Exemplo n.º 1
        private void stopamo(float[] pb)
            int i, j;

            covar          = new float[0, 0];
            float[,] alpha = new float[0, 0];
            float alamda;

            chisq = 0;
            f     = new DerivFunction(f0);
            if (f is DerivFunction)
                ((DerivFunction)f).fast = false;

            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                if (ip0[i])
                    f.p[i] = pb[j++];

            alamda = -1;
            mrqmin(ip0, ref covar, ref alpha, ref chisq, ref alamda);
            alamda = 0;
            mrqmin(ip0, ref covar, ref alpha, ref chisq, ref alamda);

            ip0  = null;
            p0   = null;
            ptry = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PointN FindMin(double eps)
            int    dimensionsCount = x0.Coordinates.Count;
            int    k  = 0;
            double ak = 0.0;
            PointN xk = x0;

            while (true)
                VectorN gradFxk = Gradient.Calculate(funcND, xk); // Градиент все время прыгает во все стороны, а xk все наращивается
                Log.Add(String.Format("Grad(F({0, -23})) = {1, -25}", xk, gradFxk));

                if (gradFxk.Length <= eps)

                Function1D func1D = (double alpha) => { return(funcND(xk - gradFxk * alpha)); }; // TODO alpha >= 0
                ak = OneDimensionalMinimization.FindMin(func1D, ak, eps);                        // TODO негибкая стратегия выбора eps
                Log.Add(String.Format("ak = {0}", ak));

                xk = xk - gradFxk * ak;
                Log.Add("==================Next Iteration====================");
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected OneDimMethod(Function1D f, Function1D df, double eps, string name, int maxIterations = 50)
     Name = name;
     F = f;
     Df = df;
     Eps = eps;
     MaxIterations = maxIterations;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void cosClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Function1D cos = new Function1D();

            cos.source = "return cos(x);";
            cos.Color     = Color.Red;
            cos.lineWidth = 2;
            cos.lineStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
        // Это хорошая идея - выносить параметры вроде eps сюда
        // Можно добавить список строк List<String>
        // И выводить в него информацию по алгоритму
        // Затем, в output мы берем его и выводим на экран (по желанию)
        public PointNMathNet FindMin(double eps)
            int             k    = 0;
            PointNMathNet   xk   = x0;         // x(k)
            PointNMathNet   xk_1 = x0;         // x(k-1)
            Matrix <double> Hk   = H0.Clone(); // Квазиньютоновская матрицы
            double          ak   = 0.0;

            // Вспомогательные вектора
            VectorNMathNet sk = VectorNMathNet.Build.Dense(n);
            VectorNMathNet yk = VectorNMathNet.Build.Dense(n);

            while (true)
                VectorNMathNet gradient = Gradient.Calculate(funcND, xk);
                Log.Add(String.Format("Grad(F(\n{0, -23})) = \n{1, -25}", xk, gradient)); // TODO: некрасивый вывод
                if (gradient.L2Norm() <= eps)                                             // градиент слишком мал, максимум очень близко

                if (k != 0)
                    sk = xk - xk_1;
                    //Log.Add(String.Format("sk:\n{0}", sk));
                    Matrix <double> m_sk   = sk.ToColumnMatrix();
                    Matrix <double> m_sk_t = m_sk.Transpose();

                    yk = Gradient.Calculate(funcND, xk) - Gradient.Calculate(funcND, xk_1); // TODO Один из членов этого вектора становится слишком мал (или Hk или M_yk_t)
                    //Log.Add(String.Format("yk:\n{0}", yk));
                    Matrix <double> m_yk   = yk.ToColumnMatrix();
                    Matrix <double> m_yk_t = m_yk.Transpose();

                    Hk = Hk - ((Hk * m_yk * m_yk_t * Hk) / (m_yk_t * Hk * m_yk)[0, 0]) + ((m_sk * m_sk_t)[0, 0] / (m_yk_t * m_sk)[0, 0]);
                    Log.Add(String.Format("Hk:\n{0}", Hk));

                VectorNMathNet pk     = -Hk * gradient;
                Function1D     func1D = (double alpha) => { return(funcND((xk + pk * alpha))); };
                ak = OneDimensionalMinimization.FindMin(func1D, ak, eps);
                Log.Add(String.Format("ak = {0}", ak));

                // Инкремент
                xk_1 = xk;
                xk   = xk + ak * pk;
                Log.Add("==================Next Iteration====================");
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void MarquardtStart()
     chisq = 0; oldchisq = -1e10F; alamda = -1;
     NEval = 0;
     if (f0.p.Length > 0 && f0.dfdp.Length == 0)
         f = new DerivFunction(f0);
         f = f0;
     ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(MarquardtThread));
Exemplo n.º 7
    public float[] RK4(Function1D func, float initial, float dx, int N)
        float[] sol = new float[N];
        sol[0] = initial;
        for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
            float k1 = dx * func(sol[i]);
            float k2 = dx * func(sol[i] + 0.5f * k1);
            float k3 = dx * func(sol[i] + 0.5f * k2);
            float k4 = dx * func(sol[i] + k3);
            sol[i + 1] = sol[i] + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6;

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void gaussClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Function1D gauss = new Function1D();

            //Here the source accesses the array p, an array of function parameters.
            //When you compile the item, the size of p is automatically set to the
            //highest element referred to in the source.
            gauss.source = "double arg = (x-p[0])/p[1]; return p[2]*exp(-arg*arg);";
            gauss.p[0] = 1;
            gauss.p[1] = 1;
            gauss.p[2] = 4;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void sinClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Function1D sin = new Function1D();

            //The source represents the body of the following function:
            //double[] p, dfdp;
            //double f(double x) {
            //  ...
            sin.source = "return sin(x);";
            sin.Color     = Color.Blue;
            sin.lineWidth = 2;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void NelderMeadStart(bool T0)
            const int TFAC = 3;

            chisq = 0;
            f     = f0;
            if (T0)
                T = 0;
                T = data.Length * TFAC;
            NEval = 0;
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(NelderMeadThread));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public DerivFunction(Function1D f)
     code = f.code;
     p    = f.p;
     if (f.dfdp.Length == f.p.Length)
         dfdp   = f.dfdp;
         fast   = true;
         this.f = f.f;
         dfdp        = new SmallData();
         fast        = true;
         dfdp.Length = p.Length;
         this.f      = new Code(F);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public Paul(Function1D f, Function1D df, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, df, eps, "Метод ПАУЛА", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Fit(DataItem data, Function1D f, bool[] fitp)
     Data      = data;
     f0        = f;
     this.fitp = (bool[])fitp.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 14
 public Fit(DataItem data, Function1D f)
     Data     = data;
     Function = f;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Extrapolation(Function1D f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIteratons = 50)
     : base(f, null, eps, "Метод ЭКСТРАПОЛЯЦИИ", maxIteratons)
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Fibonacci1(Function1D f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIteratons = 50)
     : base(f, null, eps, "Метод ФИБОНАЧЧИ-1", maxIteratons)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Dichotomy(Function1D f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, null, eps, "Метод ДИХТОМИИ", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public BoostedDavidon(Function1D f, Function1D df, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, df, eps, "Метод ДАВИДОНА", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public Dsk(Function1D f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, null, eps, "Метод ДСК", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Bolzano(Function1D f, Function1D df, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, df, eps, "Метод БОЛЬЦАНО", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 ///     Обязательно нужен df2!!!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f">функция</param>
 /// <param name="df">первая производная</param>
 /// <param name="d2f">вторая производная</param>
 /// <param name="eps">точность</param>
 /// <param name="maxIterations">кол-во итераций</param>
 // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
 public Newton(Function1D f, Function1D df, Function1D d2f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, df, eps, "Метод НЬЮТОНА", maxIterations)
     D2F = d2f;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public GoldenRatio2(Function1D f, double eps = 1e-6, int maxIterations = 50)
     : base(f, null, eps, "Метод ЗОЛОТОГО СЕЧЕНИЯ-2", maxIterations)
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void ResetPar()
            bool fitpok = true;

            lock (this) {
                GraphModel model = graph.Model;
                string     name;
                int        i;
                name = (string)function.Text;
                f    = null;
                for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++)
                    if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is Function1D) &&
                        f = (Function1D)model.Items[i];
                name     = (string)data.Text;
                dataItem = null;
                for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++)
                    if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is DataItem))
                        dataItem = (DataItem)model.Items[i];
                if (f != null)
                    if (f != oldf || f.Modified)
                        if (f != oldf)
                            fitp = new bool[f.p.Length];
                            for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                                fitp[i] = true;
                        grid.ColumnsCount = 4;
                        grid.RowsCount    = f.p.Length + 1;
                        grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                        grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                        grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                        grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                        for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                            grid[i + 1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(i.ToString());
                            grid[i + 1, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(fitp[i]);
                            grid[i + 1, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(f.p[i], typeof(double));
                            if (covar == null)
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("", typeof(string));
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(Math.Sqrt(covar[i, i]), typeof(double));
                            grid[i + 1, 3].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;
                        covar = null;

                    plength = f.p.Length;
                if (f == null)
                    grid.RowsCount    = 4;
                    grid.ColumnsCount = 1;
                    grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                    grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                    grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                    grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                oldf               = f;
                Q.Text             = "";
                chisq.Text         = "";
                covariance.Enabled = covar != null;
                fitpok             = false;
                for (i = 0; i < fitp.Length; i++)
                    if (fitp[i])
                        fitpok = true;
                start.Enabled = (f != null && data != null && fitpok);
                neval.Text    = "";