public virtual void LoadContent(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice,
                                        ContentManager contentManager, ScreenDescription screenDescription)
            ExecutionState = InnerExecutionState.INIT;
            var width  = (int)screenDescription.ScreenSizeInformation.WidhtInnerScreen;
            var height = (int)screenDescription.ScreenSizeInformation.HeightInnerScreen;

            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice);

            List <GameObject> gameObjects = new List <GameObject>();

            foreach (GameObjectDescription description in screenDescription.Items)
                var texture = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(description.AssetName);
                var obj     = GameObjectBuilder.Create()
                              .SetPosition(description.CurrentPosition.X, description.CurrentPosition.Y)
                              .SetSize((int)description.Width, (int)description.Height)

            var background = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(screenDescription.AssetNameBackground);

            _gameMediator = new GameMediator(screenDescription.ScreenSizeInformation);


            // TODO remove after test
            _gameMediator.Set(contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("Labels/LabelLarge"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        GameObject CreateMonster(MonsterPrototype prototype, int spriteX, int spriteY, int posX, int posY)
            Monster monsterComponent = new Monster(GlobalScripts, Map[posX, posY], prototype);
            Player  player           = GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>();

            GameObject monster = new GameObjectBuilder()
                                 .AddComponent(new Transform(new Vector2(Map.Size * posX, Map.Size * posY)))
                                 .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(Monsters))
                                 .AddComponent(CreateAnimator(Monsters, spriteX, spriteY))
                                 .AddComponent(new Dimentions(0, 0, Map.Size, Map.Size))
                                 .AddComponent(new Hoverable(() => player.RequestInfoboxOverride(
                                                                 "<" + monsterComponent.Species + ">" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                 "HP: " + monsterComponent.HitPoints.Remaining + " / " + monsterComponent.HitPoints.Max + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                 "Speed: " + monsterComponent.Speed.Max + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                 "Strength: " + monsterComponent.Strength + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                 "Possible Types: " + string.Join(", ", monsterComponent.Species.EnemyAwareness),
                                                                 monsterComponent), () => player.InvalidateInfoboxOverride(monsterComponent)))

            Map[posX, posY].OccupiedBy = monster;

            if (Map[posX, posY].Room.View != Room.Visibility.Visible)
                monster.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().Active = false;

            GlobalScripts.GetComponent <TurnManager>().Monsters.Add(monsterComponent);
        public IEnumerator DestroyAll()
            var source = new GameObject().AddComponent <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>();


            var       builder = new GameObjectBuilder <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(source);
            var       pool    = new GameObjectPoolCollection <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(builder);
            Transform parent  = new GameObject().transform;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            Assert.AreEqual(10, pool.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, parent.childCount);


            yield return(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, pool.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, parent.childCount);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void OneTimeSetUp()
            fakeLocalPlayer = GameObjectBuilder.New()
            fakeLocalRigidbody = fakeLocalPlayer.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            fakeGround = GameObjectBuilder.New()
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void createCard(Transform parent, string name, string descripton, string cardGroupName, Sprite front, Sprite back)
     GameObjectBuilder builder = new GameObjectBuilder(name, parent);
     Transform cardRoot = builder.GameObject.transform;
     Card card = builder.GameObject.AddComponent<Card>();
     card.description = descripton;
     card.cardName = name;
     card.cardGroupName = cardGroupName;
     card.front = createCardTextureGame("Front", cardRoot, front);
     card.back = createCardTextureGame("Back", cardRoot, back);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static GameObject CreateInstance(GameObject gObject, Transform parent, string name = null, bool isPrefab = false)
            GameObject intermediateParent = new GameObject();

            intermediateParent.transform.parent = parent;
            Transform srcParent = gObject.transform.parent;

            if (null != srcParent)
                intermediateParent.transform.localPosition = srcParent.localPosition;
                intermediateParent.transform.localRotation = srcParent.localRotation;
                intermediateParent.transform.localScale    = srcParent.localScale;

            string appliedName;

            if (null == name)
                string baseName = Utils.GetBaseName(;
                appliedName = Utils.CreateUniqueName(baseName);
                appliedName = name;
   = appliedName + Utils.blenderHiddenParent;

            GameObject        res;
            GameObjectBuilder builder = gObject.GetComponent <GameObjectBuilder>();

            if (builder)
                res = builder.CreateInstance(gObject, intermediateParent.transform, isPrefab);
                // duplicate object or subobject
                res = GameObject.Instantiate(gObject, intermediateParent.transform);
   = appliedName;

            // Name material too
            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = res.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true);

            if (null != meshRenderer)
       = Utils.GetMaterialName(res);
                // TODO: ALSO rename materials after the first one.

Exemplo n.º 7
        // Conversion functions
        public static Replay FromSnapshotList(List <Snapshot> snaps)
            // Retrieve all objects
            HashSet <GameObject> objects = new HashSet <GameObject>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Default);

            foreach (Snapshot s in snaps)
                foreach (GameObject o in s.objects)
            GameObject[] objs = objects.ToArray();
            Dictionary <GameObject, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <GameObject, int>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Default);

            for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                dictionary.Add(objs[i], i);

            // Convert them
            GameObjectBuilder[] builders = new GameObjectBuilder[objs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                builders[i] = new GameObjectBuilder();
                //builders[i].type = objs[i].GetType();
                builders[i].type_str = objs[i].GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;

            // Compute ssnapshots
            List <SSnapshot> sss = new List <SSnapshot>();

            foreach (Snapshot s in snaps)
                SSnapshot ss = new SSnapshot();
                ss.lvl            = s.lvl;
                ss.objects_states = s.objects_states;
                ss.objects_ids    = new List <int>();
                foreach (GameObject o in s.objects)

            Replay rep = new Replay();

            rep.objects   = builders;
            rep.snapshots = sss;

 public PlayerShooter(int _ShootingSpeed, Transform _Gunpoint, Transform _Heropoint)
     ProjectileSprite  = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Projactile");
     ShootingSpeed     = _ShootingSpeed;
     ProjactileBuilder = new GameObjectBuilder();
     Gunpoint          = _Gunpoint;
     Heropoint         = _Heropoint;
     mass           = 2F;
     RightBullets   = new List <GameObject>();
     LeftBullets    = new List <GameObject>();
     IdleProjactile = ProjactileBuilder.Visual.Sprite(ProjectileSprite).Physics.BoxCollider2D().TransformPositionChange(Gunpoint.position).ScaleChanger(5, 5).ProjactileBehovour();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void SetUp()
            fakePlayerInstance = GameObjectBuilder.New()
                                 .WithPositionAndRotation(, Quaternion.identity)

            controller = new RemoteMovementController(unityGameObjectProxyMock.Object);

            unityGameObjectProxyMock.Setup(x => x.Find(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(fakePlayerInstance);
Exemplo n.º 10
            public ImportFileLoadedItem(MainWindowViewModel main, ImportFileInfo info) : base(main, null)
          = info;
                reset        = new ManualResetEventSlim(true);
                tempFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(info.File.FullName, ".temp");
                var bl = new GameObjectBuilder(main.context.GetEntityManager());

                compositeGameObject = bl.Build(info.File, info.Parser);

                base.GameObj = compositeGameObject;
                watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(info.File.DirectoryName, "*" + Path.GetExtension(info.File.Name));
                watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                watcher.Changed            += OnFileChanged;
        public void OnPlayerGone_RemoveRemotePlayerFromLocalGame()
            // Given
            var socketEvent    = BuildSocketIOEventWithPlayer("test", "TEST_ID", 4.4F, 5.5F);
            var fakeGameObject = GameObjectBuilder.New().Build();

            unityGameObjectProxyMock.Setup(x => x.Find(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(fakeGameObject);

            // When

            // Then: remote player object removed from game
            unityGameObjectProxyMock.Verify(x => x.Find("Player:TEST_ID"), Times.Once);
            unityObjectProxyMock.Verify(x => x.DestroyImmediate(fakeGameObject), Times.Once);
            // Then: player removed from the state
            gameStateMock.Verify(x => x.RemoveRemotePlayer("TEST_ID"), Times.Once);
        public void EnableWithPositionAndRotation()
            var source = new GameObject().AddComponent <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>();


            var builder = new GameObjectBuilder <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(source);
            var pool    = new GameObjectPoolCollection <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(builder);

            GameObjectPoolBehaviour behaviour = pool.Enable(, Quaternion.Euler(;


            Assert.AreEqual(, behaviour.transform.position);
            Assert.True(QuaternionEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(Quaternion.Euler(, behaviour.transform.rotation));
        public void EnableWithParent()
            var source = new GameObject().AddComponent <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>();


            var       builder = new GameObjectBuilder <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(source);
            var       pool    = new GameObjectPoolCollection <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(builder);
            Transform parent  = new GameObject().transform;

            GameObjectPoolBehaviour behaviour = pool.Enable(parent);


            Assert.AreEqual(parent, behaviour.transform.parent);
        public void SetUp()

            fakePlayerPrefab = GameObjectBuilder.New().Build();

            controller = new PlayersManagementController(
                unityGameObjectProxyMock.Object, unityObjectProxyMock.Object, unityDebugProxyMock.Object, instantiatorMock.Object);

            socketMock = new Mock <ISocketIOComponent>();

            socketMock.Setup(x => x.IsConnected).Returns(true);
            instantiatorMock.Setup(x => x.InstantiatePrefab(It.IsAny <GameObject>(), It.IsAny <Vector3>(), It.IsAny <Quaternion>(), null)).Returns(fakeLocalPlayer);
Exemplo n.º 15
        void CreateMap()
            MapBlueprint map = MapBlueprint.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\map.bin");

            GameObject[,] tiles = new GameObject[map.Encoding.GetLength(0), map.Encoding.GetLength(1)];
            Dictionary <byte, Room> rooms = new Dictionary <byte, Room>();

            for (int x = 0; x < map.Encoding.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < map.Encoding.GetLength(1); y++)
                    byte roomID = map.Encoding[x, y][0];
                    byte doorID = map.Encoding[x, y][1];

                    if (!rooms.ContainsKey(roomID))
                        rooms.Add(roomID, new Room(roomID));

                    Room    room = rooms[roomID];
                    MapNode node = new MapNode(x, y, doorID, room);

                    tiles[x, y] = new GameObjectBuilder()
                                  .AddComponent(new Transform(new Vector2(x * Map.Size, y * Map.Size)))
                                  .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(Wall, .9f))
                                  .AddComponent(new Dimentions(0, 0, Map.Size, Map.Size))
                                  .AddComponent(new Clickable(() => GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>().SelectNode(node)))
                                  //.AddComponent(new Hoverable(() => GlobalScripts.GetComponent<Player>().RequestInfoboxOverride("Room ID: " + node.Room.ID, node)))

            Map = new Map(tiles, rooms.Values);
            Map.SetTileGraphics(Floor, FloorDark, Wall);
            GlobalScripts.GetComponent <MapPanner>().Map = Map;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static IGameWorld CreateWorld(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter)
            var gameObjectLocator = new GameObjectLocator();

            var lineIntersectionResolver = new LianBarskyIntersectionResolver();
            var geometryMathService      = new GeometryMathService(lineIntersectionResolver);

            var serializedGameObjectDataProvider = new SerializedGameObjectDataProvider();
            var enemyData  = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetEnemyData();
            var playerData = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetPlayerData();
            var stoneData  = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetStoneData();
            var shellData  = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetShellData();

            var shellInputComponent   = new ShellInputComponent();
            var shellPhysicComponent  = new PhysicComponent(shellData.Speed);
            var shellLogicComponent   = new ShellLogicComponent();
            var shellGraphicComponent = new CharGraphicComponent(shellData.DisplayChar, consoleWriter);
            var shell = new GameObject(shellInputComponent, shellPhysicComponent,
                                       shellLogicComponent, shellGraphicComponent);

            shell.Width  = shellData.Width;
            shell.Height = shellData.Height;
            var fireCommand = new FireCommand(shell);

            var serializedGameObjectBuilders = new List <ISerializedGameObjectBuilder>()
                new StoneBuilder(consoleWriter, stoneData),
                new PlayerBuilder(consoleWriter, geometryMathService, fireCommand, playerData),
                new EnemyBuilder(consoleWriter, gameObjectLocator, geometryMathService, fireCommand, enemyData),
                new WinPlatformBuilder(consoleWriter, gameObjectLocator, geometryMathService)

            var gameObjectBuilder = new GameObjectBuilder(serializedGameObjectBuilders, gameObjectLocator);

            var worldProvider = new WorldProvider(gameObjectBuilder, geometryMathService, consoleWriter);
            var world         = worldProvider.GetWorld(1);

Exemplo n.º 17
        void CreateUI()
            Camera       camera = Camera.GetComponent <Camera>();
            FontRenderer font   = new FontRenderer(Font, "Hello World!", 0);

            GameObject nextturn = new GameObjectBuilder()
                                  .AddComponent(new Transform(Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(.2f)))
                                  .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(NextTurn, 0))
                                  .AddComponent(new Dimentions(0, 0, 50, 50))
                                  .AddComponent(new Clickable(GlobalScripts.GetComponent <TurnManager>().NextTurn))
                                  .AddComponent(new CameraFollow(camera, Vector2.Zero))

            GameObject infobox = new GameObjectBuilder()
                                 .AddComponent(new Transform(Vector2.Zero))
                                 .AddComponent(new CameraFollow(camera, new Vector2(0, SceneManager.Instance.ViewportRectangle.Height - 5 * Font.LineSpacing)))

            font.Active = false;
            GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>().Infobox = font;
Exemplo n.º 18
        GameObject CreateItem(Action <Character> effect, string description, int spriteX, int spriteY, int posX, int posY)
            Player player        = GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>();
            Item   itemComponent = new Item(effect);

            GameObject item = new GameObjectBuilder()
                              .AddComponent(new Transform(new Vector2(Map.Size * posX, Map.Size * posY)))
                              .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(Items, new Rectangle(Map.Size * spriteX, Map.Size * spriteY, Map.Size, Map.Size)))
                              .AddComponent(new Dimentions(0, 0, Map.Size, Map.Size))
                              .AddComponent(new Hoverable(() => player.RequestInfoboxOverride(description, itemComponent),
                                                          () => player.InvalidateInfoboxOverride(itemComponent)))

            Map[posX, posY].OccupiedBy = item;

            if (Map[posX, posY].Room.View != Room.Visibility.Visible)
                item.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().Active = false;

        public void Disable()
            var source = new GameObject().AddComponent <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>();


            var builder = new GameObjectBuilder <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(source);
            var pool    = new GameObjectPoolCollection <GameObjectPoolBehaviour>(builder);

            GameObjectPoolBehaviour behaviour = pool.Enable();



            bool result0 = pool.Disable(behaviour);


Exemplo n.º 20
        void CreateMechanics()
            Camera = new GameObjectBuilder()
                     .AddComponent(new Transform(Vector2.Zero))
                     .AddComponent(new Camera())

            GameObject sword = new GameObjectBuilder()
                               .AddComponent(new Transform(new Vector2(1 * Map.Size, 1 * Map.Size)))
                               .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(Sword, new Rectangle(0, 0, Map.Size, Map.Size), .1f))

            sword.Active = false;

            GlobalScripts = new GameObjectBuilder()
                            .AddComponent(new Player())
                            .AddComponent(new MapPanner(Camera.GetComponent <Camera>()))
                            .AddComponent(new TurnManager())
                            .AddComponent(new CombatManager(sword))

            GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>().Mode = Player.PlayerMode.Thinking;
Exemplo n.º 21
        GameObject CreateHero(string name, int spriteX, int spriteY, int posX, int posY, Color col, int speed, int hp, int atk, CombatType type)
            Hero   heroComponent = new Hero(name, GlobalScripts, Map[posX, posY], col, speed, hp, atk, type);
            Player player        = GlobalScripts.GetComponent <Player>();

            GameObject hero = new GameObjectBuilder()
                              .AddComponent(new Transform(new Vector2(Map.Size * posX, Map.Size * posY)))
                              .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(Chara))
                              .AddComponent(CreateAnimator(Chara, spriteX, spriteY))
                              .AddComponent(new Dimentions(0, 0, Map.Size, Map.Size))
                              .AddComponent(new Hoverable(() => player.RequestInfoboxOverride(
                                                              "<" + heroComponent.Name + ">" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                              "HP: " + heroComponent.HitPoints.Remaining + " / " + heroComponent.HitPoints.Max + Environment.NewLine +
                                                              "Speed: " + heroComponent.Speed.Max + Environment.NewLine +
                                                              "Strength: " + heroComponent.Strength + Environment.NewLine +
                                                              "Type: " + heroComponent.Type,
                                                              heroComponent), () => player.InvalidateInfoboxOverride(heroComponent)))

            Map[posX, posY].OccupiedBy = hero;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public Player(GameObjectBuilder builder) : base(builder)
 public Platform(GameObjectBuilder builder) : base(builder)
Exemplo n.º 24
 private GameObject createCardTextureGame(string name, Transform parent, Sprite sprite)
     GameObjectBuilder builder = new GameObjectBuilder(name, parent);
     builder.addSprite(sprite, 1);
     return builder.GameObject;
 public void OneTimeSetUp()
     fakeLocalPlayer  = GameObjectBuilder.New().Build();
     fakeRemotePlayer = GameObjectBuilder.New().Build();
Exemplo n.º 26
 public Zombie(GameObjectBuilder builder) : base(builder)
Exemplo n.º 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
                double[][] arr;

                arr    = new double[3][];
                arr[0] = new double[4] {
                    9, 8, 7, 6
                arr[1] = new double[4] {
                    42, 13, 7, 2
                arr[2] = new double[4] {
                    101, 102, 103, 104

                MeshAttributeCLASSES meshComponent2 = MeshAttributeCLASSES.makeDouble4(arr);
                double[]             readback       = meshComponent2.getDouble4Accessor()[1];

                int breakPointHere = 42;

            // test solver for trivial cases
                double one = 1.0;

                double J11 = 1.0, J22 = 1.0, J33 = 1.0, // principal moments of inertia of the body
                       w1 = 0, w2 = 0, w3 = 0,          // angular velocity of spacecraft in spacecraft frame

                // result values
                       q1Dot, q2Dot, q3Dot, q4Dot,
                       w1Dot, w2Dot, w3Dot,

                // coeefficients, taken from the paper
                       gamma = 0.7,
                       aCoefficient = 1.25,
                       d = 7.5, k = 3.0, betaOne = 0.001;

                Quaternion spacecraftOrientationError;
                // set to identity

                 * spacecraftOrientationError.i = 0;
                 * spacecraftOrientationError.j = 0;
                 * spacecraftOrientationError.k = 0;
                 * spacecraftOrientationError.scalar = 1;
                spacecraftOrientationError = QuaternionUtilities.makeFromAxisAndAngle(new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }), 1.0);

                    J11, J22, J33,
                    spacecraftOrientationError.i, spacecraftOrientationError.j, spacecraftOrientationError.k, spacecraftOrientationError.scalar,
                    w1, w2, w3,
                    out q1Dot, out q2Dot, out q3Dot, out q4Dot,
                    out w1Dot, out w2Dot, out w3Dot,

                    d, k,

                // changes must be zero
                Debug.Assert(q1Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(q2Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(q3Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(q4Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(w1Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(w2Dot == 0);
                Debug.Assert(w3Dot == 0);

                int breakPointHere = 42;

            SimplexSolver simplexSolver = new SimplexSolver();

            /* first example from video tutorial,, bottom row is negative unlike in the video
            simplexSolver.matrix       = Matrix.makeByRowsAndColumns(3, 5);
            simplexSolver.matrix[0, 0] = 4;
            simplexSolver.matrix[0, 1] = 8;
            simplexSolver.matrix[0, 2] = 1;
            simplexSolver.matrix[0, 3] = 0;
            simplexSolver.matrix[0, 4] = 24;

            simplexSolver.matrix[1, 0] = 2;
            simplexSolver.matrix[1, 1] = 1;
            simplexSolver.matrix[1, 2] = 0;
            simplexSolver.matrix[1, 3] = 1;
            simplexSolver.matrix[1, 4] = 10;

            simplexSolver.matrix[2, 0] = -3;
            simplexSolver.matrix[2, 1] = -4;
            simplexSolver.matrix[2, 2] = 0;
            simplexSolver.matrix[2, 3] = 0;
            simplexSolver.matrix[2, 4] = 0;


            // result must be ~16.67
            Debug.Assert(simplexSolver.matrix[2, 4] > 16.6 && simplexSolver.matrix[2, 4] < 16.8);

            // TODO< move into unittest for Matrix >

            Matrix toInverseMatrix = new Matrix(2, 2);

            toInverseMatrix[0, 0] = 2.0f;
            toInverseMatrix[0, 1] = 1.0f;
            toInverseMatrix[1, 0] = 2.0f;
            toInverseMatrix[1, 1] = 2.0f;

            Matrix inversedMatrix = toInverseMatrix.inverse();

            Debug.Assert(System.Math.Abs(inversedMatrix[0, 0] - 1.0f) < 0.001f);
            Debug.Assert(System.Math.Abs(inversedMatrix[0, 1] - -0.5f) < 0.001f);
            Debug.Assert(System.Math.Abs(inversedMatrix[1, 0] - -1.0f) < 0.001f);
            Debug.Assert(System.Math.Abs(inversedMatrix[1, 1] - 1.0f) < 0.001f);

            // test pid controller
            if (false)
                Pid.Configuration pidConfiguration = new Pid.Configuration();
                pidConfiguration.integral   = 0;
                pidConfiguration.derivative = 0.1;
                pidConfiguration.proportial = 0.3;

                Pid pid = Pid.makeByTargetAndConfiguration(0, pidConfiguration);

                double value = 1.0;

                double control;

                control = pid.step(value, 0.5);
                value  += control;

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    control = pid.step(value, 0.5);
                    value  += control;

                    Console.WriteLine("value={0} control={1}", value, control);

                int breakPointHere0 = 1;

            EntityManager entityManager = new EntityManager();

            SolidResponsibility    solidResponsibility;
            EffectResponsibility   effectResponsibility;
            ThrusterResponsibility thrusterResponsibility;
            AttitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility attitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility;

            thrusterResponsibility = new ThrusterResponsibility();
            attitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility = new AttitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility(thrusterResponsibility);

            effectResponsibility = new EffectResponsibility();

            solidResponsibility         = new SolidResponsibility();
            solidResponsibility.mapping = new PhysicsObjectIdToSolidClusterMapping();

            EntityController entityController = new EntityController();

            IKeyboardInputHandler keyboardInputHandler = new PlayerShipControlInputHandler(entityController);

            KeyboardInputRemapper keyboardInputRemapper = new KeyboardInputRemapper(keyboardInputHandler);

            SoftwareRenderer softwareRenderer = new SoftwareRenderer();

            PrototypeForm prototypeForm = new PrototypeForm();

            prototypeForm.softwareRenderer = softwareRenderer;
            IGuiRenderer guiRenderer = prototypeForm.softwareGuiRenderer;

            GuiContext guiContext = new GuiContext(guiRenderer);

            prototypeForm.guiContext = guiContext;

            KeyboardEventRouterOfGui keyboardEventRouterOfGui = new KeyboardEventRouterOfGui(guiContext.selectionTracker);
            KeyboardInputRouter      keyboardInputRouter      = new KeyboardInputRouter(keyboardInputRemapper, keyboardEventRouterOfGui);

            prototypeForm.keyboardInputRouter = keyboardInputRouter;


            PhysicsEngine physicsEngine = new PhysicsEngine();

            solidResponsibility.physicsEngine = physicsEngine;

            physicsEngine.collisionHandlers.Add(new DefaultCollisionHandler()); // add the default collision handler for absorbing all particles

            AttachedForce thruster = new AttachedForce(
                new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }), // localLocation
                new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 })  // localDirection

            PhysicsComponent physicsComponent;

                double mass = 1.0;

                Matrix inertiaTensor = InertiaHelper.calcInertiaTensorForCube(mass, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
                physicsComponent = physicsEngine.createPhysicsComponent(new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 10 }), new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }), mass, inertiaTensor);

            MeshComponent meshComponent = new MeshComponent();

            meshComponent.mesh          = new MeshWithExplicitFaces();
            meshComponent.mesh.faces    = new MeshWithExplicitFaces.Face[1];
            meshComponent.mesh.faces[0] = new MeshWithExplicitFaces.Face();
            meshComponent.mesh.faces[0].verticesIndices = new uint[] { 0, 1, 2 };

            { // create a VerticesWithAttributes with just positions
                MutableMeshAttribute positionMeshAttribute = MutableMeshAttribute.makeDouble4ByLength(4);
                positionMeshAttribute.getDouble4Accessor()[0] = new double[] { -1, -1, 0, 1 };
                positionMeshAttribute.getDouble4Accessor()[1] = new double[] { 1, -1, 0, 1 };
                positionMeshAttribute.getDouble4Accessor()[2] = new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 1 };
                positionMeshAttribute.getDouble4Accessor()[3] = new double[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 };

                VerticesWithAttributes verticesWithAttributes = new VerticesWithAttributes(new AbstractMeshAttribute[] { positionMeshAttribute }, 0);
                meshComponent.mesh.verticesWithAttributes = verticesWithAttributes;

            //TransformedMeshComponent transformedMeshComponentForPhysics = new TransformedMeshComponent();
            //transformedMeshComponentForPhysics.meshComponent = meshComponent;

            IList <ColliderComponent> colliderComponents = new List <ColliderComponent>();

                SpatialVectorDouble colliderComponentSize          = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 2, 2, 2 });
                SpatialVectorDouble colliderComponentLocalPosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                SpatialVectorDouble colliderComponentLocalRotation = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });

                ColliderComponent colliderComponent0 = ColliderComponent.makeBox(colliderComponentSize, colliderComponentLocalPosition, colliderComponentLocalRotation);

            ///physicsEngine.physicsAndMeshPairs.Add(new PhysicsComponentAndCollidersPair(physicsComponent, colliderComponents));

            // same mesh for the visualization
            TransformedMeshComponent transformedMeshComponentForRendering = new TransformedMeshComponent();

            transformedMeshComponentForRendering.meshComponent = meshComponent;

            ///softwareRenderer.physicsAndMeshPairs.Add(new PhysicsComponentAndMeshPair(physicsComponent, transformedMeshComponentForRendering));


            // TODO< read object description from json and create physics and graphics objects >

            // TODO< read and create solid description from json >

            // create and store solids of rocket
            // refactored

             * if ( true ) {
             *  SolidCluster solidClusterOfRocket = new SolidCluster();
             *  // create solid of rocket
             *  {
             *      SpatialVectorDouble solidSize = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 2, 2, 2 });
             *      double massOfSolidInKilogram = 1.0;
             *      IList<CompositionFraction> solidCompositionFractions = new List<CompositionFraction>() { new CompositionFraction(new Isotope("Fe56"), massOfSolidInKilogram) };
             *      Composition solidComposition = new Composition(solidCompositionFractions);
             *      physics.solid.Solid solid = physics.solid.Solid.makeBox(solidComposition, solidSize);
             *      SpatialVectorDouble solidLocalPosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
             *      SpatialVectorDouble solidLocalRotation = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
             *      solidClusterOfRocket.solids.Add(new SolidCluster.SolidWithPositionAndRotation(solid, solidLocalPosition, solidLocalRotation));
             *  }
             *  /// TODO, uncommented because it uses the not existing physics object
             *  /// solidResponsibility.mapping.physicsObjectIdToSolidCluster[] = solidClusterOfRocket;
             * }

            // add test particle
            if (false)
                SpatialVectorDouble particlePosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                SpatialVectorDouble particleVelocity = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 });

                PhysicsComponent particlePhysicsComponent = physicsEngine.createPhysicsComponent(particlePosition, particleVelocity, 1.0, null);

            // write game object for TestMissile
            if (true)

            GameObjectBuilder gameObjectBuilder = new GameObjectBuilder();

            gameObjectBuilder.physicsEngine          = physicsEngine;
            gameObjectBuilder.softwareRenderer       = softwareRenderer;
            gameObjectBuilder.solidResponsibility    = solidResponsibility;
            gameObjectBuilder.effectResponsibility   = effectResponsibility;
            gameObjectBuilder.thrusterResponsibility = thrusterResponsibility;
            gameObjectBuilder.attitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility = attitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility;

            // load missile game object from json and construct it
            if (false)
                GameObjectTemplate deserilizedGameObjectTemplate;

                // load
                    List <string> uriParts = new List <string>(AssemblyDirectory.Uri.Segments);
                    uriParts.RemoveAt(0); // remove first "/"
                    uriParts.RemoveRange(uriParts.Count - 4, 4);
                    uriParts.AddRange(new string[] { "gameResources/", "prototypingMissile.json" });
                    string path = string.Join("", uriParts).Replace('/', '\\').Replace("%20", " ");

                    string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(path);

                    deserilizedGameObjectTemplate = GameObjectTemplate.deserialize(fileContent);

                // build game object from template
                Entity createdEntity;
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalPosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 5 });
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalVelocity = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                    createdEntity = gameObjectBuilder.buildFromTemplate(deserilizedGameObjectTemplate, globalPosition, globalVelocity);

                // manually add components
                    // TODO< chemical explosive ignition component >
                    DummyComponent chemicalExplosiveIgnitionComponent = new DummyComponent();

                    // remap proximityEnter to explode
                    EventRemapperComponent eventRemapper = new EventRemapperComponent(chemicalExplosiveIgnitionComponent);
                    eventRemapper.eventTypeMap["proximityEnter"] = "explode";

                    // TODO< blacklist somehow other missiles >
                    PhysicsComponent           parentPhysicsComponent = createdEntity.getSingleComponentsByType <PhysicsComponent>();
                    ProximityDetectorComponent proximityDetector      = ProximityDetectorComponent.makeSphereDetector(physicsEngine, parentPhysicsComponent, 20.0, eventRemapper);
                    entityManager.addComponentToEntity(createdEntity, proximityDetector);

            Entity playerShip;

            if (true)
                GameObjectTemplate deserilizedGameObjectTemplate;

                // load
                    List <string> uriParts = new List <string>(AssemblyDirectory.Uri.Segments);
                    uriParts.RemoveAt(0); // remove first "/"
                    uriParts.RemoveRange(uriParts.Count - 4, 4);
                    uriParts.AddRange(new string[] { "gameResources/", "prototypingShip.json" });
                    string path = string.Join("", uriParts).Replace('/', '\\').Replace("%20", " ");

                    string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(path);

                    deserilizedGameObjectTemplate = GameObjectTemplate.deserialize(fileContent);

                // build game object from template
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalPosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 10 });
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalVelocity = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                    Entity createdEntity = gameObjectBuilder.buildFromTemplate(deserilizedGameObjectTemplate, globalPosition, globalVelocity);

                    playerShip = createdEntity;

            Entity                aiShip           = null;
            EntityController      aiShipController = new EntityController();
            VehicleAlignToCommand command          = null;

            bool withTestAiShip = true;

            if (withTestAiShip)
                GameObjectTemplate deserilizedGameObjectTemplate;

                // load
                    List <string> uriParts = new List <string>(AssemblyDirectory.Uri.Segments);
                    uriParts.RemoveAt(0); // remove first "/"
                    uriParts.RemoveRange(uriParts.Count - 4, 4);
                    uriParts.AddRange(new string[] { "gameResources/", "prototypingShip.json" });
                    string path = string.Join("", uriParts).Replace('/', '\\').Replace("%20", " ");

                    string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(path);

                    deserilizedGameObjectTemplate = GameObjectTemplate.deserialize(fileContent);

                // build game object from template
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalPosition = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 10 });
                    SpatialVectorDouble globalVelocity = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
                    Entity createdEntity = gameObjectBuilder.buildFromTemplate(deserilizedGameObjectTemplate, globalPosition, globalVelocity);

                    aiShip = createdEntity;

                { // control
                    aiShip.getSingleComponentsByType <VehicleControllerComponent>().controller = aiShipController;

                { // AI initialization
                    double dt = 1.0 / 60.0;
                    SpatialVectorDouble targetDirection = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 1, 0, 0.1 }).normalized();
                    double targetDerivationDistance     = 0.001;
                    ulong  targetPhysicsObjectId        = aiShip.getSingleComponentsByType <PhysicsComponent>().id;

                    command = VehicleAlignToCommand.makeByGettingPidConfigurationFromAttitudeAndAccelerationControlResponsibility(


            playerShip.getSingleComponentsByType <VehicleControllerComponent>().controller = entityController;

            // create test GUI
                Button button = new subsystems.gui.Button();
                button.position  = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0.2, 0.2 });
                button.size      = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0.3, 0.1 });
                button.text      = "[](35)";
                button.textScale = new SpatialVectorDouble(new double[] { 0.05, 0.08 });


            ulong frameCounter = 0;

            ulong debugFrameCounter        = 0; // used to limit the frames we do for debugging a scenario
            bool  isFixedScenarioDebugMode = false;

            // TODO< use logger >
            StreamWriter debugLogFileOfVariables = null; // used to debug variables and coeeficients of the debug scenario

            if (isFixedScenarioDebugMode)
                if (!File.Exists("E:\\myLogShipOrientation.txt"))
                    using (var stream = File.Create("E:\\myLogShipOrientation.txt"));
                debugLogFileOfVariables = File.AppendText("E:\\myLogShipOrientation.txt");

            for (;;)
                Console.WriteLine("frame={0}", frameCounter);



                if (!isFixedScenarioDebugMode)

                    Application.DoEvents(); // HACK, EVIL

                // AI
                    // we just do this small AI because we are testing
                    if (false && aiShip != null)

                // AI - attitude control test
                //  we change the rotation velocity of the spacecraft directly to simulate "perfect" thruster control
                    PhysicsComponent objectOfControlledSpacecraft = aiShip.getSingleComponentsByType <PhysicsComponent>();

                    // principal moments of inertia of the body
                    // the controller assumes that the body has an inertia tensor like an box, but small derivations are propably fine, too
                        J11 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.inertiaTensor[0, 0], J22 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.inertiaTensor[1, 1], J33 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.inertiaTensor[2, 2],

                    // angular velocity of spacecraft in spacecraft frame
                        w1 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.x,
                        w2 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.y,
                        w3 = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.z,

                    // result values
                        q1Dot, q2Dot, q3Dot, q4Dot,
                        w1Dot, w2Dot, w3Dot,

                    // coeefficients, taken from the paper
                        gamma = 0.7,
                        aCoefficient = 1.25,
                        d = 7.5, k = 3.0, betaOne = 0.001;

                    // calculate the rotation delta to our target orientation from the current orientation
                    double debugMagnitude = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.rotation.magnitude;

                    Quaternion spacecraftOrientationError = objectOfControlledSpacecraft.rotation.difference(QuaternionUtilities.makeFromEulerAngles(0, 0.5, 0));

                        J11, J22, J33,
                        spacecraftOrientationError.i, spacecraftOrientationError.j, spacecraftOrientationError.k, spacecraftOrientationError.scalar,
                        w1, w2, w3,
                        out q1Dot, out q2Dot, out q3Dot, out q4Dot,
                        out w1Dot, out w2Dot, out w3Dot,

                        d, k,

                        "w1dot={0}, w2dot={1}, w3dot={2}", w1Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), w2Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), w3Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                    if (isFixedScenarioDebugMode)
                        debugLogFileOfVariables.WriteLine("w1dot={0}, w2dot={1}, w3dot={2}", w1Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), w2Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), w3Dot.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    // access directly
                    objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.x += (w1Dot * (1.0 / 60.0));
                    objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.y += (w2Dot * (1.0 / 60.0));
                    objectOfControlledSpacecraft.eulerLocalAngularVelocity.z += (w3Dot * (1.0 / 60.0));



                // order after update is important

                //thruster.forceInNewton = 0.5 * entityController.inputAcceleration;

                if (!isFixedScenarioDebugMode)
                    Thread.Sleep((int)((1.0 / 60.0) * 1000.0));

                if (isFixedScenarioDebugMode)
                    debugLogFileOfVariables.WriteLine("{0},", aiShip.getSingleComponentsByType <PhysicsComponent>().rotation.j.ToString("0.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                //File.AppendText("E:\\myLogShipOrientation.txt").WriteLine("{0},", aiShip.getSingleComponentsByType<PhysicsComponent>().rotation.y);

                if (isFixedScenarioDebugMode && debugFrameCounter >= 8000)   // 30000


 protected GameObject(GameObjectBuilder builder)
     PictureBox = builder.pictureBox;
 public Bullet(GameObjectBuilder builder) : base(builder)