private void Fire(Player player)
            var baseVel = player.DirectionTo(Main.MouseWorld).RotatedByRandom(0.02f) * player.HeldItem.shootSpeed;

            Vector2 pos          = player.Center - new Vector2(0, 8);
            Vector2 muzzleOffset = Vector2.Normalize(baseVel) * (player.HeldItem.width / 2f);

            if (Collision.CanHit(pos, 0, 0, pos + muzzleOffset, 0, 0))
                pos += muzzleOffset;

            var p = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(pos, baseVel, ModContent.ProjectileType <GranitechGunBullet>(), player.HeldItem.damage, 0f, player.whoAmI);

            if (p.modProjectile is GranitechGunBullet bullet)
                bullet.spawnRings = true;

            //Main.PlaySound(Terraria.ID.SoundID.Item11, projectile.Center);
            if (!Main.dedServ)
                Main.PlaySound(SpiritMod.Instance.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/EnergyShoot").WithPitchVariance(0.1f).WithVolume(0.25f), pos);

            VFX(pos + muzzleOffset, baseVel * 0.2f);

            GItem.UseAmmo(player, AmmoID.Bullet);
        private void Fire(Player p)
            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.NPCDeath13, projectile.Center);

            Vector2 vel = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - p.Center) * 10f * (ScalingCapped * 0.8f);
            int     inc = 3 + (int)ScalingCapped;

            for (int i = 0; i < inc; i++)             //Projectiles
                Vector2 velocity = vel.RotatedBy((i - (inc / 2f)) * 0.16f) * Main.rand.NextFloat(0.85f, 1.15f);
                Projectile.NewProjectile(p.Center, velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <GastricAcid>(), (int)(p.HeldItem.damage * ScalingCapped), 1f, projectile.owner);

            GItem.UseAmmo(p, AmmoID.Gel);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void AI()
            Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner];

            player.ChangeDir(Main.MouseWorld.X > player.position.X ? 1 : -1);

            player.itemTime      = 5;        // Set item time to 2 frames while we are used
            player.itemAnimation = 5;        // Set item animation time to 2 frames while we are used
            direction            = Main.MouseWorld - (player.Center);
            direction          *= 70f;
            projectile.position = player.Center + direction;
            projectile.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
            player.itemRotation = direction.ToRotation();
            player.heldProj     = projectile.whoAmI;

            if (player.direction != 1)
                player.itemRotation -= 3.14f;

            if (
                if (projectile.soundDelay <= 0 && targets.Count > 0)                 //Create sound & use ammo
                    projectile.soundDelay = 20;
                    Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, 15);
                    GItem.UseAmmo(player, AmmoID.Gel);

                projectile.timeLeft = 2;
                projectile.frame = (counter / 5) % 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length; i++)
                    NPC     npc   = Main.npc[i];
                    Vector2 toNPC = npc.Center - player.Center;
                    if (toNPC.Length() < RANGE && && AnglesWithinCone(toNPC.ToRotation(), direction.ToRotation()) && (!npc.townNPC || !npc.friendly))
                        bool targetted = false;
                        foreach (var npc2 in targets)
                            if (
                                if (npc2 == npc)
                                    targetted = true;
                        if (!targetted)
                            SpiritMod.primitives.CreateTrail(new RailgunPrimTrail(projectile, npc));
                            npc.GetGlobalNPC <TeslaCannonGNPC>().charging = true;
                        if (
                            npc.GetGlobalNPC <TeslaCannonGNPC>().charging = false;
                foreach (var npc2 in targets.ToArray())
                    if (!
       = false;