Exemplo n.º 1
     * Initialize the graphics and objects needed to run the program
    void Start()
        stepLabel  = GameObject.Find("StepLabel").GetComponent <Text> ();
        moved      = new Queue <Polygon> ();
        done       = new HashSet <Polygon> ();
        closestPts = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, GameObject> ();

        polys = new List <Polygon> ();
        GameObject a = new GameObject("GJK");

        gjk = a.AddComponent <GJK> () as GJK;

        GameObject b = new GameObject("Inputs");

        im    = b.AddComponent <InputManager> () as InputManager;
        im.sm = this;

        newPolypoints = new List <Vector2>();
        GameObject newPoly = new GameObject();

        newPolyLine                 = newPoly.AddComponent <LineRenderer> ();
        newPolyLine.material        = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
        newPolyLine.widthMultiplier = 0.03f;
        newPolyLine.numPositions    = 0;

        GameObject minkiDinki = new GameObject("Minkow");

        minkiDinkiLine                 = minkiDinki.AddComponent <LineRenderer> ();
        minkiDinkiLine.material        = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
        minkiDinkiLine.widthMultiplier = 0.03f;
        minkiDinkiLine.numPositions    = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ContactPoint[] IsColliding(Transform at, Transform bt, ConvexShape other)
            float depth = GJK.DoGJK(this, other, at, bt, out var normal, out var pos);

            if (depth < 0)
                return(new ContactPoint[] { });
                float friction   = this.frictionFactor * other.frictionFactor;
                bool  nofriction = Math.Abs(friction) < float.Epsilon;

                ContactPoint[] cps;

                if (nofriction)
                    cps = new ContactPoint[1];
                    cps = new ContactPoint[3];

                ContactPoint cp = new ContactPoint
                    position = pos,
                    normal   = normal,
                    depth    = depth,
                    bodyA    = this.root,
                    bodyB    = other.root
                cps[0] = cp;//Normal contact

                if (!nofriction)
                    Vector3 frictionVecA = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(cp.normal, cp.normal + Vector3.UnitX));
                    Vector3 frictionVecB = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(cp.normal, frictionVecA));
                    cp.normal = frictionVecA * friction;
                    cp.depth  = 0;
                    cps[1]    = cp;
                    cp.normal = frictionVecB * friction;
                    cps[2]    = cp;

Exemplo n.º 3
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            if (_state == null)
                _state = new GJKState(ref PolytopeA, ref PolytopeB);
                _state.LastDirection = initDirection;

            _minkowskisumPoints = MinkowskiSum.CalcMinkowskiSum(PolytopeA, PolytopeB);


            if (!_state.FinishRun)
                GJK.Collided(ref _state);

                for (int i = 0; i < _state.CurrentSimplex.GetSize(); i++)
                // Physics res
                float c = 0.5f;

                PhysicsSim compA = _state.GetPolytopeA.GetComponent <PhysicsSim>();
                PhysicsSim compB = _state.GetPolytopeB.GetComponent <PhysicsSim>();

                compA.velocity = UIController.initVelocutyA;
                compB.velocity = UIController.initVelocutyB;

                float massTotal = compA.mass + compB.mass;

                // Contacts
                Vector3 lpA = _state.CurrentSimplex.PopBack();
                Vector3 lpB = _state.CurrentSimplex.PopBack();

                Vector3 cpA = _state.epaData.Contact;
                Vector3 cpB = cpA;

                // Inert
                float invVal = 1f / 0.16f;

                Matrix4x4 rotInert = Matrix4x4.identity;
                rotInert.SetRow(0, new Vector4(invVal, 0f, 0f, 0f));
                rotInert.SetRow(1, new Vector4(0f, invVal, 0f, 0f));
                rotInert.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, invVal));

                float j =
                    (-(1f + c) * Vector3.Dot(compA.velocity - compB.velocity, _state.epaData.Normal)) /
                    ((1f / compA.mass + 1f / compB.mass) +
                         Vector3.Cross(rotInert * Vector3.Cross(cpA, _state.epaData.Normal), cpA) +
                         Vector3.Cross(rotInert * Vector3.Cross(cpB, _state.epaData.Normal), cpB),

                Vector4 wa = rotInert *
                        j * _state.epaData.Normal

                compA.AngularVelocity.x += wa.x;
                compA.AngularVelocity.y += wa.y;
                compA.AngularVelocity.z += wa.z;

                Vector4 wb = rotInert *
                        j * _state.epaData.Normal

                compB.AngularVelocity.x -= wb.x;
                compB.AngularVelocity.y -= wb.y;
                compB.AngularVelocity.z -= wb.z;

                compA.velocity = compA.velocity + ((j / compA.mass) * _state.epaData.Normal);

                compB.velocity = compA.velocity - ((j / compB.mass) * _state.epaData.Normal);

                _state = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
		public static bool Penetration( btConvexShape shape0,
											 ref btTransform wtrs0,
											 btConvexShape shape1,
											 ref btTransform wtrs1,
											 ref btVector3 guess,
											 out sResults results,
											 bool usemargins = false )
			tShape shape = new tShape();
			Initialize( shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, out results, shape, usemargins );
			GJK gjk = new GJK();
			btVector3 tmp;
			guess.Invert( out tmp );
			GJK.eStatus._ gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate( shape, ref tmp );
			switch( gjk_status )
				case GJK.eStatus._.Inside:
						EPA epa = new EPA();
						EPA.eStatus._ epa_status = epa.Evaluate( gjk, ref tmp );
						if( epa_status != EPA.eStatus._.Failed )
							btVector3 w0 = btVector3.Zero;
							for( uint i = 0; i < epa.m_result.rank; ++i )
								shape.Support( ref epa.m_result.c[i].d, 0, out tmp );
								w0.AddScale( ref tmp, epa.m_result.p[i], out w0 );
							results.status = sResults.eStatus.Penetrating;
							wtrs0.Apply( ref w0, out results.witness0 );
							w0.SubScale( ref epa.m_normal, epa.m_depth, out tmp );
							wtrs0.Apply( ref tmp, out results.witness1 );
							epa.m_normal.Invert( out results.normal );
							results.distance = -epa.m_depth;
							return ( true );
						else results.status = sResults.eStatus.EPA_Failed;
				case GJK.eStatus._.Failed:
					results.status = sResults.eStatus.GJK_Failed;
			return ( false );
Exemplo n.º 5
		// Api


		public static bool Distance( btConvexShape shape0,
											  ref btTransform wtrs0,
											  btConvexShape shape1,
											  ref btTransform wtrs1,
											  ref btVector3 guess,
											  out sResults results )
			tShape shape = new tShape();
			results.witness0 =
				results.witness1 = btVector3.Zero;
			results.status = btGjkEpaSolver2.sResults.eStatus.Separated;
			Initialize( shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, out results, shape, false );
			GJK gjk = new GJK();
			GJK.eStatus._ gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate( shape, ref guess );
			if( gjk_status == GJK.eStatus._.Valid )
				btVector3 w0 = btVector3.Zero;
				btVector3 w1 = btVector3.Zero;
				for( uint i = 0; i < gjk.m_simplex.rank; ++i )
					double p = gjk.m_simplex.p[i];
					btVector3 tmp;
					shape.Support( ref gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 0, out tmp );
					w0.AddScale( ref tmp, p, out w0 );

					gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d.Invert( out tmp );
					shape.Support( ref tmp, 1, out tmp );
					w1.AddScale( ref tmp, p, out w1 );
				wtrs0.Apply( ref w0, out results.witness0 );
				wtrs0.Apply( ref w1, out results.witness1 );
				w0.Sub( ref w1, out results.normal );
				results.distance = results.normal.length();
				results.normal.Div( ( results.distance > GJK_MIN_DISTANCE ) ? results.distance : 1, out results.normal );
				return ( true );
				results.status = gjk_status == GJK.eStatus._.Inside
					? sResults.eStatus.Penetrating
					: sResults.eStatus.GJK_Failed;
				return ( false );
Exemplo n.º 6
			internal eStatus._ Evaluate( GJK gjk, ref btVector3 guess )
				GJK.sSimplex simplex = gjk.m_simplex;
				if( ( simplex.rank > 1 ) && gjk.EncloseOrigin() )

					/* Clean up				*/
					while( m_hull.root != null )
						sFace f = m_hull.root;
						remove( m_hull, f );
						append( m_stock, f );
					m_status = eStatus._.Valid;
					m_nextsv = 0;
					/* Orient simplex		*/
					if( btVector3.det( ref simplex.c[0].w, ref simplex.c[3].w,
						ref simplex.c[1].w, ref simplex.c[3].w,
						ref simplex.c[2].w, ref simplex.c[3].w ) < 0 )
						btScalar.btSwap( ref simplex.c[0], ref simplex.c[1] );
						btScalar.btSwap( ref simplex.p[0], ref simplex.p[1] );
					/* Build initial hull	*/
					sFace[] tetra = {newface(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[1],simplex.c[2],true),
					if( m_hull.count == 4 )
						sFace best = findbest();
						sFace outer = new sFace( best );
						uint pass = 0;
						uint iterations = 0;
						bind( tetra[0], 0, tetra[1], 0 );
						bind( tetra[0], 1, tetra[2], 0 );
						bind( tetra[0], 2, tetra[3], 0 );
						bind( tetra[1], 1, tetra[3], 2 );
						bind( tetra[1], 2, tetra[2], 1 );
						bind( tetra[2], 2, tetra[3], 1 );
						m_status = eStatus._.Valid;
						for( ; iterations < EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++iterations )
							if( m_nextsv < EPA_MAX_VERTICES )
								sHorizon horizon = new sHorizon();
								sSV w = m_sv_store[m_nextsv++];
								bool valid = true;
								best.pass = (byte)( ++pass );
								gjk.getsupport( ref best.n, w );
								double wdist = best.n.dot( ref w.w ) - best.d;
								if( wdist > EPA_ACCURACY )
									for( uint j = 0; ( j < 3 ) && valid; ++j )
										valid &= expand( pass, w,
											best.f[j], best.e[j],
											horizon );
									if( valid & ( horizon.nf >= 3 ) )
										bind( horizon.cf, 1, horizon.ff, 2 );
										remove( m_hull, best );
										append( m_stock, best );
										best = findbest();
										outer = new sFace( best );
									else { m_status = eStatus._.InvalidHull; break; }
								else { m_status = eStatus._.AccuraryReached; break; }
							else { m_status = eStatus._.OutOfVertices; break; }
						btVector3 projection; outer.n.Mult( outer.d, out projection );
						m_normal = outer.n;
						m_depth = outer.d;
						m_result.rank = 3;
						m_result.c[0] = outer.c[0];
						m_result.c[1] = outer.c[1];
						m_result.c[2] = outer.c[2];
						btVector3 tmp;
						btVector3.btCross2Del( ref outer.c[1].w, ref projection,
							ref outer.c[2].w, ref projection, out tmp );
						m_result.p[0] = tmp.length();
						btVector3.btCross2Del( ref outer.c[2].w, ref projection,
							ref outer.c[0].w, ref projection, out tmp );
						m_result.p[1] = tmp.length();
						btVector3.btCross2Del( ref outer.c[0].w, ref projection,
							ref outer.c[1].w, ref projection, out tmp );
						m_result.p[2] = tmp.length();
						double sum = m_result.p[0] + m_result.p[1] + m_result.p[2];
						m_result.p[0] /= sum;
						m_result.p[1] /= sum;
						m_result.p[2] /= sum;
						return ( m_status );
				/* Fallback		*/
				m_status = eStatus._.FallBack;
				guess.Invert( out m_normal );
				//m_normal = -guess;
				double nl = m_normal.length();
				if( nl > 0 )
					m_normal.Div( nl, out m_normal );
					m_normal = btVector3.xAxis;
				m_depth = 0;
				m_result.rank = 1;
				m_result.c[0] = simplex.c[0];
				m_result.p[0] = 1;
				return ( m_status );
Exemplo n.º 7
		public static double SignedDistance( ref btVector3 position,
													double margin,
													btConvexShape shape0,
													ref btTransform wtrs0,
													sResults results )
			tShape shape = new tShape();
			using( btSphereShape shape1 = BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Get() )
				shape1.Initialize( margin );
				btTransform wtrs1 = new btTransform( ref btQuaternion.Zero, ref position );
				Initialize( shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, out results, shape, false );
				GJK gjk = new GJK();
				GJK.eStatus._ gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate( shape, ref btVector3.One );
				if( gjk_status == GJK.eStatus._.Valid )
					btVector3 w0 = btVector3.Zero;
					btVector3 w1 = btVector3.Zero;
					for( uint i = 0; i < gjk.m_simplex.rank; ++i )
						double p = gjk.m_simplex.p[i];
						btVector3 tmp;
						shape.Support( ref gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 0, out tmp );
						w0.AddScale( ref tmp, p, out w0 );
						btVector3 tmp2;
						gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d.Invert( out tmp2 );
						shape.Support( ref tmp2, 1, out tmp );
						w1.AddScale( ref tmp, p, out w1 );
					wtrs0.Apply( ref w0, out results.witness0 );
					wtrs0.Apply( ref w1, out results.witness1 );
					btVector3 delta; results.witness1.Sub( ref results.witness0, out delta );
					margin = shape0.getMarginNonVirtual() +
					double length = delta.length();
					delta.Div( length, out results.normal );
					results.witness0.AddScale( ref results.normal, margin, out results.witness0 );
					return ( length - margin );
					if( gjk_status == GJK.eStatus._.Inside )
						if( Penetration( shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, ref gjk.m_ray, out results ) )
							btVector3 delta; results.witness0.Sub(
								ref results.witness1, out delta );
							double length = delta.length();
							if( length >= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
								delta.Div( length, out results.normal );
							return ( -length );
			return ( btScalar.SIMD_INFINITY );