Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void CalculateLocalMouse(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray MouseRay, Action<Gem.Render.SceneNode, float> HoverCallback)
            MouseHover = false;

            var localMouse = GetLocalMouseRay(MouseRay);

            GridTraversal.Raycast(localMouse.Position, localMouse.Direction, PickRadius, (x, y, z, normal) =>
                if (!World.check(x, y, z)) return false;
                if (World.CellAt(x, y, z).Block == null) return false;
                if (World.CellAt(x, y, z).Block.Solid == false) return false;

                HiliteQuad = Gem.Geo.Gen.CreateQuad();

                // Align quad with correct face.
                if (normal.Z < 0) // normal points down.
                    Gem.Geo.Gen.Transform(HiliteQuad, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, Gem.Math.Angle.PI));
                else if (normal.Z == 0)
                    Gem.Geo.Gen.Transform(HiliteQuad, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(
                        Vector3.Cross(-Vector3.UnitZ, normal), -Gem.Math.Angle.PI / 2));

                // Move quad to center of block.
                Gem.Geo.Gen.Transform(HiliteQuad, Matrix.CreateTranslation(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f));

                // Move quad out to correct surface.
                Gem.Geo.Gen.Transform(HiliteQuad, Matrix.CreateTranslation(normal * 0.52f));

                var faceIntersection = HiliteQuad.RayIntersection(localMouse);
                //if (faceIntersection.Intersects == false) throw new InvalidProgramException();

                HoverCallback(this, faceIntersection.Distance);

                HoverBlock = new Coordinate(x, y, z);
                AdjacentHoverBlock = new Coordinate((int)(x + normal.X), (int)(y + normal.Y), (int)(z + normal.Z));
                HoverNormal = normal;

                return true;