Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>

        public CriteriaStructure()


            if (SystemUtil.InDesignMode)

            //Ensure the correct BorderWidth and TitleBarHeight are calculated so that the form is the correct height nwr 3/1/2019
            ClientSize = new Size(Size.Width - 6, Size.Height - 40);

            // Calulate and save initial form size and location information
            FormMetricsInfo fmi = WindowsHelper.GetFormMetrics(this);

            QueryMolCtl.AllowEditing = true;

            int pad = QueryMolCtl.Left;                                    // left side padding
            int cw  = QueryMolCtl.Width + pad * 2;                         // client width with no rt-side search results preview panel
            int fw  = cw + fmi.BorderWidth * 2;                            // associated form width

            int ch = fmi.ClientSize.Height + (RetrieveModel.Top - OK.Top); // client height without a search options panel
            int fh = ch + fmi.TitleBarHeight + fmi.BorderWidth * 2;        // associated form height

            InitialFormSize  = new Size(fw, fh);
            BottomCtlsHeight = fmi.ClientSize.Height - BottomDivider.Top;

            Screen screen  = Screen.PrimaryScreen; // calc initial size for form with SmallWorld search selected
            int    swWidth = 1000;                 // predefined width to include preview results

            if (swWidth > screen.WorkingArea.Width)
                swWidth = screen.WorkingArea.Width;
            int swHeight = InitialFormSize.Height + SmallWorldOptions.Height + BottomCtlsHeight;

            if (swHeight > screen.WorkingArea.Height)
                swHeight = screen.WorkingArea.Height;
            SmallWorldSize = new Size(swWidth, swHeight);

            Size     = InitialFormSize;                                         // set initial form size
            Location = WindowsHelper.GetCenteredScreenLocation(SmallWorldSize); // set location of form based on SmallWorld form size

            PreviewPanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

            PreviewCtl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            PreviewCtl.Dock        = DockStyle.Fill;      // dock ctl within PreviewPanel

            SSOptions.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            SSOptions.Location    = SmallWorldOptions.Location;          // use SmallWorld locate other option controls

            SimOptions.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            SimOptions.Location    = SmallWorldOptions.Location;

            FSOptions.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            FSOptions.Location    = SmallWorldOptions.Location;

            SmallWorldOptions.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

            // Hide SmallWorld option if not permitted for this user

            if (!SmallWorldIsAvailableForUser)
                SmallWorld.Visible = false;
                None.Location      = SmallWorld.Location;


Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Display proper options subform or hide options if not showing
        /// based on the Psc settings
        /// </summary>

        void SetupOptions(bool initialSetup = false)
            FormMetricsInfo fmi = WindowsHelper.GetFormMetrics(this);

            bool showOptions = ShowOptions;

            if (Psc.SearchType != StructureSearchType.Unknown)
            // && Psc.SearchType != StructureSearchType.SSS) // don't show SS options for now
                ShowOptionsButton.Enabled = true;

            else             // no options available
                showOptions = false;
                ShowOptionsButton.Enabled = false;

            ShowOptionsButton.ImageIndex = (showOptions ? 1 : 0);                                             // set proper ShowOptions Expand/Contract image button
            BottomDivider.Visible        = (showOptions || Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld); // line above OK/Cancel

            if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.Substructure)
                FSOptions.Visible = SimOptions.Visible = SmallWorldOptions.Visible = PreviewPanel.Visible = false;
                SSOptions.Visible = showOptions;

                int optHeight = showOptions ? SSOptions.Height + BottomCtlsHeight : 0;
                Size = new Size(InitialFormSize.Width, InitialFormSize.Height + optHeight);

            else if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                SSOptions.Visible  = FSOptions.Visible = SmallWorldOptions.Visible = PreviewPanel.Visible = false;
                SimOptions.Visible = showOptions;
                int optHeight = showOptions ? SimOptions.Height + BottomCtlsHeight : 0;
                Size = new Size(InitialFormSize.Width, InitialFormSize.Height + optHeight);

            else if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.FullStructure)
                SSOptions.Visible = SimOptions.Visible = SmallWorldOptions.Visible = PreviewPanel.Visible = false;
                FSOptions.Visible = showOptions;

                int optHeight = showOptions ? FSOptions.Height + BottomCtlsHeight : 0;
                Size = new Size(InitialFormSize.Width, InitialFormSize.Height + optHeight);

            else if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld)
                SSOptions.Visible         = FSOptions.Visible = SimOptions.Visible = false;
                SmallWorldOptions.Visible = showOptions;

                SmallWorldOptions.CriteriaStructureForm = this;                 // link SmallWorldOptions to us

                SmallWorldPredefinedParameters swp = Psc.SmallWorldParameters;


                Size = SmallWorldSize;                 // set form size same as last time

                if (!PreviewPanel.Visible)             // if preview not visible then adjust size and show

                    Size cs = this.ClientRectangle.Size;
                    PreviewPanel.Width   = cs.Width - PreviewPanel.Left - 2;
                    PreviewPanel.Height  = BottomDivider.Top - PreviewPanel.Top + 2;
                    PreviewPanel.Visible = true;

                if (initialSetup)
                    SmallWorldOptions.StartInitialQueryExecution();                               // start search if initial setup

                Size = InitialFormSize;              // no search type
