protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //string activationCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mamaro"]) ? Request.QueryString["mamaro"] : Guid.Empty.ToString();
        string text = Page.Request.QueryString.Get("id");
        string id   = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(text, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]", string.Empty);

        Session["mid"] = id;
        string text1 = Page.Request.QueryString.Get("state");
        string QAon  = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(text1, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]", string.Empty);

        Query = "select id from nursing_room_normal where id='" + id + "';";

        DataView ict2 = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict2.Count > 0)
            string datetimenow = "";
            Query = "SELECT NOW() as now;";
            DataView ict3 = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            if (ict3.Count > 0)
                datetimenow = ict3.Table.Rows[0]["now"].ToString();
                Query       = "SELECT * FROM db1.nursing_room_normal_counter where nursing_room_normal_id=" + id + " and update_time='" + datetimenow + "' ORDER BY update_time DESC LIMIT 1;";
                DataView ict4 = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict4.Count == 0)
                    Query      = "insert into nursing_room_normal_counter(nursing_room_normal_id,state,update_time)";
                    Query     += " VALUES ('" + id + "','" + QAon + "',NOW())";
                    result_cmd = gc.insert_cmd(Query);

        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("id:" + id + ",state:" + QAon + "," + result_cmd));
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Query = "select city_name from City;";
        DataView ict_f = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        for (int i = 0; i < ict_f.Count; i++)
        City_DropDownList.Items.FindByValue("神奈川県").Selected = true;
        City_DropDownList.Items.FindByText("神奈川県").Selected  = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!this.IsPostBack)
            string activationCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ActivationCode"]) ? Request.QueryString["ActivationCode"] : Guid.Empty.ToString();

            Query  = "select UserId";
            Query += " from UserActivation_registered";
            Query += " where ActivationCode='" + activationCode + "';";

            DataView ict_f = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            int      id    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_f.Count; i++)
                id = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString());
            if (id == 0)
                Session["id"] = id;
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List <img_group> lis = new List <img_group>();
        img_group        imf = new img_group();

        Query = "select,CONCAT('', as fooz from( SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(url,'/nursing_room/',-1) as foo,id FROM MakeLocaldb1.nursing_room_grid_eye where url like '' ) as t;";
        DataView ict2 = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict2.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict2.Count; i++)
                imf     = new img_group();
        = ict2.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                imf.url = ict2.Table.Rows[i]["fooz"].ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < lis.Count; i++)
                Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("id:" + lis[i].id + ",url:" + lis[i].url + "</br>"));

                Query      = "update nursing_room_grid_eye set url='" + lis[i].url + "' where id='" + lis[i].id + "';";
                result_cmd = gc.update_cmd(Query);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static string search_grid(string param1, string param3)
        GCP_MYSQL gc1    = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query1 = "";
        string    resin  = "";
        string    result = "";

        Query1 = "SELECT message_type,postal_code,place FROM status_messages WHERE message_type =" + param1 + @" LIMIT " + (Convert.ToInt32(param3) * 10) + ",10;";
        DataView ict_f = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);

        result += "<table width='100%'>";
        result += "<tr>";
        result += "<td>カテゴリー</td>";
        result += "<td>郵便番号</td>";
        result += "<td>所在地</td>";
        result += "</tr>";
        if (ict_f.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_f.Count; i++)
                result += "<tr>";
                result += "<td>";
                string type = "";
                if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "0")
                    result += "お食事";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "1")
                    result += "人気スポット";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "2")
                    result += "イベント";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "3")
                    result += "病院";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "4")
                    result += "公園/レジャー";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "5")
                    result += "授乳室";
                else if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message_type"].ToString() == "6")
                    result += "指定なし";
                result += "</td>";
                result += "<td>" + ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["postal_code"].ToString() + @"</td>";
                result += "<td>" + ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["place"].ToString() + @"</td>";
                result += "</tr>";

Exemplo n.º 6
    public static string check_login(string param1, string param2)
        //string result = param1 + "," + param2;
        string result = "";

            string username = param1.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();
            string password = param2.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();

            string usernames = RemoveSpecialCharacters(username);
            string passwords = RemoveSpecialCharacters(password);
            if (usernames != "" && passwords != "")
                GCP_MYSQL gc     = new GCP_MYSQL();
                string    Query  = "select id from nursing_room_manager where account='" + usernames + "';";
                DataView  ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
                    string   Query1  = "select id from nursing_room_manager where account='" + usernames + "' and password='******';";
                    DataView ict_ff1 = gc.select_cmd(Query1);
                    if (ict_ff1.Count > 0)
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["manager_page"] = ict_ff1.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
                        //result = HttpContext.Current.Session["manager"].ToString();
                        result = "ログインできました。";
                        result = "パスワードが間違っています。";
                    result = "アカウントが間違っています。";
        catch (Exception ex)
            result = "ログインできませんでした。";

            //return result;
            throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 7
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List <string> uni_id = new List <string>();
        string        Query  = "";
        GCP_MYSQL     gc     = new GCP_MYSQL();

        Query  = "select id,company_name";
        Query += " from nursing_room_from;";
        DataView ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                bool checksame = true;

                for (int ix = 0; ix < uni_id.Count; ix++)
                    if (uni_id[ix] == ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["company_name"].ToString())
                        checksame = false;
                if (checksame)

                    Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<fieldset><legend style='font-size: large; font-weight: bold'>" + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["company_name"].ToString() + "</legend>"));
                    Query  = "select nursing_room_id";
                    Query += " from nursing_room_connect_from where nursing_room_from_id='" + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "';";
                    DataView ict_place1 = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    if (ict_place1.Count > 0)
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < ict_place1.Count; ii++)
                            Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ict_place1.Table.Rows[ii]["nursing_room_id"].ToString()));
                            Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                    Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</fieldset>"));
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string    Query = "";
        GCP_MYSQL gc    = new GCP_MYSQL();


        DateTime maxtime;

        Query = "select nursing_room_id,max(update_time) as maxtime from MakeLocaldb1.nursing_room_wifi_state where TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,update_time, CONVERT(NOW(),DATETIME))<24 group by nursing_room_id;";
        DataView ict = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                GCP_MYSQL gc1    = new GCP_MYSQL();
                string    Query1 = "";
                maxtime = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["maxtime"].ToString());
                Query1  = "select,,b.address,b.GPS_lat,b.GPS_lng,,b.company_tel,b.remote_name";
                Query1 += " from nursing_room_wifi_state as a inner join nursing_room as b on";
                Query1 += " where a.nursing_room_id='" + ict.Table.Rows[i]["nursing_room_id"].ToString() + "' and a.update_time between'" + maxtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ".000" + "' and '" + maxtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ".999" + "' order by a.update_time;";
                DataView ict1 = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);
                if (ict1.Count > 0)
                    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ict1.Count; i1++)
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<fieldset><legend style='font-size: large; font-weight: bold'>" + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["name"].ToString() + "</legend>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Connect name: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["remote_name"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("ID: " + ict.Table.Rows[i]["nursing_room_id"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("update_time: " + ict.Table.Rows[i]["maxtime"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("address: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["address"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("GPS_lat: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["GPS_lat"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("GPS_lng: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["GPS_lng"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("company: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["company"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("company_tel: " + ict1.Table.Rows[i1]["company_tel"].ToString()));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                        Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</fieldset>"));
Exemplo n.º 9
    public static string Save(string param1, string param2, string param3)
        GCP_MYSQL gc1    = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query1 = "";
        string    resin  = "";
        string    result = param1 + "," + param2 + "," + param3;
        string    id     = param1.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();
        string    age    = param2.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();
        string    sex    = param3.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();

            int sexx = 0;
            if (sex == "Girl")
                sexx = 0;
            if (sex == "Boy")
                sexx = 1;
            int iid  = Convert.ToInt32(id);
            int iage = Convert.ToInt32(age);

            Query1  = "select id from user_login";
            Query1 += " where id='" + iid + "';";
            DataView ict_f = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);

            if (ict_f.Count > 0)
                Query1  = "insert into user_family(uid,family_old,sex)";
                Query1 += " values('" + iid + "','" + iage + "','" + sexx + "')";
                resin   = gc1.insert_cmd(Query1);

                result = "success";
                //return result;
            result = "fail";
            //return result;
        catch (Exception ex)
            result = "fail";
            //return result;
            throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public static void ConvertUrlsInData(string msg)
        string          regex    = @"((www\.|(http|https|ftp|news|file)+\:\/\/)[&#95;.a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9\/&#95;:@=.+?,##%&~-]*[^.|\'|\# |!|\(|?|,| |>|<|;|\)])";
        Regex           r        = new Regex(regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        MatchCollection mactches = r.Matches(msg);

        foreach (Match match in mactches)
            GCP_MYSQL gc1    = new GCP_MYSQL();
            string    Query1 = "select id from status_messages_link_info where link like '" + match.Value + "';";
            DataView  ict1   = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);
            if (ict1.Count == 0)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Label_logo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:self.location='main.aspx';");
        Label_logo.Style["cursor"] = "pointer";
        if (!this.IsPostBack)
            string activationCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ActivationCode"]) ? Request.QueryString["ActivationCode"] : Guid.Empty.ToString();

            Query  = "select uid,supp_id,uiacdid";
            Query += " from user_information_store_week_appointment_check_check";
            Query += " where ActivationCode='" + activationCode + "';";

            DataView ict_f = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            int      id = 0, supid = 0, uiacdid = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_f.Count; i++)
                id      = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString());
                supid   = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["supp_id"].ToString());
                uiacdid = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["uiacdid"].ToString());
            //now time
            string startd = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string starth = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH")).ToString();
            string startm = DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString();
            string starts = DateTime.Now.Second.ToString();
            string start  = startd + " " + starth + ":" + startm + ":" + starts;
            //now time
            if (Session["id"] != null)
                if (Session["id"].ToString() == supid.ToString())
                    ltMessage.Text = "このアカウントはサポーター登録されていません。";
                ltMessage.Text = "Fail.";

            Label1.Text = "10";
Exemplo n.º 12
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string    Query = "";
        GCP_MYSQL gc    = new GCP_MYSQL();

        Query = "select * from nursing_room;";
        DataView ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<input name='user_active_col[]' type='checkbox' value='" + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'> " + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + ""));
                Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["seak_URLinfo"] != null)
            if (Session["seak_URLinfo"].ToString() == "true")

                gc = new GCP_MYSQL();

                Query = "select *,TIMESTAMPDIFF(minute, update_time, NOW()) as difftime from status_messages_link_info order by difftime DESC LIMIT 50;";

                DataView ict2     = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                URL_data URL_info = new URL_data();
                if (ict2.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ict2.Count; i++)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(ict2.Table.Rows[i]["difftime"].ToString()) > 30)
                            URL_info = new URL_data();
                            URL_info = ConvertUrlsToDIV(ict2.Table.Rows[i]["link"].ToString());

                            Query      = "update status_messages_link_info set image_url='" + URL_info.image_url + "',title='" + URL_info.title + "'";
                            Query     += ",des='" + URL_info.des + "',update_time=NOW() where id='" + ict2.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "';";
                            result_cmd = gc.update_cmd(Query);

Exemplo n.º 14
    public static string[] Getsearch(string prefix)
        GCP_MYSQL     gc1       = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string        Query1    = "";
        string        resin     = "";
        List <string> customers = new List <string>();

        Query1 = "select id,username,photo from user_login where username like '" + prefix.Replace("'", "").Replace(@"""", "") + "%'";
        DataView ict_sf = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);

        for (int i = 0; i < ict_sf.Count; i++)
            string cutstr  = ict_sf.Table.Rows[i]["photo"].ToString();
            int    ind     = cutstr.IndexOf(@"/");
            string cutstr1 = cutstr.Substring(ind + 1, cutstr.Length - ind - 1);
            customers.Add(string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", ict_sf.Table.Rows[i]["username"], ict_sf.Table.Rows[i]["id"], cutstr1));
Exemplo n.º 15
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GCP_MYSQL gc1        = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query1     = "";
        string    resin      = "";
        string    loginname  = loginname_TextBox.Text.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();
        bool      check_mail = CheckEmailFormat(loginname);

        if (loginname != "")
            if (check_mail)
                Query1  = "select id,username from user_login";
                Query1 += " where login_name='" + loginname + "';";
                DataView ict_f = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);
                if (ict_f.Count > 0)
                    result_Label.Text = "";
                    string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    Query1  = "update user_login set login_password='******'";
                    Query1 += " where id='" + ict_f.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "';";

                    resin = gc1.update_cmd(Query1);
                    SendActivationEmail(loginname, ict_f.Table.Rows[0]["username"].ToString(), activationCode);
                    result_Label.Text = "メールをご確認ください。";
                    result_Label.Text = "このメールアドレスはまだ登録されていません。";
                result_Label.Text = "無効なメールアドレスです。";
            result_Label.Text = "未記入もしくは使用できない単語です。";
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Request.QueryString["mid"] != null)
            string activationCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mid"]) ? Request.QueryString["mid"] : Guid.Empty.ToString();
            if (activationCode != "")
                Session["mamaro_id"] = activationCode;

            string touid = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Session["mamaro_id"].ToString());

            gc = new GCP_MYSQL();
            Literal lip = new Literal();
            Query = "select id from nursing_room where QRcode='" + touid + "';";
            DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
                Session["real_id"] = ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 17
    protected void UploadDocument(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string  input = "", DirRoot = "", filename = "";
        int     stringindex = 0, cut = 0;
        Boolean check = false;

        Session["head_photo"] = null;
        if (fuDocument.HasFile)
            HttpPostedFile postedFile = fuDocument.PostedFile;

            DirRoot = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName).ToUpper().Replace(".", "");

            Query = "select id,name from filename_extension";
            DataView ou1 = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            for (int i = 0; i < ou1.Count; i++)
                if (DirRoot.ToUpper() == ou1.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString().ToUpper())
                    check = true;
            if (check)
                filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff") + @"." + DirRoot;

                Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.GoogleCredential credential = GCP_AUTH.AuthExplicit();
                string imgurl = GCP_AUTH.upload_file_stream("", "upload/test", filename, postedFile.InputStream, credential);
                //AmazonUpload aws = new AmazonUpload();
                //string imgurl = aws.AmazonUpload_file("", "upload/test", filename, postedFile.InputStream);

                //fuDocument.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("head_photo") + "\\" + filename);
                Image1.ImageUrl = imgurl;
                Image1.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block");

                Session["head_photo"] = "~/" + imgurl;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(fuDocument, fuDocument.GetType(), "alert", "alert('filename extension is not in role!')", true);
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string    Query = "";
        GCP_MYSQL gc    = new GCP_MYSQL();

        Query  = "select a.video_des,a.company_name,count( as totalplay";
        Query += " from nursing_room_video_info as a";
        Query += " inner join nursing_room_video_play_detail as b";
        Query += " on";
        Query += " group by";
        DataView ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        string res = "";

        //mamaro video total play times
        res += @"<script>
window.onload = function () {

var options = {
	animationEnabled: true,
	title: {
		text: "         + '"' + @"mamaro Video" + '"' + @"
	data: [{
		type: "         + '"' + @"doughnut" + '"' + @",
		innerRadius: "         + '"' + @"40%" + '"' + @",
		showInLegend: true,
		legendText: "         + '"' + @"{label}" + '"' + @",
		indexLabel: "         + '"' + @"{label}: #percent%" + '"' + @",
		dataPoints: ["        ;
        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                res += @" { label: " + '"' + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["video_des"].ToString() + '"' + @", y: " + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["totalplay"].ToString() + @" },";

        res += @"]
$(" + '"' + @"#chartContainer" + '"' + @").CanvasJSChart(options);";

        //mamaro time analysis
        Random rnd = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
        Color  randomColor;
        String strHtmlColor;

        tg = new List <time_group>();
        time_group tig = new time_group();

        res += @"options = {
	animationEnabled: true,
	theme: "     + '"' + @"light2" + '"' + @",
		text: "         + '"' + @" time analysis" + '"' + @"
		prefix: "         + '"' + @"" + '"' + @",
		lineThickness: 0
	toolTip: {
		shared: true
		verticalAlign: "         + '"' + @"top" + '"' + @",
		horizontalAlign: "         + '"' + @"center" + '"' + @"
	data: ["    ;

        Query     = "select video_des,company_name,id";
        Query    += " from nursing_room_video_info;";
        ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        DataView ict_pl;

        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                tig          = new time_group();
             = ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                randomColor  = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));
                strHtmlColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(randomColor);
                tig.stu     += @"
		type: "         + '"' + @"stackedBar" + '"' + @",
		showInLegend: true,
		name: "         + '"' + ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["video_des"].ToString() + '"' + @",
		axisYType: "         + '"' + @"secondary" + '"' + @",
		color: "         + '"' + strHtmlColor + '"' + @",
		dataPoints: ["        ;

        for (int i = 9; i < 24; i++)
            string timestr = i + "時-" + (i + 1) + "時";
            Query  = "select,a.video_des,a.company_name,count( as totalplay";
            Query += " from nursing_room_video_info as a";
            Query += " inner join nursing_room_video_play_detail as b";
            Query += " on";
            Query += " where HOUR(b.update_time) between " + i + " and " + (i + 1) + "";
            Query += " group by";
            ict_pl = gc.select_cmd(Query);
            if (ict_pl.Count > 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < ict_pl.Count; j++)
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < tg.Count; ii++)
                        if (tg[ii].id == ict_pl.Table.Rows[j]["id"].ToString())
                            tg[ii].stu += @"{ y: " + ict_pl.Table.Rows[j]["totalplay"].ToString() + ", label: " + '"' + timestr + '"' + @" },";

        for (int i = 0; i < tg.Count; i++)
            tg[i].stu += @"]
	},"    ;

        for (int i = 0; i < tg.Count; i++)
            res += tg[i].stu;

        res += @"]

        res += @"$(" + '"' + @"#chartContainer1" + '"' + @").CanvasJSChart(options);

        //mamaro play how many video
        tgm_list = new List <time_group_mamaro>();
        time_group_mamaro tgm = new time_group_mamaro();

        Query     = "select as nid,,,a.video_des,a.company_name,count( as totalplay";
        Query    += " from nursing_room_video_info as a";
        Query    += " inner join nursing_room_video_play_detail as b";
        Query    += " on";
        Query    += " inner join nursing_room as c";
        Query    += " on";
        Query    += " group by,";
        ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                tgm           = new time_group_mamaro();
              = ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["nid"].ToString();
            = ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString();
                tgm.video_des = ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["video_des"].ToString();
           = Convert.ToInt32(ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["totalplay"].ToString());

        res += @"options = {
	animationEnabled: true,
	title: {
		text: "         + '"' + @" Play Video Times" + '"' + @"
	data: [{
		type: "         + '"' + @"doughnut" + '"' + @",
		innerRadius: "         + '"' + @"40%" + '"' + @",
		showInLegend: true,
		legendText: "         + '"' + @"{label}" + '"' + @",
		indexLabel: "         + '"' + @"{label}: #percent%" + '"' + @",
		dataPoints: ["        ;

        string smalljava = "";

        string choice = "";

//        string choice = @"<script>
//  $( function() {
//    $( " + '"' + @"#accordion" + '"' + @" ).accordion({
//      heightStyle: " + '"' + @"content" + '"' + @"
//    });
//  } );
//  </script>
//<div id=" + '"' + @"accordion" + '"' + @">";
        Query     = "select id,name";
        Query    += " from nursing_room;";
        ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        if (ict_place.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_place.Count; i++)
                int    total = 0;
                string name  = ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString();
                bool   chc   = false;
                string cho   = @"
options = {
	animationEnabled: true,
	title: {
		text: "         + '"' + name + '"' + @"
	data: [{
		type: "         + '"' + @"doughnut" + '"' + @",
		innerRadius: "         + '"' + @"40%" + '"' + @",
		showInLegend: true,
		legendText: "         + '"' + @"{label}" + '"' + @",
		indexLabel: "         + '"' + @"{label}: #percent%" + '"' + @",
		dataPoints: ["        ;

                for (int ii = 0; ii < tgm_list.Count; ii++)
                    if (ict_place.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == tgm_list[ii].id)
                        total += tgm_list[ii].total;

                        //mamaro detail
                        cho += @" { label: " + '"' + tgm_list[ii].video_des + '"' + @", y: " + tgm_list[ii].total + @" },";
                        chc  = true;
                cho += @"]
$(" + '"' + @"#chartContainer_" + i.ToString() + '"' + @").CanvasJSChart(options);";

                if (chc)
                    smalljava += cho;
                if (total > 0)
                    res += @" { label: " + '"' + name + '"' + @", y: " + total + @" },";

                    //mamaro detail
                    //choice += "<h3>" + name + "</h3><div style=" + '"' + @"height: 300px; width: 100%;" + '"' + @"><div id=" + '"' + @"chartContainer_" + i.ToString() + '"' + @" style=" + '"' + @"height: 300px; width: 100%;" + '"' + @"></div></div>";
                    choice += "<h3>" + name + "</h3><div id=" + '"' + @"chartContainer_" + i.ToString() + '"' + @" style=" + '"' + @"height: 300px; width: 100%;" + '"' + @"></div>";
        //choice += "</div>";

        res += @"]
$(" + '"' + @"#chartContainer2" + '"' + @").CanvasJSChart(options);";

        res += smalljava;

        res += @"
        detailPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(choice));
        javascriptPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(res));
Exemplo n.º 19
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gc = new GCP_MYSQL();
        Panel   mypan = (Panel)this.FindControl("main_Panel");
        Literal lip   = new Literal();

        Query = "select * from nursing_room;";
        DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        lip.Text += @"<hr>";
        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
                lip.Text += @"<div id=" + '"' + @"chart-container" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + @"><svg width=" + '"' + @"90px" + '"' + @" height=" + '"' + @"90px" + '"' + @" xmlns=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @" viewBox=" + '"' + @"0 0 100 100" + '"' + @" preserveAspectRatio=" + '"' + @"xMidYMid" + '"' + @" class=" + '"' + @"lds-rolling" + '"' + @" style=" + '"' + @"background: none;" + '"' + @"><circle cx=" + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @" cy=" + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @" fill=" + '"' + @"none" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke=" + '"' + @"{{config.color}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke-width=" + '"' + @"{{config.width}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-r=" + '"' + @"{{config.radius}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke-dasharray=" + '"' + @"{{config.dasharray}}" + '"' + @" stroke=" + '"' + @"#6ac1a5" + '"' + @" stroke-width=" + '"' + @"9" + '"' + @" r=" + '"' + @"33" + '"' + @" stroke-dasharray=" + '"' + @"155.50883635269477 53.83627878423159" + '"' + @" transform=" + '"' + @"rotate(324 50 50)" + '"' + @"><animateTransform attributeName=" + '"' + @"transform" + '"' + @" type=" + '"' + @"rotate" + '"' + @" calcMode=" + '"' + @"linear" + '"' + @" values=" + '"' + @"0 50 50;360 50 50" + '"' + @" keyTimes=" + '"' + @"0;1" + '"' + @" dur=" + '"' + @"1s" + '"' + @" begin=" + '"' + @"0s" + '"' + @" repeatCount=" + '"' + @"indefinite" + '"' + @"></animateTransform></circle></svg></div>";
                lip.Text += @"<div id=" + '"' + @"chart-container_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + @"><svg width=" + '"' + @"90px" + '"' + @" height=" + '"' + @"90px" + '"' + @" xmlns=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @" viewBox=" + '"' + @"0 0 100 100" + '"' + @" preserveAspectRatio=" + '"' + @"xMidYMid" + '"' + @" class=" + '"' + @"lds-rolling" + '"' + @" style=" + '"' + @"background: none;" + '"' + @"><circle cx=" + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @" cy=" + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @" fill=" + '"' + @"none" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke=" + '"' + @"{{config.color}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke-width=" + '"' + @"{{config.width}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-r=" + '"' + @"{{config.radius}}" + '"' + @" ng-attr-stroke-dasharray=" + '"' + @"{{config.dasharray}}" + '"' + @" stroke=" + '"' + @"#6ac1a5" + '"' + @" stroke-width=" + '"' + @"9" + '"' + @" r=" + '"' + @"33" + '"' + @" stroke-dasharray=" + '"' + @"155.50883635269477 53.83627878423159" + '"' + @" transform=" + '"' + @"rotate(324 50 50)" + '"' + @"><animateTransform attributeName=" + '"' + @"transform" + '"' + @" type=" + '"' + @"rotate" + '"' + @" calcMode=" + '"' + @"linear" + '"' + @" values=" + '"' + @"0 50 50;360 50 50" + '"' + @" keyTimes=" + '"' + @"0;1" + '"' + @" dur=" + '"' + @"1s" + '"' + @" begin=" + '"' + @"0s" + '"' + @" repeatCount=" + '"' + @"indefinite" + '"' + @"></animateTransform></circle></svg></div>";

                lip.Text += @"<hr id=" + '"' + @"hrdiv" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + @">";
        lip.Text += "<style type=" + '"' + @"text/css" + '"' + @">";
        lip.Text += @".body {
                        text-align: center;

        lip.Text += "</style>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += @" <script>
 var firebase;
        var config = {
            databaseURL: " + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"
        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
                lip.Text += @"

        function getData" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(callbackIN) {

        var ref = firebase.database().ref('/mamaro/system_info/" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"/').limitToLast(10);
        ref.once('value').then(function (snapshot) {
            var cdata = [];
            for (var i in snapshot.val()) {
                    label: snapshot.val()[i].time,
                    value: snapshot.val()[i].total_cpu

        ref.on('value', function (snapshot) {
            var cdata = [];
            for (var i in snapshot.val()) {
                    label: snapshot.val()[i].time,
                    value: snapshot.val()[i].total_cpu

    window.addEventListener(" + '"' + @"load" + '"' + @", getData" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(genFunction" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"));
    function genFunction" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(data) {
      var cdata = [];
      var len = data.length;
      for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
          label: data[i]['label'],
          value: data[i]['value']
$show = $('#chart-container" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"');
$show1 = $('#hrdiv" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"');
    var firebaseChart = new FusionCharts({
        type: 'area2d',
        renderAt: 'chart-container" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"',
        width: '100%',
        height: '400',
        dataFormat: 'json',
        dataSource: {
            " + '"' + @"chart" + '"' + @": {
                " + '"' + @"caption" + '"' + @": " + '"' + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @" cpu %" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaption" + '"' + @": " + '"' + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaptionFontBold" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"captionFontSize" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"20" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaptionFontSize" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"17" + '"' + @",
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                " + '"' + @"bgColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FFFFFF" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"bgAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"100" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showCanvasBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showPlotBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showAlternateHGridColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"usePlotGradientColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"paletteColors" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#6AC1A5" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showValues" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"divLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"5" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showAxisLines" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"drawAnchors" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"baseFontColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBgColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FA8D67" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipPadding" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"10" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FFFFFF" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBorderRadius" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"3" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBorderAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"drawCrossLine" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"60" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"alignCaptionWithCanvas" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @"
            " + '"' + @"data" + '"' + @": cdata
                lip.Text += @"

        function getData_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(callbackIN) {

        var ref = firebase.database().ref('/mamaro/system_info/" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"/').limitToLast(10);
        ref.once('value').then(function (snapshot) {
            var cdata = [];
            for (var i in snapshot.val()) {
                    label: snapshot.val()[i].time,
                    value: snapshot.val()[i].total_mem

        ref.on('value', function (snapshot) {
            var cdata = [];
            for (var i in snapshot.val()) {
                    label: snapshot.val()[i].time,
                    value: snapshot.val()[i].total_mem

    window.addEventListener(" + '"' + @"load" + '"' + @", getData_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(genFunction_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"));
    function genFunction_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"(data) {
      var cdata = [];
      var len = data.length;
      for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
          label: data[i]['label'],
          value: data[i]['value']
$show = $('#chart-container_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"');
    var firebaseChart = new FusionCharts({
        type: 'area2d',
        renderAt: 'chart-container_" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"',
        width: '100%',
        height: '400',
        dataFormat: 'json',
        dataSource: {
            " + '"' + @"chart" + '"' + @": {
                " + '"' + @"caption" + '"' + @": " + '"' + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @" memory MB" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaption" + '"' + @": " + '"' + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaptionFontBold" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"captionFontSize" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"20" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"subCaptionFontSize" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"17" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"captionPadding" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"15" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"captionFontColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"baseFontSize" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"14" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"baseFont" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"Barlow" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"canvasBgAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"bgColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FFFFFF" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"bgAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"100" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showCanvasBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showPlotBorder" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showAlternateHGridColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"usePlotGradientColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"paletteColors" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#6AC1A5" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showValues" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"divLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"5" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"showAxisLines" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"drawAnchors" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"xAxisLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"yAxisLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"50" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"baseFontColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBgColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FA8D67" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipPadding" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"10" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#FFFFFF" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBorderRadius" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"3" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"toolTipBorderAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"drawCrossLine" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineColor" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"#8C8C8C" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineAlpha" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"60" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"crossLineThickness" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"0.7" + '"' + @",
                " + '"' + @"alignCaptionWithCanvas" + '"' + @": " + '"' + @"1" + '"' + @"
            " + '"' + @"data" + '"' + @": cdata
        lip.Text += @"</script>";
Exemplo n.º 20
    public static string check_user(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4)
        string    res   = "";
        GCP_MYSQL gc    = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query = "";

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["QR"] != null)
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["QR"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                string QRcode = HttpContext.Current.Session["QR"].ToString();
                Query  = "select id";
                Query += " from nursing_room where QRcode='" + QRcode + "';";
                DataView ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                string   userinfo  = "";
                string   userinfo1 = "";
                string   userinfo2 = "";
                string   userinfo3 = "";
                if (ict_place.Count > 0)
                    string id = ict_place.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
                    if (param1 == null)
                        userinfo = "NULL";
                        if (param1.Trim() == "")
                            userinfo = "NULL";
                            userinfo = "'" + param1.Trim() + "'";
                    if (param2 == null)
                        userinfo1 = "NULL";
                        if (param2.Trim() == "")
                            userinfo1 = "NULL";
                            userinfo1 = "'" + param2.Trim() + "'";
                    if (param3 == null)
                        userinfo2 = "NULL";
                        if (param3.Trim() == "")
                            userinfo2 = "NULL";
                            userinfo2 = "'" + param3.Trim() + "'";
                    if (param4 == null)
                        userinfo3 = "NULL";
                        if (param4.Trim() == "")
                            userinfo3 = "NULL";
                            userinfo3 = "'" + param4.Trim() + "'";
                    if (id.Trim() != "")
                        Query  = "insert into nursing_room_QR_counter(nursing_room_id,user_os,user_os_ver,user_browser,user_browser_ver,insert_time)";
                        Query += " values('" + id.Trim() + "'," + userinfo + "," + userinfo1 + "," + userinfo2 + "," + userinfo3 + ",NOW());";

                        string rescom = gc.insert_cmd(Query);
                        res = rescom;

Exemplo n.º 21
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Session["manager_page"] = "1";

        if (Session["manager_page"] != null)
            if (Session["manager_page"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                room_id = Session["manager_page"].ToString().Trim();

                //select info from mamaro DB
                GCP_MYSQL gc  = new GCP_MYSQL();
                Literal   lip = new Literal();
                //lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
                string Query = "";
                if (room_id == "2")
                    Query = "select * from nursing_room;";
                    Query  = "select,,c.babymap_place_id,c.QRcode,c.close from nursing_room_manager as a ";
                    Query += "inner join nursing_room_connect_manager as b on ";
                    Query += "inner join nursing_room as c on and'" + room_id + "'; ";
                DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
                        if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["close"].ToString() == "0")
                            lip.Text += "<br><div class='center' id=" + '"' + "m_" + i + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"<br><br>
                              <img id=" + '"' + "img_" + i + '"' + @" src='' alt='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"' style='width:100px;height:100px;'>";
                            if (room_id == "2")
                                lip.Text += "<img id=" + '"' + "imgoff_" + i + '"' + @" src='' alt='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"' style='width:100px;height:100px;'>";
                            lip.Text += @"<div id=" + '"' + "write_" + i + '"' + @"> <hr>";
                            GCP_MYSQL gc1     = new GCP_MYSQL();
                            string    Query1  = "select * from nursing_room_message_check where nursing_room_id='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "';";
                            DataView  ict_ff1 = gc1.select_cmd(Query1);
                            if (ict_ff1.Count > 0)
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < ict_ff1.Count; ii++)
                                    lip.Text += @"<p>" + ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["update_time"].ToString() + @"</p>
<p>" + ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["message"].ToString() + @"</p>
                                    if (ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["pdf_url"].ToString() != "")
                                        lip.Text += @"
<a href='" + ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["pdf_url"].ToString() + @"' target='_blank'><img src='./images/mamaro_manager/pdf-icon.png' title='PDF' width='100' height='100' /></a>";
                                    if (ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["csv_url"].ToString() != "")
                                        lip.Text += @"
<a href='" + ict_ff1.Table.Rows[ii]["csv_url"].ToString() + @"' target='_blank'><img src='./images/mamaro_manager/Files-Csv-icon.png' title='CSV' width='100' height='100' /></a>";
                                    lip.Text += @"</p> <hr>
                            lip.Text += @"
<div id=" + '"' + "but_" + i + '"' + @">back</div>
                            if (room_id == "2")
                                lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "edit_" + i + '"' + @"><hr>
            <textarea style='width: 100%;height:300px;' id =" + '"' + "mess_" + i + '"' + @"
                  rows = '3'
                  cols = '80'></textarea>
<p><input type='file' id='file" + i + @"' name='file' /></p>
<img id=" + '"' + "butup_" + i + '"' + @" src='./images/mamaro_manager/upload-file.png' title='upload' width='100' height='100' />
    <div id='img" + i + @"' style='width:100%;word-break: break-all;'></div>
 <script type='text/javascript'>
$(function () {
            $('#butup_" + i + @"').click(function () {
                ajaxFileUpload" + i + @"();
   function ajaxFileUpload" + i + @"() {
                    url: '/upload.aspx',
                    secureuri: false,
                    fileElementId: 'file" + i + @"',
                    dataType: 'JSON',
                    success: function (data, status)
                        $('#img" + i + @"').empty();
                        $('#img" + i + @"').append(data);

                    error: function (data, status, e)
            return false;
<p><input type='file' id='file_" + i + @"' name='file' /></p>
<img id=" + '"' + "butup__" + i + '"' + @" src='./images/mamaro_manager/upload-file.png' title='upload' width='100' height='100' />

    <div id='imgg" + i + @"' style='width:100%;word-break: break-all;'></div>

<div id=" + '"' + "butt_" + i + '"' + @">submit</div><hr>
<div id=" + '"' + "buttb_" + i + '"' + @">back</div>
 <script type='text/javascript'>
$(function () {
            $('#butup__" + i + @"').click(function () {
                ajaxFileUpload_" + i + @"();
   function ajaxFileUpload_" + i + @"() {
                    url: '/upload.aspx',
                    secureuri: false,
                    fileElementId: 'file_" + i + @"',
                    dataType: 'JSON',
                    success: function (data, status)
                        $('#imgg" + i + @"').empty();
                        $('#imgg" + i + @"').append(data);

                    error: function (data, status, e)
            return false;
$show1 = $('#edit_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#imgoff_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#butt_" + i + @"');

$show4 = $('#buttb_" + i + @"');

$('#imgoff_" + i + @"').click(function () {

$show1 = $('#edit_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#imgoff_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#butt_" + i + @"');

$show4 = $('#buttb_" + i + @"');
$('#butt_" + i + @"').click(function () {

$show1 = $('#edit_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#imgoff_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#butt_" + i + @"');

$show4 = $('#buttb_" + i + @"');

$('#buttb_" + i + @"').click(function () {

$show1 = $('#edit_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#imgoff_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#butt_" + i + @"');

$show4 = $('#buttb_" + i + @"');

 $(" + '"' + @"#butt_" + i + '"' + @").click(function () {
                     type: " + '"' + @"POST" + '"' + @",
                     url: " + '"' + @"mamaro_check_message.aspx/send_message" + '"' + @",
                     data: " + '"' + @"{param1: '" + '"' + @" + $('#mess_" + i + @"').val() + " + '"' + @"' ,param2: '" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["QRcode"].ToString() + @"' ,param3: '" + '"' + @" + $('#img" + i + @"').text() + " + '"' + @"' ,param4: '" + '"' + @" + $('#imgg" + i + @"').text() + " + '"' + @"'  }" + '"' + @",
                     contentType: " + '"' + @"application/json; charset=utf-8" + '"' + @",
                     dataType: " + '"' + @"json" + '"' + @",
                     async: true,
                     cache: false,
                     success: function (result) {

                     error: function (result) {



                                lip.Text += "</div>";

                            lip.Text += @"</div><br>";

                            lip.Text += @"<script type=" + '"' + "text/javascript" + '"' + @">
$show1 = $('#write_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#img_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#but_" + i + @"');
$('#img_" + i + @"').click(function () {

$show1 = $('#write_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#img_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#but_" + i + @"');
$('#but_" + i + @"').click(function () {

$show1 = $('#write_" + i + @"');

$show2 = $('#img_" + i + @"');

$show3 = $('#but_" + i + @"');




Exemplo n.º 22
    public static string send_message(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4)
        //string result = param1 + "," + param2;
        string result = "";
        string QR     = RemoveSpecialCharacters(param2);

        GCP_MYSQL gc     = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query  = "select * from nursing_room where QRcode='" + QR + "';";
        DataView  ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
            string Query1 = "insert into nursing_room_message_check(nursing_room_id,message,pdf_url,csv_url,update_time)";
            Query1 += " values('" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "','" + param1 + "','" + param3 + "','" + param4 + "',NOW());";
            GCP_MYSQL gc1 = new GCP_MYSQL();
            result = gc1.insert_cmd(Query1);

            ////var url_five = new Uri("" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["babymap_place_id"].ToString());
            //using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
            //    wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            //    try
            //    {
            //        wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            //        NameValueCollection nc = new NameValueCollection();
            //        nc["id"] = ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["babymap_place_id"].ToString().Trim();
            //        nc["tel"] = param3;
            //        nc["url"] = param4;
            //        nc["usable_week_day"] = param5;
            //        nc["remarks"] = param1;

            //        byte[] bResult = wc.UploadValues("http:///api/places/edit_official_info", nc);

            //        string resultXML = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bResult);
            //        if (resultXML != "" || resultXML != "null")
            //        {
            //            Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jArray_loc = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(resultXML);
            //            string res = jArray_loc["result"].ToString();
            //            result = res;

            //            jArray_loc = null;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {

            //        }
            //        nc = null;
            //        bResult = null;
            //        GC.Collect();
            //        GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
            //    }
            //    catch (WebException ex)
            //    {

            //    }

        //    string username = param1.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();
        //    string password = param2.Replace("\'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("`", "").Trim();

        //    string usernames = RemoveSpecialCharacters(username);
        //    string passwords = RemoveSpecialCharacters(password);
        //    if (usernames != "" && passwords != "")
        //    {

        //        GCP_MYSQL gc = new GCP_MYSQL();
        //        string Query = "select id from nursing_room_manager where account='" + usernames + "';";
        //        DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        //        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            string Query1 = "select id from nursing_room_manager where account='" + usernames + "' and password='******';";
        //            DataView ict_ff1 = gc.select_cmd(Query1);
        //            if (ict_ff1.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                HttpContext.Current.Session["manager_page"] = ict_ff1.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
        //                //result = HttpContext.Current.Session["manager"].ToString();
        //                result = "ログインできました。";
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                result = "パスワードが間違っています。";
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            result = "アカウントが間違っています。";
        //        }

        //    }

        //catch (Exception ex)
        //    result = "ログインできませんでした。";

        //    //return result;
        //    throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 23
    public static string check_mamaro(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4, string param5, string param6, string param7)
        GCP_MYSQL gc     = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query  = "";
        int       QAcou  = 0;
        int       QAcou1 = 0;
        string    result = "";
        DateTime  start  = Convert.ToDateTime(param1.Trim());
        DateTime  end    = Convert.ToDateTime(param2.Trim());

        if (param7 == "")
            param7 = "300";
            if (start != null && end != null)
                state_group sg  = new state_group();
                QA_group    qaa = new QA_group();

                state_list      = new List <state_group>();
                lock_state_list = new List <state_group>();

                QA_list = new List <QA_group>();

                string room_id = param6;
                //mamaro QA
                Query = "select * from nursing_room_QA where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and insert_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "';";
                DataView ict = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                QAcou = ict.Count;
                if (ict.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                        qaa = new QA_group();
                        qaa.answer_datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["insert_time"].ToString());
                        qaa.baby_m          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_month"].ToString();
                        qaa.baby_y          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_year"].ToString();
                        qaa.lan             = ict.Table.Rows[i]["language"].ToString();
                        qaa.parent          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_parent"].ToString();
                        qaa.Q2_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q2_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa.Q3_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q3_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa.Q4_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q4_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa.Q5_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q5_choice"].ToString();


                QA_group_1 qaa_1 = new QA_group_1();
                QA_list_1 = new List <QA_group_1>();
                //mamaro new QA
                Query  = "select * from nursing_room_QA1 where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and insert_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "';";
                ict    = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                QAcou1 = ict.Count;
                if (ict.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                        qaa_1 = new QA_group_1();
                        qaa_1.answer_datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["insert_time"].ToString());
                        qaa_1.baby_y_m        = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_year_month"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.lan             = ict.Table.Rows[i]["language"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.parent          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_parent"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.Q2_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q2_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.Q3_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q3_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.Q4_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q4_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.Q5_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q5_choice"].ToString();
                        qaa_1.Q6_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q6_choice"].ToString();

                //state time
                Query = "select * from nursing_room_state_time where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and update_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' order by update_time asc;";
                ict   = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                        sg        = new state_group();
                        sg.state  = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["state"].ToString());
                        sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());


                List <state_group> check_list = new List <state_group>();

                for (int i = 0; i < state_list.Count; i++)
                    if (state_list[i].state == 1)
                        sg        = new state_group();
                        sg.state  = state_list[i].state;
                        sg.update = state_list[i].update;
                        int index = i + 1;
                        while (index < state_list.Count)
                            if (state_list[index].state == 0)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = state_list[index].state;
                                sg.update = state_list[index].update;
                            index += 1;
                //lock state time
                Query = "select * from nursing_room_lock_state_time where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and update_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' order by update_time asc;;";
                ict   = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict.Count > 0)
                    if (room_id == "9")
                        for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                            sg = new state_group();
                            if (Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Year <= 2017 &&
                                Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Month <= 11 &&
                                Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Day <= 26)
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString()) == 0)
                                    sg.state = 1;
                                    sg.state = 0;
                                sg.state = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                            sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());

                        for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                            sg        = new state_group();
                            sg.state  = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                            sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());


                List <state_group> check_list1 = new List <state_group>();

                for (int i = 0; i < lock_state_list.Count; i++)
                    if (lock_state_list[i].state == 0)
                        sg        = new state_group();
                        sg.state  = lock_state_list[i].state;
                        sg.update = lock_state_list[i].update;
                        int index = i + 1;
                        while (index < lock_state_list.Count)
                            if (lock_state_list[index].state == 1)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = lock_state_list[index].state;
                                sg.update = lock_state_list[index].update;
                            index += 1;
                //Chart1.Series.Clear();  //每次使用此function前先清除圖表
                //Series series1 = new Series("use time(second)", 1200); //初始畫線條(名稱,最大值)
                //series1.Color = Color.Blue; //設定線條顏色
                //series1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("新細明體", 10); //設定字型
                //series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; //設定線條種類
                //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0;//設定Y軸最小值
                //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 1200;//設定Y軸最大值
                ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Enabled= AxisEnabled.False; //隱藏Y 軸標示
                ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled= true;  //隱藏Y軸標線
                //series1.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; //是否把數值顯示在線上
                string monstr = "var MONTHS = [";
                monstr += "];";
                string monstt = "";
                string arrva  = "";

                double   avg = 0, coun = 0, hcou = 0, havg = 0;
                double   compute_day = -1;
                DateTime first_d, second_d;
                for (int i = 0; i < check_list.Count; i++)
                    compute_day = -1;
                    if (check_list[i].state == 1)
                        first_d = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list[i].update);

                        int index = i + 1;
                        while (index < check_list.Count)
                            if (check_list[index].state == 0)
                                second_d    = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list[index].update);
                                compute_day = (second_d - first_d).TotalSeconds;

                            index += 1;
                        if (compute_day > -1)
                            //arrva +=compute_day+ ",";

                            if (compute_day < 1801)
                                coun   += 1;
                                avg    += compute_day;
                                monstt += check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                arrva  += compute_day + ",";
                            if (compute_day >= Convert.ToInt32(param7) && compute_day < 1801)
                                hcou += 1;
                                havg += compute_day;
                            //series1.Points.AddXY(i.ToString(), compute_day);

                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: " + check_list[index].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: " + compute_day);
                            //DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
                            //double compute_day1 = (todate - first_d).TotalSeconds;
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: NO");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: NO");
                if (monstt != "")
                    monstt = monstt.Substring(0, monstt.Length - 1);
                if (arrva != "")
                    arrva = arrva.Substring(0, arrva.Length - 1);

                //for (int i = 0; i < check_list.Count; i++)
                //    listBox1.Items.Add(check_list[i].state);
                //    listBox2.Items.Add(check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                string res = @"<fieldset>
    <legend>State Time</legend><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
         var config = {
             type: 'line',
             data: {
                 labels: [" + monstt + @"],
                 datasets: [{
                     label: 'Use time dataset',
                     fill: false,
                     backgroundColor: 'rgb(" + param3 + @", " + param4 + @", " + param5 + @")',
                     borderColor: 'rgb(" + param3 + @", " + param4 + @", " + param5 + @")',
                     data: [" + arrva + @"

             options: {
                 responsive: true,
                 title: {
                     display: true,
                     text: 'Use Time Line Chart'
                 tooltips: {
                     mode: 'index',
                     intersect: false,
                 hover: {
                     mode: 'nearest',
                     intersect: true
                 scales: {
                     xAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: 'DateTime'
                     yAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: 'Time(second)'
 var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
             window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);
<canvas id='canvas'></canvas>
<h2>Total users:</h2>
<h2>" + coun.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>AVG use time (second):</h2>
<h2>" + (avg /= coun).ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>Long users(after " + param7 + @" second):</h2>
<h2>" + hcou.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>Long users AVG use time(after " + param7 + @" second)(second):</h2>
<h2>" + (havg /= hcou).ToString() + @"</h2>

                monstr  = "var MONTHS = [";
                monstr += "];";
                monstt  = "";
                arrva   = "";

                avg         = 0; coun = 0; hcou = 0; havg = 0;
                compute_day = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < check_list1.Count; i++)
                    compute_day = -1;
                    if (check_list1[i].state == 0)
                        first_d = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[i].update);

                        int index = i + 1;
                        while (index < check_list1.Count)
                            if (check_list1[index].state == 1)
                                second_d    = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[index].update);
                                compute_day = (second_d - first_d).TotalSeconds;

                            index += 1;
                        if (compute_day > -1)
                            //monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                            //arrva += compute_day + ",";

                            if (compute_day < 1801)
                                coun   += 1;
                                avg    += compute_day;
                                monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                arrva  += compute_day + ",";
                            if (compute_day >= Convert.ToInt32(param7) && compute_day < 1801)
                                hcou += 1;
                                havg += compute_day;
                            //series1.Points.AddXY(i.ToString(), compute_day);

                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: " + check_list[index].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: " + compute_day);
                            //DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
                            //double compute_day1 = (todate - first_d).TotalSeconds;
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: NO");
                            //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: NO");
                if (monstt != "")
                    monstt = monstt.Substring(0, monstt.Length - 1);
                if (arrva != "")
                    arrva = arrva.Substring(0, arrva.Length - 1);
                res += @"<fieldset>
    <legend>Lock State Time</legend><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
         var config1 = {
             type: 'line',
             data: {
                 labels: [" + monstt + @"],
                 datasets: [{
                     label: 'Lock Use time dataset',
                     fill: false,
                     backgroundColor: 'rgb(" + param3 + @", " + param4 + @", " + param5 + @")',
                     borderColor: 'rgb(" + param3 + @", " + param4 + @", " + param5 + @")',
                     data: [" + arrva + @"

             options: {
                 responsive: true,
                 title: {
                     display: true,
                     text: 'Lock Use Time Line Chart'
                 tooltips: {
                     mode: 'index',
                     intersect: false,
                 hover: {
                     mode: 'nearest',
                     intersect: true
                 scales: {
                     xAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: 'DateTime'
                     yAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: 'Time(second)'
 var ctx1 = document.getElementById('canvas1').getContext('2d');
             window.myLine = new Chart(ctx1, config1);
<canvas id='canvas1'></canvas>
<h2>Total users:</h2>
<h2>" + coun.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>AVG use time (second):</h2>
<h2>" + (avg /= coun).ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>Long users(after " + param7 + @" second):</h2>
<h2>" + hcou.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>Long users AVG use time(after " + param7 + @" second)(second):</h2>
<h2>" + (havg /= hcou).ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>QA count:</h2>
<h2>" + QAcou.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>new QA count:</h2>
<h2>" + QAcou1.ToString() + @"</h2>
                res += @"<fieldset><legend style='font-size: large; font-weight: bold'>QA detail</legend>";

                res += @"<div id='dvData'>
            <td>言語 (language)</td>
            <td>mamaroがどこにあったら便利? ( 複数選択可 )</td>
            <td>mamaroをどこで知った? ( 複数選択可 )</td>
            <td>mamaroに 「もっとこんな機能が欲しい。こんなのがあったら嬉しい。」というものはありますか?</td>

                //QA detail
                for (int i = 0; i < QA_list.Count; i++)
                    res += @"<tr>
    <td>" + QA_list[i].answer_datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].lan + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].baby_y + @"歳 " + QA_list[i].baby_m + @"ヶ月</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].parent + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].Q2_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].Q3_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].Q4_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list[i].Q5_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>

                res += @"</table>

                res += @"</fieldset><hr/>";

                //new QA
                res += @"<fieldset><legend style='font-size: large; font-weight: bold'>new QA detail</legend>";

                res += @"<div id='dvData_new'>
            <td>言語 (language)</td>
            <td>mamaroで" + '"' + @"気に入っているポイント" + '"' + @"を教えてください。(複数選択可)</td>

                //QA detail
                for (int i = 0; i < QA_list_1.Count; i++)
                    res += @"<tr>
    <td>" + QA_list_1[i].answer_datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].lan + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].baby_y_m + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].parent + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].Q2_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].Q3_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].Q4_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].Q5_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>
<td>" + QA_list_1[i].Q6_choice.Replace(",", ".") + @"</td>

                res += @"</table>

                res += @"</fieldset><hr/>";

//                res += @"<script type='text/javascript'>

                result = res;

                //result = "fail";
        catch (Exception ex)
            //result = "fail";

            //return result;
            throw ex;
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gc = new GCP_MYSQL();
        Panel   mypan = (Panel)this.FindControl("main_Panel");
        Literal lip   = new Literal();

        Query = "select * from nursing_room;";
        DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        bool     chee   = true;

        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += "<link rel='stylesheet' href='css/jquery.switchButton.css'>";
        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"js/jquery.switchButton.js" + '"' + @"></script>";
        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
                lip.Text += "<br><div class='center'>" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"<br><br>";
                //lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamaroname" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"</div>";
                lip.Text += @"
<div class='slider demo' id='slider-" + i + @"'>
        <input type='checkbox' value='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @"' checked>

                string state = "false";
                if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["close"].ToString() == "0")
                    state = "true";

                lip.Text += @"<script type=" + '"' + "text/javascript" + '"' + @">
$(function() {
$('#slider-" + i + @".demo input').switchButton({
checked:" + state + @",
          width: 100,
          height: 40,
          button_width: 50,
                     type: " + '"' + @"POST" + '"' + @",
                     url: " + '"' + @"mamaro_switch.aspx/send_on" + '"' + @",
                     data: " + '"' + @"{param1: '" + '"' + @" + $('#slider-" + i + @".demo input').val() + " + '"' + @"'   }" + '"' + @",
                     contentType: " + '"' + @"application/json; charset=utf-8" + '"' + @",
                     dataType: " + '"' + @"json" + '"' + @",
                     async: true,
                     cache: false,
                     success: function (result) {

                     error: function (result) {
                     type: " + '"' + @"POST" + '"' + @",
                     url: " + '"' + @"mamaro_switch.aspx/send_off" + '"' + @",
                     data: " + '"' + @"{param1: '" + '"' + @" + $('#slider-" + i + @".demo input').val() + " + '"' + @"'   }" + '"' + @",
                     contentType: " + '"' + @"application/json; charset=utf-8" + '"' + @",
                     dataType: " + '"' + @"json" + '"' + @",
                     async: true,
                     cache: false,
                     success: function (result) {

                     error: function (result) {
                lip.Text += "</div>";

                //if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["close"].ToString() == "0")
                //    lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamaroname" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"</div>";
                //    lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamarotime" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + "></div>";


//        lip.Text += @"
//<div class='slider demo' id='slider-1'>
//        <input type='checkbox' value='abc' checked>
//      </div>
//<div class='slider demo' id='slider-2'>
//        <input type='checkbox' value='efg' checked>
//      </div>

//        lip.Text += @"<script type=" + '"' + "text/javascript" + '"' + @">
//$(function() {
//$('#slider-1.demo input').switchButton({
//          width: 100,
//          height: 40,
//          button_width: 50,
//console.log($('#slider-1.demo input').val());
//        });
//$('#slider-2.demo input').switchButton({
//          width: 100,
//          height: 40,
//          button_width: 50,
//console.log($('#slider-2.demo input').val());
//        });
//      })

        //if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
        //    for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamaroname" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"</div>";
        //        lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamarotime" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + "></div>";

        //        //if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["close"].ToString() == "0")
        //        //{
        //        //    lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamaroname" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"</div>";
        //        //    lip.Text += "<div id=" + '"' + "mamarotime" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + '"' + "></div>";

        //        //}

        //    }

Exemplo n.º 25
    public static string check_mamaro(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4, string param5)
        //int comid = 26;
        //List<int> comlist = new List<int>();
        //comlist.Add(Convert.ToInt32( param6));

        string[] liness = param3.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        List <string> res_list = new List <string>();
        GCP_MYSQL     gc       = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string        Query    = "";
        int           QAcou    = 0;
        int           QAcou1   = 0;
        string        result   = "";
        DateTime      start    = Convert.ToDateTime(param1.Trim());
        DateTime      end      = Convert.ToDateTime(param2.Trim());

        if (param4 == "")
            param4 = "30";
            if (start != null && end != null)
                string label = "";
                string res   = "";
                string res1  = "";
                for (int kk = 0; kk < liness.Length; kk++)
                    state_group sg  = new state_group();
                    QA_group    qaa = new QA_group();

                    state_list      = new List <state_group>();
                    lock_state_list = new List <state_group>();

                    QA_list = new List <QA_group>();

                    string room_id = liness[kk];
                    //mamaro name
                    string mamaname = "";
                    Query = "select * from nursing_room where id='" + room_id + "';";
                    DataView ict = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    if (ict.Count > 0)
                        mamaname = ict.Table.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();

                    //mamaro QA
                    Query = "select * from nursing_room_QA where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and insert_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "';";
                    ict   = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    QAcou = ict.Count;
                    if (ict.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                            qaa = new QA_group();
                            qaa.answer_datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["insert_time"].ToString());
                            qaa.baby_m          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_month"].ToString();
                            qaa.baby_y          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_year"].ToString();
                            qaa.lan             = ict.Table.Rows[i]["language"].ToString();
                            qaa.parent          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_parent"].ToString();
                            qaa.Q2_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q2_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa.Q3_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q3_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa.Q4_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q4_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa.Q5_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q5_choice"].ToString();


                    QA_group_1 qaa_1 = new QA_group_1();
                    QA_list_1 = new List <QA_group_1>();
                    //mamaro new QA
                    Query  = "select * from nursing_room_QA1 where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and insert_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "';";
                    ict    = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    QAcou1 = ict.Count;
                    if (ict.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                            qaa_1 = new QA_group_1();
                            qaa_1.answer_datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["insert_time"].ToString());
                            qaa_1.baby_y_m        = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_baby_year_month"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.lan             = ict.Table.Rows[i]["language"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.parent          = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q1_parent"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.Q2_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q2_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.Q3_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q3_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.Q4_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q4_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.Q5_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q5_choice"].ToString();
                            qaa_1.Q6_choice       = ict.Table.Rows[i]["Q6_choice"].ToString();

                    //lock state time
                    Query = "select * from nursing_room_lock_state_time where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and update_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' order by update_time asc;;";
                    ict   = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    if (ict.Count > 0)
                        if (room_id == "9")
                            for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                                sg = new state_group();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Year <= 2017 &&
                                    Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Month <= 11 &&
                                    Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Day <= 26)
                                    if (Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString()) == 0)
                                        sg.state = 1;
                                        sg.state = 0;
                                    sg.state = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                                sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());

                            for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                                sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());


                    List <state_group> check_list1 = new List <state_group>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < lock_state_list.Count; i++)
                        if (lock_state_list[i].state == 0)
                            sg        = new state_group();
                            sg.state  = lock_state_list[i].state;
                            sg.update = lock_state_list[i].update;
                            int index = i + 1;
                            while (index < lock_state_list.Count)
                                if (lock_state_list[index].state == 1)
                                    sg        = new state_group();
                                    sg.state  = lock_state_list[index].state;
                                    sg.update = lock_state_list[index].update;
                                index += 1;
                    //Chart1.Series.Clear();  //每次使用此function前先清除圖表
                    //Series series1 = new Series("use time(second)", 1200); //初始畫線條(名稱,最大值)
                    //series1.Color = Color.Blue; //設定線條顏色
                    //series1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("新細明體", 10); //設定字型
                    //series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; //設定線條種類
                    //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0;//設定Y軸最小值
                    //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 1200;//設定Y軸最大值
                    ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Enabled= AxisEnabled.False; //隱藏Y 軸標示
                    ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled= true;  //隱藏Y軸標線
                    //series1.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; //是否把數值顯示在線上
                    string monstr = "var MONTHS = [";
                    monstr += "];";
                    string monstt = "";
                    string arrva  = "";

                    double     avg = 0, coun = 0, hcou = 0, havg = 0;
                    double     compute_day = -1;
                    DateTime   first_d, second_d;
                    List <int> count_list = new List <int>();

                    usercou_list = new List <user_group>();
                    user_group ug         = new user_group();
                    int        basesec    = Convert.ToInt32(param4);
                    int        coun_start = 0;
                    int        coun_end   = basesec;
                    int        couuuu     = 0;


                    //for (int i = 0; i < check_list.Count; i++)
                    //    listBox1.Items.Add(check_list[i].state);
                    //    listBox2.Items.Add(check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                    Random rnd = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    int    r   = rnd.Next(256);
                    rnd = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    int g = rnd.Next(256);
                    rnd = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    int b = rnd.Next(256);

                    monstr  = "var MONTHS = [";
                    monstr += "];";
                    monstt  = "";
                    arrva   = "";

                    avg         = 0; coun = 0; hcou = 0; havg = 0;
                    compute_day = -1;
                    count_list  = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < check_list1.Count; i++)
                        compute_day = -1;
                        if (check_list1[i].state == 0)
                            first_d = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[i].update);

                            int index = i + 1;
                            while (index < check_list1.Count)
                                if (check_list1[index].state == 1)
                                    second_d    = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[index].update);
                                    compute_day = (second_d - first_d).TotalSeconds;

                                index += 1;
                            if (compute_day > -1)
                                //monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                //arrva += compute_day + ",";

                                if (compute_day < 1801)
                                    coun += 1;
                                    avg  += compute_day;
                                    //monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                    //arrva += compute_day + ",";
                                if (compute_day >= Convert.ToInt32(param4) && compute_day < 1801)
                                    hcou += 1;
                                    havg += compute_day;
                                //series1.Points.AddXY(i.ToString(), compute_day);

                                //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: " + check_list[index].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                                //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: " + compute_day);
                                //DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
                                //double compute_day1 = (todate - first_d).TotalSeconds;
                                //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: NO");
                                //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: NO");

                    usercou_list = new List <user_group>();
                    ug           = new user_group();
                    basesec      = Convert.ToInt32(param4);
                    coun_start   = 0;
                    coun_end     = basesec;
                    couuuu       = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(param5); i += basesec)
                        couuuu = 0;
                        ug     = new user_group();
                        ug.sec = i;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < count_list.Count; ii++)
                            if (count_list[ii] > i)
                                couuuu += 1;
                            //if (count_list[ii] > i && count_list[ii] < (i + basesec))
                            //    couuuu += 1;
               = couuuu;
                    for (int i = 0; i < usercou_list.Count; i++)
                        //monstt += usercou_list[i].sec.ToString() + ",";
                        if (usercou_list[i].sec % 60 == 0)
                            monstt += (usercou_list[i].sec / 60).ToString() + ",";
                            monstt += " ,";

                        arrva += usercou_list[i].total.ToString() + ",";

                    if (monstt != "")
                        monstt = monstt.Substring(0, monstt.Length - 1);
                    if (arrva != "")
                        arrva = arrva.Substring(0, arrva.Length - 1);
                    rnd   = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    r     = rnd.Next(256);
                    rnd   = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    g     = rnd.Next(256);
                    rnd   = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                    b     = rnd.Next(256);
                    res1 += @"{
                     label: '" + mamaname + @"',
                     fill: false,
                     backgroundColor: 'rgb(" + r + @", " + g + @", " + b + @")',
                     borderColor: 'rgb(" + r + @", " + g + @", " + b + @")',
                     data: [" + arrva + @"
                    res   = @"{
                     label: '" + mamaname + @"',
                     fill: false,
                     backgroundColor: 'rgb(" + r + @", " + g + @", " + b + @")',
                     borderColor: 'rgb(" + r + @", " + g + @", " + b + @")',
                     data: [" + arrva + @"
                    label = monstt;

                    string ress = @"<fieldset>
    <legend>" + mamaname + @"</legend><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
         var config" + kk + @" = {
             type: 'line',
             data: {
                 labels: [" + label + @"],
                 datasets: [" + res + @"]
             options: {
                 responsive: true,
                 title: {
                     display: true,
                     text: '" + mamaname + @"'
                 tooltips: {
                     mode: 'index',
                     intersect: false,
                 hover: {
                     mode: 'nearest',
                     intersect: true
                 scales: {
                     xAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: '滞在時間(分)'
                     yAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: '利用人数(人)'
animation: {
    onComplete: function () {
        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
        ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(, 'normal',;
        ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'; (dataset)
            for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                for(var key in dataset._meta)
                    var model = dataset._meta[key].data[i]._model;
                    ctx.fillText([i], model.x, model.y - 5);
        done" + kk + @"();

 var ctx" + kk + @" = document.getElementById('canvas" + kk + @"').getContext('2d');
             window.myLine = new Chart(ctx" + kk + @", config" + kk + @");

function done" + kk + @"(){
  var url_base64 = document.getElementById('canvas" + kk + @"').toDataURL('image/png');
  link" + kk + @".href = url_base64;
<canvas id='canvas" + kk + @"'></canvas>
<a id='link" + kk + @"' download='" + mamaname + @".png'>Save as Image</a>

                    //                res += @"<script type='text/javascript'>

                    //result = res;

                    //result = "fail";
                result = @"<fieldset>
    <legend>ALL mamaro</legend><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
         var config = {
             type: 'line',
             data: {
                 labels: [" + label + @"],
                 datasets: [" + res1 + @"]
             options: {
                 responsive: true,
                 title: {
                     display: true,
                     text: 'ALL mamaro'
                 tooltips: {
                     mode: 'index',
                     intersect: false,
                 hover: {
                     mode: 'nearest',
                     intersect: true
                 scales: {
                     xAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: '滞在時間(分)'
                     yAxes: [{
                         display: true,
                         scaleLabel: {
                             display: true,
                             labelString: '利用人数(人)'
                 animation: {
                     onComplete: done
 var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
             window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);
function done(){
  var url_base64 = document.getElementById('canvas').toDataURL('image/png');
  link.href = url_base64;
<canvas id='canvas'></canvas>
<a id='link' download='allmamaro.png'>Save as Image</a>

                for (int hh = 0; hh < res_list.Count; hh++)
                    result += res_list[hh];
        catch (Exception ex)
            //result = "fail";

            //return result;
            throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 26
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Request.QueryString["mamarocall"] != null)
            string activationCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mamarocall"]) ? Request.QueryString["mamarocall"] : Guid.Empty.ToString();
            if (activationCode != "")
                Session["tmp_call_id"] = activationCode;

        if (Session["tmp_call_id"] != null)
            if (Session["tmp_call_id"].ToString() != "")
                string    QR  = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Session["tmp_call_id"].ToString());
                GCP_MYSQL gc  = new GCP_MYSQL();
                Literal   lip = new Literal();

                Literal lip_call = new Literal();
                string  Query    = "";
                Query  = "select,,a.close, as pid from nursing_room as a inner join nursing_room_phone as b ";
                Query += "on and b.code='" + QR + "';";
                DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
                    if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["close"].ToString() == "0")
                        GCP_MYSQL gc1    = new GCP_MYSQL();
                        string    Query1 = "";
                        Query1 = "update nursing_room_phone set get_state='1',get_datetime=NOW() where id='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["pid"].ToString() + "';";
                        string rescmd = gc1.update_cmd(Query1);

                        DateTime     nowdate = DateTime.Now;
                        DateTime     utc     = nowdate.ToUniversalTime();
                        TimeZoneInfo jst     = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Tokyo Standard Time");
                        DateTime     now_jst = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utc, jst);

                        lip.Text += "<br><div class='center' id=" + '"' + "m_" + '"' + ">" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["name"].ToString() + @"<br><br>
                              <img id=" + '"' + "img_" + '"' + @" src='' alt='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["name"].ToString() + @"' style='width:100px;height:100px;'><br>
<img id='cutoff' src='./images/call_img/hotline.gif' alt='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["name"].ToString() + @"' style='width:300px;height:200px;'>";

                        lip.Text += @"<iframe id='content_if' allow='camera; microphone' src='" + QR + @"' width='1' height='1' frameborder='0'></iframe>";

                        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
                        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
                        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
                        lip.Text += @"<script type=" + '"' + "text/javascript" + '"' + @">
var firebase;
        var config = {
            databaseURL: " + '"' + @"url" + '"' + @"

function writecallData() {
  var myRef = firebase.database().ref('/mamarocall/get/" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + @"').push();
var now = new Date();

  var newData={
      mamaro_id: '" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + @"',
      QRcode: '" + QR + @"',
      state: '1',
      time : '" + now_jst.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @"'



function writecallData1() {
  var myRef = firebase.database().ref('/mamarocall/get/" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + @"').push();
var now = new Date();

  var newData={
      mamaro_id: '" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + @"',
      QRcode: '" + QR + @"',
      state: '3',
      time : '" + now_jst.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @"'



var ref = firebase.database().ref('/mamarocall/send/" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + @"/').limitToLast(10);

        ref.on('value', function (snapshot) {

            var cdata = [];
            for (var i in snapshot.val()) {
                    label: snapshot.val()[i].time,
                    value: snapshot.val()[i].state

            var len = cdata.length;

var checkmama=1;
            $show1 = $('#img_');

for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      var chec=1;
            $show1 = $('#img_');

            $('#cutoff').click(function () {
                loadIframe('content_if', '');
                     type: " + '"' + @"POST" + '"' + @",
                     url: " + '"' + @"mamaro_call.aspx/send_message" + '"' + @",
                     data: " + '"' + @"{param1: '" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["pid"].ToString() + @"'  }" + '"' + @",
                     contentType: " + '"' + @"application/json; charset=utf-8" + '"' + @",
                     dataType: " + '"' + @"json" + '"' + @",
                     async: true,
                     cache: false,
                     success: function (result) {
                        if (result.d.length > 0){


                     error: function (result) {

            function loadIframe(iframeName, url) {
                var $iframe = $('#' + iframeName);
                if ($iframe.length) {
                    $iframe.attr('src', url);
                    return false;
                return true;


                        lip.Text += @"</div>";
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gc = new GCP_MYSQL();
        Panel   mypan = (Panel)this.FindControl("main_Panel");
        Literal lip   = new Literal();

        Query = "select * from nursing_room;";
        DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
        bool     chee   = true;

        lip.Text += "<script src=" + '"' + @"" + '"' + @"></script>";
        lip.Text += @"<script type=" + '"' + "text/javascript" + '"' + @">

var numm=0;


        lip.Text += @"
var pinImage_off = '';
        var pinImage_on = '';
    var locations = [";

        int num = 1;

        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ict_ff.Count; i++)
                if (ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["close"].ToString() == "0")
                    lip.Text += "['" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + @"', " + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["GPS_lat"].ToString() + @", " + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["GPS_lng"].ToString() + @"," + ict_ff.Table.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + @", " + num + @"],";
                    num      += 1;
        lip.Text += @"];
    var markers = [];
 var map;
function initMap() {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
      zoom: 6,
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(36.452569, 138.749121),
      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

    var marker, i;

    for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
      marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        id: locations[i][3],
        position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),
        map: map,
        icon: pinImage_on,
        scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(30, 30)
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) {
        return function() {
, marker);
      })(marker, i));
function showMarkers() {
function changeicon(map) {
        for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < arrcheck.length; ii++) {


<script async defer
    src=" + '"' + "" + '"' + @">


Exemplo n.º 28
    public static string check_mamaro(string param1, string param2, string param7)
        GCP_MYSQL gc     = new GCP_MYSQL();
        string    Query  = "";
        int       QAcou  = 0;
        int       QAcou1 = 0;
        string    result = "";
        DateTime  start  = Convert.ToDateTime(param1.Trim());
        DateTime  end    = Convert.ToDateTime(param2.Trim());

        state_detail_list = new List <state_detail>();
        string res = @"<br/><h2>年月日:</h2>";

        res += @"<br/><h2>" + start.Year + "年" + start.Month + "月" + start.Day + "日 ~ " + end.Year + "年" + end.Month + "月" + end.Day + "日" + @"</h2><br /><br />";
        if (param7 == "")
            param7 = "300";
            if (start != null && end != null)
                Query  = "select id,name";
                Query += " from nursing_room;";
                DataView ict_place = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                if (ict_place.Count > 0)
                    for (int ih = 0; ih < ict_place.Count; ih++)
                        state_group  sg  = new state_group();
                        state_detail sgg = new state_detail();

                        state_list      = new List <state_group>();
                        lock_state_list = new List <state_group>();

                        string room_id = ict_place.Table.Rows[ih]["id"].ToString();
                        //mamaro QA

                        //state time
                        Query = "select * from nursing_room_state_time where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and update_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' order by update_time asc;";
                        DataView ict = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                        if (ict.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["state"].ToString());
                                sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());


                        List <state_group> check_list = new List <state_group>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < state_list.Count; i++)
                            if (state_list[i].state == 1)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = state_list[i].state;
                                sg.update = state_list[i].update;
                                int index = i + 1;
                                while (index < state_list.Count)
                                    if (state_list[index].state == 0)
                                        sg        = new state_group();
                                        sg.state  = state_list[index].state;
                                        sg.update = state_list[index].update;
                                    index += 1;
                        //lock state time
                        Query = "select * from nursing_room_lock_state_time where nursing_room_id='" + room_id + "' and update_time between '" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' and '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' order by update_time asc;;";
                        ict   = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                        if (ict.Count > 0)
                            if (room_id == "9")
                                for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                                    sg = new state_group();
                                    if (Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Year <= 2017 &&
                                        Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Month <= 11 &&
                                        Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString()).Day <= 26)
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString()) == 0)
                                            sg.state = 1;
                                            sg.state = 0;
                                        sg.state = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                                    sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());

                                for (int i = 0; i < ict.Count; i++)
                                    sg        = new state_group();
                                    sg.state  = Convert.ToInt32(ict.Table.Rows[i]["lock_state"].ToString());
                                    sg.update = Convert.ToDateTime(ict.Table.Rows[i]["update_time"].ToString());


                        List <state_group> check_list1 = new List <state_group>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < lock_state_list.Count; i++)
                            if (lock_state_list[i].state == 0)
                                sg        = new state_group();
                                sg.state  = lock_state_list[i].state;
                                sg.update = lock_state_list[i].update;
                                int index = i + 1;
                                while (index < lock_state_list.Count)
                                    if (lock_state_list[index].state == 1)
                                        sg        = new state_group();
                                        sg.state  = lock_state_list[index].state;
                                        sg.update = lock_state_list[index].update;
                                    index += 1;
                        //Chart1.Series.Clear();  //每次使用此function前先清除圖表
                        //Series series1 = new Series("use time(second)", 1200); //初始畫線條(名稱,最大值)
                        //series1.Color = Color.Blue; //設定線條顏色
                        //series1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("新細明體", 10); //設定字型
                        //series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; //設定線條種類
                        //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0;//設定Y軸最小值
                        //Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 1200;//設定Y軸最大值
                        ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Enabled= AxisEnabled.False; //隱藏Y 軸標示
                        ////chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled= true;  //隱藏Y軸標線
                        //series1.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; //是否把數值顯示在線上
                        string monstr = "var MONTHS = [";
                        monstr += "];";
                        string monstt = "";
                        string arrva  = "";

                        double   avg = 0, coun = 0, hcou = 0, havg = 0;
                        double   compute_day = -1;
                        DateTime first_d, second_d;
                        for (int i = 0; i < check_list.Count; i++)
                            compute_day = -1;
                            if (check_list[i].state == 1)
                                first_d = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list[i].update);

                                int index = i + 1;
                                while (index < check_list.Count)
                                    if (check_list[index].state == 0)
                                        second_d    = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list[index].update);
                                        compute_day = (second_d - first_d).TotalSeconds;

                                    index += 1;
                                if (compute_day > -1)
                                    //arrva +=compute_day+ ",";

                                    if (compute_day < 1801)
                                        coun   += 1;
                                        avg    += compute_day;
                                        monstt += check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                        arrva  += compute_day + ",";
                                    if (compute_day >= Convert.ToInt32(param7) && compute_day < 1801)
                                        hcou += 1;
                                        havg += compute_day;
                                    //series1.Points.AddXY(i.ToString(), compute_day);

                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: " + check_list[index].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: " + compute_day);
                                    //DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
                                    //double compute_day1 = (todate - first_d).TotalSeconds;
                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: NO");
                                    //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: NO");
                        if (monstt != "")
                            monstt = monstt.Substring(0, monstt.Length - 1);
                        if (arrva != "")
                            arrva = arrva.Substring(0, arrva.Length - 1);

                        //for (int i = 0; i < check_list.Count; i++)
                        //    listBox1.Items.Add(check_list[i].state);
                        //    listBox2.Items.Add(check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                        if (check_list1.Count > 0 && check_list.Count > 0)
                            sgg.answer_datetime_s = start.Year + "年" + start.Month + "月" + start.Day + "日";
                            sgg.answer_datetime_e = end.Year + "年" + end.Month + "月" + end.Day + "日";
                   = ict_place.Table.Rows[ih]["name"].ToString();

                            double lll = havg / hcou;
                            if (hcou == 0)
                                lll = 0;
                            res += @"<br/><fieldset>
    <legend>" + ict_place.Table.Rows[ih]["name"].ToString() + @"</legend><br/>
<h2>" + param7 + @"秒以上の利用回数(総数):</h2>
<h2>" + hcou.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>" + param7 + @"秒以上のみでの平均利用時間(秒)(総利用者):</h2>
<h2>" + lll.ToString() + @"</h2>

                            sgg.time1 = hcou.ToString();
                            sgg.time2 = lll.ToString();

                            monstr  = "var MONTHS = [";
                            monstr += "];";
                            monstt  = "";
                            arrva   = "";

                            avg         = 0; coun = 0; hcou = 0; havg = 0;
                            compute_day = -1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < check_list1.Count; i++)
                                compute_day = -1;
                                if (check_list1[i].state == 0)
                                    first_d = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[i].update);

                                    int index = i + 1;
                                    while (index < check_list1.Count)
                                        if (check_list1[index].state == 1)
                                            second_d    = Convert.ToDateTime(check_list1[index].update);
                                            compute_day = (second_d - first_d).TotalSeconds;

                                        index += 1;
                                    if (compute_day > -1)
                                        //monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                        //arrva += compute_day + ",";

                                        if (compute_day < 1801)
                                            coun   += 1;
                                            avg    += compute_day;
                                            monstt += check_list1[i].update.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ",";
                                            arrva  += compute_day + ",";
                                        if (compute_day >= Convert.ToInt32(param7) && compute_day < 1801)
                                            hcou += 1;
                                            havg += compute_day;
                                        //series1.Points.AddXY(i.ToString(), compute_day);

                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: " + check_list[index].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: " + compute_day);
                                        //DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
                                        //double compute_day1 = (todate - first_d).TotalSeconds;
                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("Start time: " + check_list[i].update.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ~");
                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("End time: NO");
                                        //listBox3.Items.Add("Total sec: NO");
                            if (monstt != "")
                                monstt = monstt.Substring(0, monstt.Length - 1);
                            if (arrva != "")
                                arrva = arrva.Substring(0, arrva.Length - 1);

                            lll = havg / hcou;
                            if (hcou == 0)
                                lll = 0;
                            double avggg = avg / coun;
                            if (avg == 0)
                                avggg = 0;
                            res += @"
<h2>" + coun.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>" + avggg.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>" + param7 + @"秒以上の利用回数(施錠して利用):</h2>
<h2>" + hcou.ToString() + @"</h2>
<h2>" + param7 + @"秒以上のみでの平均利用時間(秒)(施錠利用者):</h2>
<h2>" + lll.ToString() + @"</h2>

                            sgg.time3 = coun.ToString();
                            sgg.time4 = avggg.ToString();
                            sgg.time5 = hcou.ToString();
                            sgg.time6 = lll.ToString();


                            //                res += @"<script type='text/javascript'>

                        //result = "fail";
                result = res;

                res = "";
                if (state_detail_list.Count > 0)
                    res += @"<fieldset><legend style='font-size: large; font-weight: bold'>state detail</legend>";

                    res += @"<div id='dvData'>
            <td>" + param7 + @"秒以上の利用回数(総数)</td>
            <td>" + param7 + @"秒以上のみでの平均利用時間(秒)(総利用者)</td>
            <td>" + param7 + @"秒以上の利用回数(施錠して利用)</td>
            <td>" + param7 + @"秒以上のみでの平均利用時間(秒)(施錠利用者)</td>
                    for (int i = 0; i < state_detail_list.Count; i++)
                        res += @"<tr>
    <td>" + state_detail_list[i].answer_datetime_s + @"</td>
    <td>" + state_detail_list[i].answer_datetime_e + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].name + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time1 + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time2 + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time3 + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time4 + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time5 + @"</td>
<td>" + state_detail_list[i].time6 + @"</td>
                    res += @"</table>

                    res += @"</fieldset><hr/>";

                result += res;
        catch (Exception ex)
            //result = "fail";

            //return result;
            throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 29
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Panel pdn = (Panel)this.FindControl("new_message_Panel");

        Query  = "select message,year,month,day ";
        Query += " from home_message";
        Query += " ORDER BY year desc,month desc,day desc,hour desc,minute desc,second desc;";
        DataView ict_f = gc.select_cmd(Query);

        pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%'>"));
        for (int i = 0; i < ict_f.Count; i++)
            int    year  = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["year"].ToString());
            int    month = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["month"].ToString());
            int    day   = Convert.ToInt32(ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["day"].ToString());
            string mon   = month.ToString();
            if (month < 10)
                mon = "0" + month.ToString();
            string da = day.ToString();
            if (day < 10)
                da = "0" + day.ToString();

            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr>"));
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td width='20%' valign='top'>"));
            Label la_d = new Label();
            la_d.Text = year.ToString() + "." + mon + "." + da;

            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td width='60%' valign='top'>"));

            Label la = new Label();
            la.Text = "";
            la.Text = ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message"].ToString();
            //if (ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message"].ToString().Length < 35)
            //    la.Text = ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message"].ToString();
            //    la.Text = ict_f.Table.Rows[i]["message"].ToString().Substring(0, 35) + "‧‧‧";
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td width='20%' valign='top'>"));

            DateTime date = new DateTime(year, month, day);

            if ((DateTime.Now - date).TotalDays < 14)
                Image img = new Image();
                img.ImageUrl = "~/images/home_images/new.png";
                //img.Width = Unit.Percentage(50);
                img.Style.Add("vertical-align", "text-top");
                //pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<img src='images/home_images/new.png' alt='' style='vertical-align: top;'>"));
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));
            pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</tr>"));
        pdn.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
    protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gc          = new GCP_MYSQL();
        Label3.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
        //if (DateTime.Now.Minute % 10 == 0)
        //    Response.Redirect("twitter_gov.aspx");
        //Session["seak"] = "false";
        //if (DateTime.Now.Minute % 59 == 0)
        Label4.Text = Session["count_sec"].ToString();
        if (DateTime.Now.Second % 10 == 0)
            if (Session["count_max"] != null && Session["count_sec"] != null && Session["update_day"] != null)
                int total_count = Convert.ToInt32(Session["count_max"].ToString());
                int cou         = Convert.ToInt32(Session["count_sec"].ToString());
                cou += 1;

                if (cou > total_count)
                    cou = 1;
                Session["count_sec"] = cou.ToString();

                List <Posts> posts = new List <Posts>();

                posts = get_gnavi_Posts(cou);

                double lat, lng;
                Dictionary <string, string> kvp;
                for (int i = 0; i < posts.Count; i++)

                    lat = System.Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(posts[i].lat), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    lng = System.Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(posts[i].lng), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                    Query  = "select id,_id from gnavi_update";
                    Query += " where gnavi_id='" + posts[i].id + "' and name='" + posts[i].name + "' and lat='" + lat.ToString() + "' and lng='" + lng.ToString() + "'";
                    //sql_f.SelectCommand += " and address=N'"+posts[i].address+"' and tel=N'"+posts[i].tel+"' and pr_short=N'"+posts[i].pr_short+"' and image=N'"+posts[i].image+"'";
                    Query += " and address='" + posts[i].address + "' and tel='" + posts[i].tel + "' and pr_short='" + posts[i].pr_short + "'";
                    Query += " and url='" + posts[i].url + "' and open_time='" + posts[i].open_time + "' and holiday='" + posts[i].holiday + "' and update_time='" + posts[i].update_time + "';";
                    DataView ict_f = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                    if (ict_f.Count == 0)
                        Query  = "select id,_id from gnavi_update";
                        Query += " where gnavi_id='" + posts[i].id + "';";
                        DataView ict_ff = gc.select_cmd(Query);
                        if (ict_ff.Count > 0)
                            string baby_id = ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["_id"].ToString();

                            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                                wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                                    wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                                    NameValueCollection nc = new NameValueCollection();
                                    nc["Place[id]"]              = baby_id;
                                    nc["Place[name]"]            = posts[i].name;
                                    nc["Place[lat]"]             = lat.ToString();
                                    nc["Place[lon]"]             = lng.ToString();
                                    nc["Review[message]"]        = "";
                                    nc["Place[remarks]"]         = posts[i].pr_short;
                                    nc["Place[milk_seat]"]       = "1";
                                    nc["Place[url]"]             = posts[i].url;
                                    nc["Place[tel]"]             = posts[i].tel;
                                    nc["Place[address]"]         = posts[i].address;
                                    nc["Place[usable_week_day]"] = posts[i].holiday;

                                    byte[] bResult = wc.UploadValues("api" + baby_id, nc);

                                    string resultXML = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bResult);
                                    Label2.Text = resultXML;
                                catch (WebException ex)
                                    Label5.Text = "error!";

                            Query = "update gnavi_update set name='" + posts[i].name + "',lat='" + lat.ToString() + "',lng='" + lng.ToString() + "',address='" + posts[i].address + "'";
                            ////can not edit image
                            //sql_f_up.UpdateCommand += ",tel=N'" + posts[i].tel + "',pr_short=N'" + posts[i].pr_short + "',image=N'" + posts[i].image + "',url=N'" + posts[i].url + "'";
                            Query += ",tel='" + posts[i].tel + "',pr_short='" + posts[i].pr_short + "',url='" + posts[i].url + "'";
                            Query += ",open_time='" + posts[i].open_time + "',holiday='" + posts[i].holiday + "',update_time='" + posts[i].update_time + "',_update_time=NOW()";
                            Query += " where id='" + ict_ff.Table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "';";
                            resin  = gc.update_cmd(Query);

                            //add new nursing room to  DB
                            kvp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            kvp.Add("Place[lat]", lat.ToString());
                            kvp.Add("Place[lon]", lng.ToString());
                            kvp.Add("Place[name]", posts[i].name);
                            kvp.Add("Review[star]", "4");
                            kvp.Add("Review[message]", "");
                            kvp.Add("Place[remarks]", posts[i].pr_short);
                            kvp.Add("Place[milk_seat]", "1");
                            kvp.Add("Place[place_category_id]", "1");

                            kvp.Add("Place[is_official]", "1");

                            kvp.Add("Place[url]", posts[i].url);
                            kvp.Add("Place[tel]", posts[i].tel);
                            kvp.Add("Place[address]", posts[i].address);
                            kvp.Add("Place[usable_week_day]", posts[i].holiday);
                            kvp.Add("Place[usable_time]", posts[i].open_time);
                            string          temp_name   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff");
                            HttpWebRequest  webrequest  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(posts[i].image);
                            HttpWebResponse webresponse = (HttpWebResponse)webrequest.GetResponse();
                            if (webresponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(webresponse.GetResponseStream());
                                image.Save(Server.MapPath("~") + @"/images/" + temp_name + ".jpg"); //保存在本地文件夹
                                image.Dispose();                                                    //

                            FileInfo[] file_list = new FileInfo[1];
                            file_list[0] = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~") + @"/images/" + temp_name + ".jpg");

                            string res = ExecutePostRequest(new Uri("api"),
                            int babyid = Convert.ToInt32(res.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("result", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim());
                            Label1.Text = babyid.ToString();
                            if ((System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~") + @"/images/" + temp_name + ".jpg")))
                                System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~") + @"/images/" + temp_name + ".jpg");

                            Query  = "insert into gnavi_update(gnavi_id,_id,name,lat,lng,address,tel,pr_short,image,url,open_time,holiday,update_time,_update_time)";
                            Query += " values('" + posts[i].id + "','" + babyid.ToString() + "','" + posts[i].name + "','" + lat.ToString() + "','" + lng.ToString() + "','" + posts[i].address + "','" + posts[i].tel + "'";
                            Query += ",'" + posts[i].pr_short + "','" + posts[i].image + "','" + posts[i].url + "','" + posts[i].open_time + "','" + posts[i].holiday + "','" + posts[i].update_time + "',NOW());";
                            resin  = gc.insert_cmd(Query);
