private void HandleForecastResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
        ForecastUpdateState forecastState   = (ForecastUpdateState)asyncResult.AsyncState;
        HttpWebRequest      forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)forecastState.AsyncRequest;

        forecastState.AsyncResponse = (HttpWebResponse)forecastRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);

        Stream streamResult;

        // get the stream containing the response from the async call
        streamResult = forecastState.AsyncResponse.GetResponseStream();
        // load the XML
        XElement xmlNews    = XElement.Load(streamResult);
        XElement xmlCurrent = xmlNews.Descendants("channel").First();
        XElement x1         = xmlCurrent.Descendants("item").First();
        string   title      = (string)x1.Element("title");

        IEnumerable <XElement> xmlIEnumerableNews = xmlCurrent.Descendants("item");

        IEnumerable <NewsDetails> objIEnumerableNews = from element in xmlIEnumerableNews
                                                       select new NewsDetails
            title = (string)(element.Element("title")),
            link  = (string)(element.Element("guid")),
            date  = (string)(element.Element("pubDate"))

        List <NewsDetails> objListNews = new List <NewsDetails>();
        int count = objListNews.Count;

        foreach (NewsDetails news in objIEnumerableNews)
            news.title = news.title + " " +;
            int pos ='=');
   = + 1, - pos - 1);

        int t = objListNews.Count();

        Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
            listBoxNews.ItemsSource = objListNews;
    public News()
        UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder("");

        fullUri.Query = "hl=en&gl=in&q=mumbai+marathon&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss";
        HttpWebRequest forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fullUri.Uri);

        ForecastUpdateState forecastState = new ForecastUpdateState();

        forecastState.AsyncRequest = forecastRequest;

        forecastRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(HandleForecastResponse), forecastState);

        //  wbt.URL = "";

    /// <summary>
    /// Get a forecast for the given latitude and longitude
    /// </summary>
    public void GetForecast(string latitude, string longitude)
        // form the URI

        UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder("");
        fullUri.Query = "lat=" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&FcstType=dwml";

        // initialize a new WebRequest
        HttpWebRequest forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fullUri.Uri);

        // set up the state object for the async request
        ForecastUpdateState forecastState = new ForecastUpdateState();
        forecastState.AsyncRequest = forecastRequest;

        // start the asynchronous request
        forecastRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(HandlerForecastResponse), forecastState);