Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Apply(Graphics graphics, Bitmap applyBitmap, Rectangle rect, RenderMode renderMode)
            int       blurRadius = GetFieldValueAsInt(FieldType.BLUR_RADIUS);
            Rectangle applyRect  = ImageHelper.CreateIntersectRectangle(applyBitmap.Size, rect, Invert);

            if (applyRect.Width == 0 || applyRect.Height == 0)
            GraphicsState state = graphics.Save();

            if (Invert)
            if (GDIplus.IsBlurPossible(blurRadius))
                GDIplus.DrawWithBlur(graphics, applyBitmap, applyRect, null, null, blurRadius, false);
                using (IFastBitmap fastBitmap = FastBitmap.CreateCloneOf(applyBitmap, applyRect))
                    ImageHelper.ApplyBoxBlur(fastBitmap, blurRadius);
                    fastBitmap.DrawTo(graphics, applyRect);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetInterpolationColorsInternal(ColorBlend blend)
            int    i1 = (int)blend.Colors.Length;
            IntPtr j1 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4 * i1);
            IntPtr k  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4 * i1);

            int[] nums = new int[i1];
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i1; i2++)
                nums[i2] = blend.Colors[i2].ToArgb();
            Marshal.Copy(nums, 0, j1, i1);
            Marshal.Copy(blend.Positions, 0, k, i1);
            int j2 = GDIplus.GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend(new HandleRef(this, m_nativeBrush), new HandleRef(null, j1), new HandleRef(null, k), i1);

            if (j2 != 0)
                throw new Exception(j2.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void Blur(Bitmap sourceImage, int radius)
     if (GDIplus.IsBlurPossible(radius))
         GDIplus.ApplyBlur(sourceImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height), radius, false);
         ImageHelper.ApplyBoxBlur(sourceImage, radius);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void CreateBrushInternal()
            m_location = m_rect.Location;
            m_size     = m_rect.Size;
            m_center   = new Point(m_location.X + (m_size.Width / 2), m_location.Y + (m_size.Height / 2));

            if (m_size.Height < 16 || m_size.Width < 16)
                m_factor = 0.25f;
            if (m_size.Height < 35 || m_size.Width < 35)
                m_factor = 0.5f;
                m_factor = 1;

            //m_gradient *= m_factor;

            double dX = ((double)m_size.Width / (10f * m_factor)) / 4f;
            double dY = ((double)m_size.Height / (10f * m_factor)) / 4f;
            double pX = m_gradient / dX;
            double pY = m_gradient / dY;

            double gX = pX / m_gradient;
            double gY = pY / m_gradient;

            double gradient = m_gradient / (float)(40f / 2f);
            double gradW    = 4f / ((float)m_size.Width / 2f);
            double gradH    = 4f / ((float)m_size.Height / 2f);

            double gradX = 1 - gX;
            double gradY = 1 - gY;

            float ray = m_rounded / 2;

            //			double alpha = 45 * (Math.PI / 180);
            //			float delta = (float)(ray * Math.Sin(alpha));
            //			PointF[] pts = new PointF[17]
            //				{
            //					/* 0 */  new PointF(m_center.X,m_location.Y),
            //					/* 1 */  new PointF(m_rect.Right-ray,m_location.Y),
            //					/* 2 */  new PointF((m_rect.Right-ray)+delta,m_location.Y+(ray-delta)),
            //					/* 3 */  new PointF(m_rect.Right,m_location.Y+ray),
            //					/* 4 */  new PointF(m_rect.Right,m_center.Y),
            //					/* 5 */  new PointF(m_rect.Right,m_rect.Bottom-ray),
            //					/* 6 */  new PointF((m_rect.Right-ray)+delta,m_rect.Bottom-(ray-delta)),
            //					/* 7 */  new PointF(m_rect.Right-ray,m_rect.Bottom),
            //					/* 8 */  new PointF(m_center.X,m_rect.Bottom),
            //					/* 9 */  new PointF(m_location.X+ray,m_rect.Bottom),
            //					/* 10 */ new PointF(m_location.X+(ray-delta),m_rect.Bottom-(ray-delta)),
            //					/* 11 */ new PointF(m_location.X,m_rect.Bottom-ray),
            //					/* 12 */ new PointF(m_location.X,m_center.Y),
            //					/* 13 */ new PointF(m_location.X,m_location.Y+ray),
            //					/* 14 */ new PointF(m_location.X+(ray-delta),m_location.Y+(ray-delta)),
            //					/* 15 */ new PointF(m_location.X+ray,m_location.Y),
            //					/* 16 */ new PointF(m_center.X,m_location.Y)
            //				};

            ////***************** NON UTILIZZATE A CAUSA DELLE API *******************////
            //GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
            //gp.AddCurve(pts, 0, 16, 0.05F);

            m_gp = new GraphicsPath();
            //m_gp.AddCurve(pts, 0, 16, 0.05F);

            m_gp.AddLine(new PointF(m_center.X, m_location.Y), new PointF(m_rect.Right - ray, m_location.Y));
            m_gp.AddArc(new RectangleF(m_rect.Right - m_rounded, m_location.Y, m_rounded, m_rounded), 270, 90);
            m_gp.AddLine(new PointF(m_rect.Right, m_location.Y + ray), new PointF(m_rect.Right, m_rect.Bottom - ray));
            m_gp.AddArc(new RectangleF(m_rect.Right - m_rounded, m_rect.Bottom - m_rounded, m_rounded, m_rounded), 0, 90);
            m_gp.AddLine(new PointF(m_rect.Right - ray, m_rect.Bottom), new PointF(m_location.X + ray, m_rect.Bottom));
            m_gp.AddArc(new RectangleF(m_location.X, m_rect.Bottom - m_rounded, m_rounded, m_rounded), 90, 90);
            m_gp.AddLine(new PointF(m_location.X, m_rect.Bottom - ray), new PointF(m_location.X, m_location.Y + ray));
            m_gp.AddArc(new RectangleF(m_location.X, m_location.Y, m_rounded, m_rounded), 180, 90);
            m_gp.AddLine(new PointF(m_location.X + ray, m_location.Y), new PointF(m_center.X, m_location.Y));

            //// ******** PROVA ********** ////
            IntPtr    nativePath = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr    ptrPoints  = GDIplus.ConvertPointToMemory(m_gp.PathPoints);
            int       iRet       = GDIplus.GdipCreatePath((int)FillMode.Alternate, ref nativePath);
            HandleRef pathRef    = new HandleRef(null, nativePath);

            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathLine(pathRef, m_center.X, m_location.Y, m_rect.Right - ray, m_location.Y);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathArc(pathRef, m_rect.Right - m_rounded, m_location.Y, m_rounded, m_rounded, 270, 90);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathLine(pathRef, m_rect.Right, m_location.Y + ray, m_rect.Right, m_rect.Bottom - ray);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathArc(pathRef, m_rect.Right - m_rounded, m_rect.Bottom - m_rounded, m_rounded, m_rounded, 0, 90);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathLine(pathRef, m_rect.Right - ray, m_rect.Bottom, m_location.X + ray, m_rect.Bottom);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathArc(pathRef, m_location.X, m_rect.Bottom - m_rounded, m_rounded, m_rounded, 90, 90);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathLine(pathRef, m_location.X, m_rect.Bottom - ray, m_location.X, m_location.Y + ray);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathArc(pathRef, m_location.X, m_location.Y, m_rounded, m_rounded, 180, 90);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipAddPathLine(pathRef, m_location.X + ray, m_location.Y, m_center.X, m_location.Y);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipClosePathFigure(pathRef);
            //// ************************* ////

            ColorBlend cblend = new ColorBlend();

            float[] positions = new float[] { 0.0F, (float)gradient, 1F };
            Color[] colors    = new Color[] { m_color1, m_color2, m_color3 };
            cblend.Positions = positions;
            cblend.Colors    = colors;

            ////***************** NON UTILIZZATE A CAUSA DELLE API *******************////
            //PathGradientBrush pgb = new PathGradientBrush(m_gp.PathPoints);
            //pgb.CenterPoint = m_center;
            //pgb.CenterColor = m_centercolor;
            //pgb.InterpolationColors = cblend;
            //pgb.FocusScales = new PointF((float)gradX, (float)gradY);

            // crea il PathGradientBrush
            m_nativeBrush = IntPtr.Zero;
            //IntPtr j = GDIplus.ConvertPointToMemory(m_gp.PathPoints);//pts
            // /*int*/ iRet = GDIplus.GdipCreatePathGradient(new HandleRef(null, j), (int)pts.Length, (int)WrapMode.Clamp, out m_nativeBrush);
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath(pathRef, out m_nativeBrush);
            HandleRef brushRef = new HandleRef(null, m_nativeBrush);

            // imposta il CenterPoint
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint(brushRef, new GPPOINTF(m_center));
            // imposta InterpolationColors
            // imposta FocusScales
            iRet = GDIplus.GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(brushRef, (float)gradX, (float)gradY);

Exemplo n.º 5
        // 由指定bitmap创建一个新有带阴影的bitmap
        protected Bitmap CreateShadow(Image sourceBitmap, float darkness, int shadowSize, Point shadowOffset,
                                      out Point offset, PixelFormat targetPixelformat)
            // Create a new "clean" image
            offset    = shadowOffset;
            offset.X += shadowSize - 1;
            offset.Y += shadowSize - 1;
            Bitmap returnImage = ImageOperator.CreateEmptyBitmap(sourceBitmap.Width + (shadowSize * 2), sourceBitmap.Height + (shadowSize * 2),
                                                                 targetPixelformat, Color.Empty, sourceBitmap.HorizontalResolution, sourceBitmap.VerticalResolution);

            // Make sure the shadow is odd, there is no reason for an even blur!
            if ((shadowSize & 1) == 0)
            bool useGDIBlur = GDIplus.IsBlurPossible(shadowSize);
            // Create "mask" for the shadow
            ColorMatrix maskMatrix = new ColorMatrix();

            maskMatrix.Matrix00 = 0;
            maskMatrix.Matrix11 = 0;
            maskMatrix.Matrix22 = 0;
            if (useGDIBlur)
                maskMatrix.Matrix33 = darkness + 0.1f;
                maskMatrix.Matrix33 = darkness;
            Rectangle shadowRectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(shadowSize, shadowSize), sourceBitmap.Size);

            ImageOperator.ApplyColorMatrix((Bitmap)sourceBitmap, Rectangle.Empty, returnImage, shadowRectangle, maskMatrix);

            // blur "shadow", apply to whole new image
            if (useGDIBlur)
                // Use GDI Blur
                Rectangle newImageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, returnImage.Width, returnImage.Height);
                if (!GDIplus.ApplyBlur(returnImage, newImageRectangle, shadowSize + 1, false))
                    log.Error("Failed to ApplyBlur in GDIplus.");
                // try normal software blur
                ApplyBoxBlur(returnImage, shadowSize);

            // Draw the original image over the shadow
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(returnImage)) {
                // Make sure we draw with the best quality!
                graphics.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                graphics.PixelOffsetMode    = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                graphics.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                // draw original with a TextureBrush so we have nice antialiasing!
                using (Brush textureBrush = new TextureBrush(sourceBitmap, WrapMode.Clamp)) {
                    // We need to do a translate-tranform otherwise the image is wrapped
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(textureBrush, 0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);