Exemplo n.º 1
 private void DumpUserData(ForeignUserProfileData userData)
     m_log.Info(" ------------ User Data Dump ----------");
     m_log.Info(" >> Name: " + userData.FirstName + " " + userData.SurName);
     m_log.Info(" >> HomeID: " + userData.HomeRegionID);
     m_log.Info(" >> HomeHandle: " + userData.HomeRegion);
     m_log.Info(" >> HomeX: " + userData.HomeRegionX);
     m_log.Info(" >> HomeY: " + userData.HomeRegionY);
     m_log.Info(" >> UserServer: " + userData.UserServerURI);
     m_log.Info(" >> InvServer: " + userData.UserInventoryURI);
     m_log.Info(" >> AssetServer: " + userData.UserAssetURI);
     m_log.Info(" ------------ -------------- ----------");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Received from other HGrid nodes when a user wants to teleport here.  This call allows
        /// the region to prepare for direct communication from the client.  Sends back an empty
        /// xmlrpc response on completion.
        /// This is somewhat similar to OGS1's ExpectUser, but with the additional task of
        /// registering the user in the local user cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public XmlRpcResponse ExpectHGUser(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient)
            Hashtable requestData           = (Hashtable)request.Params[0];
            ForeignUserProfileData userData = new ForeignUserProfileData();

            userData.FirstName    = (string)requestData["firstname"];
            userData.SurName      = (string)requestData["lastname"];
            userData.ID           = new UUID((string)requestData["agent_id"]);
            userData.HomeLocation = new Vector3((float)Convert.ToDecimal((string)requestData["startpos_x"]),

            userData.UserServerURI    = (string)requestData["userserver_id"];
            userData.UserAssetURI     = (string)requestData["assetserver_id"];
            userData.UserInventoryURI = (string)requestData["inventoryserver_id"];

            UUID rootID = UUID.Zero;

            UUID.TryParse((string)requestData["root_folder_id"], out rootID);
            userData.RootInventoryFolderID = rootID;

            UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;

            UUID.TryParse((string)requestData["region_uuid"], out uuid);
            userData.HomeRegionID = uuid;         // not quite comfortable about this...
            ulong userRegionHandle = Convert.ToUInt64((string)requestData["regionhandle"]);

            //userData.HomeRegion           = userRegionHandle;
            userData.UserHomeAddress = (string)requestData["home_address"];
            userData.UserHomePort    = (string)requestData["home_port"];
            int userhomeinternalport = Convert.ToInt32((string)requestData["internal_port"]);

            userData.UserHomeRemotingPort = (string)requestData["home_remoting"];

            m_log.DebugFormat("[HGrid]: Prepare for connection from {0} {1} (@{2}) UUID={3}",
                              userData.FirstName, userData.SurName, userData.UserServerURI, userData.ID);
            m_log.Debug("[HGrid]: home_address: " + userData.UserHomeAddress +
                        "; home_port: " + userData.UserHomePort + "; remoting: " + userData.UserHomeRemotingPort);

            XmlRpcResponse resp = new XmlRpcResponse();

            // Let's check if someone is trying to get in with a stolen local identity.
            // The need for this test is a consequence of not having truly global names :-/
            CachedUserInfo uinfo = m_userProfileCache.GetUserDetails(userData.ID);

            if ((uinfo != null) && !(uinfo.UserProfile is ForeignUserProfileData))
                m_log.WarnFormat("[HGrid]: Foreign user trying to get in with local identity. Access denied.");
                Hashtable respdata = new Hashtable();
                respdata["success"] = "FALSE";
                respdata["reason"]  = "Foreign user has the same ID as a local user.";
                resp.Value          = respdata;

            if (!RegionLoginsEnabled)
                    "[HGrid]: Denying access for user {0} {1} because region login is currently disabled",
                    userData.FirstName, userData.SurName);

                Hashtable respdata = new Hashtable();
                respdata["success"] = "FALSE";
                respdata["reason"]  = "region login currently disabled";
                resp.Value          = respdata;
                // Finally, everything looks ok
                //m_log.Debug("XXX---- EVERYTHING OK ---XXX");

                // 1 - Preload the user data

                if (m_knownRegions.ContainsKey(userData.ID))
                    // This was left here when the user departed

                // 2 - Load the region info into list of known regions
                RegionInfo rinfo = new RegionInfo();
                rinfo.RegionID         = userData.HomeRegionID;
                rinfo.ExternalHostName = userData.UserHomeAddress;
                rinfo.HttpPort         = Convert.ToUInt32(userData.UserHomePort);
                rinfo.RemotingPort     = Convert.ToUInt32(userData.UserHomeRemotingPort);
                rinfo.RegionID         = userData.HomeRegionID;
                // X=0 on the map
                rinfo.RegionLocX   = 0;
                rinfo.RegionLocY   = (uint)(random.Next(0, Int32.MaxValue)); //(uint)m_knownRegions.Count;
                rinfo.regionSecret = userRegionHandle.ToString();
                //m_log.Debug("XXX--- Here: handle = " + rinfo.regionSecret);
                    rinfo.InternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), (int)userhomeinternalport);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[HGrid]: Exception while constructing internal endpoint: " + e);
                rinfo.RemotingAddress = rinfo.ExternalEndPoint.Address.ToString(); //userData.UserHomeAddress;

                if (!IsComingHome(userData))
                    // Change the user's home region here!!!
                    userData.HomeRegion = rinfo.RegionHandle;

                if (!m_knownRegions.ContainsKey(userData.ID))
                    m_knownRegions.Add(userData.ID, rinfo);

                // 3 - Send the reply
                Hashtable respdata = new Hashtable();
                respdata["success"] = "TRUE";
                resp.Value          = respdata;


Exemplo n.º 3
 protected bool IsComingHome(ForeignUserProfileData userData)
     return(userData.UserServerURI == HGNetworkServersInfo.Singleton.LocalUserServerURI);