Exemplo n.º 1
 void altTopFunction()
     GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
     GUILayout.Label("Alternate Top Bar");
     if (GUILayout.Button("Fade Switch"))
         GUIArea.fadeOutIn(0.25f, ref altTop, ref topBar);
     if (GUILayout.Button("Slide Up Switch"))
         GUIArea.slideUpOutIn(0.25f, ref altTop, ref topBar);
     if (GUILayout.Button("Slide Up Rotate"))
         GUIArea.slideTopBottom(0.25f, ref altTop, ref topBar);
     GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
 public static void fadeOutIn(float transTime, GUIArea[] exit, GUIArea enter)
     foreach (GUIArea e in exit)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public StaticGui(MainWindow window, MasterRenderer renderer)
            this.window   = window;
            this.renderer = renderer;

            gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area = new GUIArea(gsys);

            BMPFont smallFont  = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-12");
            BMPFont normalFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14");
            BMPFont bigFont    = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-20");
            BMPFont tinyFont   = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-10");

            GUITheme theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();

            theme.SetField("SmallFont", smallFont);
            theme.SetField("Font", normalFont);
            theme.SetField("TinyFont", tinyFont);

            controls        = new ControlsWindow(gsys, theme);
            controls.ZIndex = 200;

            // Overlay
            fpsLabel     = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, "FPS: --", TextAlign.TopLeft, theme);
            timeLabel    = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), UDim2.Zero, "Time: --", TextAlign.TopRight, theme);
            versionLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, 0), UDim2.Zero, GameVersion.Current.ToString(),
                                        TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme);
            fpsLabel.Font     = smallFont;
            timeLabel.Font    = smallFont;
            versionLabel.Font = bigFont;

            if (screenshots == null)
                string[] mainMenuFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Content/Textures/MainMenu");
                screenshots = new List <Texture>();

                foreach (string file in mainMenuFiles)
                    // Skip thumbs.db
                    if (file.EndsWith(".db"))

                    try { screenshots.Add(GLoader.LoadTexture(file, TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear, true)); }
                    catch (Exception e) { DashCMD.WriteError("Failed to load main menu background '{1}'. \n{0}", e, file); }

            background        = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), Image.Blank);
            background.ZIndex = -100;

            area.AddTopLevel(background, fpsLabel, timeLabel, versionLabel);
Exemplo n.º 4
            private void DrawSoundSetElement(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused)
                string textureName = soundsSets.GetPropertyOfIndex(index, "TextureName").stringValue;

                Object soundsSet = soundsSets.GetPropertyOfIndex(index, "soundsSet").objectReferenceValue;

                soundsSets.GetPropertyOfIndex(index, "soundsSet").objectReferenceValue =
                    EditorGUI.ObjectField(GUIArea.ProgressLine(ref rect), textureName, soundsSet, typeof(ControllerSoundStates), false);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public GameScreen(MainWindow window, string name)
            Name     = name;
            Window   = window;
            Renderer = window.Renderer;

            GUISystem = Renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;
            GUIArea   = new GUIArea(GUISystem);
            GUIArea.Visible = false;
            Windows         = new HashSet <GUIWindowBase>();
Exemplo n.º 6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     hat       = new GUIArea(hatFunction, new Vector2(0.25f, 1f), "left");
     topHat    = new GUIArea(topHatFunction, new Vector2(0.25f, 1f), "right");
     batman    = new GUIArea(batmanFunction, 0.25f);
     bottomBar = new GUIArea(bottomFunction, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.25f), "bottom");
     topBar    = new GUIArea(topFunction, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.25f), "top");
     altTop    = new GUIArea(altTopFunction, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.25f), "top");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public CustomConsole()
            : base("Debug console", Config.ConsoleRect)
            headerArea = new GUIArea(this)
                         .OffsetBy(vertical: 16f)
                         .ChangeSizeRelative(height: 0);

            consoleArea = new GUIArea(this);

            commandLineArea = new GUIArea(this)
                              .ChangeSizeRelative(height: 0);

Exemplo n.º 8
        //bool showGameItems;

        public HUD(MasterRenderer renderer)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            font          = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-26");

            feed           = new List <FeedItem>();
            hitIndications = new List <HitIndication>();

            if (palletTex == null)
                palletTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/palette.png");
                Texture crosshairTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/crosshair.png");
                Texture hitmarkerTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hitmarker.png");
                crosshairImage = new Image(crosshairTex);
                hitmarkerImage = new Image(hitmarkerTex);
                hurtRingTex    = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hurt-ring.png");
                intelTex       = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/intel.png", TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);

            GUISystem gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area        = new GUIArea(gsys);
            area.ZIndex = -1;

            theme = GUITheme.Basic;
            theme.SetField("Font", font);
            theme.SetField("SmallFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14"));
            theme.SetField("Label.TextColor", Color.White);
            theme.SetField("Label.TextShadowColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f));

            healthLabel       = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 40, 1, -20), UDim2.Zero, "Health: --", TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme);
            ammoLabel         = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, -50, 1, -25), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.BottomRight, theme);
            crosshair         = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -28, 0.5f, -28), new UDim2(0, 56, 0, 56), crosshairImage);
            hitmarker         = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -43, 0.5f, -43), new UDim2(0, 86, 0, 86), hitmarkerImage);
            hitmarker.Visible = false;

            intelInHand = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -20, 0, 100), new UDim2(0, 40, 0, 40), new Image(intelTex));
            intelPickedUpNotification = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 150), UDim2.Zero,
                                                     "You have picked up the intel!", TextAlign.TopCenter, theme);
            intelInHand.Visible = false;
            intelPickedUpNotification.Visible = false;

            crosshair.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            hitmarker.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            ammoLabel.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            healthLabel.CapturesMouseClicks = false;

            area.AddTopLevel(ammoLabel, healthLabel, crosshair, hitmarker, intelInHand, intelPickedUpNotification);
Exemplo n.º 9
	private void Start()
		var Controls = GetComponents<GUIControl>().ToList();
		GUIArea_1157020965 = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIArea_1157020965");
		GUIArea_977234804 = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIArea_977234804");
		GUIButton_2085473440 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_2085473440");
		GUIButton_955361902 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_955361902");
		GUIButton_1226782659 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_1226782659");
		GUIButton_444708301 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_444708301");
		GUIButton_444708301.Click += Multiplayer;
		GUIButton_790021684 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_790021684");
		GUIButton_520576317 = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GUIButton_520576317");
		GUIButton_520576317.Click += Quit;
	private void Start()
		var Controls = GetComponents<GUIControl>().ToList();
		MainArea = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "MainArea");
		CenterArea = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "CenterArea");
		ButtonsArea = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "ButtonsArea");
		JoinRoomButton = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "JoinRoomButton");
		JoinRoomButton.Click += JoinRoom;
		CreateRoomButton = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "CreateRoomButton");
		CreateRoomButton.Click += CreateRoom;
		ListArea = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "ListArea");
		GamesTable = (MultiplayerGUITable)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "GamesTable");
		BottomArea = (GUIArea)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "BottomArea");
		BackButton = (GUIButton)Controls.First(Control => Control.Name == "BackButton");
		BackButton.Click += SwitchBack;
Exemplo n.º 11
    public GUIArea(Rect?area)
        Rect screenRect = (area == null) ? GUIArea.GetStandardArea() : area.Value;

        if (GUIArea.rotated > 0)
            screenRect.y += screenRect.height;
            float width = screenRect.width;
            screenRect.width  = screenRect.height;
            screenRect.height = width;
        if (GUIArea.rotated > 0)
            GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-90f, Vector2.zero);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ScriptEditor()
            : base("Script Editor", new Rect(16.0f, 16.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f))
            headerArea = new GUIArea(this)
                         .OffsetBy(vertical: 32f)
                         .ChangeSizeRelative(height: 0)
                         .ChangeSizeBy(height: HeaderHeight);

            editorArea = new GUIArea(this)
                         .OffsetBy(vertical: 32.0f + HeaderHeight)
                         .ChangeSizeBy(height: -(32.0f + HeaderHeight + FooterHeight));

            footerArea = new GUIArea(this)
                         .OffsetRelative(vertical: 1f)
                         .OffsetBy(vertical: -FooterHeight)
                         .ChangeSizeRelative(height: 0)
                         .ChangeSizeBy(height: FooterHeight);
Exemplo n.º 13
    public GUIArea(Rect?area)
        var a = area ?? GUIArea.GetStandardArea();

        if (rotated > 0)
            a.y += a.height;
            var w = a.width;
            a.width  = a.height;
            a.height = w;

        if (rotated > 0)
            GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-90f, Vector2.zero);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public SceneExplorer()
            : base(TitleBase, new Rect(128, 440, 800, 500))
            headerArea = new GUIArea(this)
                         .ChangeSizeRelative(height: 0)
                         .OffsetBy(vertical: WindowTopMargin);

            sceneTreeArea = new GUIArea(this)
                            .ChangeSizeRelative(width: 0)
                            .ChangeSizeBy(width: SceneTreeWidth);

            componentArea = new GUIArea(this)
                            .OffsetBy(horizontal: SceneTreeWidth)
                            .ChangeSizeBy(width: -SceneTreeWidth);

            state = new SceneExplorerState();

Exemplo n.º 15
        public EditorUI(MasterRenderer renderer, EditorScreen screen)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            this.screen   = screen;

            GUISystem gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area = new GUIArea(gsys);

            theme = EditorTheme.Glass;


            openFileWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(gsys, theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Open Model",
                                                   FileBrowserMode.OpenFile, new string[] { ".aosm" },
                                                   (window) =>
                if (File.Exists(window.FileName))

            saveFileWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(gsys, theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Save Model",
                                                   FileBrowserMode.Save, new string[] { ".aosm" },
                                                   (window) =>
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(window.CurrentDirectory, window.FileName);

                if (!Path.HasExtension(fullPath))
                    fullPath += ".aosm";


            gsys.Add(openFileWindow, saveFileWindow);
        public MultiplayerScreen(MainWindow window)
            : base(window, "Multiplayer")
            debugRenderer = Renderer.GetRenderer3D <DebugRenderer>();

            gamemodes = new Dictionary <GamemodeType, NetworkedGamemode>()
                { GamemodeType.TDM, new TDMGamemode(this) },
                { GamemodeType.CTF, new CTFGamemode(this) }

            // Build the UI elements
            theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();
            font  = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont");

            hud                       = new HUD(Renderer);
            loadingBar                = new MultiplayerLoadingBar(GUISystem, theme);
            chat                      = new ChatBox(new UDim2(0, 40, 1f, -240), new UDim2(0, 350, 0, 165), theme, this);
            menu                      = new MultiplayerMenu(GUISystem, theme, Window);
            menu.OnClosed            += Menu_OnClosed;
            announcementLabel         = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0.5f, 0), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.Center, theme);
            announcementLabel.Font    = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-32");
            announcementLabel.Visible = false;

            // Add each UI element
            GUIArea.AddTopLevel(chat, announcementLabel);
            GUISystem.Add(loadingBar, menu);

            // Setup default multiplayer cvars
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_impacts", false);
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp", 0.5f);               // Client interpolation with server position
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_movement_smooth", 1f); // Client player movement smoothing (1f = no smoothing)
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_rep", 20f);            // Replicated entities interpolation
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_max_error_dist", 12f);        // Max distance the client's position can be off from the server's
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void Add(GUIArea area)
        public MainMenuScreen(MainWindow mainWindow)
            : base(mainWindow, "MainMenu")
            theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();
            theme.SetField("SmallFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14"));
            theme.SetField("Font", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-16"));
            theme.SetField("BigFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-20"));

            popup         = new MessageWindow(GUISystem, theme, new UDim2(0.1f, 0, 0.3f, 0), "Alert!");
            popup.MinSize = new UDim2(0, 215, 0, 200);
            popup.MaxSize = new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 275);

            connectWindow                   = new ConnectWindow(GUISystem, theme, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0));
            connectWindow.MinSize           = new UDim2(0, 375, 0, 200);
            connectWindow.MaxSize           = new UDim2(0, 700, 0, 200);
            connectWindow.OnConnectPressed += ConnectWindow_OnConnectPressed;

            GUIFrame title = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -260, 0.2f, -40), new UDim2(0, 520, 0, 80),
                                          new Image(GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/title.png")));

            GUIFrame btnFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -200, 0.5f, -50), new UDim2(0, 400, 0, 110), theme);

            btnFrame.Image = null;

            GUIButton connectBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "Connect to a Server",
                                                 TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            connectBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)
                    connectWindow.Visible = true;

            GUIButton controlsBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "View Controls",
                                                  TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            controlsBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            GUIButton spBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 80), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "Start Singleplayer Test",
                                            TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            spBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            GUIButton randomImageButton = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -160, 1f, -40), new UDim2(0, 150, 0, 30),
                                                        "Random Image", theme);

            randomImageButton.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) => { Window.StaticGui.ShowRandomBackgroundImage(); };

            GUIArea.AddTopLevel(title, randomImageButton, btnFrame);
            GUISystem.Add(connectWindow, popup);
Exemplo n.º 19
    public bool HandleGUIEvent(Event ev)
        bool used = false;
            Vector2 localMousePos = ev.mousePosition - new Vector2(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin) - new Vector2(marginSize, marginSize);

            Rect sbBounds = new Rect(0, 0, pixelWidth - marginSize * 2 - splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2 - splitSize);
            Rect aBounds = new Rect(0, pixelWidth - marginSize - splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2, splitSize);
            Rect hBounds = new Rect(pixelWidth - marginSize * 2 - splitSize, 0, splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2 - splitSize);

                if(ev.type == EventType.mouseUp)
                    activeArea = GUIArea.None;
                    used = true;
                else if(ev.type == EventType.mouseDown)
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Color;
                    else if(hBounds.Contains(localMousePos))
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Hue;
                    else if(aBounds.Contains(localMousePos))
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Alpha;
                        activeArea = GUIArea.None;
                    used = true;
                if(Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown)
                    activeArea = GUIArea.None;

            if((Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag || Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) && activeArea != GUIArea.None)
                RagePixelHSBColor hsbcolor = new RagePixelHSBColor(selectedColor);
                case GUIArea.Color:
                    hsbcolor.s = Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.x, 0.001f, sbBounds.width - 0.001f) / (sbBounds.width);
                    hsbcolor.b = 1f - Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.y, 0.001f, sbBounds.height - 0.001f) / (sbBounds.height);
                case GUIArea.Hue:
                    hsbcolor.h = 1f - Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.y, 0.001f, hBounds.height - 0.001f) / (hBounds.height);
                case GUIArea.Alpha:
                    hsbcolor.a = Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.x, 0.001f, aBounds.width - 0.001f) / (aBounds.width);
                selectedColor = hsbcolor.ToColor();
                used = true;

        return used;
 //transition from one GUIArea to Another
 public static void fadeOutIn(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
 public static void slideUpOutIn(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
 public static void slideDownOutIn(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
 public static void slideLeftOutIn(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
 public static void slideRightLeft(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
 public static void slideBottomTop(float transTime, ref GUIArea exit, ref GUIArea enter)
Exemplo n.º 26
	public void SetType( string guiName, GUIEditObject.GUITypes guiType )
		// create based on type
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Screen )
			guiScreen = new GUIScreen();
			guiScreen.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Area )
			guiObject = new GUIArea();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Label )
			guiObject = new GUILabel();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Button )
			guiObject = new GUIButton();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Horizontal )
			guiObject = new GUIHorizontalCommand();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Vertical )
			guiObject = new GUIVerticalCommand();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Scrollview )
			guiObject = new GUIScrollView();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Toggle )
			guiObject = new GUIToggle();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Space )
			guiObject = new GUISpace();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.EditBox )
			guiObject = new GUIEditbox();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Box )
			guiObject = new GUIBox();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.HorizontalSlider )
			guiObject = new GUIHorizontalSlider();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.VerticalSlider )
			guiObject = new GUIVerticalSlider();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Movie )
			guiObject = new GUIMovie();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void Remove(GUIArea area)
Exemplo n.º 28
        public EditorUI(MasterRenderer renderer, EditorScreen screen)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            this.screen   = screen;

            GUISystem = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area = new GUIArea(GUISystem);

            Theme = EditorTheme.Glass;

            TranslateTerrainWindow transTerrainWindow;

            newWindow = new NewWorldWindow(GUISystem, screen, Theme);

            transTerrainWindow          = new TranslateTerrainWindow(GUISystem, Theme);
            transTerrainWindow.OnApply += (sender, d) => { screen.World.TranslateTerrain(d); };

            GUIFrame topBar = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1, 0, 0, 40), Theme);

            float menuItemWidth = 220;

            GUIDropDown fileMenu = new GUIDropDown(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                Parent = topBar, Text = "File"

            fileMenu.AddItem("New", null, (d, b) => { newWindow.Visible = true; });
            fileMenu.AddItem("Open", null, (d, b) => { openWorldWindow.Visible = true; });
            fileMenu.AddItem("Save", null, (d, b) => { if (screen.CurrentFile != null)
                                                           saveWorldWindow.Visible = true;
                                                       } });
            fileMenu.AddItem("Save As...", null, (d, b) => { saveWorldWindow.Visible = true; });

            GUIDropDown editMenu = new GUIDropDown(new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                Parent = topBar, Text = "Edit"

            GUIDropDown editModeMenu = new GUIDropDown(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                HideMainButton = true

            editMenu.AddItemSub("Mode", editModeMenu);
            editModeButtons = new GUIDropDownButton[] {
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Select", null, OnEditModeSelected),
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Add", null, OnEditModeSelected),
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Delete", null, OnEditModeSelected),
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Paint", null, OnEditModeSelected),
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Terrain Move", null, OnEditModeSelected),
                editModeMenu.AddItem("Terraform", null, OnEditModeSelected),

            GUIDropDown insertSubMenu = new GUIDropDown(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                HideMainButton = true

            editMenu.AddItemSub("Insert", insertSubMenu);
            GUIDropDownButton[] insertButtons = new GUIDropDownButton[] {
                insertSubMenu.AddItem("Command Post", null, (d, b) => { screen.World.AddNewCommandPost(); }),
                insertSubMenu.AddItem("Intel", null, (d, b) => { screen.World.AddNewIntel(); }),

            editMenu.AddItem("Bake Damage Colors", null, (d, b) => { screen.WorldEditor.TerrainEditor.BakeDamageColors(); });
            editMenu.AddItem("Translate Terrain", null, (d, b) => { transTerrainWindow.Visible = true; });

            editModeButtons[0].Toggled = true;

            GUIDropDown gfxMenu = new GUIDropDown(new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth * 2, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                Parent = topBar, Text = "Graphics"

            gfxMenu.AddItem("FXAA", null, (d, b) => { TogglePostProcess(b, true); });
            gfxMenu.AddItem("Shadows", null, (d, b) => { b.Toggled = renderer.GFXSettings.RenderShadows = !renderer.GFXSettings.RenderShadows; });

            GUIDropDown gfxFogMenu = new GUIDropDown(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                HideMainButton = true

            gfxMenu.AddItemSub("Fog", gfxFogMenu);
            fogButtons    = new GUIDropDownButton[4];
            fogButtons[0] = gfxFogMenu.AddItem("Off", null, OnFogSelected);
            fogButtons[1] = gfxFogMenu.AddItem("Low", null, OnFogSelected);
            fogButtons[2] = gfxFogMenu.AddItem("Medium", null, OnFogSelected);
            fogButtons[3] = gfxFogMenu.AddItem("High", null, OnFogSelected);

            GUIDropDown gfxPCFMenu = new GUIDropDown(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                HideMainButton = true

            gfxMenu.AddItemSub("PCF Samples", gfxPCFMenu);
            pcfButtons    = new GUIDropDownButton[5];
            pcfButtons[0] = gfxPCFMenu.AddItem("1", 1, OnPCFSelected);
            pcfButtons[1] = gfxPCFMenu.AddItem("2", 2, OnPCFSelected);
            pcfButtons[2] = gfxPCFMenu.AddItem("4", 4, OnPCFSelected);
            pcfButtons[3] = gfxPCFMenu.AddItem("6", 6, OnPCFSelected);
            pcfButtons[4] = gfxPCFMenu.AddItem("12", 12, OnPCFSelected);

            GUIDropDown viewMenu = new GUIDropDown(new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth * 3, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, menuItemWidth, 1, 0), Theme, false)
                Parent = topBar, Text = "View"

            viewMenu.AddItem("Color Picker", null, (d, b) => { ColorWindow.Visible = true; });
            viewMenu.AddItem("Chunk Borders", null, (d, b) => { b.Toggled = screen.World.ShowChunkBorders = !screen.World.ShowChunkBorders; });

            currentToolLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, -5, 0, 5), UDim2.Zero, "Current Tool: Add", TextAlign.TopRight, Theme)
                Parent = topBar


            GUIFrame bottomBar = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0, 0, 1, -30), new UDim2(1, 0, 0, 30), Theme);

            statusLeft = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1, 0), "<left status>", TextAlign.Left, Theme)
                Parent = bottomBar
            statusRight = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1, 0), "<right status>", TextAlign.Right, Theme)
                Parent = bottomBar
            statusMid = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.25f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), "", TextAlign.Center, Theme)
                Parent = bottomBar


            openWorldWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(GUISystem, Theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Open World",
                                                    FileBrowserMode.OpenFile, new string[] { ".aosw" },
                                                    (window) =>
                if (File.Exists(window.FileName))

            saveWorldWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(GUISystem, Theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Save World",
                                                    FileBrowserMode.Save, new string[] { ".aosw" },
                                                    (window) =>
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(window.CurrentDirectory, window.FileName);

                if (!Path.HasExtension(fullPath))
                    fullPath += ".aosw";


            ColorWindow          = new GUIColorPickerWindow(GUISystem, new UDim2(0.3f, 0, 0.3f, 0), Theme);
            ColorWindow.Visible  = true;
            ColorWindow.Position = new UDim2(0.7f, -10, 0.7f, -10);
            ColorWindow.MinSize  = new UDim2(0, 400, 0, 300);
            ColorWindow.MaxSize  = new UDim2(0, 550, 0, 400);
            popup         = new MessageWindow(GUISystem, Theme, new UDim2(0.6f, 0, 0.3f, 0), "Alert!");
            popup.MinSize = new UDim2(0, 215, 0, 200);
            popup.MaxSize = new UDim2(0, 600, 0, 275);

            GUISystem.Add(ColorWindow, transTerrainWindow, openWorldWindow, saveWorldWindow, newWindow, popup);
Exemplo n.º 29
    public bool HandleGUIEvent(Event ev)
        bool used = false;

        if (visible)
            Vector2 localMousePos = ev.mousePosition - new Vector2(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin) - new Vector2(marginSize, marginSize);

            Rect sbBounds = new Rect(0, 0, pixelWidth - marginSize * 2 - splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2 - splitSize);
            Rect aBounds  = new Rect(0, pixelWidth - marginSize - splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2, splitSize);
            Rect hBounds  = new Rect(pixelWidth - marginSize * 2 - splitSize, 0, splitSize, pixelHeight - marginSize * 2 - splitSize);

            if (bounds.Contains(ev.mousePosition))
                if (ev.type == EventType.mouseUp)
                    activeArea = GUIArea.None;
                    used       = true;
                else if (ev.type == EventType.mouseDown)
                    if (sbBounds.Contains(localMousePos))
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Color;
                    else if (hBounds.Contains(localMousePos))
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Hue;
                    else if (aBounds.Contains(localMousePos))
                        activeArea = GUIArea.Alpha;
                        activeArea = GUIArea.None;
                    used = true;
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown)
                    activeArea = GUIArea.None;

            if ((Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag || Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) && activeArea != GUIArea.None)
                RagePixelHSBColor hsbcolor = new RagePixelHSBColor(selectedColor);
                switch (activeArea)
                case GUIArea.Color:
                    hsbcolor.s = Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.x, 0.001f, sbBounds.width - 0.001f) / (sbBounds.width);
                    hsbcolor.b = 1f - Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.y, 0.001f, sbBounds.height - 0.001f) / (sbBounds.height);

                case GUIArea.Hue:
                    hsbcolor.h = 1f - Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.y, 0.001f, hBounds.height - 0.001f) / (hBounds.height);

                case GUIArea.Alpha:
                    hsbcolor.a = Mathf.Clamp(localMousePos.x, 0.001f, aBounds.width - 0.001f) / (aBounds.width);
                selectedColor = hsbcolor.ToColor();
                used          = true;

Exemplo n.º 30
	public override void Process(GUIScreen parentScreen, GUIArea container)
		base.Process(parentScreen, container);
		if (scrollMenu != null)
			scrollMenu.Process(parentScreen, container);
			menus = new GUIScrollMenu[4];
			menus[0] = new GUIScrollMenu();
			menus[1] = new GUIScrollMenu();
			menus[2] = new GUIScrollMenu();
			menus[3] = new GUIScrollMenu();
			menus[0].buttonTemplate = scrollMenu.buttonTemplate;
			menus[0].scrollviewTemplate = scrollMenu.scrollviewTemplate;
			menus[0].Process(parentScreen, container);
			menus[1].buttonTemplate = scrollMenu.buttonTemplate;
			menus[1].scrollviewTemplate = scrollMenu.scrollviewTemplate;
			menus[1].Process(parentScreen, container);
			menus[2].buttonTemplate = scrollMenu.buttonTemplate;
			menus[2].scrollviewTemplate = scrollMenu.scrollviewTemplate;
			menus[2].Process(parentScreen, container);
			menus[3].buttonTemplate = scrollMenu.buttonTemplate;
			menus[3].scrollviewTemplate = scrollMenu.scrollviewTemplate;
			menus[3].Process(parentScreen, container);
		if (divider != null)
			divider.Process(parentScreen, container);