Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a wrapper function for an individual virtual function table entry
        /// in a virtual function table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TFunction">Delegate type marked with complete ReloadedFunction Attribute/X64 Reloaded Function Attribute that defines the individual function properties.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="tableEntry">The individual Virtual function table entry to create a wrapper function for.</param>
        /// <returns>Delegate to assign back to ReloadedFunction marked game function.</returns>
        public static TFunction CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>(this VirtualFunctionTable.TableEntry tableEntry)
            // Create X86/X64 wrapper conditionally.
            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                return(FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>((long)tableEntry.FunctionPointer));
            if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                return(X64FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>((long)tableEntry.FunctionPointer));

            // Null case
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an instance of the delegate which can be used to call the function behind the function pointer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>False if the pointer to call is invalid, else true.</returns>
        public TDelegate GetDelegate()
            // Return false if pointer points to invalid address.
            if (FunctionAddress == IntPtr.Zero)

            // Get the pointer to the function.
            // Our pointer is dereferenced here, see "Pointer" Property.
            IntPtr functionPointer = FunctionAddress;

            // [Performance] Fast return if the pointer is the same as the last value.
            if (functionPointer == _lastFunctionPointer)

            // Try to get the cached function wrapper.
            if (_methodCache.TryGetValue(functionPointer, out var cachedDelegate))

            // Cached delegate not found.
                // Create wrapper if nonexisting.
                if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                    _delegate = FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TDelegate>((long)functionPointer);
                    _delegate = X64FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TDelegate>((long)functionPointer);

                // Cache the function wrapper.
                _methodCache[functionPointer] = _delegate;

                // Cache last function pointer.
                _lastFunctionPointer = functionPointer;

                // Return new Delegate
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* Entry Point */
        public static unsafe void Init()

            // Setup controllers.
            var controllerManager = new ControllerManager();
            playerOneController   = new ReloadedController(Player.PlayerOne, controllerManager);
            playerTwoController   = new ReloadedController(Player.PlayerTwo, controllerManager);
            playerThreeController = new ReloadedController(Player.PlayerThree, controllerManager);
            playerFourController  = new ReloadedController(Player.PlayerFour, controllerManager);

            // Hook get controls function.
            psPADServerHook = FunctionHook <psPADServerPC> .Create(0x444F30, PSPADServerImpl).Activate();

            // Copy the old function to a new place and create a function from it.
            byte[] periMakeRepeatBytes = GameProcess.ReadMemory((IntPtr)0x00434FF0, 0xDD);
            IntPtr functionPtr         = MemoryBufferManager.Add(periMakeRepeatBytes);

            periMakeRepeatFunction  = FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <sGamePeri__MakeRepeatCount>((long)functionPtr);
            periMakeRepeatCountHook = FunctionHook <sGamePeri__MakeRepeatCount> .Create(0x00434FF0, MakeRepeatCountImpl).Activate();
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a function hook for a function at a user specified address.
        /// This class provides Windows API (and general process) hooking functionality for standard cdecl, stdcall, as well as custom
        /// ReloadedFunction Attribute declared functions. For more details, see the description of the <see cref="FunctionHook{TDelegate}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameFunctionAddress">The address of the game function to create the wrapper for.</param>
        /// <param name="functionDelegate">
        ///     A delegate instance of the supplied generic delegate type which calls/invokes
        ///     the C# method that will be used to handle the hook.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="hookLength">
        ///     Optional explicit length of the hook to perform used in the impossibly rare
        ///     cases whereby auto-length checking overflows the default into a jmp/call.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     An instance of <see cref="FunctionHook{TFunction}"/>, which may be used
        ///     to call the original function.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Due to safety and depth concerns regarding the use of multiple hooks on a singular address,
        ///     the class does not provide an implementation allowing you to unhook. Please instead implement
        ///     a flag and just call + return value from the original method without changing any of the input
        ///     parameters if you wish to achieve the same effect.
        /// </remarks>
        public static FunctionHook <TFunction> CreateFunctionHook(long gameFunctionAddress, TFunction functionDelegate, int hookLength)
             *  Retrieve C# function details.

            // Retrieve the function address from the supplied user delegate.
            // Our ReloadedFunction attribute.
            IntPtr cSharpFunctionAddress = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(functionDelegate);
            ReloadedFunctionAttribute reloadedFunction = GetReloadedFunctionAttribute <TFunction>();

             *  [Hook Part I] Create Custom => CDECL Wrapper and Assemble

            // Assemble the wrapper function.
            // Assemble a jump to our wrapper function.
            IntPtr      wrapperFunctionAddress = CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>(cSharpFunctionAddress, reloadedFunction);
            List <byte> jumpBytes = HookCommon.AssembleAbsoluteJump(wrapperFunctionAddress).ToList();

             *  [Hook Part II] Calculate Hook Length (Unless Explicit)

            // Retrieve hook length explicitly
            if (hookLength == -1)
                hookLength = HookCommon.GetHookLength((IntPtr)gameFunctionAddress, jumpBytes.Count);

            // Assemble JMP + NOPs for stolen/stray bytes.
            if (hookLength > jumpBytes.Count)
                // Append NOPs after JMP to fill remaining bytes.
                int nopBytes = hookLength - jumpBytes.Count;

                for (int x = 0; x < nopBytes; x++)

             *  [Call Original Function Part I] Read stolen bytes and assemble function wrapper to call original function.

            // Backup game's hook bytes.
            // Check if stolen bytes contains a jmp as first (other hooks)
            // Calculate jump back address for original function.
            // Append absolute JMP instruction to return to original function for calling the original function in hook.
            List <byte> stolenBytes = Bindings.TargetProcess.ReadMemoryExternal((IntPtr)gameFunctionAddress, hookLength).ToList();

            stolenBytes = HookCommon.ProcessStolenBytes(stolenBytes, (IntPtr)gameFunctionAddress);

            IntPtr jumpBackAddress = (IntPtr)(gameFunctionAddress + hookLength);


             *  [Call Original Function part II] Instantiate and return functionHook with the original game function address.

            // Assign original function.
            FunctionHook <TFunction> functionHook = new FunctionHook <TFunction>();

            // Write original bytes and jump to memory, and return address.
            IntPtr gameFunctionWrapperAddress = MemoryBuffer.Add(stolenBytes.ToArray());

            // Create wrapper for calling the original function.
            functionHook.OriginalFunction = FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>((long)gameFunctionWrapperAddress);

            // Store a copy of the original function.
            functionHook._originalDelegate = functionDelegate;

             *  [Apply Hook] Write hook bytes.
            Bindings.TargetProcess.WriteMemoryExternal((IntPtr)gameFunctionAddress, jumpBytes.ToArray());

Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a wrapper function for an individual virtual function table entry
 /// in a virtual function table.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TFunction">Delegate type marked with complete ReloadedFunction Attribute that defines the individual function properties.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="tableEntry">The individual Virtual function table entry to create a wrapper function for.</param>
 /// <returns>Delegate to assign back to ReloadedFunction marked game function.</returns>
 public static TFunction CreateX86WrapperFunction <TFunction>(this VirtualFunctionTable.TableEntry tableEntry)
     return(FunctionWrapper.CreateWrapperFunction <TFunction>((long)tableEntry.FunctionPointer));