Exemplo n.º 1
    private static void CreateFractionDatabaseAsset()
        Object selectedAsset = Selection.activeObject;

        if (selectedAsset != null)
            string directoryPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selectedAsset);
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                string filePath = directoryPath + "/" + Constants.dictionaryFileName + Constants.dictionaryFileExtension;

                /* Delete the old database file if one exists */
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))

                /* Generate the FractionDatabase */
                FractionDatabase database = BuildFractionDatabase();

                /* TESTING: Save the database as a text file for viewing */
                IOHelper <FractionDatabase> .ToTextFile(database, directoryPath + "/database.txt");

                /* Save the database */
                IOHelper <FractionDatabase> .SerializeObject(database, filePath);

                /* Refresh the asset database to show the Readme file */
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a dictionary of keys 1-5
    /// For each level, takes every fraction combination from the previous level and adds an atomic fraction to it to generate the next level
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// FractionDatabase consisting of a Dictionary with 5 levels of fraction combinations
    ///     Level 1: All fractions made up of adding 1 atomic fraction from 1/2 to 1/10
    ///     Level 2: All fractions made up of adding 2 atomic fraction
    /// </returns>
    private static FractionDatabase BuildFractionDatabase()
        FractionDatabase database = new FractionDatabase();

        /* Create every combination of single pieces, two pieces, ..., up to a limit of 5 (for now?) */
        /* For each difficulty level (number of pieces) */
        List <FractionData> atomicList = new List <FractionData>();

        /* Build the atomicList of fractions with one component (atomic) */
        /* For every possible atomic fraction */
        for (int denominator = 2; denominator <= 10; denominator++)
            FractionData data     = new FractionData();
            Fraction     fraction = new Fraction(1, denominator);
            data.Value += fraction;

            /* Add it to the atomicList */
        database.Data.Add(1, atomicList);

        /* If more than one component needs to be generated, combine every item in atomicList with every possible atomic fraction */
        for (int numComponents = 2; numComponents <= 5; numComponents++)
            List <FractionData> fractionList = new List <FractionData>();
            /* Loop through the previous difficulty level, adding every combination of atomic fraction */
            foreach (FractionData fractionFromPreviousLevel in database.Data[numComponents - 1])
                /* For every possible atomic fraction */
                for (int denominator = 2; denominator <= 10; denominator++)
                    Fraction fraction = new Fraction(1, denominator);

                    /* Only add the new fraction if the base is within 2-10 */
                    Fraction sum = fractionFromPreviousLevel.Value + fraction;
                    if (sum.denominator <= 10)
                        FractionData data = new FractionData(fractionFromPreviousLevel)
                            Value = sum

                        /* Ensure this new item is unique (1/2 + 1/4 === 1/4 + 1/2) */
                        if (IsDistinct(data, fractionList))
                            /* Add this fraction data to the list */
            /* Add the list of fractionData to the database */
            database.Data.Add(numComponents, fractionList);
