Exemplo n.º 1
    private void LoadObjs(ref string[] tNames, ref string[] tPaths, bool bIsDefault = false)
        int    tCount       = tNames.Length;
        string tPath        = "";
        string tStringPath  = "";
        string tDesc        = "";
        string tDisplayName = "";
        string ThumbString  = "";
        bool   bIsBridge    = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
            bIsBridge = false;
            tPath     = tPaths[i];

            if (tWindowType == WindowTypeEnum.Extrusion)
                SplinatedMeshMaker.SplinatedMeshLibraryMaker SLM = (SplinatedMeshMaker.SplinatedMeshLibraryMaker)GSDRootUtil.LoadXML <SplinatedMeshMaker.SplinatedMeshLibraryMaker>(ref tPath);
                if (SLM == null)
                tStringPath  = SLM.CurrentSplinationString;
                tDesc        = SLM.Desc;
                tDisplayName = SLM.DisplayName;
                ThumbString  = SLM.ThumbString;
                bIsBridge    = SLM.bIsBridge;
            else if (tWindowType == WindowTypeEnum.Edge)
                EdgeObjectMaker.EdgeObjectLibraryMaker ELM = (EdgeObjectMaker.EdgeObjectLibraryMaker)GSDRootUtil.LoadXML <EdgeObjectMaker.EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(ref tPath);
                if (ELM == null)
                tStringPath  = ELM.EdgeObjectString;
                tDesc        = ELM.Desc;
                tDisplayName = ELM.DisplayName;
                ThumbString  = ELM.ThumbString;
                bIsBridge    = ELM.bIsBridge;

            //Don't continue if bridge pieces and this is not a bridge piece:
            if (tWindowType == WindowTypeEnum.Extrusion && bIsBridge)

            GSDRoadUtil.WizardObject tO = new GSDRoadUtil.WizardObject();
                tO.Thumb = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ThumbString, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
            }catch {
                tO.Thumb = null;
            if (tO.Thumb == null)
                    GameObject xObj = (GameObject)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(tStringPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
                    tO.Thumb = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(xObj);
                }catch {
                    tO.Thumb = null;
            tO.DisplayName = tDisplayName;
            tO.FileName    = tNames[i];
            tO.FullPath    = tPath;
            tO.Desc        = tDesc;
            tO.bIsDefault  = bIsDefault;

            if (bIsDefault && tWindowType == WindowTypeEnum.Edge)
                if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDAtten"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Attenuator";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard double WBeam with impact absorption.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDGreenBlinder"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "KRail Blinder";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best results when placed on KRail for KRail blinders.";
                    tO.sortID      = 5;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrelStatic"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrel Static";
                    tO.Desc        = "One static sand barrel. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrelRigid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrel Rigid";
                    tO.Desc        = "One rigid sand barrel. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrel3Static"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrels Static 3";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three static sand barrels in a line. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrel3Rigid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrels Rigid 3";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three rigid sand barrels in a line. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrel7Static"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrels Static 7";
                    tO.Desc        = "Seven static sand barrels in standard formation. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadBarrel7Rigid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sand Barrel Rigid 7";
                    tO.Desc        = "Seven rigid sand barrels in standard formation. Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadConBarrelStatic"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Con Barrels Static";
                    tO.Desc        = "Static road construction barrels.";
                    tO.sortID      = 3;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadConBarrelRigid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Con Barrels Rigid";
                    tO.Desc        = "Rigid road construction barrels.";
                    tO.sortID      = 3;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDTrafficConeStatic"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Traffic cones Static";
                    tO.Desc        = "Static traffic cones.";
                    tO.sortID      = 4;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDTrafficConeRigid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Traffic cones Rigid";
                    tO.Desc        = "Rigid traffic cones.";
                    tO.sortID      = 4;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRoadReflector"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Road reflectors";
                    tO.Desc        = "Placed one center line of road for center line reflection.";
                    tO.sortID      = 4;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDStopSign"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Stop sign";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard specification non-interstate stop sign.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDStreetLightSingle"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Streetlight Singlesided";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best used on side of roads.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDStreetLightDouble"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Streetlight Doublesided";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best results when embedded in KRail in centerline of road.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWarningSign1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Warning Sign #1";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWarningSign2"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Warning Sign #2";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best results when placed in front of railings or bridges.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSignRightTurnOnly"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Right turn only";
                    tO.Desc        = "Best results when placed near intersection right turn lane.";
                    tO.sortID      = 4;

                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign330"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 330";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-330\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign396"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 396";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-396\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign617-Small"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 617 small";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-617\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign617"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 617";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-617\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign861-Small"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 861 small";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-861\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign861"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sign type 861";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-861\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign988-Small"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 988 small";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-988\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSign988"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs 988";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-988\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSignDiamond"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs diamond";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-diamond\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSignSquare-Small"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs square small";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-Square\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSignSquare"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Signs square";
                    tO.Desc        = "Interchangeable materials, use \"GSDFedSign-Square\" as the search term.";
                    tO.sortID      = 21;

            if (bIsDefault && tWindowType == WindowTypeEnum.Extrusion)
                if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDKRail"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "KRail";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec cement KRailing (also known as Jersey Barriers). Variant with down ends.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDKRailCurvedR"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "KRail Curved Right";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec cement KRailing (also known as Jersey Barriers). Variant with curved ends for right shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDKRailCurvedL"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "KRail Curved Left";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec cement KRailing (also known as Jersey Barriers). Variant with curved ends for left shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWBeam1R"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "WBeam Wood Right";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec wooden pole WBeam railing. Best used as outer shoulder railing. Right shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWBeam1L"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "WBeam Wood Left";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec wooden pole WBeam railing. Best used as outer shoulder railing. Left shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWBeam2R"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "WBeam Metal Right";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec metal pole WBeam railing. Best used as outer shoulder railing. Right shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDWBeam2L"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "WBeam Metal Left";
                    tO.Desc        = "Federal spec metal pole WBeam railing. Best used as outer shoulder railing. Left shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #1";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard double square pole railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing2"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #2";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard concrete big block railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing3"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #3";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard four-strand metal railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing5"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #5";
                    tO.Desc        = "Basic concrete railing with pylons.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing6"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #6";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard two-strand metal pole railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing7"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #7";
                    tO.Desc        = "Rock-decorated concrete railing with pylons and double strand rusted look metal railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing8"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #8";
                    tO.Desc        = "Rock-decorated concrete railing with standard single pole metal railing.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing9"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #9";
                    tO.Desc        = "Very low poly railing used for mobile.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDSidewalk"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Sidewalk";
                    tO.Desc        = "Sidewalk.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRumbleStrip"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Rumblestrip";
                    tO.Desc        = "State spec rumblestrip. For best results place several cm from road edge into shoulder.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing4R"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #4 Right";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three bar angled pole railing. Right side of road.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing4L"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #4 Left";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three bar angled pole railing. Left side of road.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing4-LightR"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #4 Light Right";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three bar angled pole railing. Right side of road. Light version with fewer triangle count.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailing4-LightL"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing #4 Light Left";
                    tO.Desc        = "Three bar angled pole railing. Left side of road. Light version with fewer triangle count.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailingBase1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing base #1";
                    tO.Desc        = "Use as a base on other railings to create more detail.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDRailingBase2"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Railing base #2";
                    tO.Desc        = "Use as a base on other railings to create more detail.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDCableBarrier-Light"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Cable barrier 10m";
                    tO.Desc        = "Cable barrier 10m light triangle version. Best used as center divider or as railing barriers.";
                    tO.sortID      = 20;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDCableBarrier"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Cable barrier 5m";
                    tO.Desc        = "Cable barrier 5m. Best used as center divider or as railing barriers.";
                    tO.sortID      = 20;

Exemplo n.º 2
    private void LoadGroupObjs(ref string[] tNames, ref string[] tPaths, bool bIsBridge)
        int    tCount = tNames.Length;
        string tPath  = "";

//		string tStringPath = "";
//		string tDesc = "";
//		string tDisplayName = "";
//		string ThumbString = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
            GSDRoadUtil.WizardObject tO = GSDRoadUtil.WizardObject.LoadFromLibrary(tPaths[i]);
            if (tO == null)
            if (tO.bIsBridge != bIsBridge)
                tO.Thumb = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(tO.ThumbString, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
            }catch {
                tO.Thumb = null;
            tO.FileName = tNames[i];
            tO.FullPath = tPath;

            if (tO.bIsDefault && bIsBridge)
                if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("SuspL") || tO.DisplayName.Contains("Large Suspension"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Large Suspension";
                    tO.Desc        = "Designed after the Golden Gate bridge. For lengths over 850m. Best results over 1300m.";
                    tO.sortID      = 11;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("SuspS") || tO.DisplayName.Contains("Small Suspension"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Small Suspension";
                    tO.Desc        = "Similar style as the large with smaller pillars. For lengths under 725m.";
                    tO.sortID      = 10;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("SemiArch1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "SemiArch 80 Degree";
                    tO.Desc        = "80 Degree arch. For lengths under 300m and small heights.";
                    tO.sortID      = 40;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("SemiArch2"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "SemiArch 80 Girder";
                    tO.Desc        = "80 Degree arch with girder style. For lengths under 300m and small heights.";
                    tO.sortID      = 41;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("SemiArch3"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "SemiArch 180 Degree";
                    tO.Desc        = "180 Degree arch. For lengths under 300m and small heights.";
                    tO.sortID      = 42;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Arch12m"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Arch 12m Beams";
                    tO.Desc        = "Full deck arch bridge with 12m beams. Good for any length.";
                    tO.sortID      = 0;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Arch24m"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Arch 24m Beams";
                    tO.Desc        = "Full deck arch bridge with 24m beams. Good for any length and non-small width roads.";
                    tO.sortID      = 1;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Arch48m"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Arch 48m Beams";
                    tO.Desc        = "Full deck arch bridge with 48m beams. Good for any length and large width roads.";
                    tO.sortID      = 3;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Grid"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Grid Steel";
                    tO.Desc        = "Grid based steel bridge. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 30;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Steel"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Steel Beam";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard steel beam bridge. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 4;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Causeway1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Causeway Federal";
                    tO.Desc        = "Standard federal highway bridge style. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 5;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Causeway2"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Causeway Overpass";
                    tO.Desc        = "Overpass style. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 8;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Causeway3"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Causeway Classic";
                    tO.Desc        = "Classic causeway style. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 7;
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("Causeway4"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Causeway Highway";
                    tO.Desc        = "State highway style. Good for any length depending on triangle counts.";
                    tO.sortID      = 6;

            if (tO.bIsDefault && !bIsBridge)
                if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDTunnel"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Tunnel";
                    tO.Desc        = "Designed after the Eisenhower tunnel.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDGroup-WBeamLeftTurn"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Left turn wbeams";
                    tO.Desc        = "Contains wbeam and signs on right side of road for left turn.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDGroup-KRailLights"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "K-rail with lights";
                    tO.Desc        = "Center divider k-rail with double sided lights. Best used on mostly straight highway type roads.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDGroup-Rumblestrips"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Rumblestrips x2";
                    tO.Desc        = "Rumble strips on both sides of the road.";
                else if (tO.DisplayName.Contains("GSDGroup-Fancy1"))
                    tO.DisplayName = "Fancy railing x2";
                    tO.Desc        = "Luxurious railing with lighting on both sides of the road.";
