Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the data of the forum control.
    /// </summary>
    public override void ReloadData()

        this.UniPager1.Enabled  = this.EnableThreadPaging;
        this.UniPager1.PageSize = this.ThreadPageSize;

        // Hide selected area if forum is AdHoc
        if (this.IsAdHocForum)
            plcHeader.Visible = false;
            if (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID == 0)
                plcContent.Visible = false;

        // Get thread and subscribe link url
        bool newThread       = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.NewThread);
        bool newSubscription = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.SubscribeToForum);
        bool newFavorites    = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.AddForumToFavorites);
        bool newBreadCrumbs  = (ForumBreadcrumbs1.GenerateBreadcrumbs() != "");

        // Hide separators according to the link visibility
        // Each separator is hidden if the item preceeding the separator is invisible or
        // no item is behind the separator.
        if (!newThread || (!newSubscription && !newFavorites && !newBreadCrumbs))
            plcActionSeparator.Visible = false;
        if (!newSubscription || (!newFavorites && !newBreadCrumbs))
            plcAddToFavoritesSeparator.Visible = false;
        if (!newFavorites || !newBreadCrumbs)
            plcBreadcrumbsSeparator.Visible = false;

        if ((ForumContext.CurrentForum != null) && (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID > 0))
            string orderBy = "PostStickOrder Desc, PostThreadLastPostTime DESC";
            if (ForumContext.UserIsModerator(this.ForumID, this.CommunityGroupID))
                orderBy = "PostStickOrder Desc, PostThreadLastPostTimeAbsolute DESC";

            // Retrieve data just for the current page
            int currentOffset = EnablePostsPaging ? ThreadPageSize * (UniPager1.CurrentPage - 1) : 0;
            int maxRecords    = EnablePostsPaging ? ThreadPageSize : 0;
            int totalRecords  = 0;

            listForums.DataSource = ForumPostInfoProvider.SelectForumPosts(this.ForumID, "/%", null, orderBy, 0, !ForumContext.UserIsModerator(this.ForumID, this.CommunityGroupID), -1, null, currentOffset, maxRecords, ref totalRecords);

            // Set the total number of records to the pager
            UniPager1.PagedControl.PagerForceNumberOfResults = totalRecords;

Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        // Hide selected area if forum is AdHoc
        if (IsAdHocForum)
            plcHeader.Visible = false;

        // Handle the Move topic mode
        if (ForumContext.CurrentMode != ForumMode.TopicMove)
            plcMoveThread.Visible = false;
            plcMoveThread.Visible  = true;
            threadMove.TopicMoved += new EventHandler(TopicMoved);

        if ((hdnSelected.Value == String.Empty) && (QueryHelper.Contains("moveto")))
            hdnSelected.Value = QueryHelper.GetString("moveto", "");
            mSelectedPost     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnSelected.Value, 0);

        bool newThread       = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.NewThread);
        bool newSubscription = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.SubscribeToForum);
        bool newFavorites    = base.IsAvailable(null, ForumActionType.AddForumToFavorites);
        bool newBreadCrumbs  = (ForumBreadcrumbs1.GenerateBreadcrumbs() != "");

        // Hide separators according to the link visibility
        // Each separator is hidden if the item preceeding the separator is invisible or
        // no item is behind the separator.
        if (!newThread || (!newSubscription && !newFavorites && !newBreadCrumbs))
            plcActionSeparator.Visible = false;
        if (!newSubscription || (!newFavorites && !newBreadCrumbs))
            plcAddToFavoritesSeparator.Visible = false;
        if (!newFavorites || !newBreadCrumbs)
            plcBreadcrumbsSeparator.Visible = false;

        // postTreeElem.ForumID = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID;
        //postTreeElem.ShowMode = ShowModeEnum.TreeMode;

        // Unapproved posts are shown only if onsite mangement is enabled and user is moderator
        ForumInfo fi = ForumContext.CurrentForum;

        postTreeElem.SelectOnlyApproved = !((fi != null) && EnableOnSiteManagement && fi.ForumModerated && ForumContext.UserIsModerator(ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID, CommunityGroupID));

        if (postTreeElem.ShowMode == ShowModeEnum.DynamicDetailMode)
            // Set javascript for selected mode
            ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ForumTreeDynamic", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SelectForumNode(nodeElem, selElem) { if (document.getElementById(nodeElem) != null) { document.getElementById(nodeElem).style.display = 'block';} " +
                                                                                                                    "if (document.getElementById(selElem) != null) {document.getElementById(selElem).style.display = 'none';} return false;}\n "));
            ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ForumTreeNormal", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SelectForumNode(nodeElem) { return false; }\n "));

        // Show post javascript
        string showScript = "function ShowPost(id){ document.getElementById('" + hdnSelected.ClientID + "').value = id; " + ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "") + " }";

        //Register show post javascript code
        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ShowForumPost", ScriptHelper.GetScript(showScript));

        // Don't use redirection after action
        UseRedirectAfterAction = false;

        int selected = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnSelected.Value, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Request[hdnSelected.UniqueID], 0));

        if (selected > 0)
            ForumPostInfo fpi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(selected);
            if (fpi != null)
                ucAbuse.ReportObjectID            = fpi.PostId;
                ucAbuse.ReportTitle               = ResHelper.GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumPost.AbuseReport", CultureHelper.GetDefaultCultureCode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)) + fpi.PostText;
                ucAbuse.CMSPanel.CommunityGroupID = CommunityGroupID;
                ucAbuse.CMSPanel.SecurityAccess   = AbuseReportAccess;
                ucAbuse.CMSPanel.Roles            = AbuseReportRoles;