public void FillGrid()
                string query = "";
                dt_ = new DataTable();

                query = " select distinct(convert(date, cast(dsrdat as date) ,103)) as [dsrdat],username,Isdon " +
                        " from tbl_Mdsr where tbl_Mdsr.CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and tbl_Mdsr.BranchId ='" + Session["BranchID"] + "' order by " +
                        " convert(date, cast(dsrdat as date) ,105) desc";
                SqlCommand     cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                if (dt_.Rows.Count > 0)
                    GVDSR.DataSource = dt_;
                    ViewState["vdsr"] = dt_;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public void FillGrid()
                DSR  = Request.QueryString["ID"];
                DAT  = Request.QueryString["DAT"];
                Cust = Request.QueryString["Cust"];
                Usr  = Request.QueryString["Usr"];

                dt_ = new DataTable();

                /*if (DAT != null && Cust != "0" && Usr != null)
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  MSal_dat='" + DAT + "' and  CustomerID='" + Cust + "' and  username='******'");
                 * }
                 * else if (DAT != null && Cust != "0")
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  MSal_dat='" + DAT + "' and  CustomerID='" + Cust + "'");
                 * }else if (DAT != null && Usr!= null)
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  MSal_dat='" + DAT + "' and username='******'");
                 * }
                 * else if (Cust != "0" && Usr != null)
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and CustomerID='" + Cust + "' and  username='******'");
                 * }
                 * else if (DAT != null)
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  MSal_dat='" + DAT + "'");
                 *  //select * from  v_dsr  where  v_dsr.MSal_dat='01/17/2019'  and BranchId= '001' and CompanyId = 'COM_001'
                 * }
                 * else if(Cust != null)
                 * {
                 *  dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  v_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  CustomerID='" + Cust + "'");
                 *  //select * from  v_dsr  where  v_dsr.MSal_dat='01/17/2019'  and BranchId= '001' and CompanyId = 'COM_001'
                 * }
                 * else*/
                //if (Usr != null)
                // {
                //     //dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  view_dsr  where   CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and  username='******'");
                //     //select * from  v_dsr  where  v_dsr.MSal_dat='01/17/2019'  and BranchId= '001' and CompanyId = 'COM_001'
                // }

                    dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(" select * from  view_dsr  where CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "'");// and  MSal_dat=replace(convert(NVARCHAR, getdate(), 106), ' ', '/')");
                GVDSR.DataSource = dt_;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                    lblcom.Text = "NM Garments";

                    DSRID   = Request.QueryString["DSRID"];
                    EID     = Request.QueryString["EID"];
                    DSRFDat = Request.QueryString["DSRFDat"];
                    DSRTDat = Request.QueryString["DSRTDat"];
                    lbl_dat.Text = DSRFDat + " to " + DSRTDat;

                    if (con.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(" select distinct(Adv) as Adv ,ttl as Amt,tbl_DCPos.bal as bal,RecieverNam,tbl_MCPos.BillNo   from tbl_MCPos inner join tbl_DCPos on tbl_MCPos.MCposid = tbl_DCPos.MCposid " +
                                                           " inner join Products on tbl_DCPos.ProductID = Products.ProductID where billdat between'" + DSRFDat + "' and '" + DSRTDat + "' and Products.CompanyId='" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and Products.BranchId='" + Session["BranchID"] + "' and Iscancel <> 1", con);

                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    da.Fill(ds, "tbl_MCPos");

                    if (ds.Tables["tbl_MCPos"].Rows.Count > 0)
                        Amt = ds.Tables["tbl_MCPos"].Rows[0]["Amt"].ToString();
                        //dis = ds.Tables["tbl_MCPos"].Rows[0]["dis"].ToString();

                        //if (dis != "0" || dis != "" || dis != "NULL")

                        GVDSR.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void getdsr(string dsrid)
                string query = " select tbl_Mdsr.dsrid,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY tbl_Mdsr.dsrid DESC) AS [ID],tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID,CustomerName,ProductName,salrat,(salrat * Qty) as [Sale Rate],Qty as [Qty],tbl_ddsr.outstan, '' as [Return], " +
                               " dsrrmk,tbl_Mdsr.CreateBy,salrturn,username,recvry, replace (convert(NVARCHAR, dsrdat, 101), '/', '/') as [dsrdat],tbl_Mdsr.CompanyId,tbl_Mdsr.BranchId " +
                               " from tbl_Mdsr inner join tbl_ddsr on tbl_Mdsr.dsrid = tbl_ddsr.dsrid " +
                               " inner join Customers_ on tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID = Customers_.CustomerID " +
                               " inner join Products on tbl_ddsr.ProductID = Products.ProductID where tbl_Mdsr.dsrid= '" + dsrid + "' and tbl_Mdsr.CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and tbl_Mdsr.BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "'";

                dt_ = DBConnection.GetQueryData(query);

                GVDSR.DataSource = dt_;
            }catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 private void SearchRecord()
         DataTable _dt = (DataTable)ViewState["vdsr"];
         DataView  dv  = new DataView(_dt, "Username LIKE '%" + TBSDSR.Text.Trim().ToUpper() + "%'", "[Username] ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
         DataTable dt_ = new DataTable();
         dt_ = dv.ToTable();
         GVDSR.DataSource = dt_;
         ViewState["vdsr"] = dt_;
     catch (Exception ex)
         //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "isActive", "Alert();", true);
         //lblalert.Text = ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void FillGrid()
                //Sales Order
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    string lvl = Session["Level"].ToString();

                    if (lvl == "1")
                        cmd.CommandText = " select tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID,Isdon,CustomerName,convert(varchar, dsrdat, 111) as [dsrdat],tbl_Mdsr.dsrid from tbl_Mdsr inner join Customers_ on tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID = Customers_.CustomerID where tbl_Mdsr.CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and tbl_Mdsr.BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' order by dsrid desc ";
                        cmd.CommandText = " select tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID,Isdon,CustomerName,convert(varchar, dsrdat, 111) as [dsrdat],tbl_Mdsr.dsrid from tbl_Mdsr inner join Customers_ on tbl_Mdsr.CustomerID = Customers_.CustomerID where tbl_Mdsr.CompanyId = '" + Session["CompanyID"] + "' and tbl_Mdsr.BranchId= '" + Session["BranchID"] + "' order by dsrid desc ";

                    cmd.Connection = con;

                    DataTable dtSal_ = new DataTable();

                    SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                    GVDSR.DataSource = dtSal_;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;