Exemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateSchedule(string typeName, GDPRPartTypeSchedulingSettings settings)
            // compute the name of the scheduled task for this type
            var taskName = string.Format(Constants.ScheduledTaskFormat, typeName);
            // check whether this type has a scheduled task
            var hasTask = _taskManager.GetTasks(taskName).Any();

            // if the settings say that the type should be processed, schedule a task
            if (settings.ScheduleAnonymization || settings.ScheduleErasure)
                if (!hasTask)
                    // create the task
                    _taskManager.CreateTask(taskName, _clock.UtcNow, null);
                    // We run the risk of never processing some ContentItem in some conditions related to
                    // changes that happened to the configuration.
                    var oldSettings = SettingsFromType(typeName);
                    // Conditions describing the fact that the configuration has changed:
                    // - I should anonymize, but this was not the case before
                    var taskChanged = settings.ScheduleAnonymization && !oldSettings.ScheduleAnonymization;
                    // - I should erase, but this was not the case before
                    taskChanged |= settings.ScheduleErasure && !oldSettings.ScheduleErasure;
                    // - I should anonymize, as was the case before, but the time frame now is smaller
                    taskChanged |= (settings.ScheduleAnonymization && oldSettings.ScheduleAnonymization) &&
                                   settings.AnonymizationDaysToWait < oldSettings.AnonymizationDaysToWait;
                    // - I should erase, as was the case before, but the time frame now is smaller
                    taskChanged |= (settings.ScheduleErasure && oldSettings.ScheduleErasure) &&
                                   settings.ErasureDaysToWait < oldSettings.ErasureDaysToWait;
                    // - I should anonymize, as was the case before, but the event to check for anonymization has changed
                    taskChanged |= (settings.ScheduleAnonymization && oldSettings.ScheduleAnonymization) &&
                                   settings.EventForAnonymization != oldSettings.EventForAnonymization;
                    // - I should erase, as was the case before, but event to check for erasure has changed
                    taskChanged |= (settings.ScheduleErasure && oldSettings.ScheduleErasure) &&
                                   settings.EventForErasure != oldSettings.EventForErasure;

                    // If the configuration has changed, recreate the task
                    if (taskChanged)
                        _taskManager.DeleteTasks(null, st => st.TaskType == taskName);
                        _taskManager.CreateTask(taskName, _clock.UtcNow, null);
                        // we are debugging, so we recreate the task, passing a ContentItem to simulate the n-th execution
                        _taskManager.DeleteTasks(null, st => st.TaskType == taskName);
                        _taskManager.CreateTask(taskName, _clock.UtcNow, _siteService.GetSiteSettings().ContentItem);
                // this type is set to have no processing done
                if (hasTask)
                    // destroy the task
                    _taskManager.DeleteTasks(null, st => st.TaskType == taskName);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public GDPRPartTypeSchedulingSettingsViewModel()
     Settings = new GDPRPartTypeSchedulingSettings();