private void BackupProjectFiles(TempGenerationResult result) { var projectGuid = GenContext.ToolBox.Shell.GetActiveProjectGuid(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectGuid)) { return; } var backupFolder = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), Configuration.Current.BackupFolderPath, projectGuid); var fileName = Path.Combine(backupFolder, "backup.json"); if (Directory.Exists(backupFolder)) { Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(backupFolder); } Fs.EnsureFolder(backupFolder); File.WriteAllText(fileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result), Encoding.UTF8); var modifiedFiles = result.ConflictingFiles.Concat(result.ModifiedFiles); foreach (var file in modifiedFiles) { var originalFile = Path.Combine(GenContext.Current.ProjectPath, file); var backupFile = Path.Combine(backupFolder, file); var destDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(backupFile); Fs.SafeCopyFile(originalFile, destDirectory, true); } }
public void SafeCopyFile_FileDoesNotExist_ShouldCreateNewFileWhileCopying() { var testScenarioName = "FileDoesNotExist"; var directoryToCreate = $"{_testFolder}\\{testScenarioName}"; FSTestsFixture.CreateFolders(_testFolder, new List <string>() { testScenarioName }); var expectedDestinationFile = Path.Combine(directoryToCreate, Path.GetFileName(_sourceFile)); var fileExistsAtStart = File.Exists(expectedDestinationFile); var totalOriginalFiles = Directory.GetFiles(directoryToCreate).Length; Fs.SafeCopyFile(_sourceFile, directoryToCreate, true); var totalNewFiles = Directory.GetFiles(directoryToCreate).Length; var fileHasBeenCreated = totalNewFiles > totalOriginalFiles; Assert.False(fileExistsAtStart); Assert.True(fileHasBeenCreated); Assert.True(File.Exists(expectedDestinationFile)); }
public void ReceiveFile(string FileName, long FileLength) { FileStream Fs = null; try { byte[] RecData = new byte[FilePiece.data_size]; int RecBytes; client = Listener.AcceptTcpClient(); netstream = client.GetStream(); if (FileName != string.Empty) { Fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); while ((RecBytes = netstream.Read(RecData, 0, RecData.Length)) > 0) { Fs.Write(RecData, 0, RecBytes); } Fs.Close(); netstream.Close(); client.Close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Fs.Close(); DestroyConnection(); Message = "COPY: Not enough space on disk: " + ex; Console.WriteLine(Message); error = true; } catch { error = true; Fs.Close(); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(ints = {0, 1}) void swappingOutMustNotOverwriteDataBeyondPage(int noChannelStriping) throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: internal virtual void SwappingOutMustNotOverwriteDataBeyondPage(int noChannelStriping) { sbyte[] initialData = new sbyte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; sbyte[] finalData = new sbyte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 6, 5, 9, 10 }; StoreChannel channel = Fs.create(File); channel.WriteAll(Wrap(initialData)); channel.close(); sbyte[] change = new sbyte[] { 8, 7, 6, 5 }; long page = CreatePage(change); PageSwapperFactory factory = CreateSwapperFactory(); PageSwapper swapper = CreateSwapper(factory, File, 4, null, false, Bool(noChannelStriping)); swapper.Write(1, page); Stream stream = Fs.openAsInputStream(File); sbyte[] actual = new sbyte[( int )Fs.getFileSize(File)]; assertThat(stream.Read(actual, 0, actual.Length), @is(actual.Length)); assertThat(actual, byteArray(finalData)); }
private async Task BuildProjectAndRunWackAsync(string projectType, string framework, string platform, string language, Func <ITemplateInfo, bool> templateSelector) { var projectName = $"{projectType}{framework}Wack{ShortLanguageName(language)}Wpf"; var projectPath = await AssertGenerateProjectAsync(projectName, projectType, framework, platform, language, templateSelector, GenerationFixture.GetDefaultName); // Replace the default assets in the generated project or they will cause WACK to fail foreach (var assetFile in new DirectoryInfo("../../TestData/NonDefaultAssets").GetFiles("*.png")) { File.Copy(assetFile.FullName, Path.Combine(GenContext.Current.DestinationPath + ".Packaging", "Images", assetFile.Name), overwrite: true); } var packagingProjectName = projectName + ".Packaging"; // Create MSIXBundle // NOTE. This is very slow. (i.e. ~10+ mins) as it does a full release build including all .net native compilation var(exitCode, outputFile) = _fixture.BuildMsixBundle(projectName, projectPath, packagingProjectName, "wapproj", "bat\\Wpf\\RestoreAndBuildAppx.bat"); Assert.True(exitCode.Equals(0), $"Failed to create MsixBundle for {packagingProjectName}. {Environment.NewLine}Errors found: {_fixture.GetErrorLines(outputFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(outputFile)} for more details."); var bundleFile = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(projectPath, packagingProjectName, "AppPackages")).GetFiles("*.msixbundle", SearchOption.AllDirectories).First().FullName; // Run WACK test // NOTE. This requires elevation. If not elevated you'll get a UAC prompt var wackResult = _fixture.RunWackTestOnMsixBundle(bundleFile, projectPath); Assert.True(wackResult.exitCode.Equals(0), $"Failed to create MsixBundle for {packagingProjectName}. {Environment.NewLine}Errors found: {_fixture.GetErrorLines(wackResult.outputFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(wackResult.outputFile)} for more details."); var overallSuccessXml = @"OVERALL_RESULT=""PASS"""; var wackResultOutput = File.ReadAllText(wackResult.resultFile); Assert.True(wackResultOutput.Contains(overallSuccessXml), $"WACK test failed for {projectName}.{Environment.NewLine}Please see {Path.GetFullPath(wackResult.resultFile)} for more details."); Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(projectPath); }
public void EnsureFileEditable_FileIsReadOnly_ShouldChangeToReadOnly() { var testScenarioName = "FileIsReadOnly"; var fileToEdit = $"{_testFolder}\\{testScenarioName}"; try { FSTestsFixture.CreateFiles(_testFolder, new List <string> { testScenarioName }, true); Fs.EnsureFileEditable(fileToEdit); var newFileInfo = new FileInfo(fileToEdit); Assert.False(newFileInfo.IsReadOnly); } finally { _ = new FileInfo(fileToEdit) { IsReadOnly = false, }; } }
public void StartRending(System.IO.DirectoryInfo baseTempDir, List <VocalUtau.Calculators.BarkerCalculator.BgmPreRender> BList, string RendToWav = "") { _IsRending = true; _ExitRending = false; if (RendingStateChange != null) { RendingStateChange(this); } string ProcessIDStr = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); DirectoryInfo tempDir = baseTempDir.CreateSubdirectory("temp"); DirectoryInfo cacheDir = baseTempDir.CreateSubdirectory("cache"); string TrackFileName = tempDir.FullName + "\\Bgm_" + CacheSignal + ".wav"; FileStream Fs; headSize = InitFile(out Fs, TrackFileName); Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1, 1, "VocalUtau.WavTool." + ProcessIDStr + ".Bgm_" + CacheSignal); for (int i = 0; i < BList.Count; i++) { if (BList[i].DelayTime > 0) { int ByteTime = (int)(IOHelper.NormalPcmMono16_Format.AverageBytesPerSecond * BList[i].DelayTime); ByteTime -= ByteTime % 2; byte[] byteL = new byte[ByteTime]; Array.Clear(byteL, 0, ByteTime); Fs.Write(byteL, 0, ByteTime); } semaphore.WaitOne(); try { int ByteTime = (int)(IOHelper.NormalPcmMono16_Format.AverageBytesPerSecond * BList[i].PassTime); ByteTime -= ByteTime % 2; using (NAudio.Wave.AudioFileReader reader = new NAudio.Wave.AudioFileReader(BList[i].FilePath)) { int JumpLoops = ByteTime / 2; using (NAudio.Wave.Wave32To16Stream w16 = new NAudio.Wave.Wave32To16Stream(reader)) { using (NAudio.Wave.WaveStream wfmt = new NAudio.Wave.BlockAlignReductionStream(w16)) { using (NAudio.Wave.WaveStream wout = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionStream(IOHelper.NormalPcmMono16_Format, wfmt)) { while (wout.Position < wout.Length) { if (_ExitRending) { break; } byte[] by = new byte[2]; int rd = wout.Read(by, 0, 2); if (JumpLoops > 0) { JumpLoops--; } else { Fs.Write(by, 0, 2); } /* for (int w = 1; w < w16.WaveFormat.Channels; w++) * { * int rdr = w16.Read(by, 0, 2); * }*/ } } } } } } catch {; } Fs.Flush(); semaphore.Release(); if (_ExitRending) { break; } } _IsRending = false; long total = Fs.Length; byte[] head = IOHelper.GenerateHead((int)(total - headSize)); Fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Fs.Write(head, 0, head.Length); Fs.Flush(); Fs.Close(); _ExitRending = false; if (RendingStateChange != null) { RendingStateChange(this); } if (RendToWav != "") { File.Copy(TrackFileName, RendToWav, true); try { File.Delete(TrackFileName); } catch {; } } }
public AzureBlobFileSystemTests() { this.RootDirectory = Fs.GetDirectory("testroot"); }
public async Task EnsureReswResourceInGeneratedProjectsAreUsedAsync(string projectType, string framework, string platform, string language) { var projectName = $"{projectType}{framework}Resw"; var resultPath = await GenerateProjectForTestingAsync(projectName, projectType, framework, platform, language); var reswFilePath = Path.Combine(resultPath, projectName, "strings", "en-us", "Resources.resw"); var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.Load(reswFilePath); var searchTerms = new List <string>(); foreach (XmlElement element in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName("data")) { var interestedPartOfName = element.Attributes["name"].Value; if (interestedPartOfName.Contains(".")) { interestedPartOfName = interestedPartOfName.Substring(0, interestedPartOfName.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (!searchTerms.Contains(interestedPartOfName)) { searchTerms.Add(interestedPartOfName); } } foreach (var fileExt in new[] { "*.xaml", "*.appxmanifest", "*.cs" }) { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(resultPath, fileExt, SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(file); for (var i = searchTerms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var usage = searchTerms[i]; string usage2 = null; switch (fileExt) { case "*.appxmanifest": usage = "ms-resource:" + usage; usage2 = null; break; case "*.cs": usage = $"\"{usage}\".GetLocalized()"; usage2 = usage.Replace("\".Get", "/Header\".Get"); break; case "*.xaml": usage = $"x:Uid=\"{usage}\""; usage2 = null; break; } if (fileContents.Contains(usage)) { searchTerms.RemoveAt(i); } if (usage2 != null && fileContents.Contains(usage2)) { searchTerms.RemoveAt(i); } } } } Assert.True(searchTerms.Count == 0, $"Unused string resources: {string.Join(", ", searchTerms)}"); Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(resultPath); }
protected static void Copy(string sourceFolder, string targetFolder) { Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(targetFolder); Fs.CopyRecursive(sourceFolder, targetFolder); }
private void OpenAllNcas() { string[] files = Fs.GetFileSystemEntries(ContentsDir, "*.nca", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { Nca nca = null; try { bool isNax0; IStorage storage = OpenSplitNcaStream(Fs, file); if (storage == null) { continue; } using (var reader = new BinaryReader(storage.AsStream(), Encoding.Default, true)) { reader.BaseStream.Position = 0x20; isNax0 = reader.ReadUInt32() == 0x3058414E; // NAX0 reader.BaseStream.Position = 0; } if (isNax0) { string sdPath = "/" + Util.GetRelativePath(file, ContentsDir).Replace('\\', '/'); var nax0 = new Nax0(Keyset, storage, sdPath, false); nca = new Nca(Keyset, nax0.BaseStorage, false); } else { nca = new Nca(Keyset, storage, false); } nca.NcaId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string extension = nca.Header.ContentType == ContentType.Meta ? ".cnmt.nca" : ".nca"; nca.Filename = nca.NcaId + extension; } catch (MissingKeyException ex) { if (ex.Name == null) { Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message} File:\n{file}"); } else { string name = ex.Type == KeyType.Title ? $"Title key for rights ID {ex.Name}" : ex.Name; Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message}\nKey: {name}\nFile: {file}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message} File: {file}"); } if (nca?.NcaId != null) { Ncas.Add(nca.NcaId, nca); } } }
private static void ScanAFile(FileInfo f) { Debug.WriteLine(f.FullName); Stream fStream; int errorCode = IO.FileStream.OpenFileRead(f.FullName, out fStream); if (errorCode != 0) { return; } int offset; FileType foundFileType = FileHeaderReader.GetType(fStream, out offset); RvFile tFile = UnCompFiles.CheckSumRead(fStream, offset); tFile.AltType = foundFileType; if (foundFileType == FileType.CHD) { // need to validate check the CHD file } // test if needed. FindStatus res = fileneededTest(tFile); if (res == FindStatus.FileNeededInArchive) { Debug.WriteLine("Reading file as " + tFile.SHA1); GZip gz = new GZip(); gz.crc = tFile.CRC; gz.md5Hash = tFile.MD5; gz.sha1Hash = tFile.SHA1; gz.uncompressedSize = tFile.Size; Stream ds; IO.FileStream.OpenFileRead(f.FullName, out ds); string outfile = Getfilename(tFile.SHA1); gz.WriteGZip(outfile, ds, false); ds.Close(); ds.Dispose(); tFile.DBWrite(); } if (foundFileType == FileType.ZIP) { ZipFile fz = new ZipFile(); fz.ZipFileOpen(f.FullName, f.LastWriteTime, true); { for (int i = 0; i < fz.LocalFilesCount(); i++) { // this needs to go back into the Zip library. int Buffersize = 1024 * 1024; byte[] _buffer = new byte[Buffersize]; Stream stream; ulong streamSize; ushort compressionMethod; fz.ZipFileOpenReadStream(i, false, out stream, out streamSize, out compressionMethod); string file = @"C:\RomVaultX\" + Guid.NewGuid(); Stream Fs; IO.FileStream.OpenFileWrite(file, out Fs); ulong sizetogo = streamSize; while (sizetogo > 0) { int sizenow = sizetogo > (ulong)Buffersize ? Buffersize : (int)sizetogo; stream.Read(_buffer, 0, sizenow); Fs.Write(_buffer, 0, sizenow); sizetogo -= (ulong)sizenow; } Fs.Close(); stream.Close(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); ScanAFile(fi); File.Delete(file); } } } if (foundFileType == FileType.GZ) { } }
protected void WritePageList(Fs appFs, string[] pageNames) { appFs.WriteFile(PagesPath, pageNames.ToJson(true)); }
public async Task EnsureFrameworkLaunchPageVisualsAreEquivalentAsync(string projectType, string page, string[] frameworks) { var genIdentities = new[] { page }; var noClickCount = 0; if (page == "wts.Page.Map") { noClickCount = 1; } else if (page == "wts.Page.Camera") { noClickCount = 2; } ExecutionEnvironment.CheckRunningAsAdmin(); WinAppDriverHelper.CheckIsInstalled(); // MVVMBasic is considered the reference version. Compare generated apps with equivalent in other frameworks var refAppDetails = await SetUpProjectForUiTestComparisonAsync(ProgrammingLanguages.CSharp, projectType, "MVVMBasic", genIdentities, lastPageIsHome : true, createForScreenshots : true); var otherProjDetails = new VisualComparisonTestDetails[frameworks.Length]; bool allTestsPassed = true; var outputMessages = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < frameworks.Length; i++) { string framework = frameworks[i]; otherProjDetails[i] = await SetUpProjectForUiTestComparisonAsync(ProgrammingLanguages.CSharp, projectType, framework, genIdentities, lastPageIsHome : true, createForScreenshots : true); var testProjectDetails = SetUpTestProjectForInitialScreenshotComparison(refAppDetails, otherProjDetails[i], GetExclusionAreasForVisualEquivalencyTest(projectType, page), noClickCount); var(testSuccess, testOutput) = RunWinAppDriverTests(testProjectDetails); if (testSuccess) { UninstallAppx(otherProjDetails[i].PackageFullName); RemoveCertificate(otherProjDetails[i].CertificatePath); // Parent of images folder also contains the test project Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(Path.Combine(testProjectDetails.imagesFolder, "..")); } else { allTestsPassed = false; if (Directory.Exists(testProjectDetails.imagesFolder) && Directory.GetFiles(testProjectDetails.imagesFolder, "*.*-Diff.png").Any()) { outputMessages += $"Failing test images in {testProjectDetails.imagesFolder}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{outputMessages}"; } else { outputMessages += $"{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, testOutput)}"; } } } if (allTestsPassed) { UninstallAppx(refAppDetails.PackageFullName); RemoveCertificate(refAppDetails.CertificatePath); } Assert.True(allTestsPassed, outputMessages.TrimStart()); }
static async Task TestCache1() { var visitor = Fs.NewVisitor("visitor_5678") .WithContext(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["plan"] = "premium" }).Build(); await visitor.FetchFlags(); var flag = visitor.GetFlag("myAwesomeFeature", 1); Console.WriteLine("flagValue: {0}", flag.GetValue()); await visitor.SendHit(new Screen("Screen 1")); Console.WriteLine("Go offline"); Console.ReadKey(); await visitor.SendHit(new Screen("Screen 2")); await visitor.SendHit(new Event(EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "event 1")); await visitor.GetFlag("perso_value", 1).UserExposed(); Console.WriteLine("Go online"); Console.ReadKey(); await visitor.FetchFlags(); visitor = Fs.NewVisitor("visitor_5678") .WithContext(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["plan"] = "premium" }).IsAuthenticated(true).HasConsented(true).Build(); await visitor.FetchFlags(); flag = visitor.GetFlag("myAwesomeFeature", 1); Console.WriteLine("flagValue: {0}", flag.GetValue()); Console.WriteLine("update context"); Console.ReadKey(); visitor.UpdateContext(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["plan"] = "enterprise" }); await visitor.FetchFlags(); Console.WriteLine("flagValue: {0}", flag.GetValue()); Console.WriteLine("SetConsent false"); Console.ReadKey(); visitor.SetConsent(false); await visitor.SendHit(new Screen("Screen 3")); Console.WriteLine("SetConsent true"); Console.ReadKey(); visitor.SetConsent(true); await visitor.FetchFlags(); Console.WriteLine("Go offline"); Console.ReadKey(); visitor.UpdateContext(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["plan"] = "enterprise" }); await visitor.FetchFlags(); flag = visitor.GetFlag("myAwesomeFeature", 1); Console.WriteLine("flagValue: {0}", flag.GetValue()); Console.WriteLine("Go offline"); Console.ReadKey(); await visitor.SendHit(new Screen("Screen 4")); visitor.SetConsent(false); Console.WriteLine("Go online"); Console.WriteLine("Enable panic mode"); Console.ReadKey(); await visitor.FetchFlags(); visitor.SetConsent(true); await visitor.SendHit(new Event(EventCategory.USER_ENGAGEMENT, "Event 2")); await visitor.SendHit(new Transaction("#12345", "affiliation") { Taxes = 19.99, Currency = "USD", CouponCode = "code", ItemCount = 1, ShippingMethod = "road", ShippingCosts = 5, PaymentMethod = "credit_card", TotalRevenue = 199.99 }); await visitor.SendHit(new Item("#12345", "product", "sku123") { Price = 199.99, Quantity = 1, Category = "test", }); await visitor.SendHit(new Event(EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "click") { Label = "label", Value = 100, }); await visitor.FetchFlags(); Console.WriteLine("Disabled panic mode"); Console.ReadKey(); await visitor.FetchFlags(); flag = visitor.GetFlag("myAwesomeFeature", 1); Console.WriteLine("flagValue: {0}", flag.GetValue()); }
//关闭词法分析器 public static void CloseScanner() { Fs?.Close(); }
public void SafeMoveFile_OriginFileDoesNotExist_JustReturns(string filePath, string newfilePath) { Fs.SafeMoveFile(filePath, newfilePath); }
/// <summary> /// Define the fulltext content /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override Return LoadBlobDocument() { //set fulltext Blob = Fs.StrToBlob(cntr.transformText(message.ValueStr("text"), false)); return(base.LoadBlobDocument()); }
public S3FileSystem(string bucketName, IDataDirectoryProvider dataDirectoryProvider, AmazonS3Client amazonS3Client) : base(dataDirectoryProvider, new S3FileService(bucketName, amazonS3Client)) { BucketName = DefaultBucketName; Repository = new DaoRepository(); LocalFs = new Fs(DataDirectoryProvider.GetFilesDirectory()); }
public void SafeDeleteDirectory_DirectoryPathIsNullOrEmpty_ShouldNotThrowException(string rootDir) { Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(rootDir); }
protected void WriteBook(Fs appFs, WebBook webBook) { appFs.WriteFile(BooksPath._Format(webBook.Name), webBook.ToJson(true), true); }
internal double DegreeAtValue(double val) { return(Fs.DegreeAtValue(val)); }
protected async Task <string> AssertGenerateRightClickAsync(string projectName, string projectType, string framework, string language, bool cleanGeneration = true) { await SetUpFixtureForTestingAsync(language); ProjectName = projectName; ProjectPath = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestNewItemPath, projectName, projectName); OutputPath = ProjectPath; var userSelection = await GenerationFixture.SetupProjectAsync(projectType, framework, language); await NewProjectGenController.Instance.UnsafeGenerateProjectAsync(userSelection); var emptyProject = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestNewItemPath, projectName); // Assert on project Assert.True(Directory.Exists(emptyProject)); int emptyProjecFileCount = Directory.GetFiles(emptyProject, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count(); Assert.True(emptyProjecFileCount > 2); // Add new items var rightClickTemplates = GenerationFixture.Templates.Where( t => (t.GetTemplateType() == TemplateType.Feature || t.GetTemplateType() == TemplateType.Page) && t.GetFrameworkList().Contains(framework) && !t.GetIsHidden() && t.GetRightClickEnabled()); foreach (var item in rightClickTemplates) { OutputPath = GenContext.GetTempGenerationPath(projectName); var newUserSelection = new UserSelection { ProjectType = projectType, Framework = framework, HomeName = "", Language = language, ItemGenerationType = ItemGenerationType.GenerateAndMerge }; GenerationFixture.AddItem(newUserSelection, item, GenerationFixture.GetDefaultName); await NewItemGenController.Instance.UnsafeGenerateNewItemAsync(item.GetTemplateType(), newUserSelection); NewItemGenController.Instance.UnsafeFinishGeneration(newUserSelection); } var finalProjectPath = Path.Combine(_fixture.TestNewItemPath, projectName); int finalProjectFileCount = Directory.GetFiles(finalProjectPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count(); Assert.True(finalProjectFileCount > emptyProjecFileCount); // Clean if (cleanGeneration) { Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(finalProjectPath); } return(finalProjectPath); }
public void GetExistingFolderNames_RootDirectoryEmptyOrNull_ShouldReturnEmptyList(string rootDirectory) { var actual = Fs.GetExistingFolderNames(rootDirectory); Assert.Empty(actual); }
public UserFile CreateUserFile(string path = "", string alt = "", string caption = "") { var userFileRecord = new EntityRecord(); if (path.StartsWith("/fs")) { path = path.Substring(3); } var tempFile = Fs.Find(path); if (tempFile == null) { throw new Exception("File not found on that path"); } var newFileId = Guid.NewGuid(); userFileRecord["id"] = newFileId; userFileRecord["alt"] = alt; userFileRecord["caption"] = caption; var fileKilobytes = Math.Round(((decimal)tempFile.GetBytes().Length / 1024), 2); userFileRecord["size"] = fileKilobytes; userFileRecord["name"] = Path.GetFileName(path); var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(path); var mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(path); if (mimeType.StartsWith("image")) { var dimensionsRecord = Helpers.GetImageDimension(tempFile.GetBytes()); userFileRecord["width"] = (decimal)dimensionsRecord["width"]; userFileRecord["height"] = (decimal)dimensionsRecord["height"]; userFileRecord["type"] = "image"; } else if (mimeType.StartsWith("video")) { userFileRecord["type"] = "video"; } else if (mimeType.StartsWith("audio")) { userFileRecord["type"] = "audio"; } else if (fileExtension == ".doc" || fileExtension == ".docx" || fileExtension == ".odt" || fileExtension == ".rtf" || fileExtension == ".txt" || fileExtension == ".pdf" || fileExtension == ".html" || fileExtension == ".htm" || fileExtension == ".ppt" || fileExtension == ".pptx" || fileExtension == ".xls" || fileExtension == ".xlsx" || fileExtension == ".ods" || fileExtension == ".odp") { userFileRecord["type"] = "document"; } else { userFileRecord["type"] = "other"; } var newFilePath = $"/file/{newFileId}/{Path.GetFileName(path)}"; using (DbConnection con = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection()) { con.BeginTransaction(); try { var file = Fs.Move(path, newFilePath, false); if (file == null) { throw new Exception("File move from temp folder failed"); } userFileRecord["path"] = newFilePath; var response = RecMan.CreateRecord("user_file", userFileRecord); if (!response.Success) { throw new Exception(response.Message); } userFileRecord = response.Object.Data.First(); con.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { con.RollbackTransaction(); throw ex; } } return(userFileRecord.MapTo <UserFile>()); }
/// <summary> /// Write 16-bit value to output stream, LSB first /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> protected void WriteShort(int value) { Fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(value & 0xff)); Fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte((value >> 8) & 0xff)); }
public async Task EnsureDefinedUidsHaveResourceEntriesAsync(string projectType, string framework, string platform, string language) { var projectName = $"{projectType}{framework}Uids"; var resultPath = await GenerateProjectForTestingAsync(projectName, projectType, framework, platform, language); var reswFilePath = Path.Combine(resultPath, projectName, "strings", "en-us", "Resources.resw"); var uidsWithoutResources = new List <string>(); var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.Load(reswFilePath); var resources = new List <string>(); foreach (XmlElement element in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName("data")) { var interestedPartOfName = element.Attributes["name"].Value; if (interestedPartOfName.Contains(".")) { interestedPartOfName = interestedPartOfName.Substring(0, interestedPartOfName.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (!resources.Contains(interestedPartOfName)) { resources.Add(interestedPartOfName); } } foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(resultPath, "*.xaml", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(file); if (fileContents.Contains("x:Uid")) { var keepSearching = true; var pos = 0; while (keepSearching) { pos = fileContents.IndexOf("x:Uid=\"", pos + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos >= 0) { var uid = fileContents.Substring(pos + 7, fileContents.IndexOf("\"", pos + 7, StringComparison.Ordinal) - pos - 7); if (!resources.Contains(uid)) { uidsWithoutResources.Add(uid); } } else { keepSearching = false; } } } } var validExceptions = new[] { "CameraPage_CameraControl", "PivotPage" }; foreach (var validException in validExceptions) { uidsWithoutResources.Remove(validException); } Assert.True(uidsWithoutResources.Count == 0, $"Uids without string resources: {string.Join(", ", uidsWithoutResources)}"); Fs.SafeDeleteDirectory(resultPath); }
public void SafeDeleteFile_PathNotFound_ShouldNotThrowException(string filePath) { Fs.SafeDeleteFile(filePath); }
/// <summary> /// Validate the parameter. Error messages are added to the errors collection /// if there are issues with the parameter. /// </summary> public void Validate(IHttpPostParam parameter, ArrayRig <string> errors) { // is default validatation enabled? if (DefaultValidation) { // yes, is the parameter required? bool required = this._attributes.ContainsKey("required"); if (required) { // yes, was the parameter retrieved? if (parameter == null) { // no, add an error errors.Add("Missing a required parameter."); // is the custom validation set? if (OnValidate != null) { // yes, run the custom validation OnValidate.Add(parameter, errors); OnValidate.Run(); } return; } } else if (parameter == null) { return; } string name; // validate the input value name if (parameter.Params.TryGetValue("name", out name)) { if (!name.Equals(this["name"], StringComparison.Ordinal)) { errors.Add("Input element name mismatch."); return; } } else { name = this["name"]; if (name == null) { errors.Add("Attribute 'name' missing."); return; } } // has the friendly name been assigned? yes, replace it in messages. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FriendlyName)) { name = FriendlyName; } // get the post parameter as its correct type HttpPostParam <string> paramString = parameter as HttpPostParam <string>; HttpPostParam <ArrayRig <byte> > paramBinary = null; if (paramString == null) { paramBinary = parameter as HttpPostParam <ArrayRig <byte> >; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramString.Value)) { // is the parameter required? yes, add an error if (required) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); } // no, skip validation else { return; } } else if (paramString.Value.Length > MaxLength) { errors.Add("Exceeded maximum characters (" + MaxLength + ") for " + name + "."); return; } else if (paramString.Value.Length < MinLength) { errors.Add("Entered value was shorter than the minimum length (" + MinLength + ") for " + name + "."); return; } else if (Regex != null && !Regex.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { // has the title for the input been specified? errors.Add(this["title"] ?? "Invalid entry for " + name + "."); return; } if ((paramString == null || paramString.Value == string.Empty) && (paramBinary == null || paramBinary.Value.Count == 0)) { if (required || _type == InputType.Hidden) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); } return; } // perform default validation based on type switch (_type) { case InputType.Checkbox: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (!paramString.Value.Equals(this["value"])) { errors.Add(name + " has an incorrect value."); return; } break; case InputType.Color: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("Please select a color for " + name + "."); return; } WebColor color; if (!WebColor.TryParse(paramString.Value, out color)) { errors.Add("Incorrect hexadecimal color format. Should be #XXXXXXXX or #XXXXXX or #XXX."); return; } break; case InputType.Date: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("Please select " + name + "."); return; } DateTime date; if (!DateTime.TryParse(paramString.Value, out date)) { errors.Add("Received an incorrect date format."); return; } break; case InputType.DatetimeLocal: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("Please select a date-time for " + name + "."); return; } DateTime dateTime; if (!DateTime.TryParse(paramString.Value, out dateTime)) { errors.Add("Received an incorrect date-time format."); return; } break; case InputType.Email: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (!Efz.Validate.Email(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add("Email appears malformed."); return; } break; case InputType.File: if (paramBinary == null) { errors.Add("You didn't choose a file for " + name + "."); return; } if (paramBinary.Value.Count == 0) { errors.Add("Required file parameter is missing."); } string filename; if (!paramBinary.Params.TryGetValue("filename", out filename) || !Fs.ParseFileName(ref filename)) { errors.Add("The file name of " + name + " was invalid."); return; } // ensure the content type matches accepted types string contentType; if (!paramBinary.Params.TryGetValue("content-type", out contentType)) { errors.Add("Content type of " + name + " was not provided."); return; } // check the accepted file types string accepted; if (_attributes.TryGetValue("accept", out accepted)) { var extension = Mime.GetExtension(contentType); if (extension == string.Empty) { errors.Add("Content type '" + contentType + "' was invalid."); return; } if (!accepted.Contains(Chars.Stop + extension + Chars.Comma) && !accepted.EndsWith(Chars.Stop + extension, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { errors.Add("Accepted file types include '" + accepted + "'."); return; } } break; case InputType.Month: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("You didn't choose a month for " + name + "."); return; } if (paramString.Value.Length != 7 || !RegexMonth.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add(name + " seems malformed."); return; } if (paramString.Value[4] == Chars.Dash) { paramString.Value = paramString.Value.Substring(5) + Chars.Dash + paramString.Value.Substring(0, 4); } break; case InputType.Number: int number; if (!int.TryParse(paramString.Value, out number)) { errors.Add("The " + name + " seems malformed."); return; } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("min")) { int min = _attributes["min"].ToInt32(); if (number < min) { errors.Add(name + " was not within a valid range."); return; } } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("max")) { int max = _attributes["max"].ToInt32(); if (number > max) { errors.Add(name + " was not within a valid range."); return; } } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("step")) { int step = _attributes["step"].ToInt32(); if (number % step != 0) { errors.Add(name + " was not a valid value."); return; } } break; case InputType.Password: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (!RegexPassword.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add("Enter a password with at least four(4) characters."); return; } break; case InputType.Range: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("Value required for " + name + "."); return; } int range; if (!int.TryParse(paramString.Value, out range)) { errors.Add("Invalid " + name + " value received."); return; } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("min")) { int min = _attributes["min"].ToInt32(); if (range < min) { errors.Add(name + " was not within a valid range."); return; } } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("max")) { int max = _attributes["max"].ToInt32(); if (range > max) { errors.Add(name + " was not within a valid range."); return; } } if (_attributes.ContainsKey("step")) { int step = _attributes["step"].ToInt32(); if (range % step != 0) { errors.Add(name + " was not a valid value."); return; } } break; case InputType.Tel: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (!Efz.Validate.PhoneNumber(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add(name + " was suspected of being invalid."); return; } break; case InputType.Text: if (paramString == null || paramString.Value.Length == 0) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } break; case InputType.Time: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (paramString.Value.Length != 5 || !RegexTime.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add(name + " was found to be invalid."); return; } break; case InputType.Url: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add(name + " is required."); return; } if (paramString.Value.Length < 4 || paramString.Value.Length > 200 || !RegexUrl.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add("Url was invalid."); return; } break; case InputType.Week: if (paramString == null) { errors.Add("Please select " + name + "."); return; } if (paramString.Value.Length != 8 || !RegexWeek.IsMatch(paramString.Value)) { errors.Add(name + " was malformed."); return; } break; } } // is the custom validation set? no, complete if (OnValidate == null) { return; } // run the custom validation OnValidate.Add(parameter, errors); OnValidate.Run(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { /* * First thing you need to do is initialize the filesystem. You simply call * PHYSFS_init(); * to do this. * * From the docs: * argv0 the argv[0] string passed to your program's mainline. This may be NULL * on most platforms (such as ones without a standard main() function), but you * should always try to pass something in here. Unix-like systems such as Linux * _need_ to pass argv[0] from main() in here. */ Fs.PHYSFS_init("init"); /* * After you have it initialized, then you need to set up any archives that * will be read from. You can do this by using the * PHYSFS_AddToSearchPath(char*, int); function. The 1 makes it added to the * end of the search path so that it is the last looked at. You could instead * put a 0 there and have it be the first thing looked at. */ Fs.PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(@"..\..\Data\", 1); Fs.PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(@".\Data\", 1); /* * Now that we have initialized physfs and added an archive to its search path, * we can do some file reading. First thing you will want to do is check to * make sure that the file exists. You can do this by calling * PHYSFS_exists(char*); */ Console.WriteLine("Exists: " + Fs.PHYSFS_exists("myfile.txt")); /* * Then you can use PHYSFS_openRead(char*); to get a PHYSFS_file pointer to * that file. There is also available: PHYSFS_openWrite(char*); and * PHYSFS_openAppend(char*); * * NOTE: If you would like to do any writing you need to set a dir to write * too. You can do this by using PHYSFS_setWriteDir(const char *newDir); */ IntPtr myfile = Fs.PHYSFS_openRead("myfile.txt"); /* * If you are going to be reading this file into memory, you can use * PHYSFS_fileLength(PHYSFS_file*) to find out how many bytes you need to * allocate for the file. You can also use this to check and make sure the * file isn't larger than the max file size you want to open. */ long file_size = Fs.PHYSFS_fileLength(myfile); Console.WriteLine("Filesize: " + file_size); /* * Now it is time to read the file into memory. In this tutorial I am simply * going to read it all into a byte array using PHYSFS_read (PHYSFS_file *fp, * your_buffer, size_of_object_to_read, number_of_objects_to_read); and it * returns the number of objects read. */ byte[] array; Fs.PHYSFS_read(myfile, out array, 1, (uint)file_size); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Console.Write((char)array[i]); } /* * When you are finished with your file you need to close it. You can do so * with the function PHYSFS_close(PHYSFS_file*); */ Fs.PHYSFS_close(myfile); /* * When you are finished with PHYSFS completely, you need to call the * PHYSFS_deinit(void) function. * * From the docs: * This closes any files opened via PhysicsFS, blanks the search/write paths, * frees memory, and invalidates all of your file handles. */ Fs.PHYSFS_deinit(); /* * Ok that is it for the tutorial. It should give you a rough overview of how * things are structured and you can check the online docs for more information * on using the rest of the API. */ Console.ReadLine(); }