private void LoadAll()
            var flags    = new Dictionary <string, ItemDescriptor>();
            var segments = new Dictionary <string, ItemDescriptor>();

            foreach (var path in _paths)
                    var content = _fileReader.ReadAllText(path);
                    var data    = _parser.Parse(content);
                    _dataMerger.AddToData(data, flags, segments);
                catch (FileNotFoundException) when(_skipMissingPaths)
                    _logger.Debug("{0}: {1}", path, "File not found");
                catch (Exception e)
                    LogHelpers.LogException(_logger, "Failed to load " + path, e);
            var allData = new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>(
                ImmutableDictionary.Create <DataKind, KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor> >()
                .SetItem(DataModel.Features, new KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor>(flags))
                .SetItem(DataModel.Segments, new KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor>(segments))

            _loadedValidData = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static void VerifyDataSetOrder(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> resultData, FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> inputData,
                                                List <KeyValuePair <DataKind, List <KeyOrderConstraint> > > expectedOrdering)
            // Verify that there are the right number of data kinds in the right order
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdering.Select(kv => kv.Key).ToList(),
                         resultData.Data.Select(kv => kv.Key).ToList());

            foreach (var kindAndItems in resultData.Data)
                var inputItemsForKind = inputData.Data.First(kv => kv.Key == kindAndItems.Key).Value;

                // Verify that all of the input items are present, regardless of order
                Assert.Equal(new HashSet <KeyValuePair <string, ItemDescriptor> >(kindAndItems.Value.Items),
                             new HashSet <KeyValuePair <string, ItemDescriptor> >(inputItemsForKind.Items));

                // Verify that for any two keys where we care about their relative ordering, they are in the right order
                // (keys where the relative ordering doesn't matter, i.e. there are no prerequisites involved, are simply
                // omitted from the constraint list)
                var constraints = expectedOrdering.Where(kv => kv.Key == kindAndItems.Key).Select(kv => kv.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                var resultKeys  = kindAndItems.Value.Items.Select(kv => kv.Key).ToList();
                foreach (var constraint in constraints ?? new List <KeyOrderConstraint>())
                    int indexOfEarlierKey = resultKeys.IndexOf(constraint.EarlierKey);
                    int indexOfLaterKey   = resultKeys.IndexOf(constraint.LaterKey);
                    Assert.True(indexOfEarlierKey < indexOfLaterKey,
                                String.Format("In \"{0}\", \"{1}\" should be updated before \"{2}\"; actual key order was {3}",
                                              kindAndItems.Key.Name, constraint.EarlierKey, constraint.LaterKey, resultKeys));
        public void DataSetIsPassedToDataStoreInCorrectOrder()
            // The underlying functionality here is also covered in DataStoreSorterTest, but we want to verify that the
            // client object is actually *using* DataStoreSorter.

            var mockStore = new Mock <IDataStore>();
            var store     = mockStore.Object;
            FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> receivedData = new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>();

            mockStore.Setup(s => s.Init(It.IsAny <FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> >()))
            .Callback((FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data) => {
                receivedData = data;

            mockDataSource.Setup(up => up.Start()).Returns(initTask);

            var config = Configuration.Builder(sdkKey)

            using (var client = new LdClient(config))
                DataStoreSorterTest.VerifyDataSetOrder(receivedData, DataStoreSorterTest.DependencyOrderingTestData,
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static PutData ParsePutData(byte[] json)
            var r = JReader.FromUtf8Bytes(json);

                string path = null;
                FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data = new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>();

                for (var obj = r.Object().WithRequiredProperties(_putRequiredProperties); obj.Next(ref r);)
                    if (obj.Name == "path")
                        path = r.String();
                    else if (obj.Name == "data")
                        data = ParseFullDataset(ref r);
                return(new PutData(path, data));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw r.TranslateException(e);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public UCProductAll(FullDataSet source, bool isNds)
            thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MainForm.DoSplash));


            productBindingSource.DataSource = new DataView(source.Product, "IsNds=" + isNds.ToString() + " and ID<>0", null, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows | DataViewRowState.Added | DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent);

            this.unitBindingSource.DataSource = source.Unit;

            this.storageConditionBindingSource.DataSource = source.StorageCondition;
            this.substanceBindingSource.DataSource        = source.Substance;
            this.farmGroupLevel2BindingSource.DataSource  = source.FarmGroupLevel2;
            this.packingBindingSource.DataSource          = source.Packing;

            _isnds = isNds;

            _changes = new DataView(source.Product, null, null, DataViewRowState.Added | DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent | DataViewRowState.Deleted);

            _changes.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(_changes_ListChanged);

            _product = source.Product;
        public void Init(User user, FullDataSet data)
            _dataStore.Init(user, data, true);

            ImmutableDictionary <string, FeatureFlag> oldValues, newValues;

            lock (_lastValuesLock)
                _lastValues.TryGetValue(user.Key, out oldValues);
                var builder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder <string, FeatureFlag>();
                foreach (var newEntry in data.Items)
                    var newFlag = newEntry.Value.Item;
                    if (newFlag != null)
                        builder.Add(newEntry.Key, newFlag);
                newValues   = builder.ToImmutable();
                _lastValues = _lastValues.SetItem(user.Key, newValues);

            UpdateStatus(DataSourceState.Valid, null);

            if (oldValues != null)
                List <FlagValueChangeEvent> events = new List <FlagValueChangeEvent>();

                foreach (var newEntry in newValues)
                    var newFlag = newEntry.Value;
                    if (oldValues.TryGetValue(newEntry.Key, out var oldFlag))
                        if (newFlag.Variation != oldFlag.Variation)
                            events.Add(new FlagValueChangeEvent(newEntry.Key,
                                                                oldFlag.Value, newFlag.Value, false));
                        events.Add(new FlagValueChangeEvent(newEntry.Key,
                                                            LdValue.Null, newFlag.Value, false));
                foreach (var oldEntry in oldValues)
                    if (!newValues.ContainsKey(oldEntry.Key))
                        events.Add(new FlagValueChangeEvent(oldEntry.Key,
                                                            oldEntry.Value.Value, LdValue.Null, true));
                foreach (var e in events)
                    _taskExecutor.ScheduleEvent(e, FlagValueChanged);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public TReturn Max <TReturn>(Expression <Func <TObject, TReturn> > predicate, Expression <Func <TObject, bool> > clause)
     if (FullDataSet.Any(clause))
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void VerifyNoFlagValues(ILdClient client, FullDataSet flags)
     foreach (var e in flags.Items)
         Assert.Equal(LdValue.Null, client.JsonVariation(e.Key, LdValue.Null));
 public void Init(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
     foreach (var coll in allData.Data)
         _db.DataForPrefix(_prefix)[coll.Key] = new Dictionary <string, SerializedItemDescriptor>(coll.Value.Items);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void RemoveAll(Expression <Func <TObject, bool> > predicate)
            var objects = Filter(predicate);

            foreach (var obj in objects)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void PrerequisiteFlagsAreUpdatedBeforeFlagsThatUseThemWhenInputDataIsReversed()
            var inputDataWithReverseOrder = new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>(DependencyOrderingTestData.Data.Reverse().Select(kv =>
                                                                                                                              new KeyValuePair <DataKind, KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor> >(kv.Key,
                                                                                                                                                                                        new KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor>(kv.Value.Items.Reverse()))
            var sortedData = DataStoreSorter.SortAllCollections(inputDataWithReverseOrder);

            VerifyDataSetOrder(sortedData, DependencyOrderingTestData, ExpectedOrderingForSortedDataSet);
Exemplo n.º 12
 // Ensures that a data set is sorted by namespace and then by key
 internal static FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> NormalizeDataSet(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data) =>
 new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>(
     data.Data.OrderBy(kindAndItems => kindAndItems.Key.Name)
     .Select(kindAndItems => new KeyValuePair <DataKind, KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor> >(
                 new KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor>(
                     kindAndItems.Value.Items.OrderBy(keyAndItem => keyAndItem.Key)
 private static async Task Init(IDisposable store, FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
     if (store is IPersistentDataStore syncStore)
         await(store as IPersistentDataStoreAsync).InitAsync(allData);
        private ImmutableDictionary <DataKind, ImmutableDictionary <string, ItemDescriptor> > FullDataSetToMap(
            FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> allData)
            var builder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder <DataKind, ImmutableDictionary <string, ItemDescriptor> >();

            foreach (var e in allData.Data)
                builder.Add(e.Key, e.Value.Items.ToImmutableDictionary());
        public static FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> SortAllCollections(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> allData)
            var dataOut = new SortedDictionary <DataKind, KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor> >(

            foreach (var entry in allData.Data)
                var kind = entry.Key;
                dataOut.Add(kind, new KeyedItems <ItemDescriptor>(SortCollection(kind, entry.Value.Items)));
            return(new FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor>(dataOut));
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal void DoInit(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data)
     _log.Debug("using initial test data:\n{0}",
                LogValues.Defer(() =>
                                string.Join("\n", data.Data.Select(coll =>
                                                                   coll.Key.Name + ":\n" + string.Join("\n", coll.Value.Items.Select(kv =>
 public void Init(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
     foreach (var e in allData.Data)
         var kind = e.Key;
         Data[kind] = e.Value.Items.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => StorableItem(kind, kv.Value));
     Inited = true;
 private void UpdateDependencyTrackerFromFullDataSet(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> allData)
     foreach (var e0 in allData.Data)
         var kind = e0.Key;
         foreach (var e1 in e0.Value.Items)
             var key = e1.Key;
             _dependencyTracker.UpdateDependenciesFrom(kind, key, e1.Value);
 private Exception InitCore(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
     catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 20
        internal static JsonTestValue DataSetAsJson(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data)
            var ob0 = LdValue.BuildObject();

            foreach (var kv0 in data.Data)
                var ob1 = LdValue.BuildObject();
                foreach (var kv1 in kv0.Value.Items)
                    ob1.Add(kv1.Key, LdValue.Parse(kv0.Key.Serialize(kv1.Value)));
                ob0.Add(kv0.Key.Name, ob1.Build());
        public void Init(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> items)
            lock (_cachedDataKinds)
                foreach (var kv in items.Data)

            var serializedItems = items.Data.ToImmutableDictionary(
                kindAndItems => kindAndItems.Key,
                kindAndItems => SerializeAll(kindAndItems.Key, kindAndItems.Value.Items)
            Exception failure = InitCore(new FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor>(serializedItems));

            if (_itemCache != null && _allCache != null)
                if (failure != null && !_caching.IsInfiniteTtl)
                    // Normally, if the underlying store failed to do the update, we do not want to update the cache -
                    // the idea being that it's better to stay in a consistent state of having old data than to act
                    // like we have new data but then suddenly fall back to old data when the cache expires. However,
                    // if the cache TTL is infinite, then it makes sense to update the cache always.
                    throw failure;
                foreach (var e0 in items.Data)
                    var kind = e0.Key;
                    _allCache.Set(kind, e0.Value.Items.ToImmutableDictionary());
                    foreach (var e1 in e0.Value.Items)
                        _itemCache.Set(new CacheKey(kind, e1.Key), e1.Value);
            if (failure is null || _caching.IsInfiniteTtl)
                _inited = true;
            if (failure != null)
                throw failure;
Exemplo n.º 22
        internal static string MakeJsonData(FullDataSet data)
            var w = JWriter.New();

            using (var ow = w.Object())
                foreach (var item in data.Items)
                    if (item.Value.Item != null)
                        FeatureFlagJsonConverter.WriteJsonValue(item.Value.Item, ow.Name(item.Key));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task InitAsync(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
            // Start by reading the existing keys; we will later delete any of these that weren't in allData.
            var unusedOldKeys = await ReadExistingKeys(allData.Data.Select(collection => collection.Key));

            var requests = new List <WriteRequest>();
            var numItems = 0;

            // Insert or update every provided item
            foreach (var collection in allData.Data)
                var kind = collection.Key;
                foreach (var keyAndItem in collection.Value.Items)
                    var encodedItem = MarshalItem(kind, keyAndItem.Key, keyAndItem.Value);
                    if (!CheckSizeLimit(encodedItem))
                    requests.Add(new WriteRequest(new PutRequest(encodedItem)));

                    var combinedKey = new Tuple <string, string>(NamespaceForKind(kind), keyAndItem.Key);


            // Now delete any previously existing items whose keys were not in the current data
            foreach (var combinedKey in unusedOldKeys)
                if (combinedKey.Item1 != InitedKey)
                    var keys = MakeKeysMap(combinedKey.Item1, combinedKey.Item2);
                    requests.Add(new WriteRequest(new DeleteRequest(keys)));

            // Now set the special key that we check in initializedInternal()
            var initedItem = MakeKeysMap(InitedKey, InitedKey);

            requests.Add(new WriteRequest(new PutRequest(initedItem)));

            await DynamoDBHelpers.BatchWriteRequestsAsync(_client, _tableName, requests);

            _log.Info("Initialized data store with {0} items", numItems);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public async Task InitAsync(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
            // Start by reading the existing keys; we will later delete any of these that weren't in allData.
            var keysResult = await _client.KV.Keys(_prefix);

            var unusedOldKeys = keysResult.Response == null ? new HashSet <string>() :
                                new HashSet <string>(keysResult.Response);

            var ops      = new List <KVTxnOp>();
            var numItems = 0;

            // Insert or update every provided item
            foreach (var collection in allData.Data)
                var kind = collection.Key;
                foreach (var keyAndItem in collection.Value.Items)
                    var key = ItemKey(kind, keyAndItem.Key);
                    var op  = new KVTxnOp(key, KVTxnVerb.Set)
                        Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyAndItem.Value.SerializedItem)

            // Now delete any previously existing items whose keys were not in the current data
            foreach (var oldKey in unusedOldKeys)
                ops.Add(new KVTxnOp(oldKey, KVTxnVerb.Delete));

            // Now set the special key that we check in InitializedInternalAsync()
            var initedOp = new KVTxnOp(InitedKey, KVTxnVerb.Set)
                Value = new byte[0]


            await BatchOperationsAsync(ops);

            _log.Info("Initialized data store with {0} items", numItems);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static void DataSetsEqual(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> expected, FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> actual)
            var    expectedNorm = TestUtils.NormalizeDataSet(expected);
            var    actualNorm = TestUtils.NormalizeDataSet(actual);
            var    ok = false;
            string expectedDesc = null, actualDesc = null;

            if (expectedNorm.Data.Count() == actualNorm.Data.Count())
                ok = true;
                for (var i = 0; ok && i < expectedNorm.Data.Count(); i++)
                    var ec = expectedNorm.Data.ElementAt(i);
                    var ac = actualNorm.Data.ElementAt(i);
                    if (ac.Key != ec.Key)
                        ok = false;
                        var kind = ac.Key;
                        for (var j = 0; ok && j < ec.Value.Items.Count(); j++)
                            var ei = ec.Value.Items.ElementAt(j);
                            var ai = ac.Value.Items.ElementAt(j);
                            if (ai.Key != ei.Key || !ItemsEqual(kind, ei.Value, ai.Value))
                                expectedDesc = DescribeDataCollection(kind, ei);
                                actualDesc   = DescribeDataCollection(kind, ai);
                                ok           = false;
            if (!ok)
                if (expectedDesc is null)
                    expectedDesc = DescribeDataSet(expectedNorm);
                    actualDesc   = DescribeDataSet(actualNorm);
                Assert.True(false, string.Format("data set mismatch:\nexpected: {0}\nactual: {1}",
                                                 expectedDesc, actualDesc));
        public static string ToJsonString(this FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> data)
            var ob0 = LdValue.BuildObject();

            foreach (var kv0 in data.Data)
                if (kv0.Key == DataModel.Features || kv0.Key == DataModel.Segments)
                    var ob1 = LdValue.BuildObject();
                    foreach (var kv1 in kv0.Value.Items)
                        ob1.Add(kv1.Key, LdValue.Parse(kv0.Key.Serialize(kv1.Value)));
                    ob0.Add(kv0.Key == DataModel.Features ? "flags" : "segments", ob1.Build());
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void EvaluationUsesDataStoreIfClientIsNotInitedButStoreIsInited()
            var dataStore = new InMemoryDataStore();

            dataStore.Init(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> .Empty());
            var flag = new FeatureFlagBuilder("key").OffWithValue(LdValue.Of(1)).Build();

            TestUtils.UpsertFlag(dataStore, flag);

            var config = BasicConfig()

            using (var client = new LdClient(config))
                Assert.Equal(1, client.IntVariation("key", User.WithKey("user"), 0));
        public void Init(FullDataSet <SerializedItemDescriptor> allData)
            IDatabase    db  = _redis.GetDatabase();
            ITransaction txn = db.CreateTransaction();

            foreach (var collection in allData.Data)
                string key = ItemsKey(collection.Key);
                foreach (var item in collection.Value.Items)
                    txn.HashSetAsync(key, item.Key, item.Value.SerializedItem);
                    // Note, these methods are async because this Redis client treats all actions
                    // in a transaction as async - they are only sent to Redis when we execute the
                    // transaction. We don't need to await them.
            txn.StringSetAsync(_initedKey, "");
        public bool Init(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> allData)
            ImmutableDictionary <DataKind, ImmutableDictionary <string, ItemDescriptor> > oldData = null;

                if (HasFlagChangeListeners())
                    // Query the existing data if any, so that after the update we can send events for
                    // whatever was changed
                    var oldDataBuilder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder <DataKind,
                                                                            ImmutableDictionary <string, ItemDescriptor> >();
                    foreach (var kind in DataModel.AllDataKinds)
                        var items = _store.GetAll(kind);
                        oldDataBuilder.Add(kind, items.Items.ToImmutableDictionary());
                    oldData = oldDataBuilder.ToImmutable();
                _lastStoreUpdateFailed = false;
            catch (Exception e)

            // We must always update the dependency graph even if we don't currently have any event listeners, because if
            // listeners are added later, we don't want to have to reread the whole data store to compute the graph

            // Now, if we previously queried the old data because someone is listening for flag change events, compare
            // the versions of all items and generate events for those (and any other items that depend on them)
            if (oldData != null)
                SendChangeEvents(ComputeChangedItemsForFullDataSet(oldData, FullDataSetToMap(allData)));

        public void EvaluationUsesDataStoreIfClientIsNotInitedButStoreIsInited()
            var dataStore = new InMemoryDataStore();

            dataStore.Init(FullDataSet <ItemDescriptor> .Empty());
            var flag = new FeatureFlagBuilder("key").OffWithValue(LdValue.Of(1)).Build();

            TestUtils.UpsertFlag(dataStore, flag);

            var config = Configuration.Builder(sdkKey).StartWaitTime(TimeSpan.Zero)

            using (var client = new LdClient(config))
                Assert.Equal(1, client.IntVariation("key", User.WithKey("user"), 0));
Exemplo n.º 31
 public virtual int Fill(FullDataSet.ProductDataTable dataTable, System.Nullable<bool> isnds) {
     this.Adapter.SelectCommand = this.CommandCollection[0];
     if ((isnds.HasValue == true)) {
         this.Adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters[1].Value = ((bool)(isnds.Value));
     else {
         this.Adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters[1].Value = System.DBNull.Value;
     if ((this.ClearBeforeFill == true)) {
     int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable);
     return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 32
 public virtual int FillByName(FullDataSet.ProductDataTable dataTable, string name) {
     this.Adapter.SelectCommand = this.CommandCollection[1];
     if ((name == null)) {
         this.Adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters[1].Value = System.DBNull.Value;
     else {
         this.Adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters[1].Value = ((string)(name));
     if ((this.ClearBeforeFill == true)) {
     int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable);
     return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 33
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet.SubstanceDataTable dataTable) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet dataSet) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "Substance");
Exemplo n.º 35
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet dataSet) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "Unit");
Exemplo n.º 36
 public virtual int Fill(FullDataSet.SubstanceDataTable dataTable) {
     this.Adapter.SelectCommand = this.CommandCollection[0];
     if ((this.ClearBeforeFill == true)) {
     int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable);
     return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 37
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet dataSet) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "StorageCondition");
Exemplo n.º 38
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet.UnitDataTable dataTable) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet.StorageConditionDataTable dataTable) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);
Exemplo n.º 40
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet dataSet) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "Manufacturer");
Exemplo n.º 41
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet.ManufacturerDataTable dataTable) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);
Exemplo n.º 42
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet dataSet) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "FarmGroupLevel2");
Exemplo n.º 43
 public virtual int Update(FullDataSet.FarmGroupLevel2DataTable dataTable) {
     return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);