Exemplo n.º 1
 // Draws the specified filled rectangle.
 public void FillRectangle(Rectangle2F rect, Color color, double depth = 0.0)
     rect.X = GMath.Round(rect.X);
     rect.Y = GMath.Round(rect.Y);
     DrawImage(white1x1, rect, Vector2F.Zero, 0.0, color, SpriteEffects.None, depth);
     //DrawImage(white1x1, rect.Center + 0.5, new Vector2D(0.5, 0.5), rect.Size, 0, color, SpriteEffects.None, depth);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Draw(Graphics2D g)

            // Draw the room.
            if (isBeginningFade)

            // Draw the fade.
            int t     = timer;
            int delay = TRANSITION_SWITCH_FADE_DELAY / 2;

            if (!isBeginningFade)
                t = (TRANSITION_FADE_DURATION - delay) - t;
            float opacity = t / (float)(TRANSITION_FADE_DURATION - delay);

            opacity = GMath.Clamp(opacity, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            g.FillRectangle(GameSettings.SCREEN_BOUNDS, fadeColor * opacity);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Translates the position of the string based on the translation and precision settings.
        private Vector2 NewStringPos(Vector2F position, SpriteFont font, string text, Align alignment)
            Vector2F stringSize = font.MeasureString(text);
            bool     intAlign   = (alignment & Align.Int) != 0;

            if (((alignment & Align.Left) != 0) == ((alignment & Align.Right) != 0))
                position.X -= (intAlign ? (int)(stringSize.X / 2.0f) : (stringSize.X / 2.0f));
            else if ((alignment & Align.Right) != 0)
                position.X -= stringSize.X;
            if (((alignment & Align.Top) != 0) == ((alignment & Align.Bottom) != 0))
                position.Y -= (intAlign ? (int)(stringSize.Y / 2.0f) : (stringSize.Y / 2.0f));
            else if ((alignment & Align.Bottom) != 0)
                position.Y -= stringSize.Y;

            if (useTranslation)
                return(UseIntegerPrecision ? (Vector2)GMath.Floor(position + translation) : (Vector2)(position + translation));
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Draw an animation during at the given time stamp and position.
        public void DrawAnimation(Animation animation, int variantID, float time, float x, float y, Color color, float depth = 0.0f)
            if (animation.LoopMode == LoopMode.Repeat)
                if (animation.Duration == 0)
                    time = 0;
                    time %= animation.Duration;
            x = GMath.Round(x);
            y = GMath.Round(y);

            for (int i = 0; i < animation.Frames.Count; ++i)
                AnimationFrame frame = animation.Frames[i];
                if (time < frame.StartTime)
                if (time < frame.StartTime + frame.Duration || (time >= animation.Duration && frame.StartTime + frame.Duration == animation.Duration))
                    DrawSprite(frame.Sprite, variantID, x, y, color, depth);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Overridden methods

        public override bool OnPush(int direction, float movementSpeed)
            if (base.OnPush(direction, MOVEMENT_SPEED))
                offset = Directions.ToPoint(direction);

                ColorCubeOrientation oldOrientation = orientation;

                // Find the new sprite index.
                if (Directions.IsVertical(direction))
                    orientation = (ColorCubeOrientation)GMath.Wrap((int)orientation + 3, 6);
                else if ((int)orientation % 2 == 0)
                    orientation = (ColorCubeOrientation)GMath.Wrap((int)orientation - 1, 6);
                    orientation = (ColorCubeOrientation)GMath.Wrap((int)orientation + 1, 6);

                // Play the corresponding animation.
                Graphics.PlayAnimation(GameData.ANIM_COLOR_CUBE_ROLLING_ORIENTATIONS[(int)oldOrientation, direction]);

                // Set an absolute draw position because the animation should not move with the tile.

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Select()
            Ray r = GMath.GetRayFromScreenPoint(manager.UI.Mouse.ScreenPositionV,
                                                manager.UI.GraphicsDevice.Viewport, manager.UI.Camera.Projection, manager.UI.Camera.View);

            ITargetable selected = manager.UI.Sim.World.Wildlife.Select(r);

            if (selected != null)
                if (this.selected != null)
                    this.selected.Updated -= UpdateSelectionInfo;

                this.selected          = selected;
                this.selected.Updated += UpdateSelectionInfo;
                SelectionInfoChanged(selected, EventArgs.Empty);
                //this.selected = null;
                //SelectedChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Draws the scrolling item description at the bottom of the screen.
        public void DrawDescription(Graphics2D g)
            int position  = textPosition - textStart;
            int textIndex = position / 8;

            if (position < 0)
                // Round down always.
                textIndex = (position - 7) / 8;
                position  = ((position - 7) / 8) * 8;
                position = (position / 8) * 8;

            int          startIndex = GMath.Max(0, textIndex);
            int          endIndex   = GMath.Clamp(textIndex + 16, 0, description.Length);
            LetterString text       = description.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

            if (position < 0)
                g.DrawLetterString(GameData.FONT_LARGE, text, new Point2I(16 - (position / 8) * 8, 108), new Color(16, 40, 88));
                g.DrawLetterString(GameData.FONT_LARGE, text, new Point2I(16, 108), new Color(16, 40, 88));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public bool CanDodgeCollision(Rectangle2F block, int direction)
            if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > 0.001f && Math.Abs(velocity.Y) > 0.001f)
                return(false);                // Only dodge when moving horizontally or vertically.
            float       dodgeDist = autoDodgeDistance;
            Rectangle2F objBox    = PositionedCollisionBox;
            Vector2F    pos       = entity.Position;
            Vector2F    dirVect   = Directions.ToVector(direction);

            for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
                int   moveDir  = (direction + (side == 0 ? 1 : 3)) % 4;
                float distance = Math.Abs(objBox.GetEdge((moveDir + 2) % 4) - block.GetEdge(moveDir));

                if (distance <= dodgeDist)
                    Vector2F checkPos = pos + dirVect + (Directions.ToVector(moveDir) * distance);
                    Vector2F gotoPos  = GMath.Round(pos) + Directions.ToVector(moveDir);

                    if (!IsPlaceMeetingSolid(checkPos, collisionBox) &&
                        !IsPlaceMeetingSolid(gotoPos, collisionBox))
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Constructor

        public PlayerSpinSwordState()
            limitTilesToDirection = false;
            isReswingable         = false;

            lunge = false;
            swingAnglePullBack   = 0;
            swingAngleDurations  = new int[] { 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5 };
            weaponSwingAnimation = GameData.ANIM_SWORD_SPIN;
            playerSwingAnimation = GameData.ANIM_PLAYER_SPIN;

            // Will always spin clockwise.
            swingWindingOrders = new WindingOrder[] {

            swingCollisionBoxesNoLunge = new Rectangle2I[4, 9];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    int angle = GMath.Wrap((i * 2) - j, Angles.AngleCount);
                    swingCollisionBoxesNoLunge[i, j] = SWING_TOOL_BOXES_SPIN[angle];
Exemplo n.º 10
    private string GetJsonFrom1(List <Vector3Int> path, List <float> times, Vector3Int curCell)
        const string format =
            "{{" +
            "\"Position_Cell\":\"{0}\"," +
            "\"Next_Cell\":\"{1}\"," +
            "\"TimeMoveNextCell\":{2}" +

        int count = path.Count <= times.Count ? path.Count : times.Count;

        string result   = "";
        string curPos   = curCell.ToPositionString();
        float  lastTime = times[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
            result += string.Format(format, curPos, path[i].ToPositionString(), GMath.SecondToMilisecond(GMath.Round(times[i] + lastTime, 3)));
            if (i < count - 1)
                result += ",";
            curPos    = path[i].ToPositionString();
            lastTime += times[i];
        return(string.Format("[{0}]", result));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static float SolveForParabaloidKnife(Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 unitRay, float currentTime)
            //Vector3 squaredCoeffs = new Vector3(0.0f, 19.36f, 19.36f);
            //Vector3 linearCoeffs = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            //float constantOffset = -1.8f;
            Vector3 squaredCoeffs  = new Vector3(0.0f, knifeRenderWidthSquared, knifeRenderWidthSquared);
            Vector3 linearCoeffs   = new Vector3(1.0f, 2.0f * knifeRenderWidthSquared * GMath.Cos(currentTime), 2.0f * knifeRenderWidthSquared * GMath.Sin(currentTime));
            float   constantOffset = knifeRenderWidthSquared - (KnifeXOffsetAtTime(currentTime) + knifeRenderVerticalOffsetFromTime);

            float a = squaredCoeffs.X * unitRay.X * unitRay.X +
                      squaredCoeffs.Y * unitRay.Y * unitRay.Y +
                      squaredCoeffs.Z * unitRay.Z * unitRay.Z;
            float b = 2.0f * (squaredCoeffs.X * rayStart.X * unitRay.X +
                              squaredCoeffs.Y * rayStart.Y * unitRay.Y +
                              squaredCoeffs.Z * rayStart.Z * unitRay.Z) + linearCoeffs.Dot(unitRay);
            float c = squaredCoeffs.X * rayStart.X * rayStart.X +
                      squaredCoeffs.Y * rayStart.Y * rayStart.Y +
                      squaredCoeffs.Z * rayStart.Z * rayStart.Z + linearCoeffs.Dot(rayStart) + constantOffset;

            float discriminant = (b * b) - (4.0f * a * c);

            if (discriminant <= 0.0f)

            float t0 = (-b - GMath.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0f * a);
            float t1 = (-b + GMath.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0f * a);

            return(GMath.Min(t0, t1));
        public void BacktestMACD(decimal entryPrice, decimal exitPrice)
            // 12/26 "slow" moving average for BNBUSD...buy when slow ma hits -0.2 and scale in more at -0.4
            var candles = ReadCandles("BINANCE", "BNBUSDT", 60);
            //var ema = GMath.GetCandlesEMA(candles, 26);
            var macd     = GMath.GetCandlesMACD(candles, 12, 26, 9);
            var backtest = new Backtest(string.Format("Entry:{0} Exit:{1}", entryPrice, exitPrice));
            BacktestRoundTrip inTrade = null;

            foreach (var kv in macd)
                if (inTrade != null)
                    if (kv.Value.Signal >= exitPrice)
                        inTrade.Exit = new BacktestTrade(OrderSide.Sell, exitPrice, kv.Key);
                        //Console.WriteLine("EXIT : {0} {1:0.0000}", kv.Key, kv.Value.Signal);
                        inTrade = null;
                    if (kv.Value.Signal <= entryPrice)
                        inTrade       = new BacktestRoundTrip();
                        inTrade.Entry = new BacktestTrade(OrderSide.Buy, entryPrice, kv.Key);
                        //Console.WriteLine("ENTRY: {0} {1:0.0000}", kv.Key, kv.Value.Signal);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Расчет средней
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void Calculate(int index, float lineCandle)
     if (Period == 0)
     if (index == 0)
         allVal[index].Value = Math.Round(allVal[index].Value / Period, Panel.Params.CountFloat);
         int y1 = GMath.GetCoordinate(Panel.Rect.Height, Panel.Params.MaxPrice, Panel.Params.MinPrice, allVal[index].Value);
         lastPoint = new PointF(lineCandle, y1);
     if (index >= allVal.Length)
         index = allVal.Length - 1;
     if (allVal[index].Count == Period)
         allVal[index].Value = Math.Round(allVal[index].Value / Period, Panel.Params.CountFloat);
         int y2 = GMath.GetCoordinate(Panel.Rect.Height, Panel.Params.MaxPrice, Panel.Params.MinPrice, allVal[index].Value);
         var p2 = new PointF(lineCandle, y2);
         Paint(lastPoint, p2, allVal[index].Value);
         lastPoint = p2;
Exemplo n.º 14
        //========= INTERACTION ==========

        /** <summary> Returns true if the specified point is on the line. </summary> */
        public bool IsPointOnLine(Vector2F v)
            double a = Height / Width;
            double b = Y1 - (a * X1);

            return(GMath.Abs(v.Y - (a * v.X + b)) == 0);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the absolute of the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The value.</param>
        /// <returns>Absolute.</returns>
        public static float Abs(ComplexF x)
            float a = x.x;
            float b = x.y;
            float v, w, t;

            a = Math.Abs(a);
            b = Math.Abs(b);
            if (a > b)
                v = a;
                w = b;
                v = b;
                w = a;
            t = w / v;
            t = 1.0f + t * t;
            t = v * GMath.Sqrt(t);
            if ((v == 0.0f) || (v > 3.402823466e38f) || (w > 3.402823466e38f))
                t = v + w;
            public static void GetOverDecibels(GThread thread, float[,] samples, float thresholddB, float[] overdBs)
                var channels    = samples.GetLength(0);
                var sampleCount = samples.GetLength(1);

                int tid = thread.blockIdx.x;

                while (tid < sampleCount)
                    var allChMax = float.MinValue;
                    for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                        var s = samples[c, tid];
                        s        = s > 0 ? s : -s; // fabs(s)
                        allChMax = GMath.Max(s, allChMax);

                    allChMax += DC_OFFSET;
                    var allChMaxdB = Decibels.FromLinear(allChMax);

                    var overdB = GMath.Max(allChMaxdB - thresholddB, 0);
                    overdB += DC_OFFSET;

                    overdBs[tid] = overdB;

                    tid += thread.gridDim.x;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void Paint()
            var     canvas  = Panel.GetGraphics;
            decimal levSign = 0;

            lock (syncObj)
                levSign = Levels[countPainted];
            if (levSign < Panel.Params.MaxPrice && levSign > Panel.Params.MinPrice)
                var   y  = GMath.GetCoordinate(this.Panel.Rect.Height, Panel.Params.MaxPrice, Panel.Params.MinPrice, levSign);
                Point p1 = new Point()
                    X = Panel.Rect.X + Panel.Rect.Width - 30, Y = y
                Point p2 = new Point()
                    X = Panel.Rect.X + Panel.Rect.Width, Y = y
                Line lineLevel = new Line();
                lineLevel.Paint(canvas, p1, p2, Color.Red);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public BinomialDistribution(Random rnd, int trials, double probability)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);

            _rnd = rnd;

            if (probability == 0)
                _cdf = new double[0];
            else if (probability == 1)
                _cdf = new double[] { 1.0 }
                _cdf = new double[trials];
                double logp = GMath.Log(probability), logq = GMath.Log(1.0 - probability), logGammaN = Combinatorics.LogGamma(trials + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++)
                    _cdf[i] = GMath.Exp(logGammaN - Combinatorics.LogGamma(1 + i) - Combinatorics.LogGamma(1 + trials - i) + i * logp + (trials - i) * logq);
                    if (i > 0)
                        _cdf[i] += _cdf[i - 1];
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void Initialize(Room room)
     layerCount     = room.LayerCount;
     gridDimensions = (Point2I)GMath.Ceiling((Vector2F)
                                             (room.Size * GameSettings.TILE_SIZE) / tileGridCellSize);
     tiles = new Tile[gridDimensions.X, gridDimensions.Y, layerCount];
Exemplo n.º 20
        public PuzzleRoom(string name, int minOrder, IEnumerable <ParticleType> input, IEnumerable <ParticleType> output, Tool[][] availableTools)
            _name     = name;
            _minOrder = minOrder;

            _task   = $"{String.Join(" + ", input.Select(p => p.ColoredSymbol))} → {String.Join(" + ", output.Select(p => p.ColoredSymbol))}";
            _input  = input.OrderBy(p => p).ToList();
            _output = output.OrderBy(p => p).ToList();

            var w = availableTools.Length;
            var h = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < w; i++)
                h = GMath.Max(h, availableTools[i].Length);
            var tools = new Tool[w, h];

            for (var x = 0; x < availableTools.Length; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < availableTools[x].Length; y++)
                    tools[x, y] = availableTools[x][y];

            _toolbar = new Toolbar(tools);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /** <summary> Sets the hsv values of the color. </summary> */
        public void SetHSV(float hue, float sat, float val)
            hue = GMath.Clamp(hue, 0f, 1f);
            sat = GMath.Clamp(sat, 0f, 1f);
            val = GMath.Clamp(val, 0f, 1f);
            float hue2 = hue * 6f;
            float hueI = (float)GMath.Floor(hue2);

            byte b0 = (byte)(255f * val);
            byte b1 = (byte)(255f * val * (1f - sat));
            byte b2 = (byte)(255f * val * (1f - sat * (hue2 - hueI)));
            byte b3 = (byte)(255f * val * (1f - sat * (1f - (hue2 - hueI))));

            switch ((int)hueI)
            case 0: r = b0; g = b3; b = b1; break;

            case 1: r = b2; g = b0; b = b1; break;

            case 2: r = b1; g = b0; b = b3; break;

            case 3: r = b1; g = b2; b = b0; break;

            case 4: r = b3; g = b1; b = b0; break;

            case 5: r = b0; g = b1; b = b2; break;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void PlayerControl(Input input)
            swordNode.movement.active = false;
            //sword.body.velocity = Utils.AngleToVector(sword.body.orient + (float)Math.PI/2) * 100;
            swordNode.body.velocity = swordNode.body.effvelocity * nodeKnockback;
            Vector2R rightstick = input.GetRightStick().toV2R();

            if (rightstick.LengthSquared() > 0.9 * 0.9)
                movingStick = true;
                target      = rightstick;
                //enabled = true;
                target            *= distance;
                target            += parent.body.pos;
                swordNode.body.pos = Vector2R.Lerp(swordNode.body.pos, target, 0.1f);
                //sword.body.pos = target + parent.body.pos;
                Vector2R result = swordNode.body.pos - parent.body.pos;
                movingStick = false;
                //enabled = false;
                Vector2R restPos = new Vector2R(parent.body.radius, 0).Rotate(parent.body.orient) + parent.body.pos;
                swordNode.body.pos    = Vector2R.Lerp(swordNode.body.pos, restPos, 0.1f);
                swordNode.body.orient = GMath.AngleLerp(swordNode.body.orient, parent.body.orient, 0.1f);
            //sword.body.pos = position;
Exemplo n.º 23
        //=========== UPDATING ===========
        #region Updating

        /** <summary> Called every step to update the button states. </summary> */
        public static void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                XnaPlayer player = (XnaPlayer)i;
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.A].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.A));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.B].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.B));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.X].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.X));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.Y].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.Y));

                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.Start].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.Start));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.Back].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.Back));

                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.Home].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.BigButton));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.LeftShoulder].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.LeftShoulder));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.RightShoulder].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.RightShoulder));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.LeftStickButton].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.LeftStick));
                buttons[i, (int)Buttons.RightStickButton].Update(1, XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.RightStick));

                Vector2F dPad = Vector2F.Zero;
                if (XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.DPadRight))
                    dPad.X = 1;
                if (XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.DPadDown))
                    dPad.Y = 1;
                if (XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.DPadLeft))
                    dPad.X = -1;
                if (XnaGamePad.GetState(player).IsButtonDown(XnaButtons.DPadUp))
                    dPad.Y = -1;
                if (dPad.X != 0.0f && dPad.Y != 0.0f)
                    dPad.X /= GMath.Sqrt(2.0f);
                    dPad.Y /= GMath.Sqrt(2.0f);
                sticks[i, (int)Buttons.DPad].Update(1, dPad);

                Vector2F stick = Vector2F.Zero;

                stick    = XnaGamePad.GetState(player).ThumbSticks.Left;
                stick.Y *= -1;
                sticks[i, (int)Buttons.LeftStick].Update(1, stick);

                stick    = XnaGamePad.GetState(player).ThumbSticks.Right;
                stick.Y *= -1;
                sticks[i, (int)Buttons.RightStick].Update(1, stick);

                float trigger = XnaGamePad.GetState(player).Triggers.Left;
                triggers[i, (int)Buttons.LeftTrigger].Update(1, trigger);
                trigger = XnaGamePad.GetState(player).Triggers.Right;
                triggers[i, (int)Buttons.RightTrigger].Update(1, trigger);
Exemplo n.º 24
        // Set the selection box
        public void SetSelectionBox(Point2I start, Point2I size)
            selectionBox = new Rectangle2I(start, size);
            Point2I roomLoc = GMath.Clamp(start / Level.RoomSize, Point2I.Zero, Level.Dimensions);

            selectedRoom = Level.GetRoomAt(roomLoc);
Exemplo n.º 25
        // Sample the room coordinates at the given point, clamping them to the level's dimensions if specified.
        public Point2I SampleRoomCoordinates(Point2I point, bool clamp = false)
            Point2I span      = (Level.RoomSize * GameSettings.TILE_SIZE) + editorControl.RoomSpacing;
            Point2I roomCoord = point / span;

            if (point.X < 0)
            if (point.Y < 0)
            if (clamp && editorControl.IsLevelOpen)
                if (editorControl.IsLevelOpen)
                    return(GMath.Clamp(roomCoord, Point2I.Zero, Level.Dimensions - 1));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void Update()
            // Adjust Z-position and velocity to hover at a certain height.
            if (Math.Abs(zPosition - GameSettings.COLLECTIBLE_FAIRY_HOVER_HEIGHT) > 2.0f)
                if (zPosition < GameSettings.COLLECTIBLE_FAIRY_HOVER_HEIGHT)
                    Physics.ZVelocity = Math.Min(0.5f, Physics.ZVelocity + 0.05f);
                if (zPosition > GameSettings.COLLECTIBLE_FAIRY_HOVER_HEIGHT)
                    Physics.ZVelocity = Math.Max(-0.5f, Physics.ZVelocity - GameSettings.DEFAULT_GRAVITY);
                Physics.ZVelocity = 0.0f;
                zPosition         = GameSettings.COLLECTIBLE_FAIRY_HOVER_HEIGHT;

            // Adjust move direction.
            moveSpeed = physics.Velocity.Length;
            if (moveSpeed == 0.0f)
                direction = GRandom.NextFloat(GMath.FullAngle);
                direction = Physics.Velocity.Direction;

            // Adjust velocity.
            if (Math.Abs(moveSpeed - maxMoveSpeed) > 0.01f)
                moveSpeed += 0.04f * Math.Sign(maxMoveSpeed - moveSpeed);
                moveSpeed = maxMoveSpeed;

            // Update random motion.
            directionSpeed  += 0.05f * GRandom.NextFloat(-30.0f, 30.0f);
            directionSpeed   = GMath.Clamp(directionSpeed, -6.0f, 6.0f);
            direction       += directionSpeed;
            physics.Velocity = Vector2F.CreatePolar(moveSpeed, direction);

            // Syncronize facing direction with velocity.
            if (Physics.Velocity.X > 0.0f)
                Graphics.SubStripIndex = 0;
            else if (Physics.Velocity.X < 0.0f)
                Graphics.SubStripIndex = 1;

Exemplo n.º 27
        private void PushPose(Matrix4x4 pose)
            Matrix4x4 actualPose = _posesStack.Count == 0?
                                   GMath.mul(pose, _posesStack.Peek());

Exemplo n.º 28
 public static GVector3 operator /(GVector3 v1, float v)
     if (GMath.Abs(v) > GMath.EPS)
         return(new GVector3(v1.x / v, v1.y / v, v1.z / v));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static GVector2 Divide(GVector2 v1, float divider)
     if (GMath.Abs(divider) > GMath.EPS)
         return(new GVector2(v1.x / divider, v1.y / divider));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static Color operator *(Color a, float scalar)
     return(new Color(
                (byte)(GMath.Clamp((a.r / 255.0f) * scalar, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255),
                (byte)(GMath.Clamp((a.g / 255.0f) * scalar, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255),
                (byte)(GMath.Clamp((a.b / 255.0f) * scalar, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255),
                (byte)(GMath.Clamp((a.a / 255.0f) * scalar, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255)));