Exemplo n.º 1
        public FormDTOForAdmin Update(int id, PutFormDTO updated)
            Form found = GetByID(id);

            if (found == null)
                throw new HttpException("The Form with id: " + updated.Id + " was not found.");

            if (updated.Grade != null)
                found.Grade = (int)updated.Grade;
            if (updated.Tag != null)
                found.Tag = updated.Tag;
            if (updated.Started != null)
                found.Started = (DateTime)updated.Started;
            if (updated.AttendingTeacherId != null)
                Teacher foundTeacher = db.TeachersRepository.GetByID(updated.AttendingTeacherId);
                if (foundTeacher == null)
                    throw new HttpException("Attending teacher with id: " + updated.AttendingTeacherId + " was not found.");

                if (foundTeacher.FormAttending != null && foundTeacher.FormAttending.Id != found.Id)
                    throw new HttpException("The teacher id " + updated.AttendingTeacherId + " is already assigned to the form " +
                                            "with id: " + foundTeacher.FormAttending.Id + ". The teacher can only attend one form at a time.");
                if (foundTeacher.IsStillWorking == false)
                    throw new HttpException("The teacher id " + foundTeacher.Id + " is no longer working in this shool. " +
                                            "You must assing someone who is still working.");

                found.AttendingTeacher = foundTeacher;


            Form duplicate = db.FormsRepository.GetDuplicate(found.Grade, found.Tag, found.Started.Year);

            if (duplicate != null && duplicate.Id != found.Id)
                throw new HttpException("The form you are creating by this update is already in the system. " +
                                        "The form id:" + duplicate.Id);


            FormDTOForAdmin updatedDTO = new FormDTOForAdmin();

            updatedDTO = toDTO.ConvertToFormDTOForAdmin(found);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage GetForm(int id)
            string userId   = ((ClaimsPrincipal)RequestContext.Principal).FindFirst(x => x.Type == "UserId").Value;
            string userRole = ((ClaimsPrincipal)RequestContext.Principal).FindFirst(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Role).Value;

            logger.Info("UserRole: " + userRole + ", UserId: " + userId + ": Requesting Form by id: " + id);

                Form form = formsService.GetByID(id);

                if (form == null)
                    logger.Info("The form with id: " + id + " was not found.");
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The form with id: " + id + " was not found."));
                if (userRole == "admin")
                    logger.Info("Requesting found form convert for " + userRole + "role.");
                    FormDTOForAdmin dto = toDTO.ConvertToFormDTOForAdmin(form);
                    if (dto == null)
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Something went wrong."));
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dto));
                else if (userRole == "teacher")
                    logger.Info("Requesting found form convert for " + userRole + "role.");
                    FormDTOForTeacher dto = toDTO.ConvertToFormDTOForTeacher(form);
                    if (dto == null)
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Something went wrong."));
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dto));
                else if (form.Students.Any(x => x.Id == userId) == true ||
                         form.Students.Any(x => x.Parent.Id == userId) == true)
                    logger.Info("Requesting found form convert for " + userRole + " role.");
                    FormDTOForStudentAndParents dto = toDTO.ConvertToFormDTOForStudentAndParent(form);
                    if (dto == null)
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Something went wrong."));
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dto));
                    logger.Info("Authorisation failure. User " + userId + " is not authorised for this request.");
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Access Denied. " +
                                                       "We’re sorry, but you are not authorized to perform the requested operation."));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, e));