Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnPostCreate(Boolean)"/>.</summary>
        protected override void OnPostCreate(bool loaded)

            if (EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle())
                const string        regionTypeName = "ManualInfluenceRegion";
                InfluenceRegionType regionType     = (InfluenceRegionType)EntityTypes.Instance.GetByName(
                if (regionType == null)
                    regionType = (InfluenceRegionType)EntityTypes.Instance.ManualCreateType(
                    regionType.NetworkType = EntityNetworkTypes.ServerOnly;

                region                  = (InfluenceRegion)Entities.Instance.Create(regionType, Map.Instance);
                region.ShapeType        = Region.ShapeTypes.Capsule;
                region.DistanceFunction = InfluenceRegion.DistanceFunctionType.NormalFadeAxisX;

                region.SetTransform(Position, Rotation, InfluenceRegionScale);
                region.AllowSave        = false;
                region.EditorSelectable = false;

                bladesMotor = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("bladesMotor") as GearedMotor;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void MohiOff()
            //turning off some stuff when you are getting out of helli
            GearedMotor main = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("hellimain") as GearedMotor;
            GearedMotor back = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("helliback") as GearedMotor;

            main.Enabled = false;
            back.Enabled = false;

            if (rotorSoundChannel != null)
                rotorSoundChannel = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        void TickIntellect()
                float throttle = 0;
                throttle += Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Left);
                throttle -= Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Right);

                GearedMotor motor = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("horizontalMotor") as GearedMotor;
                if (motor != null)
                    motor.Throttle = throttle;

                ServoMotor motor = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("gibbetMotor") as ServoMotor;
                if (motor != null)
                    Radian needAngle = motor.DesiredAngle;

                    needAngle += Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Forward) * .004f;
                    needAngle -= Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Backward) * .004f;

                    MathFunctions.Clamp(ref needAngle,
                                        new Degree(-20.0f).InRadians(), new Degree(40.0f).InRadians());

                    motor.DesiredAngle = needAngle;

            //Change player LookDirection at rotation
            PlayerIntellect intellect = Intellect as PlayerIntellect;

            if (intellect != null)
                Vec3 lookVector = intellect.LookDirection.GetVector();
                lookVector *= OldRotation.GetInverse();
                lookVector *= Rotation;
                intellect.LookDirection = SphereDir.FromVector(lookVector);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnPostCreate(Boolean)"/>.</summary>
        protected override void OnPostCreate( bool loaded )
            base.OnPostCreate( loaded );

            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
                const string regionTypeName = "ManualInfluenceRegion";
                InfluenceRegionType regionType = (InfluenceRegionType)EntityTypes.Instance.GetByName(
                    regionTypeName );
                if( regionType == null )
                    regionType = (InfluenceRegionType)EntityTypes.Instance.ManualCreateType(
                        EntityTypes.Instance.GetClassInfoByEntityClassName( "InfluenceRegion" ) );
                    regionType.NetworkType = EntityNetworkTypes.ServerOnly;

                region = (InfluenceRegion)Entities.Instance.Create( regionType, Map.Instance );
                region.ShapeType = Region.ShapeTypes.Capsule;
                region.DistanceFunction = InfluenceRegion.DistanceFunctionType.NormalFadeAxisX;

                region.SetTransform( Position, Rotation, InfluenceRegionScale );
                region.AllowSave = false;
                region.EditorSelectable = false;

                bladesMotor = PhysicsModel.GetMotor( "bladesMotor" ) as GearedMotor;


            UpdateParticlesForceCoefficient( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void TickIntellect()

            HelliOn = Intellect != null && Intellect.IsActive();
            // GUItest();

            //finding motors
            GearedMotor main = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("hellimain") as GearedMotor;
            GearedMotor back = PhysicsModel.GetMotor("helliback") as GearedMotor;

            if (HelliOn)
                main.Enabled = true;
                back.Enabled = true;

            //engine force + sound pitch control

            if (Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Forward))
                force   += forceadd;
                enpitch += 0.02f;
            else if (Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Backward))
                dec      = true;
                force   -= forceadd;
                enpitch -= 0.02f;
                dec      = false;
                enpitch -= 0.01f;
                if (force > 50)
                    force -= forceadd;
                if (force < 50)
                    force += forceadd;

            MathFunctions.Clamp(ref force, 0.1f, 100 + Type.MaxForce);
            MathFunctions.Clamp(ref enpitch, 0.8f, 1.3f);

            //update helli channel position and pitch
            if (rotorSoundChannel != null)
                //update channel
                rotorSoundChannel.Pitch    = enpitch;
                rotorSoundChannel.Volume   = 1;
                rotorSoundChannel.Position = Position;
                //rotorSoundChannel.MinDistance = 10;

            //end of engine force + sound pitch control


            //start helli Pitch
            if (Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Up) || Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Down))
                float AUp   = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Up) / 2;
                float ADown = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Down) / 2;
                Hpitch += (AUp - ADown);
                MathFunctions.Clamp(ref Hpitch, -10, 10);

                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, TickDelta,
                                   HelliBody.Rotation * new Vec3(0, 0, Hpitch / 2) * HelliBody.Mass, new Vec3(-2, 0, 0));
                Hpitch = 0;
            //end of helli pitch

            //start helli Z turn
            if (Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Right) || Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Left))
                float right = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Right) / 2;
                float left  = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Left) / 2;
                TrunZ += (left - right);
                MathFunctions.Clamp(ref TrunZ, -10, 10);

                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalTorque, TickDelta,
                                   HelliBody.Rotation * new Vec3(0, 0, TrunZ) * HelliBody.Mass, Vec3.Zero);
                TrunZ = 0;

            //end of helli Z turn

            //start helli X turn
            if (Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Right) || Intellect.IsControlKeyPressed(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Left))
                float rightX = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Right) / 2;
                float leftX  = Intellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Arrow_Left) / 2;
                TrunX += (rightX - leftX);
                MathFunctions.Clamp(ref TrunX, -10, 10);

                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalTorque, TickDelta,
                                   HelliBody.Rotation * new Vec3(TrunX / 5, 0, 0) * HelliBody.Mass, Vec3.Zero);
                TrunX = 0;
            //end of helli X turn


            //start of adding force

            MathFunctions.Clamp(ref force, 0.1f, 100);

            //anti gravity when helli is not decending
            if (dec == false)
                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, TickDelta,
                                   new Vec3(0, 0, 2) * HelliBody.Mass, Vec3.Zero);

            //if Max Alt is not reached add helli motor force
            if (GetRealAlt() < Type.MaxAlt)
                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, TickDelta,
                                   HelliBody.Rotation * 2 * new Vec3(0, 0, force / 7) * HelliBody.Mass, Vec3.Zero);

            HelliBody.AngularDamping = 1.5f;
            HelliBody.LinearDamping  = 0.4f;

            //another anti gravity force
            if (HelliBody.LinearVelocity.Z < 0)
                HelliBody.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, TickDelta,
                                   HelliBody.Rotation * new Vec3(0, 0, -HelliBody.LinearVelocity.Z) * HelliBody.Mass, Vec3.Zero);