Exemplo n.º 1
 public static void SetSOLocalFrame(SceneObject so, CoordSpace eSpace, Frame3f newFrame)
     if (eSpace == CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
         // scene frames should not be scaled by scene scale, but we want to set as world
         // coords, so we need to apply it now
         if (so.GetScene().GetSceneScale() != 1.0f)
             newFrame = newFrame.Scaled(so.GetScene().GetSceneScale());
         Frame3f sceneW = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(so.GetScene().RootGameObject, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         Frame3f objW   = sceneW.FromFrame(newFrame);
         UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, objW, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, newFrame, eSpace);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static public GameObject EmitDebugFrame(string name, Frame3f f, float fAxisLength, float diameter = 0.05f, GameObject parent = null)
            if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false)
                ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugFrame(name, f, fAxisLength, diameter); });

            GameObject frameObj = new GameObject(name);
            GameObject x        = EmitDebugLine(name + "_x", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.X, diameter, Color.red, frameObj, false);
            GameObject y        = EmitDebugLine(name + "_y", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Y, diameter, Color.green, frameObj, false);
            GameObject z        = EmitDebugLine(name + "_z", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Z, diameter, Color.blue, frameObj, false);

            if (parent != null)
                frameObj.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void SetGameObjectFrame(GameObject go, Frame3f newFrame, CoordSpace eSpace)
     if (eSpace == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
         go.transform.position = newFrame.Origin;
         go.transform.rotation = newFrame.Rotation;
     else if (eSpace == CoordSpace.ObjectCoords)
         go.transform.localPosition = newFrame.Origin;
         go.transform.localRotation = newFrame.Rotation;
         // [RMS] cannot do this w/o handle to scene...
         Debug.Log("[MathUtil.SetGameObjectFrame] unsupported!\n");
         throw new ArgumentException("not possible without refernce to scene!");
Exemplo n.º 4
        void update_position(AnyRayHit hit)
            int nNormalAxis = 1;
            int nUpAxis     = 2;

            // as we drag object we will align Y with hit surface normal, but
            // we also want to constrain rotation so it is stable. Hence, we are
            // going to use world or local frame of target object to stabilize
            // rotation around normal.
            Frame3f hitF       = TargetScene.SceneFrame;
            Vector3 targetAxis = hitF.GetAxis(1);

            if (hit.hitSO is SceneObject)
                hitF = (hit.hitSO as SceneObject).GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
            bool bUseLocal =
                (TargetScene.Context.TransformManager.ActiveFrameType == FrameType.LocalFrame);

            if (bUseLocal && hit.hitSO is SceneObject)
                hitF       = (hit.hitSO as SceneObject).GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
                targetAxis = hitF.GetAxis(1);
            // if normal is parallel to target, this would become unstable, so use another axis
            if (Vector3.Dot(targetAxis, hit.hitNormal) > 0.99f)
                targetAxis = hitF.GetAxis(0);

            if (lastHitObject == null || hit.hitSO != lastHitObject)
                lastHitF = new Frame3f(hit.hitPos, hit.hitNormal, nNormalAxis);
                lastHitF.ConstrainedAlignAxis(nUpAxis, targetAxis, lastHitF.GetAxis(nNormalAxis));
                lastHitF.Origin = hit.hitPos;
                lastHitF.AlignAxis(nNormalAxis, hit.hitNormal);
                lastHitF.ConstrainedAlignAxis(nUpAxis, targetAxis, lastHitF.GetAxis(nNormalAxis));
            lastHitObject = hit.hitSO;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static Frame3f GetSOLocalFrame(SceneObject so, CoordSpace eSpace)
     if (eSpace == CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
         Frame3f sceneW = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(so.GetScene().RootGameObject, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         Frame3f objW   = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         Frame3f result = sceneW.ToFrame(objW);
         // world coords have scene scale applied, we don't want that in scene coords
         if (so.GetScene().GetSceneScale() != 1.0f)
             result = result.Scaled(1.0f / so.GetScene().GetSceneScale());
         return(UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, eSpace));
        public override bool UpdateCapture(ITransformable target, Ray3f worldRay)
            Func <SceneObject, bool> FilterF = (so) => {

            SORayHit hit;

            if (Scene.FindSORayIntersection(worldRay, out hit, FilterF))
                CurrentConstraintSO = hit.hitSO;
                Frame3f f = SourceSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
                f.Origin = hit.hitPos;
                f.AlignAxis(2, hit.hitNormal);
                SourceSO.SetLocalFrame(f, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);

        public static PlaneIntersectionCurveSO CreateFromPlane(DMeshSO TargetSO, Frame3f PlaneS, SOMaterial material, FScene scene, double fNormalOffset = 0.0f)
            Frame3f PlaneO = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(TargetSO, PlaneS);

            PlaneIntersectionCurves curves = new PlaneIntersectionCurves(TargetSO.Mesh, PlaneO, 1)
                NormalOffset = fNormalOffset


            if (curves.Loops.Length != 1)
                throw new Exception("PlaneIntersectionSO.CreateFromPlane: got more than one cut loop?");
            DCurve3 loop = curves.Loops[0];

            // map loop back into plane frame
            for (int i = 0; i < loop.VertexCount; ++i)
                loop[i] = PlaneO.ToFrameP(loop[i]);

            PlaneIntersectionCurveSO curveSO = new PlaneIntersectionCurveSO()
                Curve = loop

            Frame3f curveFrame = SceneTransforms.ObjectToScene(TargetSO, PlaneO);

            curveSO.SetLocalFrame(curveFrame, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

                new AddSOChange()
                scene = scene, so = curveSO, bKeepWorldPosition = false

        protected override void OnPointUpdated(ControlPoint pt, Frame3f prevFrameS, bool isFirst)
            Vector3f basePt  = GetPointPosition(BasePointID, CoordSpace.SceneCoords).Origin;
            Vector3f frontPt = GetPointPosition(FrontPointID, CoordSpace.SceneCoords).Origin;
            Vector3f topPt   = GetPointPosition(TopPointID, CoordSpace.SceneCoords).Origin;

            lastTargetFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Frame3f previewFrameS = lastTargetFrameS;

            // position next to original object
            previewFrameS = previewFrameS.Translated(1.1f * (float)meshBounds.Width * Vector3f.AxisX);

            Vector3f upAxis = (topPt - basePt).Normalized;

            // construct a frame perp to upAxis at midpoint, and project original and current fw points
            Frame3f  upFrame = new Frame3f((topPt + basePt) * 0.5f, upAxis);
            Vector3f origFW  = upFrame.ProjectToPlane(initialFrontPt, 2);

            origFW = (origFW - upFrame.Origin).Normalized;
            Vector3f curFW = upFrame.ProjectToPlane(frontPt, 2);

            curFW = (curFW - upFrame.Origin).Normalized;
            //float angle = MathUtil.PlaneAngleSignedD(origFW, curFW, upAxis);

            start_forward_pt_S   = upFrame.FromFrameP(origFW);
            current_forward_pt_S = upFrame.FromFrameP(curFW);

            // construct rotation that aligns up axis with y-up
            Quaternionf upRotate = Quaternionf.FromTo(upAxis, Vector3f.AxisY);


            // now rotate so that forward dir points along -Z
            //Quaternionf fwRotate = Quaternionf.AxisAngleD(Vector3f.AxisY, angle);
            //curFW = upRotate * curFW;
            Quaternionf fwRotate = Quaternionf.FromToConstrained(curFW, -Vector3f.AxisZ, Vector3f.AxisY);


            previewSO.SetLocalFrame(previewFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            lastPreviewFrameS = previewFrameS;
Exemplo n.º 9
 override public Capture UpdateCapture(InputState input, CaptureData data)
     if (Released(input))
         SORayHit rayHit;
         if (SceneUtil.FindNearestRayIntersection(tool.Targets, WorldRay(input), out rayHit))
             Frame3f clickW = new Frame3f(rayHit.hitPos, rayHit.hitNormal);
             tool.Scene.Context.RegisterNextFrameAction(() => {
                 tool.SetPlaneFromSingleClick(clickW, input.bShiftKeyDown);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Build(Frame3f centerW, float extentW, GameObject parent, Material mat, int nLayer = -1)
            lineGO = new GameObject("snap_line");
            LineRenderer ren = lineGO.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();

            ren.startWidth    = ren.endWidth = 0.05f;
            ren.material      = mat;
            ren.useWorldSpace = false;
            ren.positionCount = 2;
            ren.SetPosition(0, centerW.Origin - extentW * centerW.Z);
            ren.SetPosition(1, centerW.Origin + extentW * centerW.Z);

            UnityUtil.AddChild(parent, lineGO, false);
            if (nLayer > 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public virtual bool FindNearest(Vector3d point, double maxDist, out SORayHit nearest, CoordSpace eInCoords)
            nearest = null;
            if (enable_spatial == false)

            if (spatial == null)
                spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh);

            // convert to local
            Vector3f local_pt = SceneTransforms.TransformTo((Vector3f)point, this, eInCoords, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

            if (mesh.CachedBounds.Distance(local_pt) > maxDist)

            int tid = spatial.FindNearestTriangle(local_pt);

            if (tid != DMesh3.InvalidID)
                DistPoint3Triangle3 dist = MeshQueries.TriangleDistance(mesh, tid, local_pt);

                nearest          = new SORayHit();
                nearest.fHitDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(dist.DistanceSquared);

                Frame3f f_local = new Frame3f(dist.TriangleClosest, mesh.GetTriNormal(tid));
                Frame3f f       = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(f_local, this, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, eInCoords);

                nearest.hitPos    = f.Origin;
                nearest.hitNormal = f.Z;
                nearest.hitGO     = RootGameObject;
                nearest.hitSO     = this;
Exemplo n.º 12
        void update_box()
            if (nCurMesh != (int)PrimType.Box)
                nCurMesh = (int)PrimType.Box;

            Transform parent = meshObject.transform.parent;

            meshObject.transform.parent = null;

            float fHeightSignShift = (Height < 0) ? Height : 0;
            float fAbsHeight       = Math.Abs(Height);
            float fWidthShift      = (Width < 0) ? Width : 0;
            float fAbsWidth        = Math.Abs(Width);
            float fDepthShift      = (Depth < 0) ? Depth : 0;
            float fAbsDepth        = Math.Abs(Depth);

            Vector3f vShift = Vector3f.Zero;

            if (Center == CenterModes.Base)
                vShift = new Vector3f(0, fHeightSignShift + fAbsHeight * 0.5f, 0);
            else if (Center == CenterModes.Corner)
                vShift = new Vector3f(fWidthShift + fAbsWidth * 0.5f,
                                      fHeightSignShift + fAbsHeight * 0.5f, fDepthShift + fAbsDepth * 0.5f);

            meshObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            meshObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // default unity box is 1x1x1 cube
            meshObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3f(fAbsWidth, fAbsHeight, fAbsDepth);

            shiftedFrame = Frame.Translated(Frame.FromFrameV(vShift));
            UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(meshObject, shiftedFrame, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);

            meshObject.transform.SetParent(parent, true);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// called on click-down
        /// </summary>
        override public void Begin(SceneObject so, Vector2d downPos, Ray3f downRayWorld)
            SORayHit hit;

            if (TargetSO.FindRayIntersection(downRayWorld, out hit) == false)

            Vector3d scenePos = SceneTransforms.WorldToSceneP(this.Scene, hit.hitPos);

            if (have_source == false)
                CurrentSourceHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos);

                sourceIndicator = new SphereIndicator()
                    SceneFrameF = () => { return(CurrentSourceHitPosS); },
                    Radius      = fDimension.Scene(SourceIndicatorSizeScene * 0.5),
                    ColorF      = () => { return(Colorf.Orange); }

                have_source     = true;
                source_modified = true;
            else if (have_extent == false)
                CurrentExtentHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos);

                extentIndicator = new SphereIndicator()
                    SceneFrameF = () => { return(CurrentExtentHitPosS); },
                    Radius      = fDimension.Scene(ExtentIndicatorSizeScene * 0.5),
                    ColorF      = () => { return(Colorf.CornflowerBlue); }

                have_extent     = true;
                extent_modified = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// when the socket is updated, shift the ground plane to be directly below it
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddRepositionGroundPlaneOnSocketEdit()
            OG.OnSocketUpdated += () => {
                // compute scene-space bbox of socket mesh
                Frame3f          socketF = OG.Socket.Socket.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                AxisAlignedBox3d boundsS =
                    MeshMeasurements.Bounds(OG.Socket.Socket.Mesh, socketF.FromFrameP);

                // vertically translate bounds objects to be at same y
                //  (assumes they are xz planes!!)
                Vector3d baseS = boundsS.Center - boundsS.Extents[1] * Vector3d.AxisY;
                Vector3d baseW = OG.Scene.ToWorldP(baseS);
                foreach (var go in OG.Scene.BoundsObjects)
                    Vector3f pos = go.GetPosition();
                    pos.y = (float)baseW.y;
Exemplo n.º 15
        void add_curve_widget(PolyCurveSO curve, bool bFirst, Func <Vector3> localPositionF)
            GameObject go = AppendMeshGO("curve_endpoint",
                                         UnityUtil.GetPrimitiveMesh(PrimitiveType.Cube), stdMaterial, gizmo);

            go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);

            Frame3f sourceFrame = new Frame3f(localPositionF());

            UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(go, sourceFrame, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            WidgetParameterUpdates.Add(() => {
                UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(go, new Frame3f(localPositionF()), CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

            Widgets[go] = new CurveHandleEditWidget(this, curve, this.parentScene)
                RootGameObject = go, StandardMaterial = stdMaterial, HoverMaterial = stdHoverMaterial,
                VertexIndex    = (bFirst) ? 0 : CurveHandleEditWidget.LastIndex
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache the transform sequence from SO up to scene coordinates
        /// </summary>
        public static TransformSequence ObjectToSceneXForm(SceneObject so)
            TransformSequence seq   = new TransformSequence();
            SceneObject       curSO = so;

            while (curSO != null)
                Frame3f  curF  = curSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                Vector3f scale = curSO.GetLocalScale();
                SOParent parent = curSO.Parent;
                if (parent is FScene)
                curSO = (parent as SceneObject);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Create(SOMaterial useMaterial, fGameObject parent, int nLayer = -1)
            if (curve == null)
                curve = new DCurve3();
            axis = Frame3f.Identity;

            meshObject = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO("revolve_preview");
            meshObject.SetMaterial(MaterialUtil.ToMaterialf(useMaterial), true);
            if (nLayer != -1)

            bUpdatePending = true;

            meshObject.SetParent(parent, false);
            meshObject.SetLocalScale(1.001f * Vector3f.One);
Exemplo n.º 18
        void update_pos(Vector3f pos, double time)
            Frame3f f = PrintHeadSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            f.Origin = pos + PrintHeadOffset * Vector3f.AxisY;
            PrintHeadSO.SetLocalFrame(f, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Vector3f worldNozzlePt = PrintHeadSO.GetScene().ToWorldP(f.Origin);
            Vector3f worldPathPt   = PrintHeadSO.GetScene().ToWorldP(pos);


            if (emitting)

            update_heat_display(pos, time);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public virtual bool FindNearest(Vector3d point, double maxDist, out SORayHit nearest, CoordSpace eInCoords)
            nearest = null;

            Frame3f f    = this.GetLocalFrame(eInCoords);
            double  dist = (f.Origin - point).Length;

            if (dist > maxDist)

            nearest           = new SORayHit();
            nearest.fHitDist  = (float)dist;
            nearest.hitPos    = f.Origin;
            nearest.hitNormal = Vector3f.Zero;
            nearest.hitGO     = RootGameObject;
            nearest.hitSO     = this;
        override public void Apply()
            float VerticalSpaceFudge = 10.0f;

            DMeshSO TargetMeshSO = TargetSO as DMeshSO;

            Frame3f           curFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            TransformSOChange change    = new TransformSOChange(TargetSO,
                                                                curFrameS, lastPreviewFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Scene.History.PushChange(change, false);

            Frame3f newFrameS = new Frame3f(SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(TargetSO, meshBounds.Center));
            RepositionPivotChangeOp pivot1 = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newFrameS, TargetMeshSO);

            Scene.History.PushChange(pivot1, false);

            newFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds         = TargetMeshSO.Mesh.CachedBounds;
            float            h              = (float)bounds.Height;
            Vector3f         o              = newFrameS.Origin;
            Vector3f         translate      = new Vector3f(-o.x, h * 0.5f - o.y + VerticalSpaceFudge, -o.z);
            Frame3f          centeredFrameS = newFrameS.Translated(translate);

            TransformSOChange centerChange = new TransformSOChange(TargetSO,
                                                                   newFrameS, centeredFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Scene.History.PushChange(centerChange, false);

            newFrameS        = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            o                = newFrameS.Origin;
            o.y              = 0;
            newFrameS.Origin = o;

            RepositionPivotChangeOp pivot2 = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newFrameS, TargetMeshSO);

            Scene.History.PushChange(pivot2, false);

Exemplo n.º 21
        DMesh3 compute_through_hole(Vector3d start, Vector3d end, double tol)
            DMesh3         origMesh    = MeshSource.GetDMeshUnsafe();
            DMeshAABBTree3 origSpatial = MeshSource.GetSpatial() as DMeshAABBTree3;

            DMesh3 cutMesh = new DMesh3(origMesh);

            Polygon2d polygon = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(hole_size / 2, hole_subdivisions);

            Vector3f axis = (Vector3f)(start - end).Normalized;

            int     start_tid   = origSpatial.FindNearestTriangle(start);
            Frame3f start_frame = origMesh.GetTriFrame(start_tid);

            start_frame.Origin = (Vector3f)start;
            start_frame.AlignAxis(2, axis);

            int end_tid = origSpatial.FindNearestTriangle(end);
            //Frame3f end_frame = origMesh.GetTriFrame(end_tid); end_frame.Origin = (Vector3f)end;
            Frame3f end_frame = start_frame; end_frame.Origin = (Vector3f)end;

            MeshInsertProjectedPolygon start_insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(cutMesh, polygon, start_frame, start_tid);
            bool start_ok = start_insert.Insert();

            MeshInsertProjectedPolygon end_insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(cutMesh, polygon, end_frame, end_tid);
            bool end_ok = end_insert.Insert();

            if (start_ok == false || end_ok == false)
                throw new Exception("CutPolygonHoleOp.compute_through_hole: start or end insertion failed!");

            MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(cutMesh);
            EdgeLoop   l0     = start_insert.InsertedLoop;
            EdgeLoop   l1     = end_insert.InsertedLoop;

            editor.StitchLoop(l0.Vertices, l1.Vertices);

Exemplo n.º 22
        void add(HUDStandardItem element, LayoutOptions options)
            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                element.IsVisible = true;

            IBoxModelElement elemBoxModel = element as IBoxModelElement;

            // for 2D view (but doesn't matter if we are doing a layout anyway!)
            Frame3f viewFrame = Cockpit.GetViewFrame2D();

            // with 3D view we should use this...
            //Frame3f viewFrame = Frame3f.Identity;

            HUDUtil.PlaceInViewPlane(element, viewFrame);

            Func <Vector2f> pinSourceF = options.PinSourcePoint2D;

            if (pinSourceF == null)
                pinSourceF = LayoutUtil.BoxPointF(elemBoxModel, BoxPosition.Center);

            Func <Vector2f> pinTargetF = options.PinTargetPoint2D;

            if (pinTargetF == null)
                pinTargetF = LayoutUtil.BoxPointF(Solver.Container, BoxPosition.Center);

            Solver.AddLayoutItem(element, pinSourceF, pinTargetF, this.StandardDepth + options.DepthShift);

            // auto-show
            if ((options.Flags & LayoutFlags.AnimatedShow) != 0)
        private void AddCapBeforeJoint(Vector3d segmentDirection, TPrintVertex printVertex, ToolpathPreviewJoint joint, ToolpathPreviewMesh mesh)
            var frame = new Frame3f(printVertex.Position);

            frame.AlignAxis(1, ToVector3f(segmentDirection));

            joint.InTop = mesh.AddVertex(vertexFactory(printVertex,
                                                       frame.FromFrameP(DiamondCrossSection.Top(printVertex.Dimensions)), brightnessMax));

            joint.InRight = mesh.AddVertex(vertexFactory(printVertex,
                                                         frame.FromFrameP(DiamondCrossSection.Right(printVertex.Dimensions)), brightnessMin));

            joint.InBottom = mesh.AddVertex(vertexFactory(printVertex,
                                                          frame.FromFrameP(DiamondCrossSection.Bottom(printVertex.Dimensions)), brightnessMax));

            joint.InLeft = mesh.AddVertex(vertexFactory(printVertex,
                                                        frame.FromFrameP(DiamondCrossSection.Left(printVertex.Dimensions)), brightnessMin));

            mesh.AddTriangle(joint.InBottom, joint.InLeft, joint.InTop);
            mesh.AddTriangle(joint.InBottom, joint.InTop, joint.InRight);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public bool BeginCapture(MMDModel target, HitResult hit)
            // save local and world frames
            translateFrameL = target.GetGameObjectFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            translateFrameW = target.GetGameObjectFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
            translateAxisW  = translateFrameW.GetAxis(nTranslationAxis);

            // save t-value of closest point on translation axis, so we can find delta-t
            Vector3 vWorldHitPos = hit.HitPosition;

            fTranslateStartT = ClosestPointOnLineT(
                translateFrameW.Origin, translateAxisW, vWorldHitPos);

            // construct plane we will ray-intersect with in UpdateCapture()
            Vector3 makeUp       = Vector3.Cross(Platform.Program.Camera.Forward, translateAxisW).GetNormalized( );
            Vector3 vPlaneNormal = Vector3.Cross(makeUp, translateAxisW).GetNormalized( );

            raycastFrame = new Frame3f(vWorldHitPos, vPlaneNormal);

        public override bool UpdateCapture(ITransformable target, Ray3f worldRay)
            // ray-hit with plane that contains translation axis
            Vector3f planeHit = raycastFrame.RayPlaneIntersection(worldRay.Origin, worldRay.Direction, 2);

            // figure out new T-value along axis, then our translation update is delta-t
            float fNewT   = Distance.ClosestPointOnLineT(translateFrameW.Origin, translateAxisW, planeHit);
            float fDeltaT = (fNewT - fTranslateStartT);

            fDeltaT *= TranslationScaleF();

            // construct new frame translated along axis (in local space)
            Frame3f newFrame = translateFrameL;

            newFrame.Origin += fDeltaT * translateFrameL.GetAxis(nTranslationAxis);

            // update target
            target.SetLocalFrame(newFrame, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

        float fTranslateStartT;                 // start T-value along translateAxisW

        public override bool BeginCapture(ITransformable target, Ray3f worldRay, UIRayHit hit)
            // save local and world frames
            translateFrameL = target.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            translateFrameW = target.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
            translateAxisW  = translateFrameW.GetAxis(nTranslationAxis);

            // save t-value of closest point on translation axis, so we can find delta-t
            Vector3f vWorldHitPos = hit.hitPos;

            fTranslateStartT = Distance.ClosestPointOnLineT(
                translateFrameW.Origin, translateAxisW, vWorldHitPos);

            // construct plane we will ray-intersect with in UpdateCapture()
            Vector3f makeUp       = Vector3f.Cross(Camera.main.transform.forward, translateAxisW).Normalized;
            Vector3f vPlaneNormal = Vector3f.Cross(makeUp, translateAxisW).Normalized;

            raycastFrame = new Frame3f(vWorldHitPos, vPlaneNormal);

Exemplo n.º 27
        public static void ToFrame(IDeformableMesh mesh, Frame3f f)
            int  NV          = mesh.MaxVertexID;
            bool bHasNormals = mesh.HasVertexNormals;

            for (int vid = 0; vid < NV; ++vid)
                if (mesh.IsVertex(vid))
                    Vector3D v  = mesh.GetVertex(vid);
                    Vector3D vf = f.ToFrameP((Vector3F)v);
                    mesh.SetVertex(vid, vf);
                    if (bHasNormals)
                        Vector3F n  = mesh.GetVertexNormal(vid);
                        Vector3F nf = f.ToFrameV(n);
                        mesh.SetVertexNormal(vid, nf);
Exemplo n.º 28
        void add_axis_widget(PrimitiveSO primitive, Vector3 frameAxisV, float deltaMult, string paramName, Func <Vector3> localPositionF)
            GameObject go = AppendMeshGO(paramName,
                                         UnityUtil.GetPrimitiveMesh(PrimitiveType.Cube), stdMaterial, gizmo);

            go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            Frame3f sourceFrame = new Frame3f(localPositionF());

            UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(go, sourceFrame, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

            WidgetParameterUpdates.Add(() => {
                UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(go, new Frame3f(localPositionF()), CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

            Widgets[go] = new AxisParameterEditWidget(this, primitive, this.parentScene)
                RootGameObject = go, StandardMaterial = stdMaterial, HoverMaterial = stdHoverMaterial,
                AxisParamName  = paramName, AxisVectorInFrame = frameAxisV,
                DeltaScalingF  = () => { return(deltaMult / parentScene.GetSceneScale()); }
Exemplo n.º 29
        override public void SetLocalFrame(Frame3f newFrame, CoordSpace eSpace)
            if (Parent != GetScene())
                throw new Exception("SlicePlaneHeightSO.SetLocalFrame: unsupported");

            Frame3f newSceneFrame = newFrame;

            if (eSpace == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
                newSceneFrame = SceneTransforms.WorldToScene(GetScene(), newFrame);

            Line3d    axis = new Line3d(ConstraintFrameS.Origin, Vector3d.AxisY);
            Segment3d seg  = new Segment3d(axis.ClosestPoint(MinPosS), axis.ClosestPoint(MaxPosS));
            Vector3d  cp   = seg.NearestPoint(newSceneFrame.Origin);

            newSceneFrame.Origin = (Vector3f)cp;
            base.SetLocalFrame(newSceneFrame, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public DMeshSO BuildSO(FScene scene, SOMaterial material)
            DMesh3 revolveMesh = UnityUtil.UnityMeshToDMesh(meshObject.GetSharedMesh(), false);

            // move axis frame to center of bbox of mesh, measured in axis frame
            Frame3f          useF          = OutputFrame;
            AxisAlignedBox3f boundsInFrame = (AxisAlignedBox3f)BoundsUtil.BoundsInFrame(revolveMesh.Vertices(), useF);

            useF.Origin = useF.FromFrameP(boundsInFrame.Center);

            // transform mesh into this frame
            MeshTransforms.ToFrame(revolveMesh, useF);

            // create new so
            DMeshSO meshSO = new DMeshSO();

            meshSO.Create(revolveMesh, material);
            meshSO.SetLocalFrame(useF, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
