Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void DrawTexture(Rect screenRect, Rect uvs, Texture texture, bool texelAdjust)
            // sanity check
            if (uvs.width == 0 || uvs.height == 0 || screenRect.width == 0 || screenRect.height == 0 || (texture == null))

            Rect uvsAdjusted;

            if (texelAdjust)
                // adjust the uvs by half a pixel - sometimes useful when textures are closely packed
                const float texelAdjustPixels = 0.5f;
                Vector2     uvHalfPixel       = new Vector2(texelAdjustPixels / texture.width, texelAdjustPixels / texture.height);
                uvsAdjusted = Rect.MinMaxRect(uvs.xMin + uvHalfPixel.x,
                                              uvs.yMin + uvHalfPixel.y,
                                              uvs.xMax - uvHalfPixel.x,
                                              uvs.yMax - uvHalfPixel.y);
                // do not adjust
                uvsAdjusted = uvs;

            // create Vec2 sizes for the inputs
            Vector2 screenRectSize = new Vector2(screenRect.width, screenRect.height);
            Vector2 uvSize         = new Vector2(uvsAdjusted.width, uvsAdjusted.height);
            Vector2 textureSize    = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height);

            // convert the UV size into pixels
            Vector2 uvSizeInPixels = Vector2.Scale(textureSize, uvSize);
            // divide the screenRect size (pixels) by the uv size (pixels) to get a scale ration
            Vector2 textureScale = new Vector2(screenRectSize.x / uvSizeInPixels.x, screenRectSize.y / uvSizeInPixels.y);
            // convert the UV offset into pixels
            Vector2 uvOffsetInPixels = new Vector2(uvsAdjusted.xMin * textureSize.x, uvsAdjusted.yMin * textureSize.y);
            // multiply the uv offset (pixels) by the texture scale to get the offset of the texture
            // this result will be positive but we need to move the texture left and up - which is the negative direction so *=-1
            Vector2 textureOffset = new Vector2(uvOffsetInPixels.x * textureScale.x, uvOffsetInPixels.y * textureScale.y) * -1;
            // multiply the texture size by the texture scale to get the actual width and height the texture should be drawn at
            Vector2 textureRectSize = Vector2.Scale(textureScale, textureSize);
            // set up the rect used to draw the texture
            Rect textureRect = GUIx.Vector2Rect(textureOffset, textureRectSize);

            // set up a GUI clipping rect

            // rendering the texture directly always results in scaling - use a guiStyle
            GUIStyle guiStyle = new GUIStyle();

            guiStyle.normal.background = (Texture2D)texture;

            // render the texture - use GUI.Box instead of GUI.DrawTexture as GUI.DrawTexture does not obey Group clipping
            GUI.Box(textureRect, (string)null, guiStyle);

            // end GUI clipping rect
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string DelayedEditableLabel(Rect rect, string text, GUIStyle labelStyle = null, GUIStyle textStyle = null, int clickCount = GUIx.EditableLabelClickCount)
            if (labelStyle == null)
                labelStyle = "label";
            if (textStyle == null)
                textStyle = "textfield";
            //DelayedTextField: 切换焦点时值错误
            return(GUIx.DelayedEditableLabel(rect, text, clickCount: clickCount, labelStyle: labelStyle, textStyle: textStyle,
                                             textField: (o) => EditorGUI.TextField(rect, o, textStyle), onStart: () =>
                //EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false;
                EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = true;
            }, onEnd: (b) => EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false));

Exemplo n.º 3
 public static string DelayedPlaceholderField(Rect rect, string text, out string current, GUIContent placeholder, GUIStyle textStyle = null, GUIStyle placeholderStyle = null)
     return(GUIx.DelayedPlaceholderField(rect, text, out current, placeholder, textStyle: textStyle, placeholderStyle: placeholderStyle,
                                         textField: o => EditorGUI.TextField(rect, o)));;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void DrawScaleTexture(Rect screenRect, Texture texture)
            // sanity check
            if (screenRect.width == 0 ||
                screenRect.height == 0 ||
                texture == null ||
                texture.width == 0 ||
                texture.height == 0)

            // calculate sizes used when drawing
            Vector2 screenRectSize      = new Vector2(screenRect.width, screenRect.height);
            Vector2 halfScreenRectSize  = screenRectSize / 2.0f;
            Vector2 textureSize         = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); // use 1.0 instead of actual size as we are passing in UVs
            Vector2 textureThirdSize    = textureSize / 3.0f;
            Vector2 textureCornerPixels = new Vector2(texture.width / 3.0f, texture.height / 3.0f);

            Vector2 cornerSize = new Vector2(Mathf.Min(halfScreenRectSize.x, textureCornerPixels.x),
                                             Mathf.Min(halfScreenRectSize.y, textureCornerPixels.y));

            Vector2 edgeSize = new Vector2(screenRectSize.x - (textureCornerPixels.x * 2.0f),
                                           screenRectSize.y - (textureCornerPixels.y * 2.0f));

            // use a GUI group to get correct offsetting

            // draw the corners
            // top left
            GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(Vector2.zero, cornerSize),
                             GUIx.Vector2Rect(Vector2.zero, textureThirdSize),

            // top right
            GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(screenRectSize.x - cornerSize.x, 0.0f), cornerSize),
                             GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(textureSize.x - textureThirdSize.x, 0.0f), textureThirdSize),

            // bottom left
            GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(0.0f, screenRectSize.y - cornerSize.y), cornerSize),
                             GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(0.0f, textureSize.y - textureThirdSize.y), textureThirdSize),

            // bottom right
            GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(screenRectSize - cornerSize, cornerSize),
                             GUIx.Vector2Rect(textureSize - textureThirdSize, textureThirdSize),

            // will be set to false if one or both of the edges does not draw
            bool drawCentre = true;

            // should the horizontal edges be drawn?
            if (edgeSize.x > 0.0)
                // top
                GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(cornerSize.x, 0.0f), new Vector2(edgeSize.x, cornerSize.y)),
                                 GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(textureThirdSize.x, 0.0f), textureThirdSize),

                // bottom
                    GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(cornerSize.x, screenRectSize.y - cornerSize.y), new Vector2(edgeSize.x, cornerSize.y)),
                    GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(textureThirdSize.x, textureSize.y - textureThirdSize.y), textureThirdSize),
                drawCentre = false;

            // should the vertical edges be drawn?
            if (edgeSize.y > 0.0)
                // left
                GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(0.0f, cornerSize.y), new Vector2(cornerSize.x, edgeSize.y)),
                                 GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(0.0f, textureThirdSize.y), textureThirdSize),

                // right
                    GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(screenRectSize.x - cornerSize.x, cornerSize.y), new Vector2(cornerSize.x, edgeSize.y)),
                    GUIx.Vector2Rect(new Vector2(textureSize.x - textureThirdSize.x, textureThirdSize.y), textureThirdSize),
                drawCentre = false;

            // if both edges were drawn, draw the centre texture
            if (drawCentre)
                GUIx.DrawTexture(GUIx.Vector2Rect(cornerSize, edgeSize),
                                 GUIx.Vector2Rect(textureThirdSize, textureThirdSize),

            // end the GUI group
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void DrawTexture(Rect screenRect, Vector2 uvMin, Vector2 uvMax, Texture texture, bool texelAdjust)
     DrawTexture(screenRect, GUIx.MinMaxRect(uvMin, uvMax), texture, texelAdjust);