Exemplo n.º 1
        // return values are in sun.arunodaya, sun.rise, sun.set, sun.noon, sun.length
        // if values are less than zero, that means, no sunrise, no sunset in that day
        // brahma 1 = calculation at brahma muhurta begining
        // brahma 0 = calculation at sunrise

        public void SunCalc(GPGregorianTime vct, GPLocationProvider earth)
            if (sunPosMethod == SUNPOSMETHOD_CALCULATOR)
                GPSun s_rise = new GPSun();
                GPSun s_set  = new GPSun();

                // first calculation
                // for 12:00 universal time
                s_rise.calculateRise(vct, earth);

                // first calculation
                // for 12:00 universal time
                s_set.calculateSet(vct, earth);

                // calculate times
                longitude_arun_deg  = s_rise.eclipticalLongitude - (24.0 / 365.25);
                eclipticalLongitude = s_rise.eclipticalLongitude;
                rightAscession      = s_rise.rightAscession;
                longitude_set_deg   = s_set.eclipticalLongitude;

                sunrise_deg = s_rise.sunrise_deg;
                sunset_deg  = s_set.sunset_deg;
                calculateRiseSet(vct, earth, 180);
                double gmt = vct.getJulianGreenwichNoon();

                longitude_arun_deg  = GPAstroEngine.sunLongitudeMethodM(julianDayRise - 96 / 1440.0);
                eclipticalLongitude = GPAstroEngine.sunLongitudeMethodM(julianDayRise);
                longitude_set_deg   = GPAstroEngine.sunLongitudeMethodM(julianDaySet);

            updateSunriseTimes(vct, earth);
            updateNoonTimes(vct, earth);
            updateSetTimes(vct, earth);

            List <GPLocationChange> chr = earth.getChangesForJulianDay(arunodaya.getJulianGreenwichNoon());


            // finally calculate length of the daylight
            DayLength = (set.getJulianGreenwichTime() - rise.getJulianGreenwichTime()) * 24.0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GPLocation loc;

            loc = content.getLocation(0);
            GPLocationProvider provider = new GPLocationProvider(loc);
            int nCount = 365;

            GPGregorianTime   startDateA = new GPGregorianTime(loc);
            GPCalendarResults calA       = new GPCalendarResults();
            GPCalendarResults calB       = new GPCalendarResults();

            calA.progressReport = this;
            calB.progressReport = this;

            if (startDateA != null)
                GPSun.sunPosMethod = GPSun.SUNPOSMETHOD_CALCULATOR;
                calA.CalculateCalendar(startDateA, nCount);
                GPSun.sunPosMethod = GPSun.SUNPOSMETHOD_CALCULATOREX;
                calB.CalculateCalendar(startDateA, nCount);
            GPSun.sunPosMethod = GPSun.SUNPOSMETHOD_CALCULATOR;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            GPCalendarTwoLocResults cals = new GPCalendarTwoLocResults();

            cals.CalendarA = calA;
            cals.CalendarB = calB;

            FormaterHtml.WriteCompareCalendarHTML(cals, sb);

            string HtmlText = sb.ToString();

            webBrowser1.DocumentText = HtmlText;

            GPObserver obs = new GPObserver();

            obs = loc;


            StringBuilder sba = new StringBuilder();
            GPJulianTime  sunRise, sunNoon, sunSet;

            for (int i = 0; i < calA.getCount(); i++)
                GPCalendarDay cd  = calA.get(i);
                GPCalendarDay cd2 = calB.get(i);
                GPAstroEngine.CalculateTimeSun(cd.date, loc, out sunRise, out sunNoon, out sunSet);
                GPGregorianTime gt = new GPGregorianTime(loc);

                GPCelestialBodyCoordinates pos = GPAstroEngine.sun_coordinate(GPDynamicTime.getUniversalTimeFromDynamicTime(2457012.82313));
                GPAstroEngine.calcHorizontal(pos, loc);

                sba.AppendFormat("{0}     {1}    {2}  \n", cd.date.ToString(),
                gt.setDate(1992, 10, 13);
                //cd.astrodata.sun.calculateCoordinatesMethodM(gt, 360/24.0);


            richTextBox1.Text = sba.ToString();

            GPGregorianTime t1 = new GPGregorianTime(loc);

            t1.setDate(2015, 4, 4);

            double jd = t1.getJulianLocalNoon();

            for (double d = 0.3; d < 1.0; d += 0.01)
                double ml  = GPAstroEngine.moon_coordinate(jd + d).eclipticalLongitude;
                double sl1 = GPAstroEngine.sun_coordinate(jd + d).eclipticalLongitude;
                double sl2 = GPAstroEngine.sunLongitudeMethodM(jd + d);
                sba.AppendFormat("{0} : {1} {2} {3}\n", jd + d, ml, sl1, sl2);
            richTextBox2.Text = sba.ToString();