Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DefinedFunctionWithValueOfCall_CallFunctionWithArguments_ScopeInitializedCorrectly()
            // prepare
            var variables = new List <string> {
            var functionBlock = new Block(null, variables, "fun");

            functionBlock.NestedBlocks.Add(new StringComponentInstruction(functionBlock.ScopePrototype, new ValueOf
                VariableName = "arg1"
            var functionDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Block> {
                { "function", functionBlock }
            var scope_prototype = new ScopePrototype
                Variables = new HashSet <string> {
            var scope = new Scope(scope_prototype)
                VariableValues = new Dictionary <string, AssignedValue> {
                    { "model", new AssignedValue(JToken.Parse("['value1', 'value2']")) }
            var functionCallInstruction = new FunctionCallInstruction(scope_prototype, new FunctionCall
                FunctionName   = "function",
                ArgumentValues = new List <Value> {
                    new ValueOf {
                        VariableName = "model",
                        Index        = 1

            // act
            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream);
            var node         = new Node
                StreamWriter  = streamWriter,
                NewLine       = false,
                NestedLevel   = 0,
                Scope         = scope,
                FunctionsDict = functionDictionary


            // validate
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream);

            //Assert.Equal("\nvalue2", streamReader.ReadToEnd());
            Assert.Equal("value2", streamReader.ReadToEnd());
Exemplo n.º 2
        private FunctionCallInstruction PopulateFunctionCallInstruction(ScopePrototype scope, FunctionCall functionCall)
            // check if the function has been declared in the scope
            Block function_block;

            if (!_functions.TryGetValue(functionCall.FunctionName, out function_block))
                throw new SemanticsException($"Function {functionCall.FunctionName} has not been declared in the scope of the function {scope.FunctionName}.");

            // check if called arguments exist in the scope
            foreach (var argument in functionCall.ArgumentValues)
                if (argument.GetType() == typeof(ValueOf))
                    if (!scope.Variables.Contains(((ValueOf)argument).VariableName))
                        throw new SemanticsException($"Variable {((ValueOf) argument).VariableName} has not been declared in the scope of the function {scope.FunctionName}.");

            var funCallInstruction = new FunctionCallInstruction(scope, functionCall);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DefinedFunction_CallFunctionWithArgumentsOutOfScope_ThrowRuntimeException()
            // prepare
            var variables = new List <string> {
            var functionBlock      = new Block(null, variables, "fun");
            var functionDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Block> {
                { "function", functionBlock }
            var scope_prototype = new ScopePrototype
                Variables = new HashSet <string> {
            var scope = new Scope(scope_prototype)
                VariableValues = new Dictionary <string, AssignedValue> {
                    { "model", new AssignedValue(JToken.Parse("['value1', 'value2']")) }
            var functionCallInstruction = new FunctionCallInstruction(scope_prototype, new FunctionCall
                FunctionName   = "function",
                ArgumentValues = new List <Value> {
                    new ValueOf {
                        VariableName = "model",
                        Index        = 2

            // act
            var streamWriter       = new Mock <StreamWriter>(new MemoryStream());
            var exceptionWasThrown = false;
            var node = new Node
                StreamWriter  = streamWriter.Object,
                NewLine       = false,
                NestedLevel   = 0,
                Scope         = scope,
                FunctionsDict = functionDictionary

            catch (RuntimeException)
                exceptionWasThrown = true;
            // validate
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void DefinedFunctionWithValueOfCallWithSimpleValue_CallFunctionWithArguments_ScopeInitializedCorrectly()
            // prepare
            var variables = new List <string> {
            var functionBlock = new Block(null, variables, "fun");

            functionBlock.NestedBlocks.Add(new StringComponentInstruction(functionBlock.ScopePrototype, new ValueOf
                VariableName = "arg1"
            var functionDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Block> {
                { "function", functionBlock }
            var scope_prototype = new ScopePrototype
                Variables = new HashSet <string> {
            var scope = new Scope(scope_prototype)
                VariableValues = new Dictionary <string, AssignedValue> {
                    { "model", new AssignedValue(JToken.Parse("'value2'")) }
            var functionCallInstruction = new FunctionCallInstruction(scope_prototype, new FunctionCall
                FunctionName   = "function",
                ArgumentValues = new List <Value> {
                    new ValueOf {
                        VariableName = "model"

            // act
            var streamWriter = new Mock <StreamWriter>(new MemoryStream());
            var node         = new Node
                StreamWriter  = streamWriter.Object,
                NewLine       = false,
                NestedLevel   = 0,
                Scope         = scope,
                FunctionsDict = functionDictionary


            // validate
            streamWriter.Verify(s => s.Write("value2"), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Ajoute tous les types dont dépend l'instruction inst dans le set passé en paramètres.
        /// </summary>
        void AggregateDependencies(Instruction inst, HashSet <ClankType> types)
            if (inst is ClassDeclaration)
                ClassDeclaration decl = (ClassDeclaration)inst;
                foreach (var instruction in decl.Instructions)
                    AggregateDependencies(instruction, types);
            else if (inst is Model.Language.Macros.RemoteFunctionWrapper)
                var decl = (Model.Language.Macros.RemoteFunctionWrapper)inst;
                AggregateDependencies(decl.Func, types);
            if (inst is VariableDeclarationInstruction)
                VariableDeclarationInstruction decl = (VariableDeclarationInstruction)inst;
                AddToSet(types, decl.Var.Type);
            else if (inst is VariableDeclarationAndAssignmentInstruction)
                VariableDeclarationAndAssignmentInstruction decl = (VariableDeclarationAndAssignmentInstruction)inst;
                AddToSet(types, decl.Declaration.Var.Type);
            else if (inst is FunctionDeclaration)
                FunctionDeclaration decl = (FunctionDeclaration)inst;
                AddToSet(types, decl.Func.ReturnType);
                foreach (var arg in decl.Func.Arguments)
                    AddToSet(types, arg.ArgType);

                foreach (var instruction in decl.Code)
                    AggregateDependencies(instruction, types);
            else if (inst is FunctionCallInstruction)
                FunctionCallInstruction decl = (FunctionCallInstruction)inst;
                AddToSet(types, decl.Call.Func.ReturnType);
                foreach (var arg in decl.Call.Arguments)
                    AddToSet(types, arg.Type);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void DefinedFunctionWithRecursiveFunctionCall_CallFunctionWithArguments_TwoDifferentScopesUsed()
            // prepare
            var scope_prototype = new ScopePrototype
                Variables = new HashSet <string> {
                    "arg1", "stopcondition"
            var variables = new List <string> {
                "arg1", "stopcondition"
            var functionBlock = new Block(null, variables, "function");

            functionBlock.NestedBlocks.Add(new StringComponentInstruction(functionBlock.ScopePrototype, new ValueOf
                VariableName = "arg1"
            functionBlock.NestedBlocks.Add(new IfInstruction(scope_prototype, new IfExpression
                Condition = new SimpleCondition
                    LeftHandSideVariable = new ValueOf
                        VariableName = "stopcondition"
                Negated = true
                IfBlock = new List <Executable> {
                    new FunctionCallInstruction(scope_prototype, new FunctionCall {
                        FunctionName   = "function",
                        ArgumentValues = new List <Value> {
                            new StringValue {
                                StringComponents = new List <IStringComponent> {
                                    new Literal {
                                        Content = "another_value"
                            new StringValue {
                                StringComponents = new List <IStringComponent> {
                                    new Literal {
                                        Content = "true"
            functionBlock.NestedBlocks.Add(new StringComponentInstruction(functionBlock.ScopePrototype, new ValueOf
                VariableName = "arg1"
            var functionDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Block> {
                { "function", functionBlock }
            var scope = new Scope(scope_prototype)
                VariableValues = new Dictionary <string, AssignedValue> {
                    { "arg1", new AssignedValue(JToken.Parse("'value2'")) }
            var functionCallInstruction = new FunctionCallInstruction(scope_prototype, new FunctionCall
                FunctionName   = "function",
                ArgumentValues = new List <Value> {
                    new ValueOf {
                        VariableName = "arg1"
                    new StringValue {
                        StringComponents = new List <IStringComponent> {
                            new Literal {
                                Content = "false"

            // act
            var streamWriter = new Mock <StreamWriter>(new MemoryStream());
            var node         = new Node
                StreamWriter  = streamWriter.Object,
                NewLine       = false,
                NestedLevel   = 0,
                Scope         = scope,
                FunctionsDict = functionDictionary


            // validate
            streamWriter.Verify(s => s.Write("value2"), Times.Exactly(2));
            streamWriter.Verify(s => s.Write("another_value"), Times.Exactly(2));