/// <summary>
        /// This method handles form field mapping from a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="xForm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static Form Files(String file, Form xForm)
            // First we need to get properties from the file
            // The naming of the files expected: FILENAME_DATE_CUSTOMER_FACILITY.EXTENSION
            // We will split it into an array and store the values as variables
            var fileName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Split('_');
            var name      = fileName[0];
            var date      = fileName[1];
            var customer  = fileName[2];
            var facility  = fileName[3];
            var extension = Path.GetExtension(file);

            // To get more information you can use QueryDatabase() here
            // Pass in a table name, column name, and a customer
            // using a call like the following
            // var dt = GetData.QueryDatabase(name, "Customer", customer);

            // Or you can use a stored procedure that returns here as well
            // using a call like the following
            //var dt = GetData.QueryStoredProcedure("sp_your_stored_precedure_name", "@" + customer, "@" + facility);

            // set the form fields
            // customize this information to use form field names from your form template.
            xForm.GetFormControlByName("HIDDEN_FIELD_FILE_NAME").Value      = name;
            xForm.GetFormControlByName("CTEXT_FIELD_DATE").Value            = date;
            xForm.GetFormControlByName("CTEXT_FIELD_CUSTOMER").Value        = customer;
            xForm.GetFormControlByName("PICKLIST_FIELD_FACILITY").Value     = facility;
            xForm.GetFormControlByName("HIDDEN_FIELD_FILE_EXTENSION").Value = extension;

            // attach any files you want to the form
            // in this case we are attaching the file used to get values
            var att = xForm.CreateAttachmentData();

            att.Name = Path.GetFileName(file);
