Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a terrain tile based on these settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx">X location</param>
        /// <param name="tz">Z location</param>
        /// <param name="world">The array managing it</param>
        private void CreateTile(int tx, int tz, ref Terrain[,] world, GaiaResource resources)
            if (tx < 0 || tx >= m_tilesX)
                Debug.LogError("X value out of bounds");

            if (tz < 0 || tz >= m_tilesZ)
                Debug.LogError("Z value out of bounds");

            //Look for issues in the terrain settings and fix them

            //this will center terrain at origin
            Vector2 m_offset = new Vector2(-m_terrainSize * m_tilesX * 0.5f, -m_terrainSize * m_tilesZ * 0.5f);

            //create the terrains if they dont already exist
            if (world.Length < m_tilesX)
                world = new Terrain[m_tilesX, m_tilesZ];

            //Create the terrain
            Terrain     terrain;
            TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();

            terrainData.name = string.Format("Terrain_{0}_{1}-{2:yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}", tx, tz, DateTime.Now);
            terrainData.alphamapResolution = m_controlTextureResolution;
            terrainData.baseMapResolution  = m_baseMapSize;
            terrainData.SetDetailResolution(m_detailResolution, m_detailResolutionPerPatch);
            terrainData.heightmapResolution = m_heightmapResolution;
            //terrainData.physicsMaterial = m_physicsMaterial;
            terrainData.wavingGrassAmount   = m_bending;
            terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed    = m_size;
            terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = m_speed;
            terrainData.wavingGrassTint     = m_grassTint;
            terrainData.size = new Vector3(m_terrainSize, m_terrainHeight, m_terrainSize);

            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, string.Format("Assets/{0}.asset", terrainData.name));

            terrain      = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData).GetComponent <Terrain>();
            terrain.name = terrainData.name;
            terrain.transform.position      = new Vector3(m_terrainSize * tx + m_offset.x, 0, m_terrainSize * tz + m_offset.y);
            terrain.basemapDistance         = m_baseMapDist;
            terrain.castShadows             = m_castShadows;
            terrain.detailObjectDensity     = m_detailDensity;
            terrain.detailObjectDistance    = m_detailDistance;
            terrain.heightmapPixelError     = m_pixelError;
            terrain.treeBillboardDistance   = m_billboardStart;
            terrain.treeCrossFadeLength     = m_fadeLength;
            terrain.treeDistance            = m_treeDistance;
            terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_maxMeshTrees;
            if (m_material != null)
                terrain.materialType     = Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;
                terrain.materialTemplate = m_material;
            if (m_physicsMaterial != null)
                TerrainCollider collider = terrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
                if (collider != null)
                    collider.material = m_physicsMaterial;
                    Debug.LogWarning("Unable to assign physics material to terrain!");

            //Assign prototypes
            if (resources != null)

            //Save the new tile
            world[tx, tz] = terrain;

            //Parent it to the environment
            GameObject gaiaObj = GameObject.Find("Gaia Environment");
            if (gaiaObj == null)
                gaiaObj = new GameObject("Gaia Environment");
            terrain.transform.parent = gaiaObj.transform;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a terrain tile based on these settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx">X location</param>
        /// <param name="tz">Z location</param>
        /// <param name="world">The array managing it</param>
        private void CreateTile(int tx, int tz, ref Terrain[,] world, GaiaResource resources)
            if (tx < 0 || tx >= m_tilesX)
                Debug.LogError("X value out of bounds");

            if (tz < 0 || tz >= m_tilesZ)
                Debug.LogError("Z value out of bounds");

            //Look for issues in the terrain settings and fix them

            //this will center terrain at origin
            Vector2 m_offset = new Vector2(-m_terrainSize * m_tilesX * 0.5f, -m_terrainSize * m_tilesZ * 0.5f);

            //create the terrains if they dont already exist
            if (world.Length < m_tilesX)
                world = new Terrain[m_tilesX, m_tilesZ];

            //Create the terrain
            Terrain     terrain;
            TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();

            terrainData.name = string.Format("Terrain_{0}_{1}-{2:yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}", tx, tz, DateTime.Now);
            terrainData.alphamapResolution = m_controlTextureResolution;
            terrainData.baseMapResolution  = m_baseMapSize;
            terrainData.SetDetailResolution(m_detailResolution, m_detailResolutionPerPatch);
            terrainData.heightmapResolution = m_heightmapResolution;
            //terrainData.physicsMaterial = m_physicsMaterial;
            terrainData.wavingGrassAmount   = m_bending;
            terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed    = m_size;
            terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = m_speed;
            terrainData.wavingGrassTint     = m_grassTint;
            terrainData.size = new Vector3(m_terrainSize, m_terrainHeight, m_terrainSize);

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, string.Format("Assets/{0}.asset", terrainData.name));

            terrain      = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData).GetComponent <Terrain>();
            terrain.name = terrainData.name;
            terrain.transform.position =
                new Vector3(m_terrainSize * tx + m_offset.x, 0, m_terrainSize * tz + m_offset.y);
            terrain.basemapDistance = m_baseMapDist;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
            terrain.shadowCastingMode = m_shaodwCastingMode;
            terrain.castShadows = m_castShadows;
            terrain.detailObjectDensity     = m_detailDensity;
            terrain.detailObjectDistance    = m_detailDistance;
            terrain.heightmapPixelError     = m_pixelError;
            terrain.treeBillboardDistance   = m_billboardStart;
            terrain.treeCrossFadeLength     = m_fadeLength;
            terrain.treeDistance            = m_treeDistance;
            terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_maxMeshTrees;
                                                   StaticEditorFlags.BatchingStatic | StaticEditorFlags.NavigationStatic |
                                                   StaticEditorFlags.OccludeeStatic | StaticEditorFlags.OccluderStatic |
                                                   StaticEditorFlags.OffMeshLinkGeneration | StaticEditorFlags.ReflectionProbeStatic | StaticEditorFlags.LightmapStatic
            terrain.bakeLightProbesForTrees = false;
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            terrain.drawInstanced = true;

            GaiaConstants.EnvironmentRenderer rendererType = GaiaConstants.EnvironmentRenderer.BuiltIn;
            GaiaSettings gaiaSettings = GaiaUtils.GetGaiaSettings();
            if (gaiaSettings != null)
                rendererType = gaiaSettings.m_currentRenderer;
#if !UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
                rendererType = GaiaConstants.EnvironmentRenderer.BuiltIn;

            if (rendererType == GaiaConstants.EnvironmentRenderer.BuiltIn)
                if (m_material != null)
                    GaiaPipelineUtils.SetupPipeline(rendererType, null, null, null, "Procedural Worlds/Simple Water", false);
                terrain.materialType = Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;
                if (rendererType == GaiaConstants.EnvironmentRenderer.LightWeight2018x)
                    GaiaPipelineUtils.SetupPipeline(rendererType, "Procedural Worlds Lightweight Pipeline Profile", "Pipeline Terrain Material", "Lightweight Render Pipeline/Terrain/Lit", "Procedural Worlds/Simple Water LW", false);
                    Debug.LogWarning("Lightweight Pipeline is only supposted in 2018.3 or newer");
                    GaiaPipelineUtils.SetupPipeline(rendererType, "Procedural Worlds HDRenderPipelineAsset", "Pipeline Terrain Material", "HDRP/TerrainLit", "Procedural Worlds/Simple Water HD", false);
                    Debug.LogWarning("Lightweight Pipeline is only supposted in 2018.3 or newer");

            if (m_physicsMaterial != null)
                TerrainCollider collider = terrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
                if (collider != null)
                    collider.material = m_physicsMaterial;
                    Debug.LogWarning("Unable to assign physics material to terrain!");

            //Assign prototypes
            if (resources != null)

            //Save the new tile
            world[tx, tz] = terrain;

            //Parent it to the environment
            GameObject gaiaObj = GameObject.Find("Gaia Environment");
            if (gaiaObj == null)
                gaiaObj = new GameObject("Gaia Environment");
            terrain.transform.parent = gaiaObj.transform;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            //Get our resource
            m_resource = (GaiaResource)target;

            //Set up the box style
            if (m_boxStyle == null)
                m_boxStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box);
                m_boxStyle.normal.textColor = GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor;
                m_boxStyle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;
                m_boxStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            //Setup the wrap style
            if (m_wrapStyle == null)
                m_wrapStyle          = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
                m_wrapStyle.wordWrap = true;

            //Create a nice text intro
            GUILayout.BeginVertical("Gaia Resource", m_boxStyle);
            //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("The resource manager allows you to manage the resources used by your terrain and spawner. To see what every setting does you can hover over it.\n\nGet From Terrain - Pick up resources and settings from the current terrain.\n\nUpdate DNA - Updates DNA for all resources and automatically calculate sizes.\n\nApply To Terrain - Apply terrain specific settings such as texture, detail and tree prototypes back into the terrain. Prefab this settings to save time creating your next terrain.", m_wrapStyle);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("These are the resources used by the Spawning & Stamping system. Create a terrain, add textures, details and trees, then press Get Resources From Terrain to load. To see how the settings influence the system you can hover over them.", m_wrapStyle);

            float oldSeaLevel = m_resource.m_seaLevel;
            float oldHeight   = m_resource.m_terrainHeight;




            GUILayout.BeginVertical("Resource Controller", m_boxStyle);

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Set Asset Associations")))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Set Asset Associations", "This will update your asset associations and can not be undone ! Here temporarily until hidden.", "Yes", "No"))
                    if (m_resource.SetAssetAssociations())

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Associate Assets")))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Associate Assets", "This will locate and associate the first resource found that matches your asset and can not be undone !", "Yes", "No"))
                    if (m_resource.AssociateAssets())

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Get Resources From Terrain")))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Get Resources from Terrain ?", "Are you sure you want to get / update your resource prototypes from the terrain ? This will update your settings and can not be undone !", "Yes", "No"))

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Replace Resources In Terrains")))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Replace Resources in ALL Terrains ?", "Are you sure you want to replace the resources in ALL terrains with these? This can not be undone !", "Yes", "No"))

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Add Missing Resources To Terrains")))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Add Missing Resources to ALL Terrains ?", "Are you sure you want to add your missing resource prototypes to ALL terrains ? This can not be undone !", "Yes", "No"))

            if (m_resource.m_texturePrototypes.GetLength(0) == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Coverage Texture Spawner")))
                m_resource.CreateCoverageTextureSpawner(GetRangeFromTerrain(), GetTextureIncrementFromTerrain());
            GUI.enabled = true;

            if (m_resource.m_detailPrototypes.GetLength(0) == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Clustered Grass Spawner")))
                m_resource.CreateClusteredDetailSpawner(GetRangeFromTerrain(), GetDetailIncrementFromTerrain());
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Coverage Grass Spawner")))
                m_resource.CreateCoverageDetailSpawner(GetRangeFromTerrain(), GetDetailIncrementFromTerrain());
            GUI.enabled = true;

            if (m_resource.m_treePrototypes.GetLength(0) == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Clustered Terrain Tree Spawner")))
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Coverage Terrain Tree Spawner")))
            GUI.enabled = true;

            if (m_resource.m_gameObjectPrototypes.GetLength(0) == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Clustered Prefab Spawner")))
            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Create Coverage Prefab Spawner")))
            GUI.enabled = true;

            if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Visualise")))
                GameObject gaiaObj = GameObject.Find("Gaia");
                if (gaiaObj == null)
                    gaiaObj = new GameObject("Gaia");
                GameObject visualiserObj = GameObject.Find("Visualiser");
                if (visualiserObj == null)
                    visualiserObj = new GameObject("Visualiser");
                    visualiserObj.AddComponent <ResourceVisualiser>();
                    visualiserObj.transform.parent = gaiaObj.transform;
                ResourceVisualiser visualiser = visualiserObj.GetComponent <ResourceVisualiser>();
                visualiser.m_resources     = m_resource;
                Selection.activeGameObject = visualiserObj;


            //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                if (oldHeight != m_resource.m_terrainHeight)
                    m_resource.ChangeHeight(oldHeight, m_resource.m_terrainHeight);

                if (oldSeaLevel != m_resource.m_seaLevel)
                    m_resource.ChangeSeaLevel(oldSeaLevel, m_resource.m_seaLevel);
                Undo.RecordObject(m_resource, "Made resource changes");

                //Stop the save from going nuts
                if ((DateTime.Now - m_lastSaveDT).Seconds > 5)
                    m_lastSaveDT = DateTime.Now;