Exemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (acquireEyeDatas)
            LeftEye         = FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector();
            RightEye        = FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector();
            acquireEyeDatas = targetMoveScript.trainingRunning;

            Frame FrameLeft = new Frame();
            FrameLeft.timeStamp = Time.time;
            FrameLeft.EyePos    = LeftEye;

            Frame FrameRight = new Frame();
            FrameRight.timeStamp = Time.time;
            FrameRight.EyePos    = RightEye;

            FrameLeft.EyePos = targetMoveScript.gameObject.transform.position; // :!!!!!!!


            /*if (!acquireEyeDatas)
             *  WriteEyesData();*/
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - prevTime;

        if (time >= 0.5f)
            fpstime = frameCount / time;
            //Debug.LogFormat("{0}fps", fpstime);
            frameCount = 0;
            prevTime   = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        FoveInterface.EyeRays eyes = FoveInterface.GetEyeRays();
        RaycastHit hitLeft, hitRight;

        Physics.Raycast(eyes.left, out hitLeft, Mathf.Infinity);
        Physics.Raycast(eyes.right, out hitRight, Mathf.Infinity);
        originhit = hitLeft.point + ((hitRight.point - hitLeft.point) / 2);//視点座標を代入

        hmdpos = FoveInterface.GetHMDPosition(); //HMDの位置座標
        hmdrot = FoveInterface.GetHMDRotation(); //HMDの方向座標
        //Debug.Log(hmdpos.x + "," + hmdpos.y + "," + hmdpos.z + "," + hmdrot.x + "," + hmdrot.y + "," + hmdrot.z + "," + hmdrot.w);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            spintim   = 1;
            n         = 90.0f;
            spinstart = DateTime.Now;//実行を始めた時刻

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N))
            vectionfeel = 1;
            //n = 90.0f;

        if (spintim == 1)                 //checkerroomの回転、csvへの書き込み
            nt = DateTime.Now;            //ここに到達したときの時刻を取得する
            TimeSpan ts = nt - spinstart; //実行からどれくらい経過しているのかを計算

            spinangle  = ts.Milliseconds * n / 1000.0f;
            spinangle += ts.Seconds * n;
            spinangle += ts.Minutes * n;
            //spinangle += 0.9f;//Unityは60fpsというのを前提
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, spinangle, 0.0f);

            streamWriter.Write(nt.ToString() + ',' + nt.Millisecond.ToString() + ',' + ts.ToString() + ',' + nt.Millisecond.ToString() + ','
                               + fpstime.ToString() + ','                                                                                                                                           //fps
                               + n.ToString() + ','                                                                                                                                                 //チェッカールームの回転速度
                               + eyes.left.origin.x.ToString() + ',' + eyes.left.origin.y.ToString() + ',' + eyes.left.origin.z.ToString() + ','                                                    //左目の座標
                               + eyes.right.origin.x.ToString() + ',' + eyes.right.origin.y.ToString() + ',' + eyes.right.origin.z.ToString() + ','                                                 //右目の座標
                               + FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector().x.ToString() + ',' + FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector().y.ToString() + ',' + FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector().z.ToString() + ','    //左目ベクトル
                               + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector().x.ToString() + ',' + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector().y.ToString() + ',' + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector().z.ToString() + ',' //右目ベクトル
                               + originhit.x.ToString() + ',' + originhit.y.ToString() + ',' + originhit.z.ToString() + ','                                                                         //視点の座標
                               + hmdpos.x.ToString() + ',' + hmdpos.y.ToString() + ',' + hmdpos.z.ToString() + ','                                                                                  //HMDの座標
                               + hmdrot.x.ToString() + ',' + hmdrot.y.ToString() + ',' + hmdrot.z.ToString() + ',' + hmdrot.w.ToString() + ','                                                      //HMDの向き
                               + vectionfeel.ToString());                                                                                                                                           //ベクション
            streamWriter.WriteLine();                                                                                                                                                               //改行


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            spintim = 0;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
            n = 180.0f;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))
            n = 60.0f;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
            n = 90.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
    // 固定秒数で呼ばれる処理。
    private void FixedUpdate()
        time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - time2;
        Vector3 leftVec  = FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector();
        Vector3 rightVec = FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector();

        //if(FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed() == Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Neither)
        //    blink = 0;
        //if(FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed() == Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Left)
        //    blink = 1;
        //if(FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed() == Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Right)
        //    blink = 2;
        //if(FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed() == Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Both)
        //    blink = 3;

        if (state == 1 && flag == true)
            // 1回目spaceを押した時に処理に入る。


            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            fileName = TitleLoading.inputValue + count;
            data.Append("time,left x,left y,left z,right x,right y,right z,\n");

            // 反転する → falseになる
            flag = !flag;

            time2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        else if (state == 1)

            // 上のifが呼ばれたこちらがずっと呼ばれる。
            data.Append(time + "," + leftVec.x + "," + leftVec.y + "," + leftVec.z + "," +
                        rightVec.x + "," + rightVec.y + "," + rightVec.z + "," + "\n");
        else if (state == 2 && flag == false)
            filePath = "C:\\Users\\Yu Kume\\Desktop\\MeasureData\\blink\\" + fileName + ".csv";
            WriteCsv(filePath, data);
            data = new StringBuilder();
            // 反転させている → trueにする
            flag = !flag;
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        FoveInterface.EyeRays eyes = FoveInterface.GetEyeRays();
        RaycastHit            hitLeft, hitRight;

        switch (FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed())
        case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Neither:

            Physics.Raycast(eyes.left, out hitLeft, Mathf.Infinity);
            Physics.Raycast(eyes.right, out hitRight, Mathf.Infinity);
            if (hitLeft.point != Vector3.zero && hitRight.point != Vector3.zero)
                //origineye = (eyes.left.origin + eyes.right.origin) / 2;//眼球の中間の座標を求める
                //originvector = (FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector() + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector()) / 2;//両目のベクトルの平均を求める
                //origineye = eyes.right.origin;//右目の座標を求める
                //originvector = FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector();//右目のベクトルの平均を求める
                //tunneringpos = root10 * originvector - origineye;//眼球の座標と大きさ10のベクトルでトンネリングの座標を求める

                tunneringpos = ((eyes.left.origin + FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector() * 10.0f) + (eyes.right.origin + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector() * 10.0f)) / 2;
                //tunneringpos = eyes.right.origin + FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector() * 10.0f;
                transform.position =  tunneringpos;   //トンネリングを移動

                //kyori = tunneringpos.x * tunneringpos.x + tunneringpos.y * tunneringpos.y + tunneringpos.z * tunneringpos.z;

                 * Debug.Log(originvector.ToString());
                 * Debug.Log(tunneringpos.ToString());*/
                //Debug.Log(tunneringpos.x.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.y.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.z.ToString() + ":" + kyori.ToString());
                originhit          = eyes.left.GetPoint(3.0f) + ((eyes.right.GetPoint(3.0f) - eyes.left.GetPoint(3.0f)) / 2); //視点を代入
                origindirection    = originhit.x * originhit.x + originhit.y * originhit.y + originhit.z * originhit.z;       //距離の2乗を計算
                origindirection2   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection);
                origindirection3   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection2);
                newtunnering       = new Vector3(originhit.x * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.y * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.z * root10 / origindirection3); //トンネリングの座標を計算して代入
                transform.position = newtunnering;                                                                                                                           //トンネリングを移動

        case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Left:

            Physics.Raycast(eyes.right, out hitRight, Mathf.Infinity);
            if (hitRight.point != Vector3.zero)                         // Vector3 is non-nullable; comparing to null is always false
                origineye          = eyes.right.origin;                 //右目の座標を求める
                originvector       = FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector(); //右目のベクトルの平均を求める
                tunneringpos       = root10 * originvector - origineye; //眼球の座標と大きさ10のベクトルでトンネリングの座標を求める
                transform.position = tunneringpos;                      //トンネリングを移動

                //kyori = tunneringpos.x * tunneringpos.x + tunneringpos.y * tunneringpos.y + tunneringpos.z * tunneringpos.z;
                //Debug.Log(tunneringpos.x.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.y.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.z.ToString() + ":" + kyori.ToString());
                originhit          = eyes.right.GetPoint(3.0f);                                                         //視点を代入
                origindirection    = originhit.x * originhit.x + originhit.y * originhit.y + originhit.z * originhit.z; //距離の2乗を計算
                origindirection2   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection);
                origindirection3   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection2);
                newtunnering       = new Vector3(originhit.x * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.y * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.z * root10 / origindirection3); //トンネリングの座標を計算して代入
                transform.position = newtunnering;                                                                                                                           //トンネリングを移動

        case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Right:

            Physics.Raycast(eyes.left, out hitLeft, Mathf.Infinity);
            if (hitLeft.point != Vector3.zero)                          // Vector3 is non-nullable; comparing to null is always false
                origineye          = eyes.left.origin;                  //左目の座標を求める
                originvector       = FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector();  //左目のベクトルの平均を求める
                tunneringpos       = root10 * originvector - origineye; //眼球の座標と大きさ10のベクトルでトンネリングの座標を求める
                transform.position = tunneringpos;                      //トンネリングを移動

                //kyori = tunneringpos.x * tunneringpos.x + tunneringpos.y * tunneringpos.y + tunneringpos.z * tunneringpos.z;
                //Debug.Log(tunneringpos.x.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.y.ToString() + ":" + tunneringpos.z.ToString() + ":" + kyori.ToString());
                originhit          = eyes.left.GetPoint(3.0f);                                                          //視点を代入
                origindirection    = originhit.x * originhit.x + originhit.y * originhit.y + originhit.z * originhit.z; //距離の2乗を計算
                origindirection2   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection);
                origindirection3   = Mathf.Sqrt(origindirection2);
                newtunnering       = new Vector3(originhit.x * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.y * root10 / origindirection3, originhit.z * root10 / origindirection3); //トンネリングの座標を計算して代入
                transform.position = newtunnering;                                                                                                                           //トンネリングを移動
Exemplo n.º 5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        FoveInterface.EyeRays eyes = FoveInterface.GetEyeRays();

        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            _object[i].GetComponent <Renderer>().material = _material[0];
        k             = 0;
        eyevector.x   = eyevector.y = eyevector.z = 0;
        truthvector.x = truthvector.y = truthvector.z = 0;

        if (k == 0)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q))
                k = 1;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
                k = 2;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E))
                k = 3;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
                k = 4;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                k = 5;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
                k = 6;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z))
                k = 7;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X))
                k = 8;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C))
                k = 9;

        if (k > 0)
            _object[k - 1].GetComponent <Renderer>().material = _material[1];
            switch (FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed())
            case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Neither:
                eyevector   = (FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector() + FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector()) / 2;
                truthvector = _object[k - 1].GetComponent <Transform>().position - ((eyes.left.origin + eyes.right.origin) / 2);


            case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Left:
                eyevector.x   = eyevector.y = eyevector.z = 0;
                truthvector.x = truthvector.y = truthvector.z = 0;
                //eyevector = FoveInterface.GetRightEyeVector();
                //truthvector = _object[k - 1].GetComponent<Transform>().position - eyes.right.origin;


            case Fove.EFVR_Eye.Right:
                eyevector.x   = eyevector.y = eyevector.z = 0;
                truthvector.x = truthvector.y = truthvector.z = 0;
                //eyevector = FoveInterface.GetLeftEyeVector();
                //truthvector = _object[k - 1].GetComponent<Transform>().position - eyes.left.origin;

            theta = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(eyevector, truthvector) / (eyevector.magnitude * truthvector.magnitude)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            streamWriter.Write(k.ToString() + ',' + theta.ToString() + ','
                               + eyevector.x.ToString() + ',' + eyevector.y.ToString() + ',' + eyevector.z.ToString() + ','
                               + truthvector.x.ToString() + ',' + truthvector.y.ToString() + ',' + truthvector.z.ToString());