Exemplo n.º 1
    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture prototype, Tile tile)
        if (prototype.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- Position Validity Function returned FALSE.");

        // Place of destination is valid at this point.

        Furniture furn = prototype.Clone();

        furn.tile = tile;

        // FIXME: This assumes we are 1x1
        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(furn) == false)
            // Probably already occupied

        if (furn.linksToNeighbour)
            // Must inform neighbours there is a new furniture coming and they should trigger their OnChangedCallback

Exemplo n.º 2
    public static Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            Debug.ULogErrorChannel("Furniture", "PlaceInstance -- Position Validity Function returned FALSE.");

        // We know our placement destination is valid.
        Furniture obj = proto.Clone();

        obj.Tile = tile;

        // FIXME: This assumes we are 1x1!
        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(obj) == false)
            // For some reason, we weren't able to place our object in this tile.
            // (Probably it was already occupied.)

            // Do NOT return our newly instantiated object.
            // (It will be garbage collected.)

        if (obj.LinksToNeighbour)
            // This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours,
            // so we should inform our neighbours that they have a new
            // buddy.  Just trigger their OnChangedCallback.
            int x = tile.X;
            int y = tile.Y;

            for (int xpos = x - 1; xpos < x + proto.Width + 1; xpos++)
                for (int ypos = y - 1; ypos < y + proto.Height + 1; ypos++)
                    Tile tileAt = World.Current.GetTileAt(xpos, ypos);
                    if (tileAt != null && tileAt.Furniture != null && tileAt.Furniture.Changed != null)

        // Call LUA install scripts
        obj.EventActions.Trigger("OnInstall", obj);

        // Update thermalDiffusifity using coefficient
        float thermalDiffusivity = Temperature.defaultThermalDiffusivity;

        if (obj.furnParameters.ContainsKey("thermal_diffusivity"))
            thermalDiffusivity = obj.furnParameters["thermal_diffusivity"].ToFloat();

        World.Current.temperature.SetThermalDiffusivity(tile.X, tile.Y, thermalDiffusivity);

Exemplo n.º 3
    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            //Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- Position Validity Function returned FALSE.");

        // We know our placement destination is valid.
        Furniture obj = proto.Clone();

        obj.tile = tile;

        // FIXME: This assumes we are 1x1!
        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(obj) == false)
            // For some reason, we weren't able to place our object in this tile.
            // (Probably it was already occupied.)

            // Do NOT return our newly instantiated object.
            // (It will be garbage collected.)

        if (obj.linksToNeighbour)
            // This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours,
            // so we should inform our neighbours that they have a new
            // buddy.  Just trigger their OnChangedCallback.

            Tile t;
            int  x = tile.X;
            int  y = tile.Y;

            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (t != null && t.Furniture != null && t.Furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.Furniture.objectType == obj.objectType)
                // We have a Northern Neighbour with the same object type as us, so
                // tell it that it has changed by firing is callback.
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.Furniture != null && t.Furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.Furniture.objectType == obj.objectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (t != null && t.Furniture != null && t.Furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.Furniture.objectType == obj.objectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.Furniture != null && t.Furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.Furniture.objectType == obj.objectType)

Exemplo n.º 4
    // Create furniture from parameter -- this will probably only be used for prototypes
    //public Furniture(string objectType, float movementCost = 1f, int width = 1, int height = 1, bool linksToNeighbour = false, bool roomEnclosure = false)
    //    this.objectType = objectType;
    //    this.movementCost = movementCost;
    //    this.roomEnclosure = roomEnclosure;
    //    this.Width = width;
    //    this.Height = height;
    //    this.linksToNeighbour = linksToNeighbour;

    //    this.funcPositionValidation = this.DEFAULT__IsValidPosition;

    //    furnParameters = new Dictionary<string, float>();

    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- Position Validity function returned false.");

        // We know our placement destination is valid

        Furniture furn = proto.Clone(); //new Furniture(proto);

        furn.tile = tile;

        // FIXME: this assumes 1x1
        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(furn) == false)
            // For some reason we weren't able t place the object in this tile
            // (probably already occupied)
            // Do not return our newly instantiated object
            // (it will be garbage)

        if (furn.linksToNeighbour)
            // This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours,
            // so we should inform our neighbours of a new neighbour.
            // Trigger their OnChangedCallback
            Tile t;
            int  x = tile.X;
            int  y = tile.Y;

            t = World.Current.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == furn.objectType)
                // We have a northern neighbour with the same object type as us, so
                // tell it that it has changed by firing its callback
            t = World.Current.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == furn.objectType)
            t = World.Current.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == furn.objectType)
            t = World.Current.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == furn.objectType)

Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to place furniture in a certain position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="proto">The prototype furniture to place.</param>
    /// <param name="tile">The base tile to place the furniture on, The tile will be the bottom left corner of the furniture (to check).</param>
    /// <returns>Furniture object.</returns>
    public static Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.IsValidPosition(tile) == false)
            UnityDebugger.Debugger.LogWarning("Furniture", "PlaceInstance :: Position Validity Function returned FALSE. " + proto.Type + " " + tile.X + ", " + tile.Y + ", " + tile.Z);

        // We know our placement destination is valid.
        Furniture furnObj = proto.Clone();

        furnObj.Tile = tile;

        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(furnObj) == false)
            // For some reason, we weren't able to place our object in this tile.
            // (Probably it was already occupied.)

            // Do NOT return our newly instantiated object.
            // (It will be garbage collected.)

        // need to update reference to furniture and call Initialize (so components can place hooks on events there)
        foreach (BuildableComponent component in furnObj.components)

        if (furnObj.LinksToNeighbour != string.Empty)
            // This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours,
            // so we should inform our neighbours that they have a new
            // buddy.  Just trigger their OnChangedCallback.
            int x = tile.X;
            int y = tile.Y;

            for (int xpos = x - 1; xpos < x + proto.Width + 1; xpos++)
                for (int ypos = y - 1; ypos < y + proto.Height + 1; ypos++)
                    Tile tileAt = World.Current.GetTileAt(xpos, ypos, tile.Z);
                    if (tileAt != null && tileAt.Furniture != null && tileAt.Furniture.Changed != null)

        // Let our workspot tile know it is reserved for us

        // Call LUA install scripts
        furnObj.EventActions.Trigger("OnInstall", furnObj);

Exemplo n.º 6
    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- Furniture Position is not valid");

        //We know our placement destination is valid
        Furniture objFurniture = proto.Clone();

        objFurniture.tile = tile;

        //Todo Fixme this assumes we are 1x1
        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(objFurniture) == false)
            //for some reason we weren't able to place our object in this tile
            //Probably it was already occupied
            //Do not return our newly instantiated object.
            //(it will be garbage collected)
        if (objFurniture.linksToNeighbour)
            //This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours
            //Informs furniture that they have a new buddy by triggering onchangedcallback
            Tile tempTile;
            int  x = tile.X;
            int  y = tile.Y;

            tempTile = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (tempTile != null && tempTile.furniture != null && tempTile.furniture.callBackOnChanged != null && tempTile.furniture.objectType == objFurniture.objectType)
                //We have a northern neighbour with the same object type as us
                //tell the furniture to change by firing the callback
            tempTile = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (tempTile != null && tempTile.furniture != null && tempTile.furniture.callBackOnChanged != null && tempTile.furniture.objectType == objFurniture.objectType)
            tempTile = tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (tempTile != null && tempTile.furniture != null && tempTile.furniture.callBackOnChanged != null && tempTile.furniture.objectType == objFurniture.objectType)
            tempTile = tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (tempTile != null && tempTile.furniture != null && tempTile.furniture.callBackOnChanged != null && tempTile.furniture.objectType == objFurniture.objectType)
Exemplo n.º 7
    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            //Debug.LogError("Cannot place furniture here.");

        Furniture instance = proto.Clone();

        instance.tile = tile;

        //TODO Assumes 1x1 size.
        if (tile.PlaceObject(instance) == false)
            //Not able to place, probably already occupied.

        if (instance.linksToNeighbour == true)
            Tile t;
            int  x = tile.X;
            int  y = tile.Y;

            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.furnitureType == instance.furnitureType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.furnitureType == instance.furnitureType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.furnitureType == instance.furnitureType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.furnitureType == instance.furnitureType)

Exemplo n.º 8
    public static Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (!proto.funcPositionValidation(tile))
            Debug.LogError("Place instance - couldn't place item here");

        //now know it's valid.
        Furniture obj = (Furniture)proto.Clone();

        //obj.objectType = proto.objectType;
        //obj.movementCost = proto.movementCost;
        //obj.width = proto.width;
        //obj.height = proto.height;
        //obj.linksToNeighbour = proto.linksToNeighbour;

        obj.tile = tile;

        if (!tile.InstallFurniture(obj))
            //we couldn't place the object here. Probs already occupied


        if (obj.linksToNeighbour)
            int x = tile.X;
            int y = tile.Y;

            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y), obj.objectType);

            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y + 1), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y - 1), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y - 1), obj.objectType);
            TriggerOnChanged(tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y + 1), obj.objectType);

Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// 放置对象
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="proto"></param>
    /// <param name="tile"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Furniture PlaceObject(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.funcPositionValidation != null && !proto.funcPositionValidation(tile))
            //Debug.LogError("PlaceObject  - 位置有效性函数返回FALSE。");
        Furniture info = proto.Clone();

        info.tile = tile;
        if (tile.PlaceObject(info) == false)
        if (info.linksToNeighbour)
            // 这种类型的家具与其邻居相连,
            //所以我们应该通知你的邻居他们有一个新的伙伴。 只需触发他们的OnChange回调。
            int x = tile.x; int y = tile.y;
            var t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.objectType == info.objectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == info.objectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == info.objectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.objectType == info.objectType)

Exemplo n.º 10
    public static Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture prototype, Tile tile)
        if (prototype.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            //Debug.LogError ("placeInstance -- position validity function returned false");

        Furniture furniture = prototype.Clone();

        furniture.tile = tile;

        if (tile.placeFurniture(furniture) == false)

        if (furniture.linksToNeighboors == true)
            Tile t;
            int  x = tile.X;
            int  y = tile.Y;

            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                    if (i != 0 || j != 0)
                        t = World.worldInstance.getTileAt(x + i, y + j);
                        //Debug.Log (t.X + " , " + t.Y);
                        if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.onChangedCallback != null && t.furniture.furnitureType == furniture.furnitureType)

        private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int  quant     = Int32.Parse(cbQuantity.Text);
            bool firstTime = true;

            foreach (var f in Project.Instance.Bill.FurnitureForSaleList)
                var price = f.Price;
                if (f.PriceOnSale != 0)
                    price = f.PriceOnSale;
                if (furniture.ID == f.ID)
                    firstTime  = false;
                    f.Quantity = f.Quantity + quant;
                    Project.Instance.Bill.FullPrice = Project.Instance.Bill.FullPrice + (price * quant);
            if (firstTime)
                Furniture selledFurniture = (Furniture)furniture.Clone();
                selledFurniture.Quantity = quant;
                foreach (var f in Project.Instance.Bill.FurnitureForSaleList)
                    var price = f.Price;
                    if (f.PriceOnSale != 0)
                        price = f.PriceOnSale;
                        Project.Instance.Bill.FullPrice = Project.Instance.Bill.FullPrice + (price * quant);
Exemplo n.º 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to place furniture in a certain position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="proto">The prototype furniture to place.</param>
    /// <param name="tile">The base tile to place the furniture on, The tile will be the bottom left corner of the furniture (to check).</param>
    /// <returns>Furniture object.</returns>
    public static Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (proto.IsValidPosition(tile) == false)
            Debug.ULogErrorChannel("Furniture", "PlaceInstance -- Position Validity Function returned FALSE. " + proto.Name + " " + tile.X + ", " + tile.Y + ", " + tile.Z);

        // We know our placement destination is valid.
        Furniture furnObj = proto.Clone();

        furnObj.Tile = tile;

        if (tile.PlaceFurniture(furnObj) == false)
            // For some reason, we weren't able to place our object in this tile.
            // (Probably it was already occupied.)

            // Do NOT return our newly instantiated object.
            // (It will be garbage collected.)

        // plug-in furniture only when it is placed in world
        if (furnObj.PowerConnection != null)

        // need to update reference to furniture and call Initialize (so components can place hooks on events there)
        foreach (var comp in furnObj.components)

        if (furnObj.LinksToNeighbour != string.Empty)
            // This type of furniture links itself to its neighbours,
            // so we should inform our neighbours that they have a new
            // buddy.  Just trigger their OnChangedCallback.
            int x = tile.X;
            int y = tile.Y;

            for (int xpos = x - 1; xpos < x + proto.Width + 1; xpos++)
                for (int ypos = y - 1; ypos < y + proto.Height + 1; ypos++)
                    Tile tileAt = World.Current.GetTileAt(xpos, ypos, tile.Z);
                    if (tileAt != null && tileAt.Furniture != null && tileAt.Furniture.Changed != null)

        // Let our workspot tile know it is reserved for us

        // Call LUA install scripts
        furnObj.EventActions.Trigger("OnInstall", furnObj);

        // Update thermalDiffusivity using coefficient
        float thermalDiffusivity = Temperature.defaultThermalDiffusivity;

        if (furnObj.Parameters.ContainsKey("thermal_diffusivity"))
            thermalDiffusivity = furnObj.Parameters["thermal_diffusivity"].ToFloat();

        World.Current.temperature.SetThermalDiffusivity(tile.X, tile.Y, tile.Z, thermalDiffusivity);

    static public Furniture PlaceInstance(Furniture proto, Tile tile)
        if (tile == null)
            Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- tile is null");

        if (proto.funcPositionValidation(tile) == false)
            Debug.LogError("PlaceInstance -- Position Validity Function returned FALSE.");

        //We know our placement destination is valid

        Furniture obj = proto.Clone();

        obj.Tile = tile;

        //FIXME:This assumes we are 1x1!
        if (!tile.PlaceObject(obj))
            //For some reason, we weren't able to place our object in this tile.
            //Probably it was already occupied.

            //Do not return our newly instantiated object, instead it will be garbage collected.

        if (obj.LinksToNeighbour)
            //Notify neighbours that i am here
            Tile t;
            int  x = tile.X, y = tile.Y;

            /*for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
             *      for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
             *              Debug.Log("Getting tile at: " + (i + x) + "," + )
             *              t = tile.world.GetTileAt(i + x, j + y);
             *              if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.ObjectType == obj.ObjectType)
             *                      t.furniture.cbOnChanged(t.furniture);
             *      }
             * }*/
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y + 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.ObjectType == obj.ObjectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x + 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.ObjectType == obj.ObjectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x, y - 1);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.ObjectType == obj.ObjectType)
            t = tile.world.GetTileAt(x - 1, y);
            if (t != null && t.furniture != null && t.furniture.cbOnChanged != null && t.furniture.ObjectType == obj.ObjectType)
