Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates one or more FormatDescriptor entries for the specified range, adding them
        /// to the Results list.
        /// This will either create one entry that spans the entire range (for e.g. strings
        /// and bulk data), or create equal-sized chunks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Region data type.</param>
        /// <param name="subType">Region data sub-type.</param>
        /// <param name="chunkLength">Length of a chunk, or -1 for full buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="symbolRef">Symbol reference, or null if not applicable.</param>
        /// <param name="low">Offset of first byte in range.</param>
        /// <param name="high">Offset of last byte in range.</param>
        private void CreateSimpleEntries(FormatDescriptor.Type type,
                                         FormatDescriptor.SubType subType, int chunkLength,
                                         WeakSymbolRef symbolRef, int low, int high)
            if (chunkLength == -1)
                chunkLength = (high - low) + 1;
            Debug.Assert(((high - low + 1) / chunkLength) * chunkLength == high - low + 1);

            // Either we have one chunk, or we have multiple chunks with the same type and
            // length.  Either way, we only need to create the descriptor once.  (This is
            // safe because FormatDescriptor instances are immutable.)
            // Because certain details, like the fill byte and high-vs-low ASCII, are pulled
            // out of the data stream at format time, we don't have to dig for them now.
            FormatDescriptor dfd;

            if (subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.Symbol)
                dfd = FormatDescriptor.Create(chunkLength, symbolRef,
                                              type == FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE);
                dfd = FormatDescriptor.Create(chunkLength, type, subType);

            while (low <= high)
                Results.Add(low, dfd);
                low += chunkLength;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of FormatDescriptors, based on the current control configuration.
        /// The entries in the list are guaranteed to be sorted by start address and not
        /// overlap.
        /// We assume that whatever the control gives us is correct, e.g. it's not going
        /// to tell us to put a buffer full of zeroes into a DCI string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Result list.</returns>
        private void CreateDescriptorListFromControls()
            FormatDescriptor.Type    type      = FormatDescriptor.Type.Default;
            FormatDescriptor.SubType subType   = FormatDescriptor.SubType.None;
            WeakSymbolRef            symbolRef = null;
            int chunkLength = -1;

            // Decode the "display as" panel, if it's relevant.
            if (radioSimpleDataHex.Enabled)
                if (radioSimpleDataHex.Checked)
                    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Hex;
                else if (radioSimpleDataDecimal.Checked)
                    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Decimal;
                else if (radioSimpleDataBinary.Checked)
                    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Binary;
                else if (radioSimpleDataAscii.Checked)
                    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Ascii;
                else if (radioSimpleDataAddress.Checked)
                    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Address;
                else if (radioSimpleDataSymbolic.Checked)
                    WeakSymbolRef.Part part;
                    if (radioSymbolPartLow.Checked)
                        part = WeakSymbolRef.Part.Low;
                    else if (radioSymbolPartHigh.Checked)
                        part = WeakSymbolRef.Part.High;
                    else if (radioSymbolPartBank.Checked)
                        part = WeakSymbolRef.Part.Bank;
                        part = WeakSymbolRef.Part.Low;
                    subType   = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Symbol;
                    symbolRef = new WeakSymbolRef(symbolEntryTextBox.Text, part);
                subType = 0;        // set later, or doesn't matter

            // Decode the main format.
            if (radioDefaultFormat.Checked)
                // Default/None; note this would create a multi-byte Default format, which isn't
                // really allowed.  What we actually want to do is remove the explicit formatting
                // from all spanned offsets, so we use a dedicated type for that.
                type = FormatDescriptor.Type.REMOVE;
            else if (radioSingleBytes.Checked)
                type        = FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE;
                chunkLength = 1;
            else if (radio16BitLittle.Checked)
                type        = FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE;
                chunkLength = 2;
            else if (radio16BitBig.Checked)
                type        = FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE;
                chunkLength = 2;
            else if (radio24BitLittle.Checked)
                type        = FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE;
                chunkLength = 3;
            else if (radio32BitLittle.Checked)
                type        = FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE;
                chunkLength = 4;
            else if (radioDenseHex.Checked)
                type = FormatDescriptor.Type.Dense;
            else if (radioFill.Checked)
                type = FormatDescriptor.Type.Fill;
            else if (radioStringMixed.Checked)
                type = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
            else if (radioStringMixedReverse.Checked)
                type    = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Reverse;
            else if (radioStringNullTerm.Checked)
                type    = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.CString;
            else if (radioStringLen8.Checked)
                type    = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.L8String;
            else if (radioStringLen16.Checked)
                type    = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.L16String;
            else if (radioStringDci.Checked)
                type    = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.Dci;
                //} else if (radioStringDciReverse.Checked) {
                //    type = FormatDescriptor.Type.String;
                //    subType = FormatDescriptor.SubType.DciReverse;
                // default/none

            Results = new SortedList <int, FormatDescriptor>();

            IEnumerator <TypedRangeSet.TypedRange> iter = Selection.RangeListIterator;

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                TypedRangeSet.TypedRange rng = iter.Current;

                if (type == FormatDescriptor.Type.String)
                    // We want to create one FormatDescriptor object per string.  That way
                    // each string gets its own line.
                    if ((subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.None ||
                         subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.Reverse))
                        CreateMixedStringEntries(rng.Low, rng.High, subType);
                    else if (subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.CString)
                        CreateCStringEntries(rng.Low, rng.High, subType);
                    else if (subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.L8String ||
                             subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.L16String)
                        CreateLengthStringEntries(rng.Low, rng.High, subType);
                    else if (subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.Dci ||
                             subType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.DciReverse)
                        CreateDciStringEntries(rng.Low, rng.High, subType);
                        CreateMixedStringEntries(rng.Low, rng.High, subType);   // shrug
                    CreateSimpleEntries(type, subType, chunkLength, symbolRef, rng.Low, rng.High);