Exemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Listens in on GameState for the number of rounds
        if ((GameState.Singleton.CurrentState == State.Win ||
             GameState.Singleton.CurrentState == State.Lose) &&
            (!drawGUI && surveyRoundState != SurveyRoundState.SurveyResultsSent))
            // That last clause fixes a bug where the score window can pop up again by accident.
            drawGUI = true;
            if (totalScore == 0)
                totalScore = (int)GameState.Singleton.score + GameRoundCounter.GetTotalScore();

        if (surveyObject != null)
            LikertGUI lc2     = surveyObject.GetComponent <LikertGUI>();
            string    results = lc2.GetResults();
            if (results != null && !surveySent)
                // SEND THE SURVEY RESULTS OFF....
                this.gameObject.GetComponent <DBGameStateManager>().SendSurveyResults(results);
                surveyRoundState = SurveyRoundState.SurveyResultsSent;
                surveySent       = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void OnGUI()
     GUI.depth = (int)GUIDepthLevels.DISPLAY_ELEMENT;
     GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(origin.x, origin.y, Screen.width, Screen.height));
     GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //origin.x, origin.y);
     if (GameState.Singleton.labelTags.Count > 0)
         GUILayout.Label("Your Location: " + GameState.Singleton.labelTags[0], textStyle);
     GUILayout.Label("Round: " + (GameRoundCounter.GetCurrentRound() + 1), textStyle);
     GUILayout.Label("Round Score: " + GameState.Singleton.score, textStyle);
     GUILayout.Label("Total Score: " + GameRoundCounter.GetTotalScore(), textStyle);