void InitConstruct() { RUNSPEC runspec = new RUNSPEC("RUNSPEC"); this.Key.Add(runspec); GRID grid = new GRID("GRID"); this.Key.Add(grid); EDIT edit = new EDIT("EDIT"); this.Key.Add(edit); PROPS props = new PROPS("PROPS"); this.Key.Add(props); REGIONS regions = new REGIONS("REGIONS"); this.Key.Add(regions); SOLUTION solution = new SOLUTION("SOLUTION"); this.Key.Add(solution); SUMMARY summary = new SUMMARY("SUMMARY"); this.Key.Add(summary); SCHEDULE schedule = new SCHEDULE("SCHEDULE"); this.Key.Add(schedule); }
public void BeforeTest() { grid = new GRID(); driver = grid.getDriver(); // = new ChromeDriver(Environment.CurrentDirectory); browser = new WorkWithBrowser(driver, name, email); pg = new PageObject(driver, "https://gmail.com"); }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GRID.EndEdit(); SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); //Creating a file save dialog saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; //read and filter the raw data if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream output = new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); ; int n = GRID.RowCount; data[] Person = new data[n - 1]; //We have as many records as many rows, rows are added automaticly so we have always one row more than we need, so n is a number of rows -1 empty row for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { Person[i] = new data(); //GRID has two numbers in"[]" first numer is an index of column, second is a an idnex of row', indexing always starts from 0' Person[i].name = GRID[0, i].Value.ToString(); Person[i].surname = GRID[1, i].Value.ToString(); Person[i].city = GRID[2, i].Value.ToString(); Person[i].number = GRID[3, i].Value.ToString(); } formatter.Serialize(output, Person); output.Close(); } }
private void zapiszToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GRID.EndEdit(); SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); //utworznie obiektu do zapisywania pliku saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; //Okno dialogowe spowoduje przywrócenie bieżącego katalogu do poprzednio wybranego katalogu po zmianie //katalogu podczas wyszukiwania plików. if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //jeśli okno wyświetli się poprawnie { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); //obiekt formatowania do zapisu binarnego //Udostępnia strumień dla pliku, obsługuje synchroniczne i asynchroniczne operacje odczytu i zapisu. FileStream output = new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); int n = GRID.RowCount; //odczytanie liczby wierszy data[] Osoba = new data[n - 1]; //utowrzenie tablicy klasy osoba //pętla odczytująca wartości pól w tabeli i przekazujaca je do tablicy for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { Osoba[i] = new data(); Osoba[i].imie = GRID[0, i].Value.ToString(); Osoba[i].nazwisko = GRID[1, i].Value.ToString(); Osoba[i].email = GRID[2, i].Value.ToString(); } formatter.Serialize(output, Osoba); //serializajca wyjścia output.Close(); //zamknięcie wyścia danych } }
private void updateWorkbook(Team team, List <Player> players) { if (GRID.ColumnDefinitions.Count > 0) { GRID.ColumnDefinitions.RemoveRange(0, GRID.ColumnDefinitions.Count); GRID.Children.RemoveRange(0, GRID.Children.Count); } buildWorksheetLabelColumn(); TeamLineup lineups = engine.StoredLineups[team.Abrv]; int index = 1; int box = 1; foreach (LineupData lineupData in lineups.Lineups) { LineupDataObj lineup = new LineupDataObj(lineupData); int pitcherArmIndex = lineup.PitcherArm.Equals("L") ? 0 : 1; lineup.EstimatedAtBats = calculateAtBatsByLineup(engine.BalanceAtBats[pitcherArmIndex], lineup.getLineupData()); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.CATCHER, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.FIRSTBASE, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.SECONDBASE, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.THIRDBASE, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.SHORTSTOP, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.LEFTFIELD, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.CENTERFIELD, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.RIGHTFIELD, lineup, players, box++)); GRID.Children.Add(BuildPlayerPostitionBox(index, POSITIONS.DH, lineup, players, box++)); createColumn(lineup, index, 160); index++; } GRID.UpdateLayout(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Line"></param> /// <param name="g"></param> static public void Parse(string Line, out GRID g) { string[] Parts = SplitNastranLine(Line, 9); if (!Parts[0].Equals("GRID")) { throw new ArgumentException("line must start with GRID", "Line"); } g.ID = int.Parse(Parts[1]); g.CP = int.Parse(Parts[2]); g.X1 = ParseFloat(Parts[3]); g.X2 = ParseFloat(Parts[4]); g.X3 = ParseFloat(Parts[5]); if (Parts[6].Length > 0) { g.CD = int.Parse(Parts[6]); } else { g.CD = 0; } if (Parts[7].Length > 0) { g.PS = int.Parse(Parts[7]); } else { g.PS = 0; } if (Parts[8].Length > 0) { g.SEID = int.Parse(Parts[8]); } else { g.SEID = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// renames all ID's in <see cref="m_GRID_List"/> (see <see cref="GRID.ID"/>) /// to be equal to the index in <see cref="m_GRID_List"/> /// and applies that cahnege also to the Grid id's in <see cref="m_CTRIA3_List"/> ( /// see <see cref="CTRIA3.Grid1"/>, <see cref="CTRIA3.Grid3"/>, <see cref="CTRIA3.Grid3"/>); /// </summary> private void RenameIds() { SortedDictionary <int, int> id2index = new SortedDictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_GRID_List.Count; i++) { id2index.Add(m_GRID_List[i].ID, i); GRID g = m_GRID_List[i]; g.ID = i; m_GRID_List[i] = g; } for (int j = 0; j < m_CTRIA3_List.Count; j++) { CTRIA3 t = m_CTRIA3_List[j]; t.Grid1 = id2index[t.Grid1]; t.Grid2 = id2index[t.Grid2]; t.Grid3 = id2index[t.Grid3]; t.ID = j; m_CTRIA3_List[j] = t; } }
/// <summary> /// imports a nastran file /// </summary> /// <param name="FilePath"></param> public NastranFile(string FilePath) { StreamReader rd = null; rd = new StreamReader(FilePath); string line = rd.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { if (line.StartsWith("GRID")) { GRID g; GRID.Parse(line, out g); m_GRID_List.Add(g); } if (line.StartsWith("CTRIA3")) { CTRIA3 t; CTRIA3.Parse(line, out t); m_CTRIA3_List.Add(t); } line = rd.ReadLine(); } rd.Close(); RenameIds(); }
/// <summary> 将Eclipse数模文件转换成SimON数模文件 </summary> public SimONData ConvertToSimON(EclipseData ecl) { // Todo :Eclipse里面的修改参数没有解析成SimON中修改参数 ecl.RunModify(); RUNSPEC runspec = ecl.Key.Find <RUNSPEC>(); GRID grid = ecl.Key.Find <GRID>(); SOLUTION solution = ecl.Key.Find <SOLUTION>(); SUMMARY summary = ecl.Key.Find <SUMMARY>(); SCHEDULE schedule = ecl.Key.Find <SCHEDULE>(); REGIONS regions = ecl.Key.Find <REGIONS>(); PROPS props = ecl.Key.Find <PROPS>(); SimONData simon = new SimONData(); simon.FileName = ecl.FileName; simon.FilePath = ecl.FilePath; simon.MmfDirPath = ecl.MmfDirPath; simon.InitConstruct(); simon.X = ecl.X; simon.Y = ecl.Y; simon.Z = ecl.Z; // 模型定义 #region - 起始时间 - SOLVECTRL tuning = new SOLVECTRL("TUNING"); tuning.Date = ecl.Key.Find <START>().StartTime; simon.Key.Add(tuning); #endregion #region - 维数定义 - RSVSIZE rsvsize = new RSVSIZE("RSVSIZE"); DIMENS dimens = ecl.Key.Find <DIMENS>(); rsvsize.X = dimens.X; rsvsize.Y = dimens.Y; rsvsize.Z = dimens.Z; simon.Key.Add(rsvsize); #endregion #region - 单位类型 - UnitType unitType = UnitType.METRIC; // 读到METRIC公制单位 METRIC metric = ecl.Key.Find <METRIC>(); if (metric != null) { simon.Key.Add(metric); unitType = UnitType.METRIC; } // 单位类型 FIELD field = ecl.Key.Find <FIELD>(); if (field != null) { simon.Key.Add(field); unitType = UnitType.FIELD; } #endregion #region - 流体类型 - MODELTYPE modeltype = new MODELTYPE("MODELTYPE"); // 流体类型 OIL oil = runspec.Find <OIL>(); WATER water = runspec.Find <WATER>(); GAS gas = runspec.Find <GAS>(); DISGAS disgas = runspec.Find <DISGAS>(); VAPOIL vapoil = runspec.Find <VAPOIL>(); // 黑油 if (oil != null && water != null && gas != null && disgas != null && vapoil == null) { modeltype.MetricType = MetricType.BLACKOIL; } // 油水 else if (oil != null && water != null && gas == null && disgas == null && vapoil == null) { modeltype.MetricType = MetricType.OILWATER; } // 气水 else if (oil == null && water != null && gas != null && disgas == null && vapoil == null) { modeltype.MetricType = MetricType.GASWATER; } // 挥发油 else if (oil != null && water != null && gas != null && disgas != null && vapoil != null) { modeltype.MetricType = MetricType.HFOIL; } else { modeltype.MetricType = MetricType.BLACKOIL; } simon.Key.Add(modeltype); #endregion #region - 分区维数 - EQUILREG equilreg = new EQUILREG("EQUILREG"); FIPREG fipreg = new FIPREG("FIPREG"); ROCKREG rockreg = new ROCKREG("ROCKREG"); SATREG satreg = new SATREG("SATREG"); PVTREG pvtreg = new PVTREG("PVTREG"); simon.Key.Add(equilreg); simon.Key.Add(fipreg); simon.Key.Add(rockreg); simon.Key.Add(satreg); simon.Key.Add(pvtreg); TABDIMS tabdims = runspec.Find <TABDIMS>(); if (tabdims != null) { fipreg.X = tabdims.Fipfqzds4.ToString(); rockreg.X = tabdims.Yslxgs12.ToString(); satreg.X = tabdims.Bhdbs0.ToString(); pvtreg.X = tabdims.Pvtbs1.ToString(); //fipreg.X = "1"; //rockreg.X = "1"; //satreg.X = "1"; //pvtreg.X = "1"; } EQLDIMS eqldims = runspec.Find <EQLDIMS>(); if (eqldims != null) { //equilreg.X = "1"; equilreg.X = eqldims.Phfqs0.ToString(); } OVERBURD overburd = props.Find <OVERBURD>(); if (overburd != null) { //rockreg.X = overburd.Regions.Count.ToString(); } EQUILMAP equilmap = new EQUILMAP("EQUILMAP"); FIPMAP fipmap = new FIPMAP("FIPMAP"); ROCKMAP rockmap = new ROCKMAP("ROCKMAP"); SATMAP satmap = new SATMAP("SATMAP"); PVTMAP pvtmap = new PVTMAP("PVTMAP"); if (regions != null) { EQLNUM eqlnum = regions.Find <EQLNUM>(); if (eqlnum != null) { equilmap = eqlnum.ToTableKey <EQUILMAP>(); solution.Add(equilmap); eqlnum.Delete(); eqlnum.Dispose(); } // Todo :非平衡初始化压力需要转换 var pressure = solution.Find <PRESSURE>(); if (pressure != null) { POIL poil = pressure.ToTableKey <POIL>(); solution.Add(poil); pressure.Delete(); pressure.Dispose(); } if (regions != null) { FIPNUM fipnum = regions.Find <FIPNUM>(); if (fipnum != null) { fipmap = fipnum.ToTableKey <FIPMAP>(); grid.Add(fipmap); fipnum.Delete(); fipnum.Dispose(); } ROCKNUM rocknum = regions.Find <ROCKNUM>(); if (rocknum != null) { rockmap = rocknum.TransToTableKeyByName("ROCKMAP", true) as ROCKMAP; grid.Add(rockmap); rocknum.Delete(); rocknum.Dispose(); } SATNUM satnum = regions.Find <SATNUM>(); if (satnum != null) { satmap = satnum.ToTableKey <SATMAP>(); grid.Add(satmap); satnum.Delete(); satnum.Dispose(); } PVTNUM pvtnum = regions.Find <PVTNUM>(); if (pvtnum != null) { pvtmap = pvtnum.ToTableKey <PVTMAP>(); grid.Add(pvtmap); pvtnum.Delete(); pvtnum.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region - 地质模型 - simon.Key.Add(grid); #endregion #region - 断层 - //var eclFaults = grid.FindAll<OPT.Product.SimalorManager.RegisterKeys.Eclipse.FAULTS>(); //foreach (var v in eclFaults) //{ //grid.AddRange(this.ConvertToSimON(v)); //v.Delete(); //} #endregion #region - 水体 - //AQUFETP AQUFETP= // Todo :Fetkovich水体数据转换 var ct = solution.Find <OPT.Product.SimalorManager.RegisterKeys.Eclipse.AQUCT>(); if (ct != null) { var newFetp = this.ConvertToSimON(ct); solution.Add(newFetp); ct.Delete(); } // Todo :Fetkovich水体数据转换 var fetp = solution.Find <OPT.Product.SimalorManager.RegisterKeys.Eclipse.AQUFETP>(); if (fetp != null) { var newFetp = this.ConvertToSimON(fetp); solution.Add(newFetp); fetp.Delete(); } // Todo :水体连接数据转换 var aquancon = solution.Find <OPT.Product.SimalorManager.RegisterKeys.Eclipse.AQUANCON>(); if (aquancon != null) { var newFetp = this.ConvertToSimON(aquancon); solution.Add(newFetp); aquancon.Delete(); } #endregion #region - 流体模型 岩石模型- GRAVITY gravity = ecl.Key.Find <GRAVITY>(); if (gravity != null) { // Todo :SimON只解析绝对密度 DENSITY density = this.ConvertTo(gravity, unitType); gravity.ParentKey.Add(density); gravity.Delete(); } List <IRegionInterface> regSoltionKeys = solution.FindAll <IRegionInterface>(); regSoltionKeys.ForEach(l => l.TransToSimONRegion()); simon.Key.Add(solution); // List <IRegionInterface> regPropsKeys = props.FindAll <IRegionInterface>(); regPropsKeys.ForEach(l => l.TransToSimONRegion()); //// Todo :SGWFN 需要特殊转换为 SWGF //SGWFN sgwfn = props.Find<SGWFN>(); //if (sgwfn != null) //{ // //props.AddRange(sgwfn.ConvertTo()); // simon.Key.AddRange<SWGF>(sgwfn.ConvertTo()); //} simon.Key.Add(props); #endregion #region - 初始化模型 - List <EQUIL> equil = solution.FindAll <EQUIL>(); foreach (var item in equil) { EQUILPAR equilpar = new EQUILPAR("EQUILPAR"); EQUIL.Item it = item.GetSingleRegion().GetSingleItem(); equilpar.Szstzdhs0 = it.cksd0; equilpar.Szstljs1 = it.ckyl1; equilpar.Ctstyxhs2 = it.ysjmsd2; equilpar.Ctstyxzdhs3 = it.ysjmcmgyl3.ToDefalt("0"); //equilpar.Jxstzds4 = it.yqjmsd4; equilpar.E100wgzds5 = it.yqjmsd4; equilpar.E300jxstzds6 = it.yqjmcmgyl5; item.ParentKey.Add(equilpar); item.Delete(); } #endregion #region - 生产模型 - WELL well = new WELL("WELL"); // Todo :添加完井数据 (注意要放到生产模型前面) simon.Key.Add(well); // 生产模型 simon.Key.Add(this.ConvertToSimON(schedule, well, ecl.Key.Find <START>().StartTime, simon.HistoryData)); #endregion // Todo :转换修正关键字 List <ModifyKey> modifys = ecl.Key.FindAll <ModifyKey>(); grid.AddRange(modifys); return(simon); }
/// <summary> 格式化文件 </summary> public void Format() { RUNSPEC runspec = this.Key.CreateSingle <RUNSPEC>("RUNSPEC"); REGIONS region = this.Key.CreateSingle <REGIONS>("REGIONS"); if (region != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_REG.INC"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; region.Add(include); } GRID grid = this.Key.CreateSingle <GRID>("GRID"); var includesOld = grid.FindAll <INCLUDE>(); if (grid != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GOPP.INC"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GGO.INC"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); #region - ggo - var echo = this.Key.FindAll <ECHO>(); if (echo != null) { grid.DeleteAll <ECHO>(); include.AddRange(echo); } var mapaxes = this.Key.FindAll <MAPAXES>(); if (mapaxes != null) { grid.DeleteAll <MAPAXES>(); include.AddRange(mapaxes); } var gridunit = this.Key.FindAll <GRIDUNIT>(); if (gridunit != null) { grid.DeleteAll <GRIDUNIT>(); include.AddRange(gridunit); } var coordsys = this.Key.FindAll <COORDSYS>(); if (coordsys != null) { grid.DeleteAll <COORDSYS>(); include.AddRange(coordsys); } var mapunits = this.Key.FindAll <MAPUNITS>(); if (mapunits != null) { grid.DeleteAll <MAPUNITS>(); include.AddRange(mapunits); } var noecho = this.Key.FindAll <NOECHO>(); if (noecho != null) { grid.DeleteAll <NOECHO>(); include.AddRange(noecho); } var coord = this.Key.FindAll <COORD>(); if (coord != null) { grid.DeleteAll <COORD>(); include.AddRange(coord); } var zcorn = this.Key.FindAll <ZCORN>(); if (zcorn != null) { grid.DeleteAll <ZCORN>(); include.AddRange(zcorn); } // 清空原有INCLUDE foreach (var v in includesOld) { grid.Delete(v); } #endregion include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GPRO.INC"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GOTH.INC"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); ECHO echo1 = grid.Find <ECHO>(); if (echo1 != null) { grid.DeleteAll <ECHO>(); include.Add(echo1); } List <FAULTS> faults = grid.FindAll <FAULTS>(); if (faults != null) { grid.DeleteAll <FAULTS>(); foreach (var v in faults) { include.Add(v); } } MULTFLT multflt = grid.Find <MULTFLT>(); if (multflt != null) { grid.DeleteAll <MULTFLT>(); include.Add(multflt); } } END end = this.Key.CreateSingle <END>("END"); }
/// <summary> 清理父节点 </summary> public void InitParentKey() { RUNSPEC runspec = this.Key.CreateSingle <RUNSPEC>("RUNSPEC"); GRID grid = this.Key.CreateSingle <GRID>("GRID"); if (grid != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_grid.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); INCLUDE include1 = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include1.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_faults.inc"; include1.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include1.FileName; grid.Add(include1); INCLUDE include2 = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include2.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_aquifer.inc"; include2.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include1.FileName; grid.Add(include2); } EDIT edit = this.Key.Find <EDIT>(); if (edit != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_edit.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; edit.Add(include); } PROPS props = this.Key.CreateSingle <PROPS>("PROPS"); if (props != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_pvt.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; props.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_rp.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; props.Add(include); } SOLUTION solution = this.Key.CreateSingle <SOLUTION>("SOLUTION"); if (solution != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_init.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; solution.Add(include); } REGIONS region = this.Key.CreateSingle <REGIONS>("REGIONS"); if (region != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_regs.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; region.Add(include); } SUMMARY summary = this.Key.CreateSingle <SUMMARY>("SUMMARY"); if (summary != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_sum.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; summary.Add(include); //if (include.Keys.Count == 0) //{ // ALL all = new ALL("ALL"); // include.Add(all); //} } SCHEDULE schedule = this.Key.CreateSingle <SCHEDULE>("SCHEDULE"); if (schedule != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_sch.inc"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; schedule.Add(include); } END end = this.Key.CreateSingle <END>("END"); }
/// <summary> 清理父节点 </summary> public void InitParentKey(bool isCoal = false) { this.Key.Clear(); this.Key.CreateSingle <SIMSET>("SIMSET"); GRID grid = this.Key.CreateSingle <GRID>("GRID"); if (grid != null) { // 增加屏显 ECHO_OFF echo_off = new ECHO_OFF("ECHO_OFF"); grid.Add(echo_off); INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_REG.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GPRO.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GGO.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_GOTH.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; grid.Add(include); // 关闭屏显 ECHO_ON echo_on = new ECHO_ON("ECHO_ON"); grid.Add(echo_on); } this.Key.CreateSingle <MODIFY>("MODIFY"); WELL well = this.Key.CreateSingle <WELL>("WELL"); USE_TF use_tf = new USE_TF("USE_TF"); if (well != null) { well.Add(use_tf); INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_WELL.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; well.Add(include); } PROPS props = this.Key.CreateSingle <PROPS>("PROPS"); if (props != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_SAT.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; props.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_PVT.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; props.Add(include); } if (isCoal) { ADSORB adsorb = this.Key.CreateSingle <ADSORB>("ADSORB"); INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_ADS.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; adsorb.Add(include); } SOLUTION solution = this.Key.CreateSingle <SOLUTION>("SOLUTION"); if (solution != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_INI.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; solution.Add(include); include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_AQU.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; solution.Add(include); } TUNESET tuneset = this.Key.CreateSingle <TUNESET>("TUNESET"); SOLVECTRL solvectrl = new SOLVECTRL("SOLVECTRL"); tuneset.Add(solvectrl); //if (solvectrl != null) //{ // INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); // include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_TUN.DAT"; // include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; // solvectrl.Add(include); //} //SUMMARY summary = this.Key.CreateSingle<SUMMARY>("SUMMARY"); //if (summary != null) //{ // INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); // include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_sum.inc"; // include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; // summary.Add(include); // //if (include.Keys.Count == 0) // //{ // // ALL all = new ALL("ALL"); // // include.Add(all); // //} //} SCHEDULE schedule = this.Key.CreateSingle <SCHEDULE>("SCHEDULE"); if (schedule != null) { INCLUDE include = new INCLUDE("INCLUDE"); include.FileName = this.FileName.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_SCH.DAT"; include.FilePath = this.FilePath.GetDirectoryName() + "\\" + include.FileName; schedule.Add(include); } //END end = this.Key.CreateSingle<END>("END"); // 输出关键字 OUTSCHED rptsched = new OUTSCHED("RPTSCHED"); this.Key.Add(rptsched); }
/// <summary> /// creates some test grid /// </summary> /// <param name="N">resolution of testgrid</param> public NastranFile(int N) { double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-3, 3, N); double dh = nodes[1] - nodes[0]; dh *= 0.5; int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { double even = 0; if (i % 2 == 0) { even = dh; } for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { GRID g = new GRID(); g.X1 = (float)(nodes[j] + even); g.X2 = (float)nodes[i]; g.ID = cnt; m_GRID_List.Add(g); cnt++; } } cnt = 0; for (int k = 0; k < (N - 1); k++) { int even = 0; int odd = 0; if (k % 2 == 0) { even = 1; } else { odd = 1; } for (int i = k * N; i < (k * N + N - 1); i++) { CTRIA3 tup = new CTRIA3(); tup.Grid1 = i + N + even; tup.Grid2 = i; tup.Grid3 = i + 1; tup.ID = cnt; cnt = cnt + 1; m_CTRIA3_List.Add(tup); CTRIA3 tdw = new CTRIA3(); tdw.Grid1 = i + odd; tdw.Grid2 = i + N + 1; tdw.Grid3 = i + N; tup.ID = cnt; cnt = cnt + 1; m_CTRIA3_List.Add(tdw); } } }
void Start() { Grid = GetComponent <GRID>(); }
void Awake() { Grid = GetComponent <GRID>(); }