Exemplo n.º 1
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			int staticCompare = 0;
			if (b.isStatic == true && a.isStatic == false){
				staticCompare = -1;
			if (b.isStatic == false && a.isStatic == true){
				staticCompare = 1;
			return staticCompare;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			int renderTypeCompare = 0;
			if (b.isMeshRenderer == true && a.isMeshRenderer == false){
				renderTypeCompare = -1;
			if (b.isMeshRenderer == false && a.isMeshRenderer == true){
				renderTypeCompare = 1;
			return renderTypeCompare;
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			int alreadyAddedCompare = 0;
			if (b.alreadyInBakerList == true && a.alreadyInBakerList == false){
				alreadyAddedCompare = -1;
			if (b.alreadyInBakerList == false && a.alreadyInBakerList == true){
				alreadyAddedCompare = 1;
			return alreadyAddedCompare;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
            int alreadyAddedCompare = 0;

            if (b.alreadyInBakerList == true && a.alreadyInBakerList == false)
                alreadyAddedCompare = -1;
            if (b.alreadyInBakerList == false && a.alreadyInBakerList == true)
                alreadyAddedCompare = 1;
        public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
            int compareVal = 0;

            if (b.go.activeInHierarchy == true && a.go.activeInHierarchy == false)
                compareVal = -1;
            if (b.go.activeInHierarchy == false && a.go.activeInHierarchy == true)
                compareVal = 1;
        public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
            int staticCompare = 0;

            if (b.isStatic == true && a.isStatic == false)
                staticCompare = -1;
            if (b.isStatic == false && a.isStatic == true)
                staticCompare = 1;
        public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
            int renderTypeCompare = 0;

            if (b.isMeshRenderer == true && a.isMeshRenderer == false)
                renderTypeCompare = -1;
            if (b.isMeshRenderer == false && a.isMeshRenderer == true)
                renderTypeCompare = 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
    bool MaterialsAreTheSame(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
        HashSet <Material> aMats = new HashSet <Material>();

        for (int i = 0; i < a.materials.Length; i++)
        HashSet <Material> bMats = new HashSet <Material>();

        for (int i = 0; i < b.materials.Length; i++)
Exemplo n.º 9
    bool ShadersAreTheSame(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
        HashSet <Shader> aMats = new HashSet <Shader>();

        for (int i = 0; i < a.shaders.Length; i++)
        HashSet <Shader> bMats = new HashSet <Shader>();

        for (int i = 0; i < b.shaders.Length; i++)
Exemplo n.º 10
    void sortIntoBakeGroups3(List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gameObjects,
                             Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > gs2bakeGroupMap,
                             List <GameObjectFilterInfo> objsNotAddedToBaker)
        List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gos = gameObjects;

        if (gos.Count < 1)

        List <IGroupByFilter> gbfs = new List <IGroupByFilter>();

        for (int i = 0; i < groupByFilterIdxs.Length; i++)
            if (groupByFilterIdxs[i] != 0)
        GameObjectFilterInfo.filters = gbfs.ToArray();

        List <GameObjectFilterInfo> l   = null;
        GameObjectFilterInfo        key = gos[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < gos.Count; i++)
            GameObjectFilterInfo goaw = gos[i];
            //compare with key and decide if we need a new list
            for (int j = 0; j < GameObjectFilterInfo.filters.Length; j++)
                if (GameObjectFilterInfo.filters[j] != null && GameObjectFilterInfo.filters[j].Compare(key, goaw) != 0)
                    l = null;
            if (l == null)
                l = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();
                gs2bakeGroupMap.Add(gos[i], l);
                key = gos[i];
Exemplo n.º 11
 public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			return Convert.ToInt32(b.outOfBoundsUVs) - Convert.ToInt32(a.outOfBoundsUVs);
 public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
     return(b.lightmapIndex - a.lightmapIndex);
Exemplo n.º 14
    void listMaterialsInScene()
        if (!ValidateGroupByFields())
        if (groupByOptionFilters == null)
        //Get All Objects Already In a list of objects to be combined
        MB3_MeshBakerRoot[]  allBakers = FindObjectsOfType <MB3_MeshBakerRoot>();
        HashSet <GameObject> objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers = new HashSet <GameObject>();

        for (int i = 0; i < allBakers.Length; i++)
            List <GameObject> objsToCombine = allBakers[i].GetObjectsToCombine();
            for (int j = 0; j < objsToCombine.Count; j++)
                if (objsToCombine[j] != null)

        List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gameObjects = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();

        Renderer[] rs = (Renderer[])FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Renderer));
//		Profile.StartProfile("listMaterialsInScene1");
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", "Collecting Renderers", .25f);
        for (int i = 0; i < rs.Length; i++)
            Renderer r = rs[i];
            if (r is MeshRenderer || r is SkinnedMeshRenderer)
                if (r.GetComponent <TextMesh>() != null)
                    continue;                     //don't add TextMeshes
                GameObjectFilterInfo goaw = new GameObjectFilterInfo(r.gameObject, objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers);
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", "Collecting Renderer For " + r.name, .1f);

        Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult> meshAnalysisResultCache = new Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult>();
        int totalVerts = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++)
            string rpt = String.Format("Processing {0} [{1} of {2}]", gameObjects[i].go.name, i, gameObjects.Count);
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " A", .6f);
            Mesh mm     = MB_Utility.GetMesh(gameObjects[i].go);
            int  nVerts = 0;
            if (mm != null)
                nVerts += mm.vertexCount;
                MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult mar;
                if (!meshAnalysisResultCache.TryGetValue(mm.GetInstanceID(), out mar))
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " Check Out Of Bounds UVs", .6f);
                    MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(mm, ref mar);
                    //Rect dummy = mar.uvRect;
                    MB_Utility.doSubmeshesShareVertsOrTris(mm, ref mar);
                    meshAnalysisResultCache.Add(mm.GetInstanceID(), mar);
                if (mar.hasOutOfBoundsUVs)
                    int w = (int)mar.uvRect.width;
                    int h = (int)mar.uvRect.height;
                    gameObjects[i].outOfBoundsUVs = true;
                    gameObjects[i].warning       += " [WARNING: has uvs outside the range (0,1) tex is tiled " + w + "x" + h + " times]";
                if (mar.hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts)
                    gameObjects[i].submeshesOverlap = true;
                    gameObjects[i].warning         += " [WARNING: Submeshes share verts or triangles. 'Multiple Combined Materials' feature may not work.]";
            totalVerts += nVerts;
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " Validate OBuvs Multi Material", .6f);
            Renderer mr = gameObjects[i].go.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            if (!MB_Utility.AreAllSharedMaterialsDistinct(mr.sharedMaterials))
                gameObjects[i].warning += " [WARNING: Object uses same material on multiple submeshes. This may produce poor results when used with multiple materials or fix out of bounds uvs.]";

        Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > gs2bakeGroupMap = new Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <GameObjectFilterInfo> >();
        List <GameObjectFilterInfo> objsNotAddedToBaker = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();

        sortIntoBakeGroups3(gameObjects, gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker);

        sceneAnalysisResults         = new List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> >();
        sceneAnalysisResultsFoldouts = new bool[gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys.Count];
        int ii = 0;

        foreach (GameObjectFilterInfo gow in gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys)
            sceneAnalysisResultsFoldouts[ii++] = true;
            List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gows = gs2bakeGroupMap[gow];

//		if (generateMeshBakers){
//			createBakers(gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker);
//		} else {

        string fileName = Application.dataPath + "/MeshBakerSceneAnalysisReport.txt";

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, generateSceneAnalysisReport(gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker));
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Wrote scene analysis file to '{0}'. This file contains a list of all renderers and the materials/shaders that they use. It is designed to be opened with a spreadsheet.", fileName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.GetHashCode();             //supress compiler warning
            Debug.Log("Failed to write file: " + fileName);

//		}
Exemplo n.º 15
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "shader=" + fi.shaderName;
 public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "OutOfBoundsUVs=" + fi.outOfBoundsUVs;
Exemplo n.º 18
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			return a.shaderName.CompareTo(b.shaderName);
	bool ShadersAreTheSame(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
		HashSet<Shader> aMats = new HashSet<Shader>();
		for(int i = 0; i < a.shaders.Length; i++) aMats.Add(a.shaders[i]);
		HashSet<Shader> bMats = new HashSet<Shader>();
		for(int i = 0; i < b.shaders.Length; i++) bMats.Add(b.shaders[i]);
		return aMats.SetEquals(bMats);
Exemplo n.º 20
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return fi.isMeshRenderer ? "MeshRenderer" : "SkinnedMeshRenderer";
	bool MaterialsAreTheSame(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
		HashSet<Material> aMats = new HashSet<Material>();
		for(int i = 0; i < a.materials.Length; i++) aMats.Add(a.materials[i]);
		HashSet<Material> bMats = new HashSet<Material>();
		for(int i = 0; i < b.materials.Length; i++) bMats.Add(b.materials[i]);
		return aMats.SetEquals(bMats);
	void listMaterialsInScene(){
		if (!ValidateGroupByFields()) return;

		//Get All Objects Already In a list of objects to be combined
		MB3_MeshBakerRoot[] allBakers = FindObjectsOfType<MB3_MeshBakerRoot>();
		HashSet<GameObject> objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers = new HashSet<GameObject>();
		for (int i = 0; i < allBakers.Length; i++){
			List<GameObject> objsToCombine = allBakers[i].GetObjectsToCombine();
			for (int j = 0; j < objsToCombine.Count; j++){
				if (objsToCombine[j] != null) objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers.Add(objsToCombine[j]);

		List<GameObjectFilterInfo> gameObjects = new List<GameObjectFilterInfo>();
		Renderer[] rs = (Renderer[]) FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Renderer));
//		Profile.StartProfile("listMaterialsInScene1");
		EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene","Collecting Renderers",.25f);
		for (int i = 0; i < rs.Length; i++){
			Renderer r = rs[i];
			if (r is MeshRenderer || r is SkinnedMeshRenderer){
				if (r.GetComponent<TextMesh>() != null){
					continue; //don't add TextMeshes
				GameObjectFilterInfo goaw = new GameObjectFilterInfo(r.gameObject,objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers);
				gameObjects.Add (goaw);
				EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene","Collecting Renderer For " + r.name,.1f);

		Dictionary<int,MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult> meshAnalysisResultCache = new Dictionary<int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult>();
		int totalVerts = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++){
			string rpt = String.Format ("Processing {0} [{1} of {2}]",gameObjects[i].go.name,i,gameObjects.Count);
			EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene",rpt + " A",.6f);
			Mesh mm = MB_Utility.GetMesh(gameObjects[i].go);
			int nVerts = 0;
			if (mm != null){
				nVerts += mm.vertexCount;
				MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult mar;
				if (!meshAnalysisResultCache.TryGetValue(mm.GetInstanceID(),out mar)){
					Rect dummy = new Rect();
					EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene",rpt + " Check Out Of Bounds UVs",.6f);
					MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(mm,ref dummy,ref mar);
					MB_Utility.doSubmeshesShareVertsOrTris(mm,ref mar);
					meshAnalysisResultCache.Add (mm.GetInstanceID(),mar);
				if (mar.hasOutOfBoundsUVs){
					int w = (int) mar.uvRect.width;
					int h = (int) mar.uvRect.height;
					gameObjects[i].outOfBoundsUVs = true;
					gameObjects[i].warning += " [WARNING: has uvs outside the range (0,1) tex is tiled " + w + "x" + h + " times]";
				if (mar.hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts){
					gameObjects[i].submeshesOverlap = true;
					gameObjects[i].warning += " [WARNING: Submeshes share verts or triangles. 'Multiple Combined Materials' feature may not work.]";
			totalVerts += nVerts;
			EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene",rpt + " Validate OBuvs Multi Material",.6f);
			Renderer mr = gameObjects[i].go.GetComponent<Renderer>();
			if (!MB_Utility.AreAllSharedMaterialsDistinct(mr.sharedMaterials)){
				gameObjects[i].warning += " [WARNING: Object uses same material on multiple submeshes. This may produce poor results when used with multiple materials or fix out of bounds uvs.]";

		Dictionary<GameObjectFilterInfo,List<GameObjectFilterInfo>> gs2bakeGroupMap = new Dictionary<GameObjectFilterInfo,List<GameObjectFilterInfo>>();
		List<GameObjectFilterInfo> objsNotAddedToBaker = new List<GameObjectFilterInfo>();		
		sortIntoBakeGroups3(gameObjects, gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker);

		sceneAnalysisResults = new List<List<GameObjectFilterInfo>>(); 
		sceneAnalysisResultsFoldouts = new bool[gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys.Count];
		int ii = 0;
		foreach (GameObjectFilterInfo gow in gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys){
			sceneAnalysisResultsFoldouts[ii++] = true;
			List<GameObjectFilterInfo> gows = gs2bakeGroupMap[gow];
			sceneAnalysisResults.Add (gows);

//		if (generateMeshBakers){
//			createBakers(gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker);						
//		} else {
			Debug.Log( generateSceneAnalysisReport(gs2bakeGroupMap, objsNotAddedToBaker) );			
//		}		
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[RenderType] : " + (fi.isMeshRenderer ? "MeshRenderer" : "SkinnedMeshRenderer"));
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[Shader] : " + fi.shaderName);
Exemplo n.º 25
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "alreadyAdded=" + fi.alreadyInBakerList;
Exemplo n.º 26
        /* tried to see if the MultiMaterialConfig could be done using the GroupBy filters. Saddly it didn't work */
        public static void ConfigureMutiMaterialsFromObjsToCombine2(MB3_TextureBaker mom, SerializedProperty resultMaterials, SerializedObject textureBaker)
            if (mom.GetObjectsToCombine().Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("You need to add some objects to combine before building the multi material list.");
            if (resultMaterials.arraySize > 0)
                Debug.LogError("You already have some source to combined material mappings configured. You must remove these before doing this operation.");
            if (mom.textureBakeResults == null)
                Debug.LogError("Texture Bake Result asset must be set before using this operation.");

            //validate that the objects to be combined are valid
            for (int i = 0; i < mom.GetObjectsToCombine().Count; i++)
                GameObject go = mom.GetObjectsToCombine()[i];
                if (go == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Null object in list of objects to combine at position " + i);
                Renderer r = go.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                if (r == null || (!(r is MeshRenderer) && !(r is SkinnedMeshRenderer)))
                    Debug.LogError("GameObject at position " + i + " in list of objects to combine did not have a renderer");
                if (r.sharedMaterial == null)
                    Debug.LogError("GameObject at position " + i + " in list of objects to combine has a null material");

            IGroupByFilter[] filters = new IGroupByFilter[3];
            filters[0] = new GroupByOutOfBoundsUVs();
            filters[1] = new GroupByShader();
            filters[2] = new MB3_GroupByStandardShaderType();

            List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gameObjects = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();
            HashSet <GameObject>        objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers = new HashSet <GameObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mom.GetObjectsToCombine().Count; i++)
                GameObjectFilterInfo goaw = new GameObjectFilterInfo(mom.GetObjectsToCombine()[i], objectsAlreadyIncludedInBakers, filters);
                if (goaw.materials.Length > 0) //don't consider renderers with no materials

            //analyse meshes
            Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult> meshAnalysisResultCache = new Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult>();
            int totalVerts = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++)
                //string rpt = String.Format("Processing {0} [{1} of {2}]", gameObjects[i].go.name, i, gameObjects.Count);
                //EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " A", .6f);
                Mesh mm     = MB_Utility.GetMesh(gameObjects[i].go);
                int  nVerts = 0;
                if (mm != null)
                    nVerts += mm.vertexCount;
                    MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult mar;
                    if (!meshAnalysisResultCache.TryGetValue(mm.GetInstanceID(), out mar))
                        //EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " Check Out Of Bounds UVs", .6f);
                        MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(mm, ref mar);
                        //Rect dummy = mar.uvRect;
                        MB_Utility.doSubmeshesShareVertsOrTris(mm, ref mar);
                        meshAnalysisResultCache.Add(mm.GetInstanceID(), mar);
                    if (mar.hasOutOfBoundsUVs)
                        int w = (int)mar.uvRect.width;
                        int h = (int)mar.uvRect.height;
                        gameObjects[i].outOfBoundsUVs = true;
                        gameObjects[i].warning       += " [WARNING: has uvs outside the range (0,1) tex is tiled " + w + "x" + h + " times]";
                    if (mar.hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts)
                        gameObjects[i].submeshesOverlap = true;
                        gameObjects[i].warning         += " [WARNING: Submeshes share verts or triangles. 'Multiple Combined Materials' feature may not work.]";
                totalVerts += nVerts;
                //EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analysing Scene", rpt + " Validate OBuvs Multi Material", .6f);
                Renderer mr = gameObjects[i].go.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                if (!MB_Utility.AreAllSharedMaterialsDistinct(mr.sharedMaterials))
                    gameObjects[i].warning += " [WARNING: Object uses same material on multiple submeshes. This may produce poor results when used with multiple materials or fix out of bounds uvs.]";

            List <GameObjectFilterInfo> objsNotAddedToBaker = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();

            Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > > gs2bakeGroupMap = MB3_MeshBakerEditorWindow.sortIntoBakeGroups3(gameObjects, objsNotAddedToBaker, filters, false, mom.maxAtlasSize);

            mom.resultMaterials = new MB_MultiMaterial[gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys.Count];
            string pth        = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mom.textureBakeResults);
            string baseName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pth);
            string folderPath = pth.Substring(0, pth.Length - baseName.Length - 6);
            int    k          = 0;

            foreach (GameObjectFilterInfo m in gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys)
                MB_MultiMaterial mm = mom.resultMaterials[k] = new MB_MultiMaterial();
                mm.sourceMaterials = new List <Material>();
                string   matName = folderPath + baseName + "-mat" + k + ".mat";
                Material newMat  = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
                MB3_TextureBaker.ConfigureNewMaterialToMatchOld(newMat, m.materials[0]);
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newMat, matName);
                mm.combinedMaterial = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(matName, typeof(Material));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[alreadyAdded] : " + fi.alreadyInBakerList);
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return(fi.go.activeInHierarchy ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
Exemplo n.º 29
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "material=" + fi.materialName;
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[isStatic] : " + fi.isStatic);
Exemplo n.º 31
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			return a.materialName.CompareTo(b.materialName);
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[material] : " + fi.materialName);
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "lightmapIndex=" + fi.lightmapIndex;
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("[lightmapIndex] : " + fi.lightmapIndex);
		public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b){
			return b.lightmapIndex - a.lightmapIndex;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi)
     return("renderingMode=" + fi.standardShaderBlendModesName);
 public int Compare(GameObjectFilterInfo a, GameObjectFilterInfo b)
Exemplo n.º 38
		public string GetDescription(GameObjectFilterInfo fi){
			return "isStatic=" + fi.isStatic;
        public static Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > > sortIntoBakeGroups3(List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gameObjects, List <GameObjectFilterInfo> objsNotAddedToBaker, IGroupByFilter[] filters, bool splitAtlasesSoMeshesFit, int atlasSize)
            Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > > gs2bakeGroupMap = new Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > >();

            List <GameObjectFilterInfo> gos = gameObjects;

            if (gos.Count < 1)

            List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > l = null;
            GameObjectFilterInfo key = gos[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < gos.Count; i++)
                GameObjectFilterInfo goaw = gos[i];
                //compare with key and decide if we need a new list
                for (int j = 0; j < filters.Length; j++)
                    if (filters[j] != null && filters[j].Compare(key, goaw) != 0)
                        l = null;
                if (l == null)
                    l = new List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> >();
                    l.Add(new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>());
                    gs2bakeGroupMap.Add(gos[i], l);
                    key = gos[i];

            //now that objects have been grouped by the sort criteria we can see how many atlases are needed
            Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > > gs2bakeGroupMap2 = new Dictionary <GameObjectFilterInfo, List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > >();

            if (splitAtlasesSoMeshesFit)
                foreach (GameObjectFilterInfo k in gs2bakeGroupMap.Keys)
                    List <GameObjectFilterInfo> vs          = gs2bakeGroupMap[k][0];
                    List <GameObject>           objsInGroup = new List <GameObject>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++)
                    MB3_TextureCombiner tc = new MB3_TextureCombiner();
                    tc.maxAtlasSize     = atlasSize;
                    tc.packingAlgorithm = MB2_PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker;
                    tc.LOG_LEVEL        = MB2_LogLevel.warn;
                    List <AtlasPackingResult> packingResults = new List <AtlasPackingResult>();
                    Material           tempResMat            = k.materials[0];//we don't write to the materials so can use this as the result material
                    MB_AtlasesAndRects tempAtlasesAndRects   = new MB_AtlasesAndRects();
                    if (tc.CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(null, tempAtlasesAndRects, tempResMat, objsInGroup, null, null, packingResults,
                                                      onlyPackRects:true, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig:false))
                        List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> > atlasGroups = new List <List <GameObjectFilterInfo> >();
                        for (int i = 0; i < packingResults.Count; i++)
                            List <GameObjectFilterInfo> ngos     = new List <GameObjectFilterInfo>();
                            List <MB_MaterialAndUVRect> matsData = (List <MB_MaterialAndUVRect>)packingResults[i].data;
                            for (int j = 0; j < matsData.Count; j++)
                                for (int kk = 0; kk < matsData[j].objectsThatUse.Count; kk++)
                                    GameObjectFilterInfo gofi = vs.Find(x => x.go == matsData[j].objectsThatUse[kk]);
                                    //Debug.Assert(gofi != null);
                            ngos[0].atlasIndex = (short)i;
                        gs2bakeGroupMap2.Add(k, atlasGroups);
                        gs2bakeGroupMap2.Add(k, gs2bakeGroupMap[k]);
                gs2bakeGroupMap2 = gs2bakeGroupMap;