Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Creates a new edit box control</summary>
        public EditBox(Dialog parent)
            : base(parent)
            controlType  = ControlType.EditBox;
            parentDialog = parent;

            border    = 5; // Default border
            spacing   = 4; // default spacing
            isCaretOn = true;

            textData = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox();
            // Create the control
            textData.Visible    = true;
            textData.Font       = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 8.0f);
            textData.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
            textData.Multiline  = false;
            textData.Text       = string.Empty;
            textData.MaxLength  = ushort.MaxValue; // 65k characters should be plenty
            textData.WordWrap   = false;
            // Now create the control

            isHidingCaret     = false;
            firstVisible      = 0;
            blinkTime         = NativeMethods.GetCaretBlinkTime() * 0.001f;
            lastBlink         = FrameworkTimer.GetAbsoluteTime();
            textColor         = new ColorValue(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.06f, 1.0f);
            selectedTextColor = new ColorValue(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            selectedBackColor = new ColorValue(0.15f, 0.196f, 0.36f, 1.0f);
            caretColor        = new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, 1.0f);
            caretPosition     = textData.SelectionStart = 0;
            isInsertMode      = true;
            isMouseDragging   = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Render the control</summary>
        public override void Render(Device device, float elapsedTime)
            if (!IsVisible)
                return; // Nothing to render
            // Render the control graphics
            for (int i = 0; i <= LowerRightBorder; ++i)
                Element e = elementList[i] as Element;
                e.TextureColor.Blend(ControlState.Normal, elapsedTime);
                parentDialog.DrawSprite(e, elementRects[i]);
            // Compute the X coordinates of the first visible character.
            int xFirst = textData.GetPositionFromCharIndex(firstVisible).X;
            int xCaret = textData.GetPositionFromCharIndex(caretPosition).X;
            int xSel;

            if (caretPosition != textData.SelectionStart)
                xSel = textData.GetPositionFromCharIndex(textData.SelectionStart).X;
                xSel = xCaret;

            // Render the selection rectangle
            System.Drawing.Rectangle selRect = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Empty;
            if (caretPosition != textData.SelectionStart)
                int selLeft = xCaret, selRight = xSel;
                // Swap if left is beigger than right
                if (selLeft > selRight)
                    int temp = selLeft;
                    selLeft  = selRight;
                    selRight = temp;
                selRect = System.Drawing.Rectangle.FromLTRB(
                    selLeft, textRect.Top, selRight, textRect.Bottom);
                selRect.Offset(textRect.Left - xFirst, 0);
                Parent.DrawRectangle(selRect, selectedBackColor);

            // Render the text
            Element textElement = elementList[TextLayer] as Element;

            textElement.FontColor.Current = textColor;
            parentDialog.DrawText(textData.Text.Substring(firstVisible), textElement, textRect);

            // Render the selected text
            if (caretPosition != textData.SelectionStart)
                int firstToRender = Math.Max(firstVisible, Math.Min(textData.SelectionStart, caretPosition));
                int numToRender   = Math.Max(textData.SelectionStart, caretPosition) - firstToRender;
                textElement.FontColor.Current = selectedTextColor;
                parentDialog.DrawText(textData.Text.Substring(firstToRender, numToRender), textElement, selRect);

            // Blink the caret
            if (FrameworkTimer.GetAbsoluteTime() - lastBlink >= blinkTime)
                isCaretOn = !isCaretOn;
                lastBlink = FrameworkTimer.GetAbsoluteTime();

            // Render the caret if this control has the focus
            if (hasFocus && isCaretOn && !isHidingCaret)
                // Start the rectangle with insert mode caret
                System.Drawing.Rectangle caretRect = textRect;
                caretRect.Width    = 2;
                caretRect.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(
                    caretRect.Left - xFirst + xCaret - 1,

                // If we are in overwrite mode, adjust the caret rectangle
                // to fill the entire character.
                if (!isInsertMode)
                    // Obtain the X coord of the current character
                    caretRect.Width = 4;

                parentDialog.DrawRectangle(caretRect, caretColor);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>Reset's the caret blink time</summary>
 protected void ResetCaretBlink()
     isCaretOn = true;
     lastBlink = FrameworkTimer.GetAbsoluteTime();