void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(this); } numOfEli = new int[5]; //data structure of our game object map = new Element[areaSize, areaSize]; //used to record element num in every column elementsCountInColumn = new int[9]; //instantiate the seletors selector = (GameObject)Instantiate(selector, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity); MoveSelector(new Vector3(-2, -2), false); for (int i = 0; i < elementsCountInColumn.Length; i++) { elementsCountInColumn[i] = 9; } LayoutElements(); }
internal GraphicsHandler(IGameUI ui, Control gameArea) { this.ui = ui; GameArea = new GameArea(GraphicsConstants.GridAreaSize, gameArea, OnPaint); screenImage = new Bitmap(GraphicsConstants.GridAreaSize.Width, GraphicsConstants.GridAreaSize.Height); tileImage = new Bitmap(GraphicsConstants.GridAreaSize.Width, GraphicsConstants.GridAreaSize.Height); }
public void SwitchOffDrawAliveCellsState() { GameArea gameArea = MainAreaFrame.Content as GameArea; gameArea.DrawedPoints.Clear(); gameArea.DrawAliveCellsMode = false; }
public LevelEditor() { InitializeComponent(); tpi = new Bitmap(TilePanel.Width, TilePanel.Height); bmp = new Bitmap(TilePanel.Width, TilePanel.Height); area = new Bitmap(GameArea.Width, GameArea.Height); br = new SolidBrush(GameArea.BackColor); tv = new sbyte[Map.MW + 8, Map.MH + 8]; paths = new sbyte[Config.MPC, Config.MPL]; for (int i = 0; i < Config.MPC; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Config.MPL; j++) { paths[i, j] = -1; } } map = new sbyte[Config.MLMAX]; sf = new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; MD = false; obj = new Object(); pea = new PaintEventArgs(TilePanel.CreateGraphics(), TilePanel.ClientRectangle); gpea = new PaintEventArgs(GameArea.CreateGraphics(), GameArea.ClientRectangle); hb = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LargeConfetti, Color.DimGray, Color.Black); hb2 = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.SmallConfetti, Color.DarkRed, Color.Black); ti = 0; pap = 0; pc = 0; WaveFile = String.Empty; }
/***** 読み込み・準備処理 **********************************************************/ // コンストラクタ EnemyGenerator(GameController gc, GameArea ga, Player pl, House hs, BulletGenerator bg) { gameController = gc; gameArea = ga; player = pl; house = hs; bulletGenerator = bg; // ステージ指定してDataLibrarianからステージ構成情報→敵生成テーブル読み込み bool loadResult = LoadTable(DataLibrarian.Instance.GetStageInfo(gc.PlayingStage).GetPathEnemyGenerateTable()); if (true == loadResult) { // 読み込み完了したらフラグを立てる _onLoadCompleteProperty.Value = true; } else { // TODO:読み込み失敗したらエラー通知してメインメニューに戻る? Debug.Log("EnemyGenerator load data failed..."); } // Enemyに情報受け渡し EnemyBase.SetPlayer(player); EnemyBase.SetHouse(house); EnemyBase.SetGameArea(gameArea); EnemyBase.SetBulletGenerator(bulletGenerator); gameController.SpeedMagReactiveProperty.DistinctUntilChanged().Subscribe(mag => EnemyBase.UpdateSpeedMagnification(mag)); }
public static void PlayerTurn(GameArea game) { switch (currentAction) { case "LEFT": game.bat.Move(-1, 0); break; case "RIGHT": game.bat.Move(1, 0); break; case "FIRE": game.FireBall(); break; } currentAction = ""; foreach (var brick in game.brickArray.Bricks) { Console.SetCursorPosition(brick.PositionX, brick.PositionY); Console.Write(brick.Colour.Substring(0, brick.SizeX)); } Console.SetCursorPosition(game.bat.PositionX, game.bat.PositionY); Console.Write("Bat"); { Console.SetCursorPosition(game.ball.PositionX, game.ball.PositionY); Console.Write("O"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(150); }
void Start() { ResourceGather resource = GetComponent <ResourceGather>(); if (resource) { mTasks.Add(new ResourceGatherTask(gameObject)); } GameItem item = GetComponent <GameItem>(); if (item) { mTasks.Add(new PickUpItemTask(gameObject)); } Bed bed = GetComponent <Bed>(); if (bed) { mTasks.Add(new SleepTask(gameObject)); } GameBuilding building = GetComponent <GameBuilding>(); if (building) { mTasks.Add(new DeconstructTask(gameObject)); } mGameArea = GetComponent <GameArea>(); mTasks.Add(new MoveTask(transform.position)); mMoveActionIndex = mTasks.Count - 1; }
// Called when the script is instantiated private void Awake() { // Get reference to the text mesh textMesh = GameObject.Find("Points")?.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); // Create a game area helper gameArea = new GameArea(); }
void Start() { if (!gameArea) { gameArea = GameArea.Main; } }
public IEnumerator PreviewSceneCoroutine(GamePhase from, GamePhase to) { m_scenePreviewCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_scenePreviewTarget.gameObject.SetActive(true); Transform cameraPivot = GameArea.GetGameArea(to).scenePreviewCameraPivot; m_scenePreviewCamera.transform.position = cameraPivot.position; m_scenePreviewTarget.Reset(GameArea.GetGameArea(from).scenePreviewTargetPosition); while (!m_scenePreviewTarget.triggered) { m_scenePreviewCamera.transform.rotation = cameraPivot.rotation * GameManager.camera.transform.rotation; yield return(null); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { break; } } m_scenePreviewCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_scenePreviewTarget.transform.SetParent(transform); m_scenePreviewTarget.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void Layout() { // Choose a smaller font if it doesn't fit foreach (var label in new[] { phraseLabel, translationLabel }) { if (label.Font == bigFont && label.Width > GameArea.Width) { label.Font = smallFont; } else if (label.Font == smallFont) { using (Graphics g = GameArea.CreateGraphics()) { if (g.MeasureString(label.Text, bigFont).Width < GameArea.Width) { label.Font = bigFont; } } } } var height = phraseLabel.Height + translationLabel.Height; var px = (GameArea.Width - phraseLabel.Width) / 2; var tx = (GameArea.Width - translationLabel.Width) / 2; var py = (GameArea.Height - height) / 2; var ty = py + phraseLabel.Height; phraseLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(px, py); translationLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(tx, ty); }
private void GenerateTile(Tile.Type type, Tile.Team color) { // Create and add tile GameObject tileGameObject = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject; GameObject baseObject = color == Tile.Team.White ? whiteBase : blackBase; tileGameObject.transform.SetParent(baseObject.transform); Tile t = tileGameObject.GetComponent <Tile>(); t.Setup(this, type, color); // Place the tile. // Bases are not on the normal map. They float. As such they only have q and y cords in their hex. List <Tile.Type> types = new List <Tile.Type>(TileCounts.Keys); int q = types.Count / 2 - types.IndexOf(t.type); int i = 0; Hex hex; GameArea area = color == Tile.Team.Black ? GameArea.BlackBase : GameArea.WhiteBase; do { hex = new Hex(-q, 0, q, i, area); if (pieces.ContainsKey(hex)) { i++; } else { pieces.Add(hex, t); t.Hex = hex; //Debug.Log("H - " + hex); return; } } while (true); }
public Player(Arman game, PositionInGrid positionInGrid, Texture2D texture, Block[,] gameArray, int oneBlockSize, int timeForMove, List<Entity> movableObjects, GameArea gameArea, Controls controls) : base(game, positionInGrid, texture, gameArray, oneBlockSize, timeForMove, movableObjects) { this.gameArea = gameArea; this.controls = controls; spawnPoint = positionInGrid; }
private void Awake() { if (gameArea == null) { gameArea = GameArea.Main; } }
/// <summary> /// Return true if collision with wall /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsHitWall(Snake snake, GameArea gameArea, Direction direction) { switch (direction) { case Direction.left: if (snake.HeadPosition.x == 0) { return(true); } break; case Direction.down: if (snake.HeadPosition.y + 1 == gameArea.Height) { return(true); } break; case Direction.up: if (snake.HeadPosition.y == 0) { return(true); } break; case Direction.right: if (snake.HeadPosition.x + 1 == gameArea.Width) { return(true); } break; } return(false); }
private void PrepareObjectsToTakeOrExamine(GameArea currentArea) { for (int i = 0; i < currentArea.interactableObjectsInArea.Length; i++) { string descriptionNotInInventory = interactableItems.GetObjectsNotInInventory(currentArea, i); if (descriptionNotInInventory != null) { areaInteractionDescription.Add(descriptionNotInInventory); } InteractableObjects interactableInArea = currentArea.interactableObjectsInArea[i]; for (int j = 0; j < interactableInArea.interactions.Length; j++) { Interaction interaction = interactableInArea.interactions[j]; if (interaction.inputAction.keyWord == "examine") { interactableItems.examineDictionary.Add(interactableInArea.noun, interaction.textResponse); } if (interaction.inputAction.keyWord == "take") { interactableItems.takeDictionary.Add(interactableInArea.noun, interaction.textResponse); } } } }
private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit) { if (hit.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")) { isOnGround = true; } GameArea gameArea = hit.gameObject.GetComponent <GameArea>(); if (gameArea != null && !(FindObjectOfType <UICtrl>().isAlert)) { StartCoroutine(gameArea.AlertGameAreaLimit()); } if (hit.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Water")) { swim = true; anim.SetBool("swim", swim); } else if (swim) { swim = false; anim.SetBool("swim", swim); } }
///设置 private void Setup() { //创建 GameArea mGameArea = new GameArea(); mGameCamera = new GameCamera(); mPickUpManager = new PickUpManager(); mPlayer = new Player(); mGameUi = new GameUI(); // //创建 Canvas //// var canvasGameobj=new GameObject("Canvas"); //// var canvas = canvasGameobj.AddComponent<Canvas>(); // var canvasGameObj = new CanvasBuilder() // .RenderMode(RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) // .Build(); // // //默认值 //// canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; // // //创建Text // var scoreGameobj = new GameObject("Score"); // // //设置canvans父子节点 // scoreGameobj.transform.SetParent(canvasGameObj.transform); // //需要手动设置一下位置 // scoreGameobj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; // var scoreText = scoreGameobj.AddComponent<Text>(); // //需要手动设置字体 // scoreText.font = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Arial", 16); // scoreText.text = "10"; }
public BasicInfo(int iD, string nameEN, string nameDE, GameArea gameArea) { ID = iD; NameEN = nameEN; NameDE = nameDE; GameArea = gameArea; }
public override int GetCreditWithPosition(Troop source, out Point?position) { //position = 0; position = new Point(0, 0); TroopList hostileTroopsInView = source.GetHostileTroopsInView(); TroopList list2 = new TroopList(); foreach (Troop troop in hostileTroopsInView) { if ((troop.IsInArchitecture || !troop.DaysToReachPosition(source.Position, 1)) || (troop.Army.Kind.Type == MilitaryType.水军)) { list2.Add(troop); } } foreach (Troop troop in list2) { hostileTroopsInView.Remove(troop); } if (hostileTroopsInView.Count == 0) { return(0); } List <Point> orientations = new List <Point>(); int num = 0; foreach (Troop troop in hostileTroopsInView) { orientations.Add(troop.Position); num += troop.FightingForce; } int num2 = 0; int fightingForce = source.FightingForce; int num4 = source.TroopIntelligence + source.ChanceIncrementOfStratagem; if (num4 > 100) { num4 = 100; } num2 = (((GameObject.Square(num4) / 60) * num) / fightingForce) / 100; if (num2 > 0) { GameArea area = new GameArea(); foreach (Point point in source.GetStratagemArea(source.Position).Area) { if (!source.Scenario.PositionIsOnFire(point) && (source.Scenario.IsPositionEmpty(point) && source.Scenario.IsFireVaild(point, false, MilitaryType.步兵))) { area.Area.Add(point); } } if (area.Count > 0) { position = source.Scenario.GetClosestPosition(area, orientations); } else { num2 = 0; } } return(num2); }
public void generate(int x, int y, int w, int h) { partitions = new List <GameArea>(); GameArea root = new GameArea(x, y, w, h); partitions.Add(root); bool didsplit = true; while (didsplit) { didsplit = false; for (int i = partitions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (partitions[i].left == null && partitions[i].right == null) { if (partitions[i].width > maxroomsize || partitions[i].height > maxroomsize) { if (partitions[i].split()) { partitions.Add(partitions[i].left); partitions.Add(partitions[i].right); didsplit = true; } } } } } }
void Played_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((sender as Button)?.IsEnabled == false) { return; } (sender as Button).IsEnabled = false; int.TryParse((sender as Button)?.Name.Split('y')[0].Remove(0, 1), out var x); int.TryParse((sender as Button)?.Name.Split('y')[1], out var y); var type = Game.GetCamp(x, y); switch (type) { case CampType.Bomb: Game.End(); TimerNumber.Content = Game.GameTime.Minutes + ":" + Game.GameTime.Seconds; GameArea.IsEnabled = false; foreach (var coord in Game.BombXY) { GameArea.FindChild <Button>($"x{coord.Split(',')[0]}y{coord.Split(',')[1]}").Content = new Image { Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"Pics/bomb.png", UriKind.Relative)), Stretch = Stretch.Fill } } ; break; case CampType.Blanck: //x -1 y if (x - 1 >= 0) { GameArea.FindChild <Button>($"x{x - 1}y{y}").RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent)); } //x + 1 y if (x + 1 < Game.Size) { GameArea.FindChild <Button>($"x{x + 1}y{y}").RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent)); } //x y + 1 if (y + 1 < Game.Size) { GameArea.FindChild <Button>($"x{x}y{y + 1}").RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent)); } //x y - 1 if (y - 1 >= 0) { GameArea.FindChild <Button>($"x{x}y{y - 1}").RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent)); } break; default: ((Button)sender).Content = new Image { Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"Pics/number{type.GetHashCode()}.png", UriKind.Relative)), Stretch = Stretch.Fill }; break; } }
public Game(GameArea gameArea) { this.GameArea = gameArea; gameArea.GameTime.Enabled = true; Player = new Player(); AddGameObject(Player, new FollowCursor()); }
public void Init(EnemiesPool enemiesPool, GameArea gameArea) { currentWave = WaveDesks[0]; this.enemiesPool = enemiesPool; this.gameArea = gameArea; SetupNextWave(); gameArea.OnPlayerEntered.AddListener(TrySpawnEnemies); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); GameArea game = new GameArea(); Application.Run(game); }
public List <AreaChange> Clear() { var newArea = new GameArea(area.Fields.GetLength(0)); var diffs = GameAreaHelper.FindDiffs(area, newArea); area = newArea; return(diffs); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { GameArea area = other.GetComponent <GameArea>(); if (area && gameAreaInhabited.IndexOf(area) < 0 && area.enabled) { gameAreaInhabited.Add(area); } }
private void Awake() { gameArea = FindObjectOfType <GameArea>(); // GetComponent gameController = FindObjectOfType <GameController>(); // GetComponent carcas_type = CarcasType.empty; carcas = null; squaresList = new List <OneSquare>(); }
public void SpawnNew(GameArea area, SnakeBody snake) { var availableFields = area.AllFields.Except(snake.GetBody().Select(n => (n.X, n.Y))).ToArray(); var idx = _rnd.Next(0, availableFields.Length); X = availableFields[idx].X; Y = availableFields[idx].Y; }
/// <summary> /// Affiche la pause/le Game Over /// </summary> /// <param name="score">Score à afficher</param> /// <param name="gameArea">Dimentions de la zone de jeu</param> public static void Draw(int score, GameArea gameArea) { for (int i = 0; i < gameArea.Height; i++) { Console.SetCursorPosition(1, i + 1); for (int j = 0; j < gameArea.Width; j++) { Console.Write(Game.emptyCase); } } if (Game.isGameOn) { Console.SetCursorPosition(gameArea.Width / 2 - 2, 1); Console.Write("PAUSE"); } else { Console.SetCursorPosition(gameArea.Width / 2 - 5, 1); Console.Write("GAME OVER!"); Console.SetCursorPosition(1, gameArea.Height); Console.Write("Developped by: the BananaSnake team"); } if (Game.heightArea == 20 && Game.widthArea == 40) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 4); Console.WriteLine(" (_)(_) "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 5); Console.WriteLine(" / \\ "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 6); Console.WriteLine(" / | "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 7); Console.WriteLine(" / \\ * | "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 8); Console.WriteLine(" ________ / /\\__/ "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 9); Console.WriteLine(" _ / \\ / / "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 10); Console.WriteLine(" / \\ / ____ \\_/ / "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 11); Console.WriteLine(" //\\ \\ / / \\ / "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 12); Console.WriteLine(" V \\ \\/ / \\ / "); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 13); Console.WriteLine(" \\___/ \\_____/ "); } Console.SetCursorPosition(gameArea.Width / 2 - 4, gameArea.Height / 2 - 4); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.Write("Score :"); Console.SetCursorPosition(gameArea.Width / 2 - 2, gameArea.Height / 2 - 3); Console.Write(score); }
public GameArea(int xc, int yc, int w, int h) { this.x = xc; this.y = yc; this.height = h; this.width = w; left = null; right = null; }
public static void DrawPacman(GameArea GA) { //coins GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.coin, new PositionInGrid(1, 1)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.coin, new PositionInGrid(1, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.coin, new PositionInGrid(1, 5)); //players GA.SpawnPlayer(new PositionInGrid(1), new Controls(Keys.Up, Keys.Right, Keys.Down, Keys.Left)); GA.SpawnPlayer(new PositionInGrid(30, 20), new Controls(Keys.W, Keys.D, Keys.S, Keys.A)); //mobs GA.SpawnMob(new PositionInGrid(8), 30, 10, 80); GA.SpawnMob(new PositionInGrid(9), 41, 100, 80); GA.SpawnMob(new PositionInGrid(10), 2, 2, 80); GA.SpawnMob(new PositionInGrid(20), 20, 45, 80); }
public void initLayout() { GameObject[] areas = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(CommonLogic.TAG_HOLDER_AREA); gameAreas = new GameArea[areas.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < gameAreas.Length; i++) { gameAreas[i] = new GameArea(areas[i].transform); } /* foreach (GameObject item in areas) { item.initZones(); } */ // Init Scoreboard positScores = scorePositions.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); }
public static void DrawTest(GameArea GA) { GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(3, 5)); GA.SpawnPlayer(new PositionInGrid(1), new Controls(Keys.Up, Keys.Right, Keys.Down, Keys.Left)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.coin, new PositionInGrid(20)); }
public static void DrawTata(GameArea GA) { GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(4, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(5, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(7, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(8, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(16, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(24, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(25, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(27, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(28, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(36, 2)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(15, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(17, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(35, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(37, 3)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(14, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(18, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(34, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(38, 4)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(14, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(18, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(34, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(38, 5)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(14, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(15, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(16, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(17, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(18, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(34, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(35, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(36, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(37, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(38, 6)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(6, 7)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(14, 7)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(18, 7)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(26, 7)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(34, 7)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(38, 7)); //puzzle/1 solid GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(0, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(2, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(3, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(3, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(4, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(5, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(5, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(7, 21)); //2 solid GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(18, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(19, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(19, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(20, 19)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(21, 18)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(21, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(22, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(23, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(23, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(24, 21)); //3 solid GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(37, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(37, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(38, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(39, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(39, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(39, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(40, 19)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(41, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(41, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(42, 18)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 19)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 21)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.solid, new PositionInGrid(44, 24)); //1 movable GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(0, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(0, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(1, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(2, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(3, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(4, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(6, 20)); //2 movable GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(20, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(21, 20)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(21, 22)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(22, 19)); //3 movable GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(40, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(41, 24)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(42, 19)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(42, 23)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.movable, new PositionInGrid(43, 22)); //detectors GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(6, 10)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(16, 10)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(26, 10)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(36, 10)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(1, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(3, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(5, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(18, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(21, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(24, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(39, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(41, 17)); GA.CreateBlock(BlockType.detector, new PositionInGrid(43, 17)); }
void Start() { area = new GameArea(gameObject.name); smokeObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Smoke"); }
void Start() { Area = new GameArea(gameObject.name); }