Exemplo n.º 1
            public CBoxText(GDMIndividualRecord ir)
                FirstName = "";
                Surname   = "";
                Concealed = (!ir.GetVisibility());
                if (Concealed && !CConfig.Instance.UseWithheldNames)
                    FirstName = "";
                    Surname   = Name = CConfig.Instance.ConcealedName;
                    var irName = ir.GetPrimaryFullName();
                    if (irName != "")
                        Name = CConfig.Instance.CapitaliseName(irName, ref FirstName, ref Surname);
                        FirstName = "";
                        Surname   = Name = CConfig.Instance.UnknownName;

                if (Concealed)
                    Date = "";
                    Date = ir.GetLifeDatesStr();
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Creates link HTML for the individual e.g. <a href="indiI1.html">Next Child</a>. Uses name provided by caller.
        protected static string MakeLink(GDMIndividualRecord ir, string name)
            string link;

            if (!ir.GetVisibility())
                // TODO: Why are we linking to invisible people?
                link = EscapeHTML(name, true);
                link = string.Concat("<a href=\"", GetIndividualHTMLFilename(ir), "\">", EscapeHTML(name, false), "</a>");
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Creates link HTML for the individual e.g. <a href="indiI1.html">Fred Bloggs</a>
        protected static string MakeLink(GDMIndividualRecord ir)
            string name  = ir.GetPrimaryFullName();
            string dummy = "";

            if (name == "")
                name = CConfig.Instance.UnknownName;
            else if (!ir.GetVisibility() && !CConfig.Instance.UseWithheldNames)
                name = CConfig.Instance.ConcealedName;
                name = CConfig.Instance.CapitaliseName(name, ref dummy, ref dummy);
            return(MakeLink(ir, name));
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Returns true if the supplied record is valid for inclusion in the tree
 private static bool Exists(GDMIndividualRecord ir)
     return(ir != null && ir.GetVisibility());
Exemplo n.º 5
        // The main method that causes the page to be created.
        public bool Create(Stats stats)
            // Sanity check
            if (fSourceRecord == null)

            // Create the strings to use for the HTML file.
            string pageDescription = "GEDmill GEDCOM to HTML page for " + fSourceRecord.ShortTitle;
            string keywords        = "family tree history " + fSourceRecord.ShortTitle;
            string filename        = string.Concat(CConfig.Instance.OutputFolder, "\\sour", fSourceRecord.XRef);
            string fullFilename    = string.Concat(filename, ".", CConfig.Instance.HtmlExtension);

            HTMLFile f = null;

            try {
                // Create a new file with an HTML header.
                f = new HTMLFile(fullFilename, fSourceRecord.ShortTitle, pageDescription, keywords);

                // Create a navbar to main site, front page etc.
                OutputPageHeader(f, "", "", true, true);

                f.WriteLine("    <div class=\"hr\" />");
                f.WriteLine("    <div id=\"page\"> <!-- page -->");

                // Write the page's title text.
                f.WriteLine("      <div id=\"main\">");
                f.WriteLine("        <div id=\"summary\">");
                f.WriteLine("          <div id=\"names\">");
                string sourName = fSourceRecord.ShortTitle;
                if (sourName == "")
                    sourName = "Source ";
                    bool gotSourceName = false;
                    // Try user reference number
                    foreach (GDMUserReference urn in fSourceRecord.UserReferences)
                        if (urn.StringValue != "")
                            sourName     += urn.StringValue;
                            gotSourceName = true;
                    if (!gotSourceName && fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID != null && fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID != "")
                        sourName += fSourceRecord.AutomatedRecordID;
                    else if (!gotSourceName)
                        sourName += fSourceRecord.XRef;
                f.WriteLine("<h1>{0}</h1>", EscapeHTML(sourName, false));

                // Add repository information
                foreach (GDMRepositoryCitation src in fSourceRecord.RepositoryCitations)
                    GDMRepositoryRecord rr = src.Value as GDMRepositoryRecord;
                    if (rr != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rr.RepositoryName))
                            f.WriteLine("<h2>{0}</h2>", EscapeHTML(rr.RepositoryName, false));

                        foreach (GDMNotes ns in rr.Notes)
                            string noteText;
                            if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails)
                                noteText = ObfuscateEmail(ns.Lines.Text);
                                noteText = ns.Lines.Text;
                            f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", EscapeHTML(noteText, false));

                    if (src.Notes != null && src.Notes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (GDMNotes ns in src.Notes)
                            string noteText;
                            if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails)
                                noteText = ObfuscateEmail(ns.Lines.Text);
                                noteText = ns.Lines.Text;
                            f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", EscapeHTML(noteText, false));

                // Add Publication Information
                string pubFacts;
                if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails)
                    pubFacts = ObfuscateEmail(fSourceRecord.Publication.Lines.Text);
                    pubFacts = fSourceRecord.Publication.Lines.Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubFacts))
                    if (pubFacts.Length > 7 && pubFacts.ToUpper().Substring(0, 7) == "HTTP://")
                        f.WriteLine("<h2><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></h2>", pubFacts, EscapeHTML(pubFacts, false));
                        f.WriteLine("<h2>{0}</h2>", EscapeHTML(pubFacts, false));

                f.WriteLine("          </div> <!-- names -->");
                f.WriteLine("        </div> <!-- summary -->");

                // Collect together multimedia links.
                if (CConfig.Instance.AllowMultimedia)
                    // Fill m_alMultimediaList:
                    AddMultimedia(fSourceRecord.MultimediaLinks, string.Concat(fSourceRecord.XRef, "mms"), string.Concat(fSourceRecord.XRef, "mos"), CConfig.Instance.MaxSourceImageWidth, CConfig.Instance.MaxSourceImageHeight, stats);

                // Add pics

                // Add textFromSource
                string cleanText = fSourceRecord.Text.Lines.Text;
                if (CConfig.Instance.ObfuscateEmails)
                    cleanText = ObfuscateEmail(cleanText);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanText))
                    f.WriteLine("        <div id=\"text\">");
                    f.WriteLine("          <h1>Text</h1>");
                    f.WriteLine("          <p class=\"pretext\">");
                    f.WriteLine(EscapeHTML(cleanText, false));
                    f.WriteLine("            </p>");
                    f.WriteLine("        </div> <!-- text -->");

                // Add notes
                OutputNotes(f, fSourceRecord.Notes);

                if (CConfig.Instance.SupressBackreferences == false)
                    f.WriteLine("        <div id=\"citations\">");
                    f.WriteLine("          <h1>Citations</h1>");
                    f.WriteLine("          <ul>");

                    var htBackrefs = fSourceRecord.MakeBackReferences();
                    IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = htBackrefs.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        GDMIndividualRecord ir = (GDMIndividualRecord)(enumerator.Value);
                        if (ir != null && ir.GetVisibility())
                            string link = MakeLink(ir);
                            if (link != "")
                                f.WriteLine("<li>{0}</li>", link);

                    f.WriteLine("          </ul>");
                    f.WriteLine("        </div> <!-- citations -->");

                f.WriteLine("      </div> <!-- main -->");

                // Add footer (Record date, W3C sticker, GEDmill credit etc.)
                OutputFooter(f, fSourceRecord);

                f.WriteLine("    </div> <!-- page -->");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                fLogger.WriteError("Caught IO Exception(6) : ", e);
            } catch (ArgumentException e) {
                fLogger.WriteError("Caught Argument Exception(6) : ", e);
            } finally {
                if (f != null)
                    f.Close(); // Adds standard footer to the file