public void Draw(GUIMap map, Rect area) { UpdateValues(); var degree = * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var center = (map.Center + GM.MetersToLatLon(new Vector2d(distance * Mathd.Sin(degree), distance * Mathd.Cos(degree)))).ToVector2(); center = map.PixelToRelative(GM.MetersToPixels(GM.LatLonToMeters(center.x, center.y), map.Zoom)).ToVector2(); if (Texture != null) { var size = new Vector2(Texture.width, Texture.height); // Scale of 1 means 1 pixel is 1 map pixel in scale 19 // Scale of 2 means 1 pixel is 0.5 map pixel in scale 18 // and so on... var pixelsSize = GM.MetersToPixels(GM.PixelsToMeters(new Vector2d(size.x * scale.x, size.y * scale.y), 19), map.Zoom); var midWidthHeight = pixelsSize.ToVector2() / 2f; var textRect = ExtensionRect.FromCorners(center - midWidthHeight, center + midWidthHeight); /*var areaRect = textRect.Intersection(area); * GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(areaRect, i, textRect.ToTexCoords(areaRect));*/ GUI.DrawTexture(textRect, Texture); } }
public void Draw(GUIMap map, Rect area) { UpdateValues(); var center = map.PixelToRelative(GM.MetersToPixels(GM.LatLonToMeters(position.x, position.y), map.Zoom)).ToVector2(); if (Texture != null) { var size = new Vector2(Texture.width, Texture.height); // Scale of 1 means 1 pixel is 1 map pixel in scale 19 // Scale of 2 means 1 pixel is 0.5 map pixel in scale 18 // and so on... var pixelsSize = GM.MetersToPixels(GM.PixelsToMeters(new Vector2d(size.x * scale.x, size.y * scale.y), 19), map.Zoom); var midWidthHeight = pixelsSize.ToVector2() / 2f; var textRect = ExtensionRect.FromCorners(center - midWidthHeight, center + midWidthHeight); /*var areaRect = textRect.Intersection(area); * GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(areaRect, i, textRect.ToTexCoords(areaRect));*/ GUI.DrawTexture(textRect, Texture); Handles.BeginGUI(); var influencePixels = map.PixelToRelative(GM.MetersToPixels(GM.LatLonToMeters(position.x, position.y) + new Vector2d(interactionRange, 0), map.Zoom)).ToVector2() - center; Handles.color =; Handles.DrawWireArc(center, Vector3.back, Vector2.up, 360, influencePixels.magnitude); Handles.EndGUI(); } }
/* ---------------------------------- * INIT: Used for late initialization after constructor * ----------------------------------*/ void Init() { EditorApplication.update += this.Update; place.DataStructure = HelperExtention.GetOrCreateSObjectReturn <StructSearchData>(ref place.DataStructure, PATH_SAVE_SCRIPTABLE_OBJECT); place.namePlaceСache = ""; place.DataStructure.dataChache.Clear(); addressDropdown = new DropDown("Address"); map = new GUIMap(); map.Repaint += Repaint; map.Zoom = 19; geometriesReorderableList = new ReorderableList(new ArrayList(), typeof(GMLGeometry), true, true, true, true); geometriesReorderableList.drawHeaderCallback += DrawGMLGeometryHeader; geometriesReorderableList.drawElementCallback += DrawGMLGeometry; geometriesReorderableList.onAddCallback += AddGMLGeometry; geometriesReorderableList.onRemoveCallback += RemoveGMLGeometry; geometriesReorderableList.onReorderCallback += ReorderGMLGeometries; // Creating the geometry list geometries = new List <GMLGeometry>(); // Set geometries list reference geometriesReorderableList.list = geometries; map.Geometries = geometries; }
public void Repositionate(GUIMap map, Rect area) { if (!reference.TransformManagerParameters.ContainsKey("Position")) { reference.TransformManagerParameters.Add("Position",; } reference.TransformManagerParameters["Position"] = map.GeoMousePosition; }
public void Draw(GUIMap map, Rect area) { UpdateValues(); var corner = area.position + new Vector2(position.x * area.width / gameWidth, area.height - (position.y * area.height / gameHeight)); if (Texture != null) { var size = new Vector2(Texture.width * scale.x, Texture.height * scale.y); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(corner - new Vector2(size.x / 2f, size.y), size), Texture); } }
public void Repositionate(GUIMap map, Rect area) { var centerMouseVector = (map.GeoMousePosition - map.Center).normalized; float angle = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3((float)centerMouseVector.x, (float)centerMouseVector.y, 0.0f)); if (centerMouseVector.x < 0.0f) { angle = 360.0f - angle; } reference.TransformManagerParameters["Degree"] = angle; }
public void Repositionate(GUIMap map, Rect area) { if (!reference.TransformManagerParameters.ContainsKey("Position")) { reference.TransformManagerParameters.Add("Position",; } var elemMapPosition = Event.current.mousePosition - area.position; // save position based on texture starting coord, by placing it on mouse center reference.TransformManagerParameters["Position"] = new Vector2d( elemMapPosition.x * gameWidth / area.width, gameHeight - (elemMapPosition.y * gameHeight / area.height + (Texture.height * scale.y) / 2f)); }