Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively restores OriginalPath and the 'locked' icon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userFileSystemNewPath">Path in the user file system to start recursive processing.</param>
        private async Task MoveToCompletionRecursiveAsync(string userFileSystemNewPath)
            if (FsPath.IsFolder(userFileSystemNewPath))
                if (!new DirectoryInfo(userFileSystemNewPath).Attributes.HasFlag(System.IO.FileAttributes.Offline))
                    //LogMessage("Folder offline, skipping:", userFileSystemFolderPath);

                    IEnumerable <string> userFileSystemChildren = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(userFileSystemNewPath, "*");

                    foreach (string userFileSystemChildPath in userFileSystemChildren)
                            await MoveToCompletionRecursiveAsync(userFileSystemChildPath);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.LogError("Failed to complete move", userFileSystemChildPath, null, ex);

            if (FsPath.Exists(userFileSystemNewPath) &&         // This check is just to avoid extra error in the log.
                !FsPath.IsRecycleBin(userFileSystemNewPath) &&  // When a file with content is deleted, it is moved to a Recycle Bin.
                !FsPath.AvoidAutoLock(userFileSystemNewPath))   // No need to update temp MS Office docs.
                // Open file to prevent reads and changes between GetFileDataSizeInfo() call and SetInSync() call.
                using (WindowsFileSystemItem userFileSystemWinItem = WindowsFileSystemItem.OpenReadAttributes(userFileSystemNewPath, FileMode.Open, FileShare.None))
                    // If a file with content is deleted it is moved to a recycle bin and converted
                    // to a regular file, so placeholder features are not available on it, checking if a file is a placeholder.
                    if (/*updateTargetOnSuccess &&*/ PlaceholderItem.IsPlaceholder(userFileSystemNewPath))
                        PlaceholderItem placeholderNew = PlaceholderItem.GetItem(userFileSystemNewPath);

                        await virtualDrive.GetUserFileSystemRawItem(userFileSystemNewPath, logger).ClearStateAsync();

                        // Update OriginalPath if the item is not new.
                        // Required for pptx and xlsx files Save As operation.
                        if (!placeholderNew.IsNew(virtualDrive))
                            // Update OriginalPath, so the item does not appear as moved.
                            logger.LogMessage("Setting Original Path", userFileSystemNewPath);

                        // Restore the 'locked' icon.
                        ServerLockInfo existingLock = await virtualDrive.LockManager(userFileSystemNewPath, logger).GetLockInfoAsync();

                        await virtualDrive.GetUserFileSystemRawItem(userFileSystemNewPath, logger).SetLockInfoAsync(existingLock);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Completes move. This method is called by the platform.
        /// To move item manually use the <see cref="MoveToAsync(string)"/> method instead.
        /// Sets In-Sync state based on file content changes,
        /// Updates OriginalPath so the file does not appear as moved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task MoveToCompletionAsync()
            string userFileSystemNewPath = userFileSystemPath;

            if (FsPath.Exists(userFileSystemNewPath) &&         // This check is just to avoid extra error in the log.
                !FsPath.IsRecycleBin(userFileSystemNewPath) &&  // When a file with content is deleted, it is moved to a Recycle Bin.
                !FsPath.AvoidAutoLock(userFileSystemNewPath))   // No need to update temp MS Office docs.
                // Open file to prevent reads and changes between GetFileDataSizeInfo() call and SetInSync() call.
                //using (WindowsFileSystemItem userFileSystemWinItem = WindowsFileSystemItem.OpenReadAttributes(userFileSystemNewPath, FileMode.Open, FileShare.None))
                    // If a file with content is deleted it is moved to a recycle bin and converted
                    // to a regular file, so placeholder features are not available on it, checking if a file is a placeholder.
                    if (/*updateTargetOnSuccess &&*/ PlaceholderItem.IsPlaceholder(userFileSystemNewPath))
                        PlaceholderItem placeholderNew = PlaceholderItem.GetItem(userFileSystemNewPath);
                        // Restore In-sync state.

                         * if (inSync != null)
                         * {
                         *  placeholderNew.SetInSync(inSync.Value);
                         * }
                         * else
                        if (((placeholderNew is PlaceholderFile) && ((PlaceholderFile)placeholderNew).GetFileDataSizeInfo().ModifiedDataSize == 0) ||
                            (placeholderNew is PlaceholderFolder))
                            logger.LogMessage("Setting In-Sync state", userFileSystemNewPath);

                // Recursively restore OriginalPath and the 'locked' icon.
                await MoveToCompletionRecursiveAsync(userFileSystemNewPath);