Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class.
        /// </summary>
        public MainViewModel()
            SelectedFrame = VideoFrame.Default;


            for (int i = 1; i <= 60; i++)

            SelectedFrameRate = FrameRates[2];

            if (IsInDesignMode)
                IEnumerable <string> images = Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:\tmp\gpvid\frames", "thumb*.jpg");
                foreach (string image in images)
                    Frames.Add(new VideoFrame()
                        FullPath      = image,
                        ThumbnailPath = image

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Frames[i].IsDuplicate = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        Frames[i].HasFace = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    if (i % 3 == 0)
                        Frames[i].Show = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Save(Stream outputStream)
            //	Make sure we have frames
            if (!_frames.Any())
                throw new InvalidDataException("Frames must be supplied.");

            //	Make sure they all have value, height and width
            if (_frames.Any(f => f == null || f.Height == 0 || f.Width == 0))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Bitmap frames cannot be zero (height or width).");

            //	Add frames to the encoder
            var gifEncoder = new GifBitmapEncoder();

            _frames.ForEach(frame =>
                                    Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(frame.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions())

            byte[] bytes;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                bytes = ms.ToArray();

            //	Locate the right location where to insert the metadata in the binary
            //	This will be just before the first label &H0021F9 (Graphic Control Extension)
            int  metadataPtr = 0;
            bool located     = false;

                if (bytes[metadataPtr] == 0 && bytes[metadataPtr + 1] == 0x21 && bytes[metadataPtr + 2] == 0xf9)
                    located = true;
            } while (!located);

            //	SET METADATA Repeat
            //	This add an Application Extension Netscape2.0
            if (Repeat)
                byte[] temp = new byte[bytes.Length - 1 + 20];
                //	label: &H21, &HFF + one byte: length(&HB) + NETSCAPE2.0 + one byte: Datalength(&H3) + {1, 0, 0} + Block terminator, 1 byte, &H00
                byte[] appExtension = { 0x21, 0xff, 0xb, 0x4e, 0x45, 0x54, 0x53, 0x43, 0x41, 0x50, 0x45, 0x32, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
                Array.Copy(bytes, temp, metadataPtr);
                Array.Copy(appExtension, 0, temp, metadataPtr + 1, 19);
                Array.Copy(bytes, metadataPtr + 1, temp, metadataPtr + 20, bytes.Length - metadataPtr - 1);
                bytes = temp;

            //	SET METADATA Comments
            //	This add a Comment Extension for each string
            if (Metadata.Any())
                foreach (string comment in Metadata)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                        string theComment = null;
                        if (comment.Length > 254)
                            theComment = comment.Substring(0, 254);
                            theComment = comment;
                        var commentBytes = UTF7Encoding.UTF7.GetBytes(theComment);
                        var commentData = new byte[] { 0x21, 0xfe, (byte)commentBytes.Length }.Concat(commentBytes).Concat(new byte[] { 0x0 }).ToArray();
                        var temp = new byte[bytes.Length - 1 + commentData.Length + 1];
                        Array.Copy(bytes, temp, metadataPtr);
                        Array.Copy(commentData, 0, temp, metadataPtr + 1, commentData.Length);
                        Array.Copy(bytes, metadataPtr + 1, temp, metadataPtr + commentData.Length + 1, bytes.Length - metadataPtr - 1);
                        bytes = temp;

            //	SET METADATA frameRate
            //	Sets the third and fourth byte of each Graphic Control Extension (5 bytes from each label 0x0021F9)
            //	word, little endian, the hundredths of second to show this frame
            if (FrameRates == null)
                FrameRates = new List <int>();

            if (FrameRates.Count < _frames.Count)
                FrameRates.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat <int>(FrameRate, _frames.Count - FrameRates.Count));

            int frameId = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x <= bytes.Length - 1; x++)
                if (bytes[x] == 0 && bytes[x + 1] == 0x21 && bytes[x + 2] == 0xf9 && bytes[x + 3] == 4)
                    var fr = BitConverter.GetBytes(FrameRates[frameId++] / 10);
                    bytes[x + 5] = fr[0];
                    bytes[x + 6] = fr[1];
            outputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
        void InitilizeOLED()


            /*  Soft reset */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_SOFT_RESET, 0x00);
            /* Standby ON/OFF*/
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_STANDBY_ON_OFF, 0x01);                      // Standby on
            Thread.Sleep(5);                                                 // Wait for 5ms (1ms Delay Minimum)
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_STANDBY_ON_OFF, 0x00);                      // Standby off
            Thread.Sleep(5);                                                 // 1ms Delay Minimum (1ms Delay Minimum)
            /* Display OFF */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_ON_OFF, 0x00);
            /* Set Oscillator operation */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_ANALOG_CONTROL, 0x00);                      // using external resistor and internal OSC
            /* Set frame rate */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_OSC_ADJUST, (byte)FrameRates.OCS_95Hz);     // frame rate : 95Hz --- was 0x03 for 95 hz, now 0x0A for 130hz , 0x0F for 140
            /* Set active display area of panel */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_X1, 0x00);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_X2, 0x5F);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_Y1, 0x00);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_Y2, 0x5F);
            /* Select the RGB data format and set the initial state of RGB interface port */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_RGB_IF, 0x00);               // RGB 8bit interface was 0x00 for 8-bit
            /* Set RGB polarity */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_RGB_POL, 0x00);              // was 0x00
            /* Set display mode control */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_MODE_CONTROL, 0x80); // SWAP:BGR, Reduce current : Normal, DC[1:0] : Normal was 0x80
            /* Set MCU Interface */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_CPU_IF, 0x00);               // MPU External interface mode, 8bits
            /* Set Memory Read/Write mode */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_MEMORY_WRITE_READ, 0x00);
            /* Set row scan direction */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_ROW_SCAN_DIRECTION, 0x00);                 // Column : 0 --> Max, Row : 0 --> Max --- was 0x00
            /* Set row scan mode */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_ROW_SCAN_MODE, 0x00);                      // Alternate scan mode --- was 0x00
            /* Set column current */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_COLUMN_CURRENT_R, 0x6E);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_COLUMN_CURRENT_G, 0x4F);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_COLUMN_CURRENT_B, 0x77);
            /* Set row overlap */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_ROW_OVERLAP, 0x00);                        // Band gap only
            /* Set discharge time */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISCHARGE_TIME, 0x01);                     // Discharge time : normal discharge
            /* Set peak pulse delay */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PEAK_PULSE_DELAY, 0x00);
            /* Set peak pulse width */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PEAK_PULSE_WIDTH_R, 0x02);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PEAK_PULSE_WIDTH_G, 0x02);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PEAK_PULSE_WIDTH_B, 0x02);
            /* Set pre-charge current */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PRECHARGE_CURRENT_R, 0x14);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PRECHARGE_CURRENT_G, 0x50);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_PRECHARGE_CURRENT_B, 0x19);
            /* Set row scan on/off  */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_ROW_SCAN_ON_OFF, 0x00);                    // Normal row scan
            /* Set scan off level */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_SCAN_OFF_LEVEL, 0x04);                     // VCC_C*0.75
            /* Set memory access point */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAYSTART_X, 0x00);
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAYSTART_Y, 0x00);

            /* Clear the display */
            if (!OledClearAll())
                throw new DeviceInitialisationException("Not enough memory to complete initialization.");
            /* Display ON */
            SendCommand(SEPS114A_DISPLAY_ON_OFF, 0x01);

            _powerMode = PowerModes.On;
            _frameRate = FrameRates.OCS_95Hz;