public Document(string title, Ganres ganre, Langs lang, DateTime publish, string pathToFile, Font font = null, PageSettings pg_settings = null) { DocumentName = title; Ganre = ganre; Lang = lang; DateOfPublished = publish; _pages = new List <PageContent>(); if (pg_settings != null) { DefaultPageSettings = pg_settings; } else { DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = PaperStandards.GetSizeByName("A5"); DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false; DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = PrinterUnitConvert.Convert(200, PrinterUnit.TenthsOfAMillimeter, PrinterUnit.Display); int short_margin = PrinterUnitConvert.Convert(100, PrinterUnit.TenthsOfAMillimeter, PrinterUnit.Display); DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = short_margin; } if (font != null) { _font = font; } else { _font = new Font("Arial", 14); } _storageReader = new StorageReader(pathToFile); _storageReader.eventHandler += OnReadLine; _storageReader.read_line(); }
private void dGVGanres_CellMouseDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { Ganres ganre = (Ganres)dGVGanres.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; SearchForm frm = new SearchForm(ganre); frm.ShowDialog(this); frm.Dispose(); }
public SearchForm(Ganres ganre) { InitializeComponent(); this.ganre = ganre; Text = "Search in ganre: " + ganre.G_name; ctx = new DBMusicEntities(); FindSongs(); }
private void bDGanres_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Ganres ganre = (Ganres)dGVGanres.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; var g_count = (from g in ctx.SongGanre where g.SG_ganreId == ganre.G_id select g).Count(); if (g_count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Impossible to delete, ganre has songs", "Warning"); } else { ganresBindingSource.RemoveCurrent(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error of deleting information", "Error"); } }
public Book(string title, Ganres ganre, Langs lang, DateTime publish, string pathToFile, Font font = null, PageSettings pg_settings = null) : base(title, ganre, lang, publish, pathToFile, font, pg_settings) { }