledAssetName)));