Exemplo n.º 1
        public Task <SeedingReport> SeedSeeds(SeedBucketStartup seedBucketStartup, params Type[] seedTypes)
            // TODO: Checks. Not null, all seeds from the same seed bucket etc, must have seed bucket.
            // TODO: Workaround so far. Just pick up the first seed bucket.

            var seedBucketType = seedTypes.First().Assembly.GetTypes().First(type => typeof(SeedBucket).IsAssignableFrom(type));

            var filter = new FullNameEqualsSeedableFilter(seedTypes.Select(type => type.FullName).ToArray());

            return(SeedSeedBucket(seedBucketType, seedBucketStartup, filter));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // TODO: What to return? SeedingReport? How to name the method so that it is clear that it seeds?
        public async Task <object[]> GetYieldsFor(Type?seedBucketStartupType, params Type[] yieldOfTypes)
            // TODO: Checks. All yieldofs, no repeating etc.

            var result = new object[yieldOfTypes.Length];

            // TODO: Get the meta information, check it does not have any errors and out of it the seed types of these yields and seed only those seeds.
            // TODO: So far just grab the seed bucket and seed it all.
            var seedBucketType = yieldOfTypes.First().Assembly.GetTypes().First(type => typeof(SeedBucket).IsAssignableFrom(type));
            var seedTypes      = yieldOfTypes.Select(yieldOfType => yieldOfType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
            var filter         = new FullNameEqualsSeedableFilter(seedTypes.Select(type => type.FullName).ToArray());
            var seedingReport  = seedBucketStartupType != null ? await SeedSeedBucket(seedBucketType, seedBucketStartupType, filter) : await SeedSeedBucket(seedBucketType, filter);

            if (seedingReport.Status != SeedingStatus.Succeeded)
                throw new Exception();                                                  // TODO: Define how to return data and error status.
            // TODO: Brute force so far and a bunch of copy paste. In the production version refactor everything so that the needed objects are there.
            IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();


            // TODO: Ugly workaround just to quickly get the seed bucket startup type. All this will need a super heavy refactoring one day it goes productive :-)
            if (seedBucketStartupType is null)
                seedBucketStartupType = seedBucketType.Assembly.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(type => type.IsSeedBucketStartupType());

            if (seedBucketStartupType != null)
                var startup = (SeedBucketStartup)ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(), seedBucketStartupType);


            var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

            for (var i = 0; i < yieldOfTypes.Length; i++)
                var yieldOfType = yieldOfTypes[i];

                var yieldingSeed = (ISeed)ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(serviceProvider, yieldOfType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0]);

                var yield = ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(serviceProvider, yieldOfType);

                var seedPropertyOnYield = yield.GetType().GetProperty("Seed", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance);

                seedPropertyOnYield.SetValue(yield, yieldingSeed);

                result[i] = yield;
