Exemplo n.º 1
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint count = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            string id = GAFReader.ReadString(_GAFFileReader);

            ushort start = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort end   = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();

            var data = new GAFSequenceData(id, (uint)start, (uint)end);
            if (_CurrentTimeline == null)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void Read(
     TagRecord _Tag
     , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
     , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
     , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
Exemplo n.º 3
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _RootTimeline)
        uint    id          = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
        uint    framesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
        Rect    frameSize   = GAFReader.ReadRect(_GAFFileReader);
        Vector2 pivot       = GAFReader.ReadVector2(_GAFFileReader);
        byte    hasLinkage  = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();
        string  linkageName = string.Empty;

        if (hasLinkage == 1)
            linkageName = GAFReader.ReadString(_GAFFileReader);

        var timeline = new GAFTimelineData(id, linkageName, framesCount, frameSize, pivot);

        _SharedData.timelines.Add((int)id, timeline);

        var tagReaders = GetTagsDictionary();

        while (_GAFFileReader.BaseStream.Position < _Tag.expectedStreamPosition)
            TagRecord record;
                record = GAFReader.OpenTag(_GAFFileReader);
            catch (System.Exception _exception)
                throw new GAFException("GAF! GAFReader::Read - Failed to open tag! Stream position - " + _GAFFileReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString() + "\nException - " + _exception);

            if (record.type != TagBase.TagType.TagInvalid &&
                    tagReaders[record.type].Read(record, _GAFFileReader, ref _SharedData, ref timeline);
                catch (System.Exception _exception)
                    throw new GAFException("GAF! GAFReader::Read - Failed to read tag - " + record.type.ToString() + "\n Exception - " + _exception.ToString(), record);

                GAFReader.CheckTag(record, _GAFFileReader);
                GAFReader.CloseTag(record, _GAFFileReader);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint count = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            uint objectId          = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            uint elementAtlasIdRef = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

            _SharedData.rootTimeline.masks.Add(new GAFMaskData(objectId, elementAtlasIdRef, GAFObjectType.Texture));
Exemplo n.º 5
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        _SharedData.fps = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();
        byte a = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();
        byte r = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();
        byte g = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();
        byte b = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();

        _SharedData.color  = new Color(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f, a / 255f);
        _SharedData.width  = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();
        _SharedData.height = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();
Exemplo n.º 6
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint count = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            uint          objectId          = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            uint          elementAtlasIdRef = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            GAFObjectType type = (GAFObjectType)_GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();

            _CurrentTimeline.objects.Add(new GAFObjectData(objectId, elementAtlasIdRef, type));
Exemplo n.º 7
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint framesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < framesCount; ++i)
            uint         frameNumber = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            GAFFrameData frame       = new GAFFrameData(frameNumber);

            bool hasChangesInDisplayList = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte() == 1;
            bool hasActions = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte() == 1;

            if (hasChangesInDisplayList)
                uint statesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
                for (uint j = 0; j < statesCount; ++j)

            if (hasActions)
                uint actionsCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
                for (uint j = 0; j < actionsCount; ++j)
                    var type       = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
                    var actionData = new GAFActionData((GAFActionData.ActionType)type);

                    uint parametersCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (int k = 0; k < parametersCount; ++k)

            _CurrentTimeline.frames.Add(frame.frameNumber, frame);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override AnimationClip createAnimationClip(GAFTimelineData _Timeline, GAFSequenceData _Sequence, string _Path)
            var animationClip = new AnimationClip()
                frameRate = 30
                name = _Sequence.name

            var framesCount  = _Sequence.endFrame - _Sequence.startFrame + 1;
            var timeInterval = framesCount / animationClip.frameRate / framesCount;

            var time   = 0f;
            var events = new AnimationEvent[framesCount];

            for (uint i = _Sequence.startFrame, j = 0; i <= _Sequence.endFrame; i++, j++)
                var animationEvent = new AnimationEvent();
                animationEvent.functionName = i != _Sequence.startFrame ? "updateToFrameAnimator" : "updateToFrameAnimatorWithRefresh";
                animationEvent.intParameter = (int)i;
                animationEvent.time         = time;

                events[j] = animationEvent;

                time += timeInterval;

            var serializedObj = new SerializedObject(animationClip);
            var settings      = serializedObj.FindProperty("m_AnimationClipSettings");
            var loopTime      = settings.FindPropertyRelative("m_LoopTime");

            loopTime.boolValue = true;

#if !UNITY_5
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(animationClip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(animationClip, events);

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(animationClip, _Path);

Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override AnimationClip createAnimationClip(GAFTimelineData _Timeline, GAFSequenceData _Sequence, string _Path)
            var animationClip = new AnimationClip()
                frameRate = 30
                name = _Sequence.name

            var framesCount = _Sequence.endFrame - _Sequence.startFrame + 1;
            var timeInterval = framesCount / animationClip.frameRate / framesCount;

            var time = 0f;
            var events = new AnimationEvent[framesCount];
            for (uint i = _Sequence.startFrame, j = 0; i <= _Sequence.endFrame; i++, j++)
                var animationEvent = new AnimationEvent();
                animationEvent.functionName = i != _Sequence.startFrame ? "updateToFrameAnimator" : "updateToFrameAnimatorWithRefresh";
                animationEvent.intParameter = (int)i;
                animationEvent.time = time;

                events[j] = animationEvent;

                time += timeInterval;

            var serializedObj = new SerializedObject(animationClip);
            var settings = serializedObj.FindProperty("m_AnimationClipSettings");
            var loopTime = settings.FindPropertyRelative("m_LoopTime");

            loopTime.boolValue = true;

            #if !UNITY_5
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(animationClip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(animationClip, events);

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(animationClip, _Path);

            return animationClip;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint framesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < framesCount; ++i)
            uint         frameNumber = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            GAFFrameData frame       = new GAFFrameData(frameNumber);

            uint statesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint j = 0; j < statesCount; ++j)

            _SharedData.rootTimeline.frames.Add(frame.frameNumber, frame);
Exemplo n.º 11
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        uint count = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            uint   objectIdRef = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            string name        = GAFReader.ReadString(_GAFFileReader);

            var data = new GAFNamedPartData(objectIdRef, name);
            if (_CurrentTimeline == null)
Exemplo n.º 12
		protected override void createAnimations(GAFTimelineData _Timeline, AnimatorController _AnimatorController, string _AnimationsPath)
#if !UNITY_5
			var layer 				= _AnimatorController.GetLayer(0);
			var stateMachine 		= layer.stateMachine;
			var isNewStateMachine 	= stateMachine.stateCount == 0;

			var i = 0;
			foreach (var sequence in _Timeline.sequences)
				int stateFoundIndex = -1;

				for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.stateCount; ++stateIndex)
					if (stateMachine.GetState(stateIndex).name == sequence.name)
						stateFoundIndex = stateIndex;

				var clipName = _AnimatorController.name + "_" + sequence.name + ".anim";
				var clip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(_AnimationsPath + clipName, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip;
				if (clip == null)
					clip = createAnimationClip(_Timeline, sequence, _AnimationsPath + clipName);

				State state = null;
				if (stateFoundIndex >= 0)
					state = stateMachine.GetState(stateFoundIndex);
					state = stateMachine.AddState(sequence.name);
					state.position = new Vector3(0, 50f, 0f) * i;

				if (isNewStateMachine)
					if (sequence.name.ToLower() == "default")
						stateMachine.defaultState = state;

			var layer				= _AnimatorController.layers[0];
			var stateMachine		= layer.stateMachine;
			var isNewStateMachine 	= stateMachine.states.Length == 0;

            var i = 0;

			foreach (var sequence in _Timeline.sequences)
				int stateFoundIndex = -1;

				for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.states.Length; ++stateIndex)
					if (stateMachine.states[stateIndex].state.name == sequence.name)
						stateFoundIndex = stateIndex;

				var clipName	= _AnimatorController.name + "_" + sequence.name + ".anim";
				var clip		= AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(_AnimationsPath + clipName, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip;
				if (clip == null)
					clip = createAnimationClip(_Timeline, sequence, _AnimationsPath + clipName);

				AnimatorState state = null;
				if (stateFoundIndex >= 0)
					state = stateMachine.states[stateFoundIndex].state;
					state = stateMachine.AddState(sequence.name, new Vector3(0, 50f, 0f) * i);

				state.motion = clip;

				if (isNewStateMachine)
					if (sequence.name.ToLower() == "default")
						stateMachine.defaultState = state;
#endif // !UNITY_5
Exemplo n.º 13
    public override void Read(
        TagRecord _Tag
        , BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData
        , ref GAFTimelineData _CurrentTimeline)
        float scale = _GAFFileReader.ReadSingle();

        if (!_SharedData.scales.Contains(scale))

        Dictionary <uint, GAFTexturesData>     texturesInfos = new Dictionary <uint, GAFTexturesData>();
        Dictionary <uint, GAFAtlasElementData> atlasElements = new Dictionary <uint, GAFAtlasElementData>();

        byte atlasesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();

        for (byte i = 0; i < atlasesCount; ++i)
            uint id           = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            byte sourcesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadByte();

            Dictionary <float, string> files = new Dictionary <float, string>();
            for (byte j = 0; j < sourcesCount; ++j)
                string filename = GAFReader.ReadString(_GAFFileReader);
                float  csf      = _GAFFileReader.ReadSingle();

                if (!_SharedData.csfs.Contains(csf))

                files.Add(csf, filename);

            texturesInfos.Add(id, new GAFTexturesData(id, files));

        uint elementsCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

        for (uint i = 0; i < elementsCount; ++i)
            Vector2 pivotPoint      = GAFReader.ReadVector2(_GAFFileReader);
            Vector2 origin          = GAFReader.ReadVector2(_GAFFileReader);
            float   elementScale    = _GAFFileReader.ReadSingle();
            float   width           = _GAFFileReader.ReadSingle();
            float   height          = _GAFFileReader.ReadSingle();
            uint    atlasIdx        = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            uint    elementAtlasIdx = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();

            atlasElements.Add(elementAtlasIdx, new GAFAtlasElementData(
                                  , pivotPoint.x
                                  , pivotPoint.y
                                  , origin.x
                                  , origin.y
                                  , width
                                  , height
                                  , atlasIdx
                                  , elementScale
                                  , new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)));

        _SharedData.rootTimeline.atlases.Add(new GAFAtlasData(scale, texturesInfos, atlasElements));
Exemplo n.º 14
    private void Read(
        BinaryReader _GAFFileReader
        , ref GAFAnimationData _SharedData)
        var tagReaders = GetTagsDictionary(_SharedData.majorVersion);

        if (_SharedData.majorVersion >= TimelinesBaseVersion)
            uint scalesCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint i = 0; i < scalesCount; ++i)

            uint csfsCount = _GAFFileReader.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint i = 0; i < csfsCount; ++i)
            uint    id          = 0;
            string  linkageName = "rootTimeline";
            uint    framesCount = (uint)_GAFFileReader.ReadUInt16();
            Rect    frameSize   = ReadRect(_GAFFileReader);
            Vector2 pivot       = ReadVector2(_GAFFileReader);

            _SharedData.timelines.Add((int)id, new GAFTimelineData(id, linkageName, framesCount, frameSize, pivot));

        while (_GAFFileReader.BaseStream.Position < _GAFFileReader.BaseStream.Length)
            TagRecord record;
                record = OpenTag(_GAFFileReader);
            catch (System.Exception _exception)
                throw new GAFException("GAF! GAFReader::Read - Failed to open tag! Stream position - " + _GAFFileReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString() + "\nException - " + _exception);

            if (record.type != TagBase.TagType.TagInvalid &&
                    GAFTimelineData data = null;
                    tagReaders[record.type].Read(record, _GAFFileReader, ref _SharedData, ref data);
                catch (System.Exception _exception)
                    throw new GAFException("GAF! GAFReader::Read - Failed to read tag - " + record.type.ToString() + "\n Exception - " + _exception.ToString(), record);

                CheckTag(record, _GAFFileReader);
                CloseTag(record, _GAFFileReader);

        if (_SharedData != null)
            foreach (var timeline in _SharedData.timelines.Values)
                timeline.sequences.Add(new GAFSequenceData("Default", 1, timeline.framesCount));
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override void createAnimations(GAFTimelineData _Timeline, AnimatorController _AnimatorController, string _AnimationsPath)
#if !UNITY_5
            var layer             = _AnimatorController.GetLayer(0);
            var stateMachine      = layer.stateMachine;
            var isNewStateMachine = stateMachine.stateCount == 0;

            var i = 0;
            foreach (var sequence in _Timeline.sequences)
                int stateFoundIndex = -1;

                for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.stateCount; ++stateIndex)
                    if (stateMachine.GetState(stateIndex).name == sequence.name)
                        stateFoundIndex = stateIndex;

                var clipName = _AnimatorController.name + "_" + sequence.name + ".anim";
                var clip     = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(_AnimationsPath + clipName, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip;
                if (clip == null)
                    clip = createAnimationClip(_Timeline, sequence, _AnimationsPath + clipName);

                State state = null;
                if (stateFoundIndex >= 0)
                    state = stateMachine.GetState(stateFoundIndex);
                    state          = stateMachine.AddState(sequence.name);
                    state.position = new Vector3(0, 50f, 0f) * i;

                if (isNewStateMachine)
                    if (sequence.name.ToLower() == "default")
                        stateMachine.defaultState = state;
            var layer             = _AnimatorController.layers[0];
            var stateMachine      = layer.stateMachine;
            var isNewStateMachine = stateMachine.states.Length == 0;

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var sequence in _Timeline.sequences)
                int stateFoundIndex = -1;

                for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.states.Length; ++stateIndex)
                    if (stateMachine.states[stateIndex].state.name == sequence.name)
                        stateFoundIndex = stateIndex;

                var clipName = _AnimatorController.name + "_" + sequence.name + ".anim";
                var clip     = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(_AnimationsPath + clipName, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip;
                if (clip == null)
                    clip = createAnimationClip(_Timeline, sequence, _AnimationsPath + clipName);

                AnimatorState state = null;
                if (stateFoundIndex >= 0)
                    state = stateMachine.states[stateFoundIndex].state;
                    state = stateMachine.AddState(sequence.name, new Vector3(0, 50f, 0f) * i);

                state.motion = clip;

                if (isNewStateMachine)
                    if (sequence.name.ToLower() == "default")
                        stateMachine.defaultState = state;
#endif // !UNITY_5